Carlos drove us to Malibu in the Town Car just after dark. He had been with my family since I was a little girl, and, besides whatever errands we needed, did the driving anytime I went anywhere at night, except on Sundays. If I was going to be fucked up on something, why worry about driving?
“Your stepbrother likes me,” Annabelle said confidently.
“Who, Chase? Of course he likes you,” I said, while bickering back-and-forth with Omar via phone text. “You’re gorgeous, you’ve got a body men would kill each other to get with, and- most of all- he hasn’t fucked you yet.” She laughed and looked away, letting that last statement hang. “Wait a minute! Did you fuck him?!”
“No, I didn’t have sex with him,” she said, with a hint of caveat.
“Okay,” I said, leading her. “But?”
“We made out,” she said, grinning and satisifed with herself. “Like, for a long time. And you wouldn’t know, I guess…but he’s a really good kisser, too.”
“You’re right, I wouldn’t know,” I said with a playful frown.
“It was good,” she said. “And I also know he kind of enjoyed watching us last night, too.”
“Who gives a fuck what he enjoyed?” I said. “I know I had a good time, didn’t you?”
“I haven’t ever done anything like that before,” she said, looking out the window again, then back at me. “But it was…surprising.” She bit her lower lip, stifling a smile. “And then today, with him: that was kind of a surprise, too. But I like him, too. He’s fun.”
“I think he’s retarded,” I said. “But I’m glad you’re having fun, that’s the main thing, right And yeah, he’s got his moments, as long as you know what’s up.”
“What do you mean, ‘what’s up’?” she asked.
“Let me put it this way: he knows how to talk to the girls to get what he wants, that’s for sure. Just remember that.” We were silent for a moment, then I continued. “But messing around with a guy, a girl, whatever…as long as you don’t take it too seriously, it’s all a game, you know?” She nodded.
“Well, I think I might like the game,” she said.
“Good girl,” I said. “I knew you’d have some fun here.”
The beachfront houses along the Pacific Coast Highway sat shoulder-to-shoulder, hiding the ocean from the traffic for miles at a time. We waited in the car on the narrow margin between driveways while a Hummer limo unloaded a handful of passengers, then we pulled up, stepped out, and sent Carlos away.
Even though there were at least as many women as men inside, the testosterone was palpable. Most of the guys were football players who wore way too much gold jewelry for their own good. The women all looked ready to roll, even Annabelle, who proudly wore a low cut dress and killer fuck-me heels that Chase purchased for her at Neiman’s earlier that day. Her only reservation as we were getting dressed- “my boobs look like they’re about to fall out of this thing!”- was quelled by me assuring her that that’s exactly how it’s supposed to look. We took one pill apiece with a shot of Belvedere before leaving the house, and it was now having the desired effect on both of us: she was relaxed, I was slightly numb.
“Nikki, my girl!” his voice boomed while I was pouring a vodka tonic.
“Holy fuck!” I screamed. “Marcus! Long time, no party!”
“Too long, girl, too long,” he said, lifting me off my feet in a bear hug. “And who is this? God- damn,” he said, leering admiringly at Annabelle, making her laugh. I introduced her as my friend who just moved to L.A., which got him further interested. He introduced us to two of his friends, one of which I knew on a “hey, how are you?” basis, who referenced a party in Silverlake the week before, thinking I’d been there. I was pretty sure I’d remember it if I had been, but the Louis Vuitton incident had me questioning that.
Omar got to the party about a half-hour after we did, and immediately gave me a dirty look for talking to Marcus and his buddies.
“I’m only here for a few minutes,” he said, looking between his phone and somewhere over my left shoulder. “Then I gotta get down to Venice for this thing.” I asked him why he even bothered to come then, but he just ignored it. We talked about nothing for a few minutes while I checked my texts, then he asked if I brought any coke with me. Against my better judgment, I told the truth.
“I thought you would. Remind me to hit you up for some later,” he said, then took a phone call and wandered off. With any luck, the first word the caller heard was me yelling “bastard” at Omar. Ten minutes later, after I’d found DeDe, I saw him chatting up Annabelle outside.
DeDe and I found a downstairs bathroom for us to partake in. While I dutifully wiped the counter top with the decorative hand towel, she sat on the edge of the bathtub and caught me up one what was going on.
“So you know who this party’s for, right? Some kid, the next big thing that USC is trying to recruit to come play football.” I inhaled my line then backed away, giving her room to take her turn.
