Sex Diaries: Cheerleader Initiation

"A Simple cheerleaders initiation"

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The day I made the cheerleading squad was the happiest day of my life. I remembered driving to class when the phone call came. I was so shocked and excited that I almost drove into a cops car. I didn’t think I was going to make the team. I’m only 5’4″ and 117 pounds so naturally I thought I would get passed over. Unlike the other girls on the team, I wasn’t a knockout or had huge pair of tits. I mean I could land any man. I had the physical assets to turn heads or get laid whenever I wanted. But compared to the other girls I was just ‘normal looking’.

As a sophomore in college I wanted to make new friends or have a hobby other than studying. So I tried out for the cheerleading squad just for the fun of it. When that phone call came, my mind started drifting of all the cool and fun things I would be apart of.

So here I am standing in the bathroom, naked, and covered in cum. I wiped some cum off my right brow and thought back to how it all started…


“Welcome new comers!” bellowed Misty, the head cheerleader. She was trying to get things in order.

I stood up front with 4 other girls. We were all dressed in our uniforms and looked onto the rest of the squad. Misty walked up and down and recited the ‘cheerleader vows’. I looked to the right and left of me and saw the other new recruits. I knew none of them.

“Never be late for practice…” I heard Misty as she walked past me.

I looked at the other cheerleaders sitting on the bleachers half paying attention. Some of them were on their phones, while others were gossiping. I looked at each one and noticed how sexy they all looked. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Russian. The squad was made up of all types. Something I was sure the United Nations would be proud of.

“And, most importantly, do not fuck this up!” Misty said.

We all raised our pom-poms and cheered.

After we were dismissed, I headed for the door when Misty came up to me said,”what’s you name?”

“It’s Simple,” I said.

“Simple what?”

I looked at Misty as if she was joking. She was not.

“No, my name. It’s Simple.” I said again, and laughed for her benefit.

“Ohhhhhh, OMG that is such a cool name!” she said, ” Welcome to the squad Simple.”

“Thanks Misty. I just wanted to say it’s a pleasure joining ths squad. Thanks for the opportunity.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine. A bunch of us are getting together at my place tonight to celebrate. You should come.”

And, just like that I was invited to the head cheerleader’s house for a party.

“Sure, what time and where?”

“I’ll text you all the details. Ciao.” Misty said as she ran off.

A few hours later I got the text from Misty. I knew the area. She lived on the other side of town. The rich side of town. I quickly got up and went to shower. No way was I going to Misty’s house without showering.

An hour later I parked my Honda Civic and walked up the driveway toward Misty’s house. I decided to wear my new red skirt and white top with black heels. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. I looked around the neighborhood and admired everything. All houses looked extravagant and expensive. The drive was filled with very expensive cars. I noticed an Aston Martin DB9 and Rolls Royce.

Must be nice to be this rich, I thought. Just then the front door opened.

It was Misty, and she was wearing only in black bikini panties with a small bow on the front. She had a margarita glass in her hand.

“Simple!” Misty screamed as she gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek. She took my hand and pulled me inside the house.

Inside I saw three other girls from the squad. They were also only in their panties with drinks in their hands.

“Welcome to my abode. First off, we need to get you a drink and second off, you need to loose the clothes,” Misty said as she pulled me into the living room where the entire squad was.

I looked around and saw all the girls were topless. An assorted array of titties were bouncing around. In far corner I saw one of the girls lying on the pool table while another girl was sipping tequila off her stomach.

“Uhm, Misty…” I started.

“Lemme explain,” Misty cut me off as she gave me a drink. “We’re cheerleaders. We’re hot, we’re young and, some of us at least, are fucking rich. This is what we do. This how we unwind. This is what our parties are like. Now strip.”

Misty sat on the stool bar and waited for me.

I took a sip, placed my glass down and started to undo my skirt. I removed the white top and matching bra and stood in front of Misty in just my thong. It felt weird but somehow exciting.

