Lydia exploded, “That does it, Ryan! I’m through! No matter what I try to show you or tell you what I need, you don’t have a clue about how to give it to me. You don’t know anything about how to have sex with me. This is the absolute worst sex I’ve ever had to endure in my life. I’ve put up with your poor love-making, clumsiness, and premature ejaculation problems for the last time.”
“Do you realize that I haven’t had an orgasm since our marriage just over three months ago, that’s far too long for me! I know what good sex is and what you’re giving me is not it! I’ve had great sex in high school and college regularly with guys that brought me to orgasm two or three times per night. They were able to keep their cocks hard until I was satisfied, and they climaxed whenever they felt like the time was right. You have got to get help! I won’t tolerate what you are doing in this marriage any longer.”
Calming down a little, “I will make sure you get some professional training on how to initiate sex and give a woman what she needs and wants. You need to learn how to get her turned on, how to relax her, how to initiate sex with her, and especially how to give her an orgasm. I thought you might start catching onto what I’ve been trying to show you and asking you to do, but no! You need outside help to solve this because you’re not following any of my suggestions or requests I’m asking for. You are completely clueless as to what I need. Most irritating is that I’m not seeing you getting any better!”
Lydia continued, “I was prepared for this to happen tonight. I’ve already found a female sex trainer for you. Her name is Melissa and she is in her mid-forties, but could pass for being in her early thirties as she stays in great shape, has beautiful shoulder-length brown hair, wonderful breasts, and body. She has a refined upper-class feeling about her. I’ve arranged that you will spend the next four upcoming weekends with her as she will be training you.”
“The first weekend is only two days from now. So you need to pack a suitcase with what you will need to stay from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. You will be spending two nights and days with her each weekend for the next month. She’s supposed to be one of the best personal sex trainers in the state. I’ve already talked to her about you. She knows my complaints and what she needs to work on with you. You will be sleeping in her bed with her. Your goal is to learn everything she is trying to teach you about how to give total sexual fulfillment to me – your wife! Sex is the core of any loving couple’s dedication and desire for each other and I’ve completely lost the desire to do anything more with you.”
“Now, this is the plan. We won’t have any sex between us till a month from today. In that time you will have been with your trainer through four weekends (that’s eight training days). Then we will try to have another lovemaking and sex session. I will see what you have learned. I will then be able to see if you can please me and give me an orgasm or two. If not, you will go back for another month. Then we will try again.”
“When the second month of training is over, you better give me a memorable orgasm-filled night. If not, one of two things is going to happen: Option one: we redefine the type of relationship we have to be an open marriage. You must live with that choice if you want me in your life at all. Or Option two: One of us files for divorce and we both go our separate directions to find someone that we can be happy with our bedroom performance.”
“The bottom line is: I won’t live with someone that can’t satisfy me sexually. I don’t think I’m asking too much. I feel my needs are in the normal range of sexual demands for any able-bodied twenty-four-year-old young woman to ask from a fulfilling sexual partner in her marriage. But I will not continue with your problem of premature ejaculation then having you roll over and go to sleep which only leaves me high and dry and very frustrated.”
Lydia stopped yelling at Ryan and just stared at him. Ryan felt deeply wounded by these accusations.
After several moments of thought, he uttered apologetically, “Lydia, you know I told you when we got engaged that I’ve never been with any woman in my life. I was a complete virgin You thought that was cool because you could train me in the way you wanted me to be. You said you would be patient with me and teach me what you need me to do to make sure you get the type of sexual fulfillment that you want. I’m sorry that I am not fulfilling your sexual needs.”
“I’m just not performing as you expect as I’ve heard other guys brag about how amazing their wedding nights and honeymoons were. They say that their wives loved sex so much with them that they would seduce their husbands when they got home from work, and weekends were special marathons in bed. I know that I’ve disappointed you because we’ve never had a weekend of staying in bed enjoying sex all day long or even a sexually fulfilling evening together.”
“Ryan,” Lydia exclaimed,” I don’t know how you were able to talk me into not having sex with you until after we were married. I knew I was much more experienced than you, so I knew I would need to work with you. I was expecting it would take a while for you to learn what I wanted out of a sexual partner, but I don’t even get the feeling that you are even trying to get better. It is apparent that you need someone other than me to teach you.”