“The ‘kid’ is like one year younger than us, right?” I said, wiggling my nose and compulsively wiping my face of the stray powder that wasn’t there. She snorted her line, then laughed as she popped up, covering her nose with one hand.
“That’s true, girl, but he’s from Arizona, he don’t know shit,” she said. “All of a sudden he’s at a beach party in Malibu with hoes all over the place? Somebody even said Snoop might show later. How’s he supposed to go back and hang out in the Wal-Mart parking lot after this?”
“Get the fuck outta here,” I said, checking my vial for more powder. I could swear I packed more than that. “Snoop’s not coming out here for this.”
“Yeah, I know,” she said. “Anyway, you ready?” I was.
On our way up the stairs again, we passed a couple making out next to a girl who looked like she’d taken something bad. Dede and I chatted with Rey and another guy from the team that I was really attracted to but forgot his name while I was thinking about whether or not he took steroids.
There were now twice as many people as when we first got there. Annabelle, wearing a mischievous grin, tapped me on the shoulder and signaled for me to follow her. We went upstairs and halfway down the hallway then stopped in front of a slightly open door. A young, athletic black man laid naked on the bed, flat on his back, with two naked, petite Asian girls straddled atop him. One hovered just over his head, dragging her bare pussy across his face while he groaned through his giant smile, and the other was fucking him aggressively, pressing down onto his chest for leverage while she bounced on his cock.
Sitting nearby in a chair was another large young black man in a track suit with a naked Latina girl in black heels in his lap, plus two other stray guys just standing there with their hands not-so-subtly rubbing their dicks from outside their pants, all watching the threesome underway.
A few passers-by gathered behind us about the time she lifted her hips off the guy and jacked him off, holding her face close so that his load would splatter all over it, while the other girl kissed him. The thought occurred that they made a point to fuck him just like it was a porn video. I never had guys shoot their load on my face; was this something that everyone did now, and I was just way behind? I needed a drink.
“Now that’s what I call out in the open,” Annabelle said to me, slightly too loud.
“No way that kid’s not gonna play for us now,” said a tall white guy in a USC t-shirt as he exited the room, sliding past us. The Latina girl crawled into a lap straddle with the black man in the track suit, and the naked athletic guy was already asking ‘to do that shit again’.
I went looking for more vodka, and left Annabelle to watch whatever was left of that show. Omar was downstairs talking to two women who may or may not have been working instead of partying. Whatever the fuck was going on in Venice was obviously not as urgent as he’d implied earlier, though he came straight to me once he knew I saw him.
“I really do have to go now, babe. You want a ride into town?” he asked me. “Your friend can come along again, too.” I was half-drunk and high, and didn’t really want to risk coming down in a Main Street club when all I needed was back at the house. A Malibu police vehicle pulled up outside according to the word spreading through the house like a wildfire. I gave him a kiss and asked if he’d be meeting me back at the house later, but before he could answer or say goodbye, he turned away to answer another phone call, and left.
“So…your place?” DeDe asked. I called Carlos, watching a frantic procession of women in tiny dresses walk into the bathroom, slam the door, flush the toilet, then walk back out again. I was ready to go.
I texted Chase to tell him to open the door for DeDe and the others whenever they got there, and Carlos took us to run an errand at my dealer’s house. On the radio, Lana del Rey sang to her love interest: tell me all the things you want to do… Annabelle commented that it didn’t sound like she had the energy to do anything he might mention, anyway, so why even ask? I couldn’t argue with that logic.
My dealer lived in the nicest house in a boring-nice neighborhood, which always made me nervous, but not nervous enough to bother with a different dealer. Jimmy could always get anything I asked for, and then some.
“I got something new for you,” he said, leaving us in his dark foyer while he disappeared into a back bedroom. He came back grinning, holding a small paper bag. “I thought of you when I got some of these in this week.”
“Okay, what is it?” I asked.
“Poppers,” he said. “They make it in a prescription lab, so it’s solid, I know the guys. You won’t believe what it feels like to fuck on these, trust me.” I looked inside and saw about 15 small bottles. “But don’t give it to dudes, it might fuck’em up.” I looked at him. “Some guys can’t get it up on this shit. But for the girls….” he said, then finished the sentence with a sharp whistle.
“Nikki, is this safe?” Annabelle asked. I didn’t know if she meant buying drugs there or taking these drugs.
“Yeah,” said Jimmy and I with identical and simultaneous nonchalance.
“You open the bottle and inhale it,” he said. I told him I knew what the fuck poppers were, gave him the cash and took the bag, plus some other party favors that I asked for.
