How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy

"After careful consideration we chose an old boyfreind of hers to join me in satisfying her fully."

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I love my wife very much. She is 12 years older than me and we had been married then for over 25 years.

Like many couples sex when we were first together was spectacular but fell away as years went by.

Jan had many boyfriends when young which her family always ribbed her about but in those days you didn’t go ‘all the way’. I was very jealous having had no experience of girls before we met. My insecurity diminished over the years and we were a very solid and devoted couple. So why did I have this desire to have another man join us and see him satisfy my wife?

She was and is very attractive and whilst we indulged each other in discussing fantasies a threesome had never been raised until one night in bed I asked her about some of her old boyfriends and what they had done.

She told me openly how they had felt inside her bra and a few even slipped a finger inside her. She could see how this aroused me and exaggerated a little to allow me to come while she told me. She admitted afterwards nothing had gone quite as far as that but this began a pattern for her telling me about boys and things they had done to make me randy.

After climaxing we would chat a little more about what had gone before and I asked if there was anyone she could think of that would like to have gone further with her.

She told me without hesitating about Howard, a boy a couple of years older than her who had regularly fingered and kissed her to orgasm and who she had wanked off. She knew he had wanted to fuck her and they most likely would have done, but for a silly misunderstanding that meant they broke up.

For a good while our sessions in bed would be discussing Howard and how we could try to track him down and see if he was up to join us. We would both end up coming whilst taking about what the three of us would do

Imagine my surprise when driving home one night I received a call from home telling me she had spotted his picture in a local paper in an article about a pub he was running.

I asked what she thought and she said, “I want to go there and see if he recognises me after all these years.”

I couldn’t get home fast enough and was shocked at her feeling the need to call me up and tell me when I was almost home anyway. As I walked in the door I could see Jan was in the final throws of preparing to go out. She told me I didn’t have much time and we were going to see Howard, to find out if he was single, available and if she still fancied him. She had skin tight jeans that showed off her curves and a top that displayed her cleavage beautifully. She was very nicely made up and if I’m honest I would just have loved to have taken her to bed there and then but the lady wanted to go and see if we could move our fantasy one step nearer.

We sat in a quiet part of the bar where we could see all that was going on.

Howard was there and chatting to regulars at the bar. I went and got our drinks and he had not noticed Jan. It got near closing time and I went up to see if I could get another drink before he shut and started a conversation to try to determine what we were intrigued to know before we embarked on any kind of match making.

Howard admitted he was on his own and that while he gets to meet a lot of people his line of business was not good for relationships. By now we were on our own in the place and I told him that we had seen his article in the paper and my wife had wondered if it was an old flame of hers.

You could have knocked him down with a feather when I said Jan’s name and indicated to where she was sitting. He clearly remembered her and liked what he saw. She stood, smiled and approached the bar. His mouth had dropped open and was speechless. She self consciously walked towards him and moved to kiss him as he leaned over the counter. “Hello Jobby” she said (Jobby was a pet name from before.) “I wondered if that was you in the paper”.

He poured us both another drink and we sat and chatted, updating on what had been going on over the last 30 years or so since they had parted.

Jan had to pay a visit to the ladies room and while she was there I told Howard that Jan had often spoken of him and when she saw his picture, had insisted we go and look him up. I asked if he ever got time off as we would like him to come over to our place one evening so he and Jan could chat over old times.

He straight away said he could arrange an evening off during the coming week and when Jan returned I asked which evening would be good for all three of us to get together.

Thursday evening and a knock at the door.

Jan and I had had the best sex for a long time the night we met Howard and arranged for this evening. We had abstained since then and now three days later we were ready to put a plan into action.

She had been a little nervous in the cold light of the next morning and we decided that she should set the ground rules and agree right at the outset what was and what was not going to happen.

She wasn’t sure if she wanted to allow him to go further than he ever had before so when Howard walked in with a bottle of wine I asked him to sit and tell him a little more of our plans for the evening.

Jan was still upstairs getting ready and I explained that it was by chance the article bought us to find him but we had wanted to meet him as I had been keen for a man to join us in the bedroom. I said that Jan always regretted the way they had parted and learned afterwards that he hadn’t cheated on her. She would like the chance to make it up to him and felt that he would likely be happy to join us.

He said without hesitation that he was very excited about the prospect of being able to share my wife with me. I told him that Jan had set very strict rules for the evening. She was to be the centre of attention and whilst kissing, fondling and sucking was allowed there was to be no going all the way on this, our first date. He understood and promised he would respect her wishes.

Jan entered wearing a black silk lace dressing gown that tied at the side. She told us both to sit either end of the three piece sofa and she opened the wine and bought in three glasses. She turned the channel on the remote to play a porn video we had carefully selected where a middle aged lady was being seduced by two young men. They were respectful and it was quite slow and not too X-rated.

Jan put a hand on each of our knees and apologised to Jobby for not giving him a hello kiss. She leaned over and went straight for his lips. First a closed mouth but lingering followed by a more passionate open mouth with her tongue exploring his. She took a sip of cold wine and resumed.

She smelt so good and as she moved closer to him her dressing gown shifted and opened revealing her breasts before him. She moved back for a breath and then kissed me long and slow and said ‘thank you darling for arranging this for me’.

I untied her dressing gown and asked Howard if he would like to join me in sucking Jan’s tits. He said nothing but stroked her nipple and ran his tongue over it while looking at her face to see how she was enjoying the attention of two adoring men. We both sucked greedily until she sank down low on the sofa and opened her black lace dressing gown completely to show she was naked, shaved and very wet between her legs.

I told Jobby that having waited so long for a repeat performance he was to be my guest and push a finger inside my beautiful wife. He didn’t hesitate but was gentle and explored her folds very expertly. Jan kissed me again and very passionately as he found her clit and stroked and teased it.

I could tell she was in absolute heaven. I took a turn and while I did she moved her hands to Howard’s trouser zip to free his cock and she wanked him very gently to a full erection. I stood and removed my trousers and returned to sit beside Jan. Howard did the same and we were both treated to a lovely wank by my gorgeous wife who had a cock in each hand, one man on her left nipple and the other with a finger in her very wet cunt.

We took turns to coax Jan to orgasm and she finally let out a squeal of pleasure when we both had a finger inside her. She took a minute to recover and then dropped to her knees in front of us.

She moved her head to Howard’s lap and kissed the top of his cock. She flicked her tongue around the knob and then moved her lips to take it inside her mouth. She was very slow and very deep and I was surprised how much of his cock she took down her throat.

She reached for another sip of wine, which made her mouth cold as she performed the same ritual on my own cock, taking it in while wanking Howard’s furiously. She wanted to have each of us boys come in front of her and over her tits.

We obliged with very little persuading and I was impressed with how heavy a cummer Howard was. He soaked her and it went in her hair as well as over her cleavage. She rubbed it in and then kissed his leaking cock and took the last little bit of cum on her lips. She licked it to take it in and said she wished she had swallowed it all.

We all collapsed, amazed at how we had all been able to have such an explosive time and returned to watch the movie that was just finishing.

I made coffee and they discussed old times and when Howard left it was a more polite kiss that saw him on his way. We promised to call and find a convenient day the following week so he and I could see what Jan had in store for us and how far she would allow us to go this time.

Shall I tell you what happened next time?

Published 13 years ago

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