“Ryan, listen to me closely. I know that Melissa won’t be able to make you into a tremendous porn star with long endurance and a big cock, but I hope that she will help you solve your premature ejaculation problem. She will then show you how to get hard again so you can continue to please me later into the night. Your goal will be that I must have at least one orgasm per love-making session.”
“Another thing I’m going to ask you to do for me. As I’ve thought about this over the past few weeks, I’m asking that you find me an older man or two– ones that are between forty to fifty-five years old. Usually, by that age, they are very experienced in the sexual department. I want to learn from them what they do to bring their women to multiple orgasms per night. That way I can teach you any details that might have been missed in your training with Melissa.”
“I would like to have my first Friday night with the guy you arrange for me over a weekend in the next two weeks. I need to know the day, time, and place that you’ve arranged for me to meet him, and if possible let me know how I should be dressed for the weekend with him.”
Lydia clarified to Ryan again, “I want to make sure it is clear to you what I’m expecting from you for the training with Melissa. You must learn how to give me the best sex you can where I have at least one orgasm per session in the next two months, that’s just 60 days, or our current relationship is over. Do you understand me? I’m dead serious about this. I’m going to expect a whole different lover when we make love again in two months.”
Ryan acquiesced. “Yes, dear. I understand what you want me to learn and what I must do for you. But please clarify what you mean by an “open marriage.” I’ve heard of it before but I don’t fully understand what your definition of it is? What will life be like for us if we make that agreement?”
“Ryan, at our wedding with everyone watching, we promised that we would only have sexual relations with each other – nobody else. That is called a monogamous relationship. An open martial arrangement will be where I can go out on dates with men that I know will please me sexually. I might have dates where I come home after 2:00 am or later. There is a good chance that some of my dates will be overnighters or maybe over weekends.”
“On occasion, there might be a travel date where I will go with someone for a few days to a week or two, then when I come back home we both act normal towards each other and go on as if nothing outside of the ordinary has happened. If I get treated well by you when I come back, I will tell you some of the details of where we went. I might show you the photos we took on our weekends or trips. If you treat me really nicely, I will tell you about our lovemaking sessions and what he did with me to make it a fabulous night together with you.”
“Or, If you don’t like the details of the open marriage agreement, remember your second option is that we will divorce and we both go our own way and find someone new to build a life with.”
“Until the first thirty-day evaluation of your newly acquired skills, I want you to know that you will get nothing intimate from me except a hug and a kiss. I will continue to be on my birth control pills as I’ve asked you to set up one or two older and experienced gentlemen for me to practice being in the hands and bed of a sexual expert. I don’t want to get pregnant by them. We will still live in this apartment together, eat our meals together and sleep in the same bed. We’ll live like normal, except there will be no sex between us. Is that understood?
Ryan reluctantly agreed, “Lydia, I’m not sure how we will act towards each other. I’m hoping that we can be cordial, but please understand that I still love you. I don’t want to live here with a total stranger. It will be strained, but I’ll do whatever you want me to do to be able to have my wife happily married to me.”
Later that evening, Lydia called the sex tutor, “Melissa, I told you I would call you if I finally had enough of my husband Ryan and his inability to perform sexually with me. He’s as bad as I described to you previously. I just told him we were through unless he could learn from you how to please a woman and give me at least one orgasm per love-making session. You said you could start this weekend. Is that still the case?
Melissa replied, “I’ve been keeping these next few weekends open figuring that this was probably going to happen. I’m fully prepared and ready to start at the beginning and have him go step by step through the sex education needed to be able to please you or any woman. Remember, he will be practicing on me as a surrogate for you. That way, he has some real-time experience with a sexually knowledgable woman.”
Melissa confirmed her address and finalized that Ryan will be arriving at her home at 6:00 pm on Friday evening and will stay until Sunday afternoon.
Melissa continued, “Lydia, I enjoy teaching these young men what it seems they never learned by themselves in high school or elsewhere. Of course, I cannot give him things that are physical changes, such as I cannot give him a big cock. But I can teach him how to use what nature gave him in the best way possible. If I had my wish, I would turn him into a young stud for you. Someone that can please you sexually. Hopefully, I can give him the skills so he will watch for subtle changes in your body, breathing, moaning, or movements that will give him the indication of what he needs to do next to make sex more intense for you. If he can acquire that skill, he will be learning what every woman in his life will need so she gets the most out of their sexual experiences:
“If you can do that, you will be my all-time hero.