The freeway came to a complete stop on our way home. Beside us, a carload of white teenage girls in a convertible played Nicki Minaj songs at a deafening volume, singing and gesticulating in unison. A billboard loomed over us just ahead: You Don’t Have To Be Alone, it said, with a picture of a depressed young woman’s face in deep shadow. Below that, it said: We Can Help, then gave a phone number.
I considered snorting a bump right there in the car, but wasn’t sure Annabelle was ready to deal with that yet. I opened the liquor compartment in the back seat and discovered that the only things in there were a bottle of whisky plus maybe two shots worth of Gin.
“Girl!! Where u at??”, texted DeDe. Annabelle was texting too, but held her phone where I couldn’t really see it. I asked if she wanted to share the Gin, then swigged it down as soon as she shook her head. Twenty minutes in the same spot on the freeway. Carlos was talking on the phone with somebody, speaking Spanish.
You Don’t Have To Be Alone, it still insisted, in giant white letters. It was mean to be read at sixty miles per hour, but sitting still, it was browbeating me.
“How do you deal with this traffic?” Annabelle asked. “It’s eleven at night on Monday!” I had no answer. Five or six cars ahead of us, a man was pacing outside of his vehicle, shouting into a cell phone. The more I looked at the billboard, the more uneasy it made me.
I texted Chase:
“So I see you added a member to your fan club today. Only cost you what, $900? Nice shoes tho. Too bad her feet are bigger than mine, I’d like them.”
Him: “Haha. She likes me for my personality. Her feet deserve it.”
Me: “You just want them wrapped around your dong, you foot fetish fuck. I know you want to fuck her, just don’t be an asshole, k?”
Him: “Never am, unless making a girl cum a bunch of times is being an asshole, haha.”
Me: “Bitch, please.”
We finally started moving after fifty minutes. Annabelle was asleep, her left breast nearly exposed to the nipple because of how she was slumped against the door. I needed to take something to calm my nerves.
Chase texted again: “You know she wants it. Especially seeing your skank ass in action, she will do it just to fit in. And I reap the benefits haha.”
Me: “Like you can talk, slut. Saw me in action when? She’s been here 3 days.” I drew in a tense breath; I think I knew what was coming before I realized it.
Him: “On the couch with that slimeball Persian club promoter boyfriend, and in the same bed with my brother. Like you think I don’t hear it…sis? 😉 ”
Me: “Fuck you.” I fucking hated when he called me ‘sis’, and he knew it.
Him: “You should. I know you want to find out too.” I was so relieved that Foster apparently hadn’t told him about our anal adventures that his suggestion hardly registered until a few minutes later. I figured he was high, but wasn’t sure.
“On our way” I texted back to Dede, more than two hours after we left Malibu. I got all the way home without her returning my text, but not without thinking about Chase’s.
The year my dad and Chase’s mom met, Foster was already in college and too cool to deal with any of us. The bright idea at the time was to have all four of us go to Vegas for a couple of nights and “bond”. I don’t know how we were supposed to have family bonding when the parents gamble all day and night and the kids are underage, but we did it anyway. I got my own room, it was next to Chase’s with a door that connected. Out of boredom at 3 in the morning, we drank the rum and the vodka from the minibar and played truth or dare. I wasn’t bitchy enough to hate him on principle yet, and he wasn’t sly enough to match wits with me yet. Neither of us had ever had sex but we each thought the other had, so that was a surprise.
I was drunk and naked after a series of dares. He took off his pants and I looked at his penis, soft and resting on his left leg. I made it hard with my hands, I don’t remember why; I don’t even think he dared me to, it just happened. He wanted to fuck me but I didn’t want that enough, and he didn’t push it. He felt so incredibly hard as I stroked him, and then finally he bucked his hips, tensed his stomach, and his cum started spurting out, more and more with each little pulse, and then less and less until it stopped. I’d had guys cum for me, but never in my hands like that. We didn’t know what to say to each other when it was over, just sitting there with his cum all over both of us, drunk but fully aware. I just went back to my room to pass out, and the next day we didn’t say a word all the way home to L.A.
School started and we were in the same private school and living in the same house. He dropped hints once or twice that maybe we could have fun like that again, but I pretended to let them go over my head.
I was unsettled and jittery; Annabelle was stumbling coltishly on her 4” heels, still trying to wake up. I asked if she wanted a pick-me-up and she nodded, then took the pill I was offering and gulped it down with her half-downed water bottle.