“Niiice girl!” Misty said and got off the stool, gave me a hug and another kiss. I had never been hugged by another female while topless. Our breasts pressed against one another. She kissed both cheeks and grabbed my ass.

“Tight ass. You must workout,” Misty said.

I just nodded and took another sip of my drink.

We went around the whole room and she personally introduced me to everyone. All the girls either gave me a hug and a kiss or just waived me off like I was nothing to them. Soon after that we all migrated to her indoor pool and took a dip. The water was nice and cool. Misty was all over me the entire night. A few times her hands brushed against my breasts. I knew Misty wasn’t a lesbian (she was dating the quarterback) and neither were any of the other girls on the squad. The whole evening was just kinky and wild. I half expected a camera crew from Girls Gone Wild to come out.

I guess this is what their parties are like, I though.

As the night flew by my ability to drive started to get diminished. Misty said I could crash on the couch. I sat on the couch and within a few moments had passed out.

I awoke a few hours later disoriented, cold and tired. I sat up and looked around. It was empty, all the girls had left. I felt like a spazz for not being able to drive home. But better safe than sorry, right?

I stood up and started to look around for my clothes. I walked around for a few minutes until the lights came on. I looked up and saw a guy staring at me. Realizing I was still topless I quickly covered myself with my hands. Then started to have a panic attack.

“Relax,” was all he said.

“Excuse me?” I mustered up.

“Relax,” he said and walked towards me. “You’re not the first girl I’ve seen walking around half naked in my house.”

His house?

“My sister has these wild parties all the time. By now I’ve seen all her friends naked, and more then half of them have seen me.”

Oh nice, I thought.

“My name’s Taylor. I bet you’re looking for your clothes.”

I nodded.

“What do they look like?”

“Red skirt and white top,” I said.

“OK. So are you just gonna stand there or help me look?” he said as he started looking around.

I started looking for my clothes. It was cold and I could feel my nipples getting hard. I turned around to look behind the table when I heard Taylor whistle.

“What? You have a nice ass,” Taylor said when I gave him a look.

I smiled and continued looking.

“Found it,” Taylor said. He handed me my clothes which I put on very quickly.

“Thanks,” I finally said.

“No problem. Welcome to the team,” Taylor said walking away.

I quickly got my purse and left the house, almost running for my car.


The next day I got a text from Misty reminding about practice. As I was driving over to practice I decided not to mention anything about Taylor or last night to Misty. No reason making things uncomfortable.

“OK girls, the 1st game of the season is in two weeks. We need to practice and perfect our moves. Our school needs us!”

After the cliche speech, we started practicing. Misty had wrote the cheers and helped choreographed half the steps. Two hours after vigorous practice it was quitting time. I grabbed my things and started for the door when Misty approached me.

“Did you have fun last nigh?”

“Uhm, yeah, of course. It was a blast,” I lied.

“Good. My brother told me he met you last night.”

Oh god. So she knows.

“We’re all getting together tonight at Lisa’s place. It’s a party for another girl. It’s her going away party.”

“Tonight? I’m sorry, I don’t think I can make it,” I said.

“Oh no. This wasn’t a request. As a member of the squad, you are required to attend all functions. No exception. Come by my place around 7 and we can go together.”

And, with that another party.

At 7 I rang her doorbell. I was expecting Misty to open the door naked but was relieved when she opened the door in a pair of jeans and tank top.

“Hey, come in, I need a few more minutes.” Misty said. I followed her to her bedroom.

Her bedroom was the size of my entire apartment. The walls were pink with a king size bed in the center, a giant plasma TV mounted in the wall and a huge walk-in closet. She spent the next twenty minutes trying on clothes and shoes. Finally the tall cup of coffee

I had earlier was making a comeback and asked for the restroom.

Down the hall, second room on the left.

I made my way down the halls, examining everything. The painting on the wall, the oak wood hallways table with Calla Lillie in them. I knew Misty was rich, but this rich?

I opened the room and almost stepped in when I stopped in shock. I had opened the wrong door.

