As she removed her blouse and bra, she brushed her fingertips across her erect, sensitive nipples. She had purposely worn a sheer blouse and sexy bra. You could, if you looked carefully when she stretched back, see the contrast of her nipples against her soft breasts. One did it have to look hard at all to see how erect and turgid her nipples were and had been all through the evening. From the first hug hello, through drinks at the bar, dinner, and the ride back home. He had even jokingly suggested that she ride in the back seat with him on the way back home. And of course her husband agreed. Remembering the ride home, she took her nipples between her fingers, tugging, twisting, pulling them to even more prominent peaks.
We, the three of us, had finally met for the first time. She had been swapping emails with him for some time. Some innocent, some flirty, and some down and dirty, pussy-wetting Hot! She smiled as her fingers slipped down inside her panties, remembering that one time they had a long zesty thread going… she was laying there naked, fingers buried in her slick pussy, when the husband walked in. Talk about em-bare-assing, but it all worked out in the end. She slid her fingers down further, and parted her lips as she stood there. Mmmm, nice and wet. She ran her fingers up and down the length of her lips, and then brought her glistening fingers to her mouth. Yes, nice and ready, and very, very tasty.
After all the emails, private and then the ones she shared with her husband, they all mutually agreed to meet. There were no overt, spoken expectations for the meeting, other than just to meet for drinks and maybe dinner. There was an almost instant attraction, if one could believe the testimony of her erect nipples, and…what was that suspicious bulge in the front of his Dockers? The talk was free and easy, and the drinks were free flowing.
Her husband did not drink much, just enough to be sociable, but the other did, as did she. Being responsible citizens, her husband insisted that he drive. It was a short drive back to the house for “coffee and dessert” although the “dessert” was as yet undefined. On they way He mentioned this great liquor he had discovered, and asked if they had ever tried it. But, she wondered as she slid her moist panties down her thighs, why nothing else was “tried.”
No sooner had they gotten home then they guys turned around and left for the liquor store. Granted, her husband did give her a nice kiss, a grab and a grope before they left. And He watched it all and smiled. He gave her a nice close hug, his hands brushing the side of her breast gave her a thrill, and said they would hurry back.
Well, damn it, after all this she was not going to miss out because the signals were not clear. MEN! Sometimes they are so dense, most of the time they think only with their dicks, and then the one time you want them too, they are like silly adolescents. Imagine, a beautiful, horny, obviously available and interested woman here, and they go off on a fucking beer run!
Well, when they got back home, the signals would be clear. Now, being too much a woman, she just couldn’t greet them naked and splayed open when they got back. However, this little number would do the trick. She slipped the purple cover-up over her shoulders. Looking in the mirror, she smiled. Yes, somewhat covered, sexy, and easy to remove. As she left the bedroom she wondered, what would the boys say when they saw her? More important, what would they do.
She sat, cross legged on the floor. She pulled the edges of her top, pulling it tight across her shoulders and breasts. And then she cocks her head to the left…ah, the boys are back, let the fun begin…