SluttyBi: I need a ride.
MissyJ: *devilish grin* I just gave u the ride of a lifetime last nite, babe.
SluttyBi: *lol* not that ride, silly. I meant I’m picking up my car from the mechanic today. I got a message last night saying everything’s fixed and ready for me to take it home today.
MissyJ: OK, where is this place?
SluttyBi: do u remember Kev?
MissyJ: Kev who?
SluttyBi: Geeky Kev from back in high school. He was in the same year as my brother’s and often hung out with him.
MissyJ: oh that Kev. Yeah, I remember him. Why?
SluttyBi: he’s my mechanic. Joe recommended him to me and since I know my brother wouldn’t screw with me, I took his advice and dropped my car at Kev’s garage.
MissyJ: did u actually see/meet Geeky Kev?
SluttyBi: nope. I spoke with his assistant, but when I called back last night Kev told me he’d be the only one working at the garage today since it’s the weekend and he’s only open until noon, so are you ready? It’s almost eleven and I don’t want to arrive there late.
MissyJ: fine, fine. I’ll be there in fifteen.
MissyJ signed out…
I logged off my computer as soon as Jen logged out. I already took a quick shower and was just sitting around in my bathrobe. My hair was already dried and all I gotta do was pick out an outfit. I couldn’t quite decide if I wanted to wear jeans or skirt. I’d be with Jen and after our impromptu fucking session last night after work, I’d never know when we’d be attacking each other again. After we established that we were now best friends with benefits, the air between us cleared; there was that quiet understanding that we don’t have to wait for the other to initiate something before we jump each other.
Finally I decided to wear my thigh-high jean skirt and topped it with a double tank top (yellow and pink) and I’d finish it off with my pastel pink thong flip-flops. It was a gorgeous day outside after all so why hide from the sun. I think I needed to work on my tan anyway and I’d rather do it naturally than faking and baking. Panties were out of the question as it will only get in the way in case Jen and I felt frisky with each other.
Nearly fifteen minutes later I received a text message from Jen. She was downstairs waiting. I grabbed my purse and cell phone and locked my apartment door after me. She parked right outside the electronic glass doors so I didn’t have that far to walk. I noticed how she was eyeing me even though her eyes were hidden behind those big, funky sunglasses of hers. I felt her eyes touch every exposed skin of my body – even the ones hidden from view. Instantly I felt my pussy cream – and I wasn’t wearing panties, dammit!
“You better quit looking at me like you want to take me right here, right now,” I told her as soon as I slipped into the passenger’s seat.
Jen flashed me that wicked Cheshire cat grin of hers and placed her hand on my exposed thigh, caressing it gently before her hand dipped between them and touched my wet pussy, sliding two fingers between my folds until they were soaked. I wasn’t expecting her to do this and my gasp was genuine. She didn’t look a bit apologetic. She pulled her hand from my crotch and licked her fingers.
“Mmmm…tasty. I better remember to have a piece of that later,” she grinned then gunned the Solstice’s engine out of my parking lot.
We didn’t talk much on our way to Kev’s garage except when she was asking for directions. Her hand went back to rest on my thigh and so did my hand. We were gently caressing each other’s thighs, drawing circles on each other’s skins until I was sure we creamed our skirts (she wasn’t wearing panties too I bet since she didn’t bother with one yesterday).
“Oh fuck,” we both muttered as we pulled up outside Kev’s garage. We got each other so damn worked out that we were both clutching our thighs tightly together. We needed a few minutes to compose ourselves before getting out of the car. That bit of innocent fun we had in the car proved to be too much for the two of us.
Only half of the garage door was opened and from where we parked across the street, the place didn’t look crowded at all. We walked in, poking our heads in first in search of Kev who said he’d be around before he closes shop at noon. I glanced at my watch and noted it was ten minutes to noon now. If his garage door was still open then that means he was still around here somewhere.
“Hello? Anybody here?” I called out as loud as I could. I hate raising my voice, but on occasion – like today – I knew I had no choice but to do so.
“I’m back here!” came the answer from a somewhat gravelly, Vin Diesel-like voice.
Jen and I followed where the sound of the voice came from and stopped when we saw a pair of jean-clad legs sticking out from underneath my GT silver metallic Boxster RS 60 Spyder.
“Kev?” I asked tentatively, not certain if it was him underneath my car or not.
Jen and I jumped back when the man under the car pushed himself out from underneath, lying on those rolling flatbeds most mechanics used when working on the undercarriages of vehicles. He had muck and grease on his face and the upper part of his shirt, but amidst all that mess the brightness of his blue eyes was intense and OMG, if I was wearing panties it would’ve dropped at the mere sight of him lying down on that flatbed smiling up at us.