We walked back into the house with the lights dimmed down and the sound system set to hip-hop, but turned down too low to quite make out the songs. Nobody was inside the house, but outside, a dozen or so guys and girls huddled near the hot tub. The guys were all big- Rey’s teammates from the party in Malibu- and I recognized a few of the girls, too.
When I got closer, I saw DeDe and Rey. No wonder she hadn’t answered my message: she was naked in the hot tub, her hands clawing at the edge while Rey thrusted into her from behind. She couldn’t see me; her long black hair hung down in wet ropes, forming a curtain between her face and all of us. The water was a tiny choppy sea, splashing over all sides in rhythm with their sex, and lit from below the surface in bright blue neon.
Everyone stared, raptly enjoying the live porn unfolding in front of them. Her tits shook and her beautiful round ass rippled violently as Rey slammed into her, her screams muffled by her hair and the sounds of the water and flesh colliding.
“Oh my god,” mumbled one of the girls, admiringly. “So fucking hot…” I agreed silently, noticing the familiar stirring between my legs the longer I watched. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chase and a head of blonde hair leaned into his chest, and a moment later he bent down to kiss Annabelle. Across from me, I saw the guy from the party that turned me on. He was shirtless and looked like the greek god of primal fucking. With his physique on display, I ceased to care about his supplement habits anymore. My eyes caught his, and he cracked a hungry grin before quickly looking back down at the hot tub and leaving my eyes hanging and briefly cold before I did the same.
Rey wasn’t far behind him in the hotness category. He was definitely hotter than any porn star I’d seen: handsome, big muscles, his arms covered with tribal emblems in dark blue ink. DeDe let one hand go from the tub deck and lost her balance, only to have Rey tighten his grip on her hips, lift her up off her feet and thrust even harder. She howled, cursing in Spanish to the extent that she could form words while Rey held her up and pumped her full of South Pacific cock.
They showed no sign of letting up, but I couldn’t stop looking over and staring at the god of fucking, who was staring bacl at me again. We were the only ones not staring at DeDe and Rey, and I was wet as fuck, saturated. My pussy tingled in anticipation of something, anything. I walked away, resisting the urge to throw a come-hither look back at the pair of eyes staring daggers into my ass, and listening to DeDe’s moans slowly disappear as I made my way downstairs to the wine cellar with all the goodies. When I opened the wrought iron door, I found Chase there filling a small baggie from the weed stash.
“Where’s Annabelle?” I asked.
“She went upstairs to take a call. Got some good shit there?” he asked as I pulled a bottle out of the brown paper sack.
“Jimmy’s going to hear about it if not,” I said. “But these aren’t for you, unless you want your cock to forget how to fuck.”
“Poppers?” he asked. I nodded, and told him the bottles were to be carefully opened and inhaled anyway, nothing easy and Chase-stupid-proof like pills. He told me he knew what the fuck Poppers were, and said he’s stick with a double-dose of viagra.
I stopped at the kitchen bar to make a drink for Annabelle and me, and in a quick glance through the legs of the bystanders, I saw Rey on top of DeDe on the concrete deck, still fucking her relentlessly. The greek god of fucking caught my eyes on my way upstairs, giving me a brand new shiver to go with my swift but thorough once-over of his torso. Why did I have a thing for guys that carried way more muscle than nature should ever allow? Me and my fucked up fantasies. I heard DeDe’s moans spiraling up into orgasm as I went back upstairs. They were definitely on something.
Annabelle’s room was empty but I heard the shower running, and her dress and shoes were tossed on the polished bathroom floor. Behind the glass, I saw the outline of her figure, made silent by the white noise of the water. Annabelle sat on the deep ledge, letting the water shower past her, leaving her mostly dry. I stepped through the door before realizing that I’d be soaked if I walked through the spray to get to her. She needed comfort and I needed my drink, so I quickly shimmied out of my dress, kicked off my heels, and took both glasses back into the shower. She took a big gulp as she held back a sob.
“It’s just…,” she started, before taking another gulp of the vodka tonic which was being liberally added to by stray shower water. “Okay so my dad kept calling, and I finally answered it. And he asked what I’ve been doing here, and why I didn’t answer any of his calls all day, and it’s like I can’t even start to tell the truth! And so then he was like, ‘how was orientation today?’, and I couldn’t even think clearly to answer, because I completely forgot about it! And that made him so mad and he just started yelling, and…”
“Hey,” I said, leaning into her, resting my hand on her leg with a slight squeeze. “You’re gone, and your mom and dad are freaked out about it. And they want control, but fuck that, you have to live your life now.” She took another big gulp and nodded, trying to be convinced. “And you’ll miss home too, but look where you are! A beautiful girl among the beautiful people. See how Chase looks at you?” She managed to smile through her mascara streaked tears. “You’re in L.A. now, on your own, nobody can tell you what to do anymore. But it doesn’t mean you’re all alone here.”