I was staring at Taylor, naked. He was sitting on the couch with his head resting on the back of the couch. There was a girl, also naked on her knees in front of him.

I had just walked in on Taylor getting a blowjob. I saw the girl’s head bob up and down and her hands stroke his penis. I knew I shouldn’t be spying but I couldn’t help it. This family intrigued me and most of all, I was getting turned on.

“That’s not the bathroom,” I heard a voice behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Misty.

Taylor must have heard cause he looked up and waved at me. The girl was still busy sucking. I quickly turned red and left to go to the bathroom.

“I’m so sorry about earlier,” I said to Misty as we were driving to Lisa’s.

“Don’t be. It happens. He’s seen all my friends naked and half of them have seen him.”

“I know, but still it was wrong,” I countered. Even though it felt so right, I thought.

“You ever sucked a cock?”

I was a little surprised by that question but decided to answer it anyway.

“Yeah, of course. You?”

“Honey, I’ve sucked cock, been fucked anally and done lots of things. Kyle loves sex and we’ve done lots of kinky things,” Misty said and made a wide sharp turn.

Th rest of the way Misty went into great details about her and Kyle’s sex life. Half of the things made me blush and others made me admire her and respect her more.

“This party WILL be off the hook. Just relax and enjoy,” Misty said as she parked the car and hopped out.

We walked up to a house that was twice as big as Misty’s house. We could hear the music all the way to the driveway. Misty introduced me to everyone that crossed our path.

“So this is the new girl?” someone named Becky asked.

“Yup. Her name is Simple,” Misty said.

“Well she certainly looks simple,” Becky replied.

“Has she been initiated yet?” asked someone else.

“Nope. Tonight.”

I looked at Misty who just smiled and mouthed ‘we’ll talk later’.

After an hour I finally pulled Misty aside and asked about the initiation comment.

“Oh that. We initiate all girls when they join our group. There’s gonna be a hat with some options and you get to pick one. And you get initiated here tonight.”

Misty handed me a drink and told me to relax and just enjoy. All the girls on the squad went through this. I walked around the room and noticed all the people there. The entire cheerleading squad was there, as was the football team.

As I mingled I got hints of what the initiation was. I heard tidbits from other girls and some of the guys. As I heard what the girls last year had to do I was aroused and interested. It all started to make sense. The parties, the free lifestyle, everything.

“Simple! Simple!” I heard someone yell my name. I turned around and saw Misty running up to me.

It was time for the initiation. We walked to the center of the room. I didn’t see the other new recruits and asked why they weren’t there. Apparently each girl gets their own special initiation night.

“OK, Settle down everyone. Settle down,” Misty yelled.

As everyone picked a spot to sit or stand, Misty introduced me. I felt a little weird standing in the middle of the room being looked at, gawked at. I noticed some of the cute guys smile and wink at me. I smiled back. Someone handed Misty a football helmet. My heart started pounding at the anticipation.

“Now, aside from being Becky’s going away party, we all decided to turn this into Simple’s initiation event. A two-for-one deal. We will miss Becky lots and hope she has as cool and fun friends as we are.”

Everyone yelled and screamed at that and took a swig of their drinks.

“And, for you, Simple,” Misty said looking at me. “The rules are, well, simple, haha. You pick your own initiation event from this football helmet. Whatever is written you HAVE to do. Agreed?”

“Yup agreed,” I said. If all the rumors I had heard were accurate I was interested, intrigued and quite honestly turned on.

The room cheered and more swigs were taken.

I placed my hands in the helmet and picked out a card. The card had a number 4 on it. Misty took the card and opened it up. She read four names on it, and all four of the guys came up front, stood next to me and Misty walked away and sat down on the couch.

I wasn’t sure how it would start until I saw all four guys started to take their clothes off. When all four guys were fully nude, one of the guys reached forward and unzippd my skirt from the back. Before I could react, my skirt dropped. I heard catcalls and whistling.

