He stroked his erect penis first with just his cold fingertips, tracing his way up from the base on the topside of the shaft, circling the rim of his helmet, and then down the underside, to his balls. But it was too painful in the icy night air to finger those – he didn’t want them to disappear altogether!
He was thinking of her again. He loved how she smiled softly at him when they saw each other, how she waited for him to stutter out what he was trying to say when he was sent on errands to the kitchens. She was the only one who seemed neither irritated nor amused by his awkward, twitching speech. He loved how her eyes roamed over his face, betraying what he hoped were intimate thoughts as she looked down and up his gangling seventeen year old frame. He feared he would never be what he considered a grown, filled-out man, for all he was strong and wiry. But that did not seem to matter in the way she had always looked at him. At one year his junior, her body had yet to fill out too.
He thought of the way little blonde curls peeked out the sides of her coif, which in turn made him lust after how her bush must shine in the sunlight were she to expose herself to him outside on a summer’s day. He thought of the curve of her slim little buttocks when he peeked through hedges at her as she bent over the beds, wishing he could see her bare skin and push his throbbing cock into her tight little tunnel, even though he knew such thoughts and acts were abhorrent and he carried the shame secretly and heavily.
He thought of how delicious it would be to see her standing before the stone slit of the cold Norman window of his room, dressed only in her thin sleeping shift, with the frosty pearly blue of the moon glorifying her silhouette, shining an outline of her shoulder-length curls like a halo and tracing the soft, still-changing figure as she grew from leggy foal into a sleek mare, perfect for being mounted and bred.
“Brother!” The urgent girlish whisper made fear rise, peppery and burning from his stomach into his throat. He lay there on his straw pallet, his coarse nightshirt bunched up around his waist, eyes and legs wide open, and his hand frozen on his stiff cock, with a tiny little bead of pre-cum winking at the top.
From hot summer fantasy of gazing at her nakedness to icy winter reality of her gazing at his nakedness… he couldn’t move.
“Brother!” she whispered again. “Let me in your bed, I need you!” She stood there, the moonlight showing her anxiety and she hopped on bare skin from foot to foot, hugging her pointed little breasts with her thin arms.
He could feel himself growing even stiffer at the bizarre mix of fantasy and reality, his hand still clenched around himself.
“Please!” More urgent, now.
He quickly let go of his cock, awkwardly pulling down his shirt over himself as he shifted over on the narrow mattress. She leapt across the room and landed on the unforgiving bed, thrusting a cold arm over him and shaking with the burning cold. He hurriedly pulled the meagre scratchy blanket over them both, making sure she was covered and feeling the awful draughts crawling up his still-naked legs and buttocks.
She shook against his body, teeth chattering frantically. As her lithe form shuddered against him, he closed his eyes tightly and pursed his lips, willing his still-growing cock to go limp and camouflage itself somewhere else, far from there. But it wouldn’t. He knew she could feel it, stiff and hard, digging into her hip.
He took a deep breath and stammered, “W-w-w-w-what’s wrong?” She nuzzled her face into his bony shoulder, still shaking.
“Sister.” There was no stammer! Confidence suddenly surging through him, he lifted his shaking hand to her face and lifted it towards him.
“T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t…” Again, that cursed stammer that made his face contort brought more agony to him. Why did he have to be like that? He looked into her eyes, the moonlight making them look like deep, limpid pools of navy blue.
“Tell me what’s wrong. Why have you come? We shall be w-w-whipped if we’re caught.”
Her teeth were still chattering. Suddenly she wriggled out of her thin shift, and before he could move, she grabbed his nightshirt and pulled it up, squeezing their naked flesh together. He could feel the welts upon her back from where she had obviously been whipped in the last day or so. He wondered if it had been for some minor fault like last time, when she had been whipped both for falling over a stool and spilling milk, and for cursing at the pain as she hit the floor. Involuntarily, he groaned. She squeezed her hips against him more, and he could barely stand it. The million thoughts running through his head were a lust-filled frenzy of everything worldly and inherently evil. He wanted to fuck her, this sweet little sister squeezing herself against his throbbing member, knowing that he would burn in hell for even the thought of it.