“Thanks, Nikki,” she said. “And I don’t feel alone here with you.” Our eyes met, and I could see her hesitation and her confusion. “I just don’t know what I’m doing. I have these wants in my body, things I think I want to try, and I see you handle things so great…but I just don’t want to mess up, you know?”
“You won’t mess up,” I said. “You’re just learning how to have a good time. It’s not real life, you can take a chance or two, here, with me. Trust me.”
Anticipation hung tautly as we sat side by side in the shower. One of her feet curled behind the other in time with a deep breath. She offered her hand for me to hold, then stood up, letting the water wash over her from head to toe. As I stood up to follow, I admired her curves and shook my head with a smile. She had no idea how many hearts she could break with that package.
I reached around her body and leaned into her, savoring her scent and her body warmth as she leaned her head back, welcoming my touch. Our bodies moved together so naturally, pulling each other deeper into a standing embrace. Over the hardened nipples of her breasts, then down her belly, my hands traced down her body, joining over the trimmed hair at the convergence of her legs. She put her hands over mine and turned her head, catching my eye with the corner of her own, and holding her breath before leading me further under.
Her faint sighs rang softly into the foggy echo of the cavernous shower as my fingers pressed softly between her folds, letting her hands guide mine. By then, I could feel the chemicals coursing through my body; the spray of the water and the contact between us overloaded my senses. Lightheaded, I swung around to lean against the shower wall, turning her to face me.
Our breasts were pressed between our upper bodies and her leg slipped between mine, pushing against my mound. Our lips met softly, then ignited into a deep and urgent soul kiss, breaking open the dam of her restraint. Our hands and our hearts raced frantically together. The only sound above the steady rush of the water was the gasping of our breath and ragged sighs each time our lips broke for air.
I felt his presence just before I opened my eyes and saw Chase standing naked behind Annabelle, taking her hair in his hands and kissing her ear. Her high had taken hold: the strange contact hadn’t even startled her. She turned around just far enough to see that it was him, closed her eyes and leaned back, easing me off the wall. I kissed her neck, then ran the tip of my tongue downward, over the deep slope of her breast to her nipple, then back up where her mouth stood deliciously agape, awaiting mine. Chase said nothing, but I could hear his low, heavy breaths in my ear and smelled his libido hanging in the thick wet air as he reached between our bodies, knocking my hands away, exploring Annabelle hungrily with both of his.
Her eyes opened, revealing a wild gleam; she was past the point of no return. Chase had her completely entangled in his arms; I knew where it was going and pulled away, smiling at the thought. As I turned to leave the two of them to their fun, Annabelle’s hand caught my arm.
“Don’t go,” she said in a loud whisper. The implications of staying barely registered, as if being screamed from a bystander in a vocal crowd. Her grip persisted and pulled me toward them. Annabelle kissed me, moaning into my mouth as Chase sank a finger inside her and grabbed a handful of my ass. My mind was lost, and my body was going for it.
Annabelle was sandwiched between us with Chase’s hands groping us both and pinning us tightly against the wall. The shower room was stiflingly hot and the steam was thickening. The steady stream cascaded down our bodies, skin slipped past skin, and the heavy breathing of three was barely concealed by the hiss and splatter of falling water.
Chase picked Annabelle up, set her down on the shower ledge, and stood lording over her like a predator savoring his prey. He looked better naked than I remembered: lean like a swimmer with his hard cock pointing straight out like a divining rod for pussy, just begging for somebody to grab and pull him around by it. “If it got him inside me, He’d probably let me put a leash on it,” I thought. She pulled me to her, exposing my backside to Chase, whose hands were all over me: squeezing my tits, my clit, running two fingers along my slit, then pressing inward while my fingers were doing the same with Annabelle. She moaned into my mouth and he whispered into my ear, telling me he was going to take me now, calling me a fucking bitch tease. A deeply buried voice wanted to tell him to fuck off, but instead, my arousal intensified.
His hands pulled me up by my hips, straightening my legs, with his stiff dick pressing into my ass crack. Annabelle watched with lustful fascination as Chase bent his knees and pressed his blunt spongy head against my swollen mound.
