Alone and Daring

"Janice is home alone and gets a daring thought. She discovers the exhibitionist inside....."

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It was the middle of winter with nothing to do,
10 degrees below zero, and thinking of you.
You out of town, and me all alone,
no computer, no cable, not even a phone.

My mind started wandering, with a crazy idea.
“Naked outside, how would that feel?”
My heart started racing, with my crazy thought,
and I said to myself “Why the hell not?”

I slowly undressed, in front of the mirror,
a minute of relaxing and I extinguished all fear.
I looked out the window at the 2 feet of snow,
took a deep breath and said “Here I go”.

I took a step forward
and was completely outside.
“If someone should see me,
where would I hide?”

It didn’t matter now
as the feelings grew.
I was building with excitement
I knew what I had to do.

There in the backyard, with only a dim light,
my hands traced my body, to my pussy so tight.
I felt my wetness, and touched my lips,
a shiver went through me, and I started to twitch.

I allowed my finger
to glide through my folds,
I didn’t care who was watching,
and forgot it was cold.

I rubbed myself harder,
as fast as I could go.
I even cupped my breast
with a hand full of snow.

My nipples were harder
than ever before.
And as I fingered my pussy,
my orgasm grew more.

I moaned in great pleasure,
and I shook with delight.
My hand covered in juices,
“Oh, what a night!”

I walked to the doorway,
and thought about what I had done.
“Will I do this again?”
Well of course, it was fun!

I went inside,
and filled up the tub.
I sat down in the water,
and again started to rub.

I couldn’t wait until next time,
when I hoped it wasn’t colder.
‘Cause maybe, just maybe,
I’d be a bit bolder…..

Stay tuned for the next adventures when Spring arrives

Published 13 years ago

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