She lifted her curly head from the pillow and reached her mouth up to his ear, teeth still chattering.
“I wanted to be with you. I need you. I hardly see you any more. I used to see you all the time, and now they won’t even let us eat together. I need you closer to me than you’ve ever been; I need a secret just between us, so even if we never get a chance to be with each other again, we will have this one secret thing”.
He fought hard against the spasms of his hips, as they tried to thrust into her. His mind was screaming, “EVIL! WRONG! NO!” even as his body and heart crushed against themselves for her. She was nestling into his neck again, and she reached down with her hand to pull his cock between her legs, just between her thighs so that he was not inside her, but he could feel her wetness, warm like a small bowl of water set on the hearth.
He couldn’t speak. He wanted her so, so badly. He couldn’t fight the thrusting any more and he pulled away, standing over the bed and looking down at her. That gross and perverted moon gloated down at him from his right, caught in his private hell of lust and desire, crawling over his whole body and lifting his penis higher, making her juices glow almost iridescent and clamping around him so he could not escape her molten core possessing him, little tiny stinging bites of white heat in the icy air.
He looked down at her on his left, caught between the old, dry slit in the wall from where the moon thrust itself inside the building, and shone down on her now spread-eagled and displaying her fully opened, juicy slit for him. Just as the moon painfully needled his shining penis, so too did that filthy, luminous lecher lap up all he could of her open flower, that dripped with sweet juices rolling down onto the mattress.
“I need you,” she whispered in the harsh light. “Come, brother.” She held her open arms out to him, visibly shaking, whether with cold or desire he didn’t know. All he knew was that he was going to hell anyway, so he may as well share that brief moment in time with the one he dreamed of and lusted over every night whilst he could.
He gave himself over to the passions within, to the need of his body to be inside her. He couldn’t wait. He climbed upon her, not even mindful to pull the meagre blanket over to afford them protection from the cold, and he held the end of his cock between thumb and forefinger, and searched for her little hole with the other three as he supported himself over her. He could feel his fingers sliding all around her precious areas, and moaned with the joy of his sin.
Her legs came up and around him, opening herself still further. His helmet found her sopping hole and rested there for a second.
He looked into her eyes again and said, no trace of the stammer in his passion, “Are you sure? What will be done cannot be undone.”
She gazed back into his eyes, and said, “Then do me, brother.”
He thrust inside her, no holding back. She gasped at his entry, feeling his girth, bigger than she had thought he even looked. She closed her eyes to the feelings of him inside, retreating, back inside. She bit her lip and finding it not enough as he pounded into her, began to bite his arms on either side of her head, and then reaching her arms up to pull his head closer, she bit his shoulders and neck too, leaving little teeth marks and reddened patches where she sucked in furious lust.
He was lost in passion for her, grunting with each thrust, feeling her bites like kisses from an ice sprite, her hands reaching round to grab his buttocks, and then erratically slapping first one and then another, kneading and punching as she urged him to take her harder, as if such a thing was possible.
Finally, biting him was not enough – she wanted control. Breaking his rhythm and wriggling out from underneath him, she pushed him down on the bed and turned away from him, standing over him on the hard pallet. Her slim body, with her pointed nipples reaching towards the heavens in a a proud and arrogant gesture, and beads of her juices shining like diamonds and dripping down her legs towards the bowels of the earth in a supplication, was bright with that moon, still leering at them through the impassioned window slit. He was confused until he saw her straddle him backwards. She stood there, so that he could once more see her haloed silhouette, free of the shift that had veiled her before, tightly curled pubic hairs oozing her fluids that he had smeared over her.