“You ready, Nikki?” he asked. My normal resistance to guys I’m not attracted to was bypassed by a different order that had taken control of all three of us.
“…oh fuck…” I groaned from the pressure against my pussy, leaning forward only to have Chase grab my thighs and pull me backward, parting my slit and slipping his head in. I tensed up with a gasp, hit with the intensity of a million rolling nerves as he sunk his cock into me. I was on the tips of my toes, leaning my hands on Annabelle’s legs to keep my balance. All thoughts ceased, overwhelmed and drowned out by the delicious sensations of getting filled and fucked. Chase gripped me at the waist, guiding his cock steadily in and out, each stroke marked by the pat of his torso hitting my ass. My eyes were closed, savoring the sensations of the hot water on my back, the sounds of the shower and of Chase’s fuck-grunts, of his rock-hard shaft plunging deeply into me over and over, and of Annabelle’s hands, then lips, on my face. It was so much like a constant, unending orgasm that when the real one hit, I lost track of everything and blacked out.
The next thing I remember, I was laying on the shower floor with a stream of hot water flowing under and around me. My pussy,still buzzing hard, felt hollow, and my legs were useless. Chase was standing up and bent over, his ass clenching and relaxing in a steady rhythm, fucking downward into Annabelle who was reclined on the ledge. Her legs and feet were in the air, toes curled, her whole body was shaking. Her big tits bounced heavily with each impact, throwing their mass upward toward her head. Falsetto moans rang out through the fog like a whistle, and her hands tried in vain to grasp onto the cold, slick marble surface before locking onto his arms.
He was talking through his grunts, I could almost make out the words. Her moans became more like shrieks, then sobs: she was cumming, and hard. He groaned deeper, louder; his ass clenched tight, then he pulled out and stroked himself. A thick rope of cum shot out against the red marble wall, followed by one across her face and several more than landed progressively lower on her body. Her upper body was twisting to one side, and her eyes were closed with her mouth open, as if trying to scream without a voice. Her hand covered her cunt and her legs pulled tight against his side.
“Oh shit, that was good,” he said, catching his breath as he stood up from his crouching position with his mostly-hard dick still pointing at her reddened pussy. Annabelle, trying to regain her bearings just as I’d had to, let her legs fall limp, dangling over the ledge that she was sitting on. Chase’s cum, splattered all over her, was getting washed down her body and around mine as it snaked its way toward the drain.
“Oh my god… ” she said, slowly, then giggling. “My legs are shaking so bad… God, I feel amazing…”
My eyes were closed and my fingers were inside of my soaked pussy when two hands lifted me off the shower floor and turned me around. Face to face with Chase, held up against his body with his arm, he lined up his somehow still fully stiff cock underneath me, then lowered me down slowly. My insides parted then squeezed around his shaft, intensifying every twitch and motion, until I rested snugly against his groin, fully buried. I was coming down; I didn’t really want to fuck Chase, and I sure as hell didn’t want his cock to feel so good inside me, but these things were wildly out of my control by then.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lowered me down to where Annabelle was sitting, putting me almost in her lap so he could fuck me just like he had fucked her, only harder. I came twice more on his dick, leaning against her ample breasts while she breathed her feathery sighs into my ear and stroked my clit. I tried to push away, afraid of blacking out again when I writhed and arched in orgasm, but he wouldn’t let me. His eyes betrayed a mixture of lust and resentment; he was taking out is frustrations with me, on me. I didn’t care, I just wrapped my legs around his waist and fucked him right back. I didn’t need compassion, I just wanted cock.
Eventually he pulled out of me, exhausted and shaking his head, with his dick covered in full lather but still stiff as a pole. Did he cum inside me? I didn’t think so. I smirked and told him I’d worn his ass out, but as soon as I stood up on wobbly legs, he pulled her to the front of the ledge and sunk himself into her cunt again. I remembered his Viagra comment and laughed, then thought about the greek god again and left the shower, looking back briefly to see Chase grinding slowly in and out of her while sucking her toes.
“Foot fetish fuck!” I yelled back at him.
“I only cum for blondes…sis!” he yelled in reply.
“Fuck you,” I said, before opening the door to the breathtaking rush of cool, dry air. Two guys I didn’t know were standing right there in the bathroom, drinking Stella Artois and obviously enjoying the show. I didn’t care; I only cared about being out of the shower where I could breathe again, and going in search of the next good thing. I was down the first set of stairs, wondering why the fuck I’d let myself do that and what was next, before it occurred to me that I’d forgotten my towel.