Kev Fielding was one uber hot mechanic! Forget Vin Diesel when he starred in The Fast and the Furious! This guy here was an Adonis on…well, at the moment he was on a rolling flatbed, but that doesn’t matter. Instant attraction made me foam in the mouth, so to speak, and a quick glance at Jen told me she too wasn’t expecting to find geeky four-eyed Kev to turn out this scrumptious!
“Kev?” I repeated again still not believing what I was seeing.
He turned his head towards me and I received a full blast of that sexy as sin dimpled smile of his. “Hi Ally,” he greeted warmly then pushed himself up and off the flatbed. He wiped his hands on the thighs of his jeans before extending it to me, “How are ya?”
I didn’t mind whether his hand was dirty or not. I was far too distracted by how much he has grown and changed over the course of the past few years to pay attention to a dirty hand shaking mine.
“I’m—I’m good. And you?”
“I’m great,” he grinned then looked at my companion. “You can’t be Casey, can you?” he was watching Jen carefully, trying to place her.
Casey was my youngest sister.
“No. I’m Jen,” Jen extended her hand to shake his. “I’m Ally’s friend who always hangs out with her whenever you were over at their place,” she explained.
“Oh right, right,” he nodded as if remembering her now. “Yeah, you and Casey looked a bit alike though so I wasn’t sure if you were her or not,” he explained.
“No worries. I got used to being thought as Ally’s kid sister,” Jen smiled. And it was the truth. The similarities in built and feature between my sister and Jen was unbelievable that if they had their backs turned you wouldn’t be able to tell who was who! I often teased them to be twins separated at birth by two years.
“Nice,” he smiled before turning to address me once again. “Your car’s fixed already. I just checked it to make sure everything’s in good order,” he explained.
“Awesome! How much do I owe you?”
Kev looked sheepish for a bit. He stood there with one hand resting on his lean jean-clad hip and the other scratching the back of his neck. He looked like he was debating something.
“Since you’re Joe’s sister I don’t usually charge friends or family, but since I wasn’t the one who worked on your car – I just inspected it to make sure everything was done right – I’m not sure whether to charge you labour and parts or just labour,” he explained.
“Oh, what a predicament,” I teased him. “No worries, Kev. I came prepared to pay for labour and parts. No need to treat me differently from any of your other paying customers here.”
“No,” he refused. “I mean, I fix Joe’s cars for free, and since I know you two are tight and Joe often gets me good business because he knows quite a lot of people who are looking for reliable mechanics, so I feel terrible asking you to pay.”
“Seriously, Kev, I don’t mind. If I took this to the dealership I betcha I’d be paying more than what you’re going to charge me for it,” I chided.
“True,” he finally relented. “Okay, let me just lock up the doors since it’s already after twelve. Why don’t you ladies make yourselves comfortable in my office. A/C’s on and help yourself to some pop in the fridge,” he offered before disappearing to close the gate Jen and I walked through just moments ago.
Once Kev was gone Jen and I fell against each other and dissolved into girlish giggles. We were both giddy and horny for Kev and we hastily made our way inside his air conditioned office. He was right. It was cooler inside.
“Oh fuck me, Ally!” Jen exclaimed and walked to the window overlooking the garage. I came up to stand behind her and watched what she was watching. “I didn’t know he’d grow to be that tall and handsome,” she whispered.
“Neither did me. I mean, he was four-eyed Kev back in the day. Geeky Kev was our pet name for him because he was soooo nerdy.”
“Uh-hm,” Jen nodded but her eyes weren’t leaving Kev as he made his way around the garage, stopping by the big metal sink and turned on the faucet.
He was washing his hands and face. We didn’t think he’d rip his shirt off, but he did and both Jen and I were treated to a view of rippling muscles and a perfect six-pack! He was ripped! And boy what I’d give to have my hands, mouth and all of me touch every inch of that Adonis’ body.
“We gotta fuck him, Al,” whispered Jen.
“Excuse me?” I don’t think I heard her right. I took a surprised step back, away from her and stared at my best friend.
Jen turned away from the window, her arms crossed over her midriff and her eyebrow cocked. “You heard me. We so need to have him – together. Now if possible because I’m craving for some dick and your delicious cunt.”
“But—but—but how are we going to get him to fuck us?”
“Just leave it to me,” Jen said and with one last look over her shoulder, she saw Kev walking back towards the office then turned back to me and crossed the space between us. “I want you and I want him. I’ll have you both before this day is over, Ally,” she promised me before pulling my head down and crushing our lips together.
This aggressive side of Jen was really new to me. I’ve never seen her this horny nor was she this open about fucking anybody anytime, anywhere, especially now that both of us were craving Kev Fielding’s mouth and dick.