My face turned red. Another guy reached forward and slid my panties off, while a third guy removed my top. So I stood there naked in a room full of strangers next to four naked guys. From the corner of my eyes I saw each guy. They were lightly stroking their cocks getting them hard. My heart starting pounding, I could feel my blood pumping fast. I started getting wet with the mere thought of being used a fucktoy.

The fourth guy got in front of me. He took my head and forced it down. My lips were inches away from his stiff cock. I quickly imagined Taylor and the girl in his room. The motion of her head and hands went through my mind. I started to get aroused. Within seconds I my lips were wrapped around this guys thick cock. I was bent over sucking him, when another guy got behind me and buried his face in my ass. I felt his tongue on my ass crack I had never had a guy lick my ass crack, and while it was weird it was also erotic. The third guy grabbed me tits and squeezed while the forth guy took my hand and wrapped it around his cock. He slowly guided my hands up and down his cock.

This scene went on for a few minutes. Each guy switched positions like clockwork. After I had either sucked or stroked each one, one of the guys lay down and another guy placed me on top of him. My wet pussy was burning by now. My mind was racing and I knew what was happening and I didn’t want to stop it. I wanted these cocks. All four of them. Maybe even more.

I sat on top of the first guy. His cock went inside my wet pussy, stretching it. The sensation was over powering. I moaned out loud, a little too loud as the room cheered. Misty sat on the edge of the couch.

The first guy grabbed my hips and started pumping into me. He was big, thick and rough. My pussy stretched with each pump. I felt another hand on the back of my head as it leaned me into him. My lips were wrapped around another cock, which the first guy continued pumping me. Another guy took my hands and placed them on his cock. The last guy pushed the other guy out of the way and stuck his cock down my throat.

Finally the three guys let me go, the first guy was still pumping me. One of the guys got behind me and pushed me down. He took his cock, spread my ass and slipped in his cock.

I screamed in pleasure. I had never been double penetrated before. I felt my tits over the first guys lips. He bit my nipple and sucked. The pounding from both sides started getting fast and furious. As if their time was over, they both pulled out of me and handed me over to the second set.

The third guy grabbed my ass and pulled me backwards on him. He shoved his cock in deep but before I could react the forth guy got on top, spread me and shoved his cock in my cunt. They both started pumping me as the whole room went wild with whistles and calls.

The first two guys circled around me, and took turns shoving their cocks in my mouth. I could taste they cum and my juice on on their pricks.

After some furious pounding the second set pushed me aside. The first guy took my arm and placed me in the middle of them, on my knees. They all hovered around me. I took turns sucking them all off until it was time to unload.

The first guy unloaded on my face, hitting my right cheek and eye.

The second guy unloaded all over my forehead and manged to get glumps of it in my hair.

The third guy hit me on the left side of my face.

The last guy cummed all over my lips and chin.

The cum started dripping down my face and on my tits and lap. When they were finished, each one rubbed their cocks on my lips. Not sure why, but I opened my mouth and sucked the last few drops of cum from their heads.

When they were finished, they picked me up and had me take a bow for the audience. The room all erupted in applause and calls. I thought I saw some phones out taking a few snaps.

“Fucking awesome.”

“Now that’s an initiation.”

“So hot.”

Misty walked over to me and whispered I did great. She told me to go clean up and be back fast.

I looked around and slowly left the room. All eyes were on me. I felt so powerful. Never felt so sexy as I did now.

So here I am. Standing in the bathroom cleaning up. I took some TP and wiped the cum off my face and tits.

I was gang-banged in front of a room full people, most of which from my college, and all of which I didn’t even know. I ran water over my face, chest, stomach and legs. Confident I got all the cum off, I dried myself with the paper towels in the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and oddly enough I liked it. This was exciting and kinky and fun. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I felt in control, in power. And, most of all I felt sexy.

Then the door opened and Misty popped in.

“You did great, but the initiation is not over. Get out here right now.”

Published 13 years ago

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