The waitress brought over our drinks and placed them on the table. She handed me a napkin and told me that it was from the gentleman at the bar, Him. I looked at the napkin and it read ” 25 Newburn Lane, 10 o’clock”. My heart started racing and I felt these little flutters in my stomach. It was only around the corner, so I decided why not. I made up some excuse of leaving early and got away without any questions asked. I walked around the corner passing a shadowed character. A few seconds later, I felt these hands go around my waist. Startled, I turned around to find him standing there smiling. I blushed a little. “I don’t normally do this” I said. He replied, “Neither do I, but you are ever so beautiful”. Blushing more, he took my hand and led me to his home.
As he went through his front door, he turned me around. My back against the wall, he moved the hair out of my face and kissed my lips ever so softly. He put his hand at the back of my neck and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. My hands around his head, he lifted me up and led me upstairs. My heart racing, we entered his bedroom and he gently put me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and started to kiss. His hands roaming my body, and mine roaming his, He started to kiss my neck. I started getting goosebumps but it felt so good. He knew I was enjoyed it and started to nibble it. His right hand started going up from my stomach towards my right breast. He started playing with it, leaning up a little, he undressed me.
He took off all my clothes and then his.
I kneeled down and started to lick his erect penis. I put it in my mouth and began sucking. I got faster and started going deeper. The moans coming from him were getting louder as I got faster. He stopped me and lifted me on top of him. He inserted his penis and we both let out a moan. I started going up and down slowly. Gradually getting faster, his hands around my waist were getting tighter. I felt that sensation and knew I was going to orgasm. We got faster and harder and gradually I came. He flipped me over, got between my legs and started sucking, he played with me for a while and then inserted his penis in again.
He started doing me fast and hard, I felt as if my insides were burning. He slowed down and fastened up. He started playing with me with one hand while doing me. We both slowed down and came at the same time. He kissed me passionately and lay down beside me. 15 minutes later, we started again..
To be continued