I didn’t resist Jen’s kisses for long. Soon I was moaning and groaning as she was, our tongues lashing and slashing at each other, our hands busy touching and cupping one another. And this was how Kev walked in on us in his office.
I saw his shocked expression reflected on the window as he stared open-mouthed at Jen sucking my tit as we stood in the middle of his mediocre office, my hand buried under her skirt.
Without looking over my shoulder I crooked my finger and beckoned him to come closer. When he was close enough behind me Jen stopped suckling my tits and I removed my hand from her cunt. We both faced him, a dopey, naughty grin plastered on our faces.
“Wh-what’s that—”
“Shhh…” Jen placed her index finger against his lips, silencing him. “It’s just a preview of what you’ll see if you join us,” she whispered.
“J-join you?” Kev looked surprised. He looked wildly at Jen first then to me, reading the confirmation in my eyes that we are both serious about him joining us in our little game of suck, lick and fuck.
“Are you serious?” He sounded quite incredulous, and who could blame him? He was being pounced by two horny women.
“As a heart attack,” Jen and I answered in unison, our hands reaching for his cock and pushed him back up against the loveseat we spotted by the door.
Once he was seated Jen and I took our positions. Jen knelt down between his legs, unzipped his pants and pulled it down along with his underwear without much fanfare, gasping when she saw his hardened cock spring up. I briefly glanced over my shoulder and grinned. Kev was indeed well packaged down there and I’m sure Jen would enjoy every damn bit of that cock. I straddled Kev’s chest, grinning wickedly when our eyes met and I lifted up my skirt, exposing my shaved and somewhat wet pussy to him.
“Eat me while she takes you,” I instructed him.
“Ally—” I broke off any protests from him by covering his mouth with mine, snaking my tongue into his mouth and played with his for a second or two before pulling away from our kiss.
“It’ll be fun and it’s going to be our little secret,” I guaranteed him, which was the truth since there was no way in heaven or hell I’d tell my brother I just fucked one of his best friends because I was horny!
“Joe will—”
Again I cut him off with a chaste kiss. “What Joe doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” I grinned and glancing over my shoulder once again to see what Jen was doing, my horny companion was stroking Kev’s thick, huge cock. Our eyes met briefly, smiling fondly at each other I watched her tongue dart out and circled the tip of Kev’s cock, resulting in Kev moaning in pleasure so she continued doing it.
I climbed up higher on Kev’s chest, straddling his face actually then lowered my wet pussy down his mouth. Even with his eyes closed his tongue knew where exactly to go and started attacking my pussy with gusto. He fucked Jen’s mouth with his enormous cock the same time his tongue drove me wild and crazy. He grabbed my bared ass cheeks and pushed me lower on to his mouth, attacking my pussy and driving me to a quick orgasm with a few flicks of his tongue on my clit.
Even after I came Kev didn’t stop eating me. I could hear Jen moaning and sighing as she continued to have his cock in her mouth. I couldn’t quite see what she was doing, but based on the change in Kev’s rhythm, I knew he too was close to exploding.
Jen sensed it too and quickly pulled his cock out of her mouth and started stroking him harder and faster, muttering for him to cum hard and cum good. She wanted to taste his creamy spunk.
Jen’s dirty talk accompanied by her hand strokes hastened Kev’s own orgasm and soon he was shooting cum at her, which Jen gaily allowed to splatter on her face and now bared chest (when she removed her top I have no idea as I was being sent to euphoria when Kev was eating me).
We didn’t give Kev’s cock a rest. Once he was done shooting his load I scrambled off him and Jen stood up, replacing me and demanded he eat her while I rode his stick, which was what I intended to do.
With my back towards Jen and Kev, I grabbed his still hard dick, gave it a nice, long stroke before slipping it between my still creamy folds, moaning when I felt his huge pecker spread me wide. Pete was big, but Kev was larger than my fuck buddy thus I need my body to adjust to his size. Soon both Jen and I were moaning in unison; one riding his tongue the other riding his cock.
Kev proved himself a masterful lover as he made Jen and I cum at the same time, yelping out in delight as he finished us off.
Jen settled herself on one side of Kev on the sofa while I climbed on to the other side, both of us cuddled against him and he had his arms wrapped around us, his hands resting on our bared ass cheeks. Neither one of us spoke, our hard breathing an indicator that we overexerted ourselves and we needed to calm down.
I didn’t know how long we remained cuddled together, but it was Kev who broke the silence by asking, “Can you girls swing by again next Saturday? I’m gonna be working on this truck and the owner’s a nag. I’ll need to diffuse some frustration after I’m done dealing with the bastard.”
He said it ever so casually that Jen and I both burst out laughing. We slapped him lightly on the chest and nipped at his shoulders. Looks like Jen and I found ourselves another playmate…