I masturbate to be seen

"I masturbate by a French window"

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I masturbate to be seen

I am a 50 year old widower and frequently masturbate, always in the nude and had a wish to be seen doing it by a woman. Two women, seemingly about my own age, together walk past my house at the same time each evening. I wondered what would happen if I
arranged that I would “accidentally” be seen naked by them. It may seem strange but I WANTED be seen naked by them, even masturbating.

Giving it some thought I reckoned that if I stood, naked, sideways in front of my french window they might see me and I could pretend I didn`t know they were there. The next evening I managed it and stood as I had decided I would. Out of the corner of my eye I saw them stop and look towards me. The watched for several seconds before walking on. It seemed to me that they would have hurried on if they had been shocked.

The next evening was almost a repeat of that but but I took a chance and stood to face them. They looked at me for much longer this time, then waved, before walking on. In returned the wave. Now I knew that they must have liked what they had seen.

I now considered that it was time I went further so the next evening when they stopped to look at me in my nakedness I stroked my cock. I wondered if it would annoy them and they would quickly move on. Not a bit of it. They watched for some time before waving and moving on. They had now seen my rather large erection.

The next day it rained and they didn`t appear but the next day the weather was fine and there they were. I had prepared for the next stage by putting newspapers on the floor and again stroked my cock as they watched. I stroked continuously until my cum shot out on to the newspapers. When I had finished they waved and walked on. I had satisfied my wish and had been seen ejaculating by, not one, but two women.

The following evening, before I had undressed intending to repeat my performance, the doorbell rang. When I opened the door the two were standing there. They said they thought they should tell me how much they had liked what I had done and hoped I would do it again. I said I would but as it had just started to rain they shouldn`t stand outdoors to watch me while I was indoors. When I asked them if they would come inside to watch me they said they would.

I sat them together on the settee in the lounge and they told me they were sisters Joan and Mabel.

Joan was widowed and Mabel was unmarried and they lived together in a house not far from mine. I asked if they would like me to be naked when I masturbated and they said I certainly must be so I went upstairs and undressed, returning stark naked to the lounge and again put newspapers on the floor and stood close to them and facing them. I liked being naked and so close to them and my cock grew a little. I stroked it to full erection.

“My goodness. That’s much bigger than my husband’s was,” said Joan.

I was hlding my cock near it`s tip. Joan reached out and held it near it`s base, my erection being long enough for our two hands. I was surprised but liked it very much.

“What about me. Can’t I hold it?” asked Mabel.

I took my hand away. Mabel’s hand took its place. I was now being held by the two sisters.

“Is that all?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” asked Mabel.

“Well, I was stroking it so why don`t you both do it?”

The two looked at each other and Joan asked if I wanted them to make me cum. I would, and said so. They stroked me firmly. How I came! They guided my ejaculation on to the newspapers.

When I had finished I was asked if it was nice. I said it was very nice and had never had that done to me by two women, only by my late wife. Then I added that as I had been done by them I should do it for them.

No way, I was told. They sometimes masturbated each other, always in the nude but they weren`t going to strip off in front of me. It would be too dangerous for them as I might go further and try to have sex with them. I said it was a pity but I understood.. Luckily they said they would like to do it to me anopther time.

And they did. Sometimes both together and sometimes individually. Joan was really expert because she would get me to be nearly cumming, then stop for a while, doing it several times before making me cum. Mabel, not being experienced in masturbating a man, soon learned to do it better by watching how Joan did it.

So far, I have been jerked off several times. Sometimes jointly and sometimes idividually. A few times I’ve been done twice in an evening.

I`m hoping that, in time, they may relent and let me masturbate them while they are masturbating me. If so, it could lead me to fucking them. Who knows? 

Published 13 years ago

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