She knelt slowly, and whilst he could not see as she eclipsed the light of the moon with her arse, he knew her puckered little hole was staring him in the face, daring him to have dalliance with it. But before her could even think about it, he saw the shape of her open pussy, two gentle swells, lower to the tip of his cock which she had now grasped in one hand, and carefully guided it into the valley between her lips. Transfixed by the beauty, he watched and felt her once more take him into her deeply. The pain of wanting to find release, but with her guiding the thrusts was almost too much for him to bear, but he was helpless between her legs. All he could see was moonlight spilling around her form. She closed her eyes against that blue light, soaking and bathing in it like an ice queen, feeling his hot shaft enveloped in her tunnel. She used her muscles to squeeze him as a sister had once whispered to her to do in a moment of naughty intimacy. She had practiced with a finger inside herself so that she would know how to do it when she had him inside her. And now she squeezed him as hard as she could.
She felt him reach his hand under her between a thrust and run his hand between her pussy lips. It put her off her new, slower rhythm for a second, but when he removed it, she found it again and carried on, eyes closed and delighting in the evil lusts that had tormented her for so long.
Suddenly, she felt his hands on her tight little buttocks, firm, stopping her for a moment. She tried to look round, but he slapped a cheek for it. She turned her face to the window again and felt as his fingers probed her cleft for that smaller hole. She could feel her own wetness on his fingers, sliding inexpertly around. And then he found it! She clamped her pussy walls around him as she felt his thumb slide into her anus! She was happy for it, a welcome, new, if horrifying, sensation. He let her sit for a minute, fingers splayed upwards, as if reaching towards the two tiny hollowed dimples on either side of her spine.
Blind to the moon, she slowly began again, rising and falling on his hardness, feeling gentle movements of his thumb also moving inside her. She wondered if he could feel his own cock through the little wall. She gradually increased the rhythm again, soon back to full thrust, as fast as her legs could bear the strain.
Lost in their abandon, gasps and terrified attempts to control their voices, this evil thing they were doing together, thrusting them ever towards the gates of Hell, was bringing them closer to Heaven than ever anything they had been taught so far.
As his thrusts slowed and her muffled sobs quietened, they both heard a sound that stopped them dead. Their heads shot to the doorway, which was bathed in shadows, making their blue-white nakedness, their wild, staring eyes, her upturned arse and his bare chest a giant, grotesque two-headed demon caught by the hand of God in an act of utter depravity.
They heard the low moan again. Another low moan came from out of the shadows, not the same place as the other sounds, and a soft splatting sound on the floor. Then the slide of coarse fabric as someone who had been leaning against the wall slid down it to the ground.
“Who’s there?” she whispered, panicked.
Breaking apart, the two teenagers dived for their clothing.
“Who is it?” she hissed.
She felt a thrill of fear course through her body as an older woman stepped from the shadows.
“You dirty, disgusting beasts! You shall be whipped and flogged for this! Filthy creatures! I shall have you stripped naked in front of the whole house for this and whipped within an inch of your lives!”
“Mother, please!”
“Never in my life have I seen such depravity! You are demons and I shall have you purified before everybody!”
“P-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-“ The stammer and facial spasms overtook the young man once more, momentarily forgotten in his joy of just a few seconds ago.
“Stop your excuses this instant, you devil! It is God himself who causes you not to speak, for only lies and filth can come out of your mouth!”
He tried again. He wanted to plead with her, to tell her that it was not the girl’s fault, that he had forced her – anything to save her the humiliation and pain. But he couldn’t get the words out and he stood there crying, turning his eyes away from the dark fury in the older woman’s face.
But the girl stood there, watching her. She knew lust when she saw it. She had seen it in the eyes of the villagers as they coupled down alleyways and in the stables. She knew exactly what those moans had meant. And she also knew somebody else was in the room.
“Who is with you, Mother?”
“What?” She was thrown for a minute by this sudden confidence.
“Somebody is with you, and that somebody enjoyed watching us fucking each other.”
“Not so. Who is it?” There was silence. She strode across the room into the shadows, found who she sought, and pulled him roughly from the floor, pushing him into the light so his own shame could be exposed.
“My god! Our Father who wanks in chambers, pervert be thy name.”
“Blasphemy! You should be burned alive to purge your filth, you little whore,” the older woman gasped.