When he had done it he told me that he and his wife, Molly, used their computer to watch blue films for which they don`t have to pay and asked me if I would like the same arrangement on my laptop. I did, and said so, but didn`t of course, tell him that I often masturbated and reckoned that being able to see sex films on my computer would make jerking off more enjoyable. He set it up and brought up a film and we watched part of it which showed a man fucking a girl. Ted told me that he and his wife watching such films spices up their sex life.
A day or so later he invited me to his house to meet Molly and when I arrived he introduced me to her. Quite a beautiful girl, I thought. I invited them to come to my place. When they were there I lent them one of my books.
Several days later I was naked to masturbate (as I always was to jerk off) and was watching a blue film, had put some newspapers on the floor to catch my cum when I ejaculated, was almost ready to cum when the doorbell rang. I put the film on hold, hastily donned my dressing gown, and opened the door to find Molly standing there to return my book. I invited her in but I hadn`t noticed that in my hurry I hadn`t fully closed my dressing gown and neither did I realise she could see my swollen cock. When I did I closed it and apologised.
“Don`t worry, Bill. I don`t mind but why is it up like that?”
“I was watching a blue film.”
“That`s what Ted and I often do. Were you wearing your dressing gown?”
“I wasn`t. I put it on to answer the door.”
“You must have been naked, then. Ted and I like to be nude when watching those films. We think it makes it sexier. Ted always gets an erection and I relieve him of it.”
“Does that mean you have sex?”
“Sometimes, but otherwise we masturbate each other.”
Molly was being very open and frank in telling me that so I decided to tell her that I was masturbating when she rang the door. She said she was sorry to have interupted me. If I liked I could take my gown off. She would watch the film with me.
“But I would be naked and you would see me.”
“So what? Seeing you naked wouldn`t be much different from seeing Ted naked.”
“But I was masturbating while watching the film” I said.
“I would like to see the film so why don`t you finish youself off as we watch.”
“That would mean you would see me masturbating and ejaculating.”
“Of course I would. It wouldn`t be much different from seeing girls in the films making men cum.”
That would be something very different for me because she would be seeing me naked and masturbating and I liked the thought of doing it, so I took her to my computer room and took off my dressing gown. I was now completely naked for Molly to see. Up to then I had never been naked in the presence of a girl and it was friend`s wife seeing me. Very naughty, I thought and said she must not tell Ted she`d seen me naked. She aked me to restart the film that I had put on hold.
It was showing a naked man holding a naked man`s erect cock. Molly said the girl was holding his tool. She guessed that was going to masturbate him and make him cum. Would I let her do it for me?”
“Your’e Ted`s wife. You shouldn`t do it.”
“I`ve never done it to anyone but Ted but I`d like to do it to you. It would be a first time for me if you let me.”
I couldn`t think of anything I`d like better and told her to do it. She held my prick which was already pretty well up, because of the thrill I had at being naked in front of her and soon I had a full erection as she began to stroke it. That wonderful sensation started in my cock and loins and spread over my whole body and my cum shot out on to the newspapers. I was being jerked off for the first time in my life and it was Ted`s wife willingly doing it for me.
“That is something else you mustn`t tell Ted about” I told Molly.
When I next saw Ted in the office he gave me a nasty shock by telling me that Molly had told him that she had seen me naked, also masturbated me, and I expected him to be very angry. Instead, he said that he had asked her if she had liked what she had done. Her reply was that she had and he went on to say that he didn`t mind because they both liked to watch sex films where a woman does that to a man, sometimes several men. She had done it for real, that`s all. After that he invited me to his house for drinks.
When I arrived there both welcomed me and we had a few gin and tonics as if nothing had taken place with Molly and me. Ted then said that we should all go and watch a sex film on their computer. Molly said that I had told her that I liked to be naked when watching blue films and as she and Ted also liked to be naked we should all undress. Which we did. It was another first for me, seeing a naked girl, and I liked it so much that my cock grew a little.
Ted turned his computer on and brought up a sex film. As it progressed it showed a naked girl masturbating two naked men getting them to full hard-on which seem to be 8 or 9 inches long. Molly said we should do the same and held my cock and Ted`s, stroking us to full erection. In the film, though, the girl stopped stroking the men and lay on the floor with her legs apart, presumably to allow a man to enter her. One did, and started to fuck her.
“Lucky girl” said Molly. “She`s going to be done by two men.”
“You mustn`t mind us, Bill” Ted said. “When we watch these films we like it when two or three men fuck a girl. Molly often says she`d like to try it.”
“What do you think about that, Ted?” I asked.
“She wants to try it and I wouldn`t mind if she did and I`d like to see her doing it. I like to see it on the computer screen and I think it would be much better if I saw it actually happening to Molly. She wants to do it, anyway. You and I are here, Bill. Why don`t we both do it with Molly?”
“You want to watch me fuck your wife?”
Yes. Then I`ll follow you. She will then be fucked by both of us.”
“What do you think about that?” I asked her.
“Yes please. Let`s do it” was her reply.
“But I`ve never had sex in my life.”
“Now is the time ro start” Molly said.
I had often seen men fucking women in blue films so knew what to do. Molly lay on the floor and opened her legs as the girl in the film had done. As Ted had said I should go first I lay on top of her and she guided my erection into her cunt, then wrapped her legs round me. I thrust in and out and had the first sex of my life. It was a wonderful feeling as my cock slid in and out of her her and I ejaculated fiercely into her.
She cried out “I`m cumming! I`m cumming! Don`t stop, Bill.”
I didn`t, until I had finished cumming into her. I pulled out of her cunt. Then said to her that it was wonderful having sex with her. I thanked her for letting me fuck her.
“And thank you, Bill. For your first sex you did very well and I liked it. Now you Ted.”
He had been watching me fuck his wife. I had seen him stroking his cock as I did it. He entered her and I watched him fucking her. He didn`t withdraw until he had given her several more orgasms.
“You have achieved your ambition, Molly” he said. “You`ve been done by two men. Did you like it?”
“It was everything I had hoped. How did you feel when you saw Bill fucking me.”
“I liked it. I was so thrilled at seeing you and him fucking I masturbated a little. It was much better than seeing done in the films on the computer. You were doing it in the flesh, as it were.”
“Can we do it again another time, Ted.?” she asked.
“Why not? What do you think, Bill?”
“I would like that. I want to have Molly again.”
And we did, several times. In their house or mine. We didn`t fuck on the floor but in bed, which was more comfortable. I became quite an expert because I learned to fuck Molly until she was near orgasm then stop for a while, then start again until she begged me to finish her off.