Melissa summarized their agreement, “It sounds like working with Ryan will be a challenge, but not impossible if he will listen and try things out on me. I’ll give him honest and immediate feedback. I will agree to take him on as a patient and accept the challenge to try to make the best happen. Because you and I are cousins, and you are a very frustrated young woman, I will help your husband at no charge. However, if something comes up that costs me any significant money, I’ll probably ask for reimbursement from Ryan as part of my ‘services rendered.’ Have him come to my place by 6:00 pm on Friday. I need to start evaluating his table manners while we eat dinner.”
Lydia said just before she hung up the phone, “I don’t know how to thank you enough. I didn’t know who else to turn to for help on this. You truly are a ‘port in the storm.’ Thank you so much!”
The two days passed quickly. Only three days later on Friday evening, Lydia kissed Ryan goodbye at the door and wished him well. She told him, “Learn all you can and be cooperative with Melissa. Do whatever she asks you to do.” He would not be back home until the following Sunday afternoon.
Because of the short time till Friday, Ryan had not been able to find a suitable forty to fifty-five-year-old male to be Lydia’s “instructor.” She decided to take things into her own hands – at least for this weekend. Since Ryan wasn’t going to be back for two nights and most of the third day, she would go find herself a weekend stud. She knew a place where she was likely to find one too. She had been to a couple of these places before she was married and had been generally successful in finding someone. She knew of a ‘never-miss’ place that many women went to when they wanted a partner for the night.
She bathed, shaved her intimate areas and legs, then perfumed her full body. She packed a small travel bag with a change of clothes containing two evening gowns and a couple of different casual daytime outfits. A few pairs of complementary shoes and her makeup bag finalized what she hoped she might need for the upcoming weekend. She zipped her travel bag closed and placed it on the bed. She got dressed in one of her most sexually enticing black evening gowns, one that was very low cut in the front to show significant cleavage and a leg enhancing long slit up the right side. She fixed her long dark brown hair in a style she knew that men she desired would appreciate. She put on the ‘evening-out’ makeup she had learned over the years how to do. As she was getting ready to leave, she thought she looked like a woman on the prowl when she checked her makeup in the mirror. That’s just the way she wanted to look. She felt she deserved it after the long months of enduring Ryan and his inabilities.
She drove to the club she had in mind. Parked her car and walked in, after side-glancing and smiling at the wolf-whistle she got from some of the guys holding the door open, her evening seemed to be getting off to a good start. She sat down at a small table near the dance floor, ordered a strawberry daiquiri, and set back in her chair sipping her drink slowly while watching the dancers on the floor. Several different men started coming up and asking her to dance. She nicely told them “Sorry, not now.” Just when she had just finished her drink, after about a dozen guys, there was finally a man that appealed to her in several ways. He was very nice-looking, tall, muscular, with black hair, a close military haircut, and a body that made her feel he could crush her to death in his arms. Something in her head told her that he would have a nice firm Beaufort cock which is just what she was looking for tonight.
Smiling, she gladly accepted his request to dance. He acted like a gentleman and led her to the dance floor. Once they started dancing, she wasted no time in getting to know more about him. She asked his name, “I’m just called Matt by the rest of my group.”
“Well, nice to meet you, Matt. The woman in your arms is Lydia. It’s nice to get to know who I’m dancing with.” She almost immediately started showing him she was interested in more than just a kiss goodnight. She was pressing her body up against him tightly and rubbing her crotch on his legs. It didn’t take long before she was able to feel a large bulge right where she wanted it to be. She reached down and grabbed his large cock through his trousers. She stared up into his eyes and smiled when she knew he had felt what she was doing. She whispered, “I hope this is all for me tonight? If so, I’m a very lucky girl.” She giggled. His broad smile was the reaction she was hoping for.
While dancing, she asked another question, “Are you here working or just traveling through?”
Matt replied, “I’m in the Marines and stationed at the Beaufort military airbase about just over an hour’s drive southwest of here. I came here on a weekend leave to see what this city was all about and if there was a lonely girl that I could entertain for the weekend. I have rented a room in an upscale hotel here in Charleston over on College street for two nights while I’m here. Today is the first evening of my leave.
She looked up and smiled a wide smile at him because she now knew that the place to sleep together was already taken care of. She thought to herself ‘This guy is great. I made a perfect choice of guys.’ She realized that her right arm had just made a fist and jerked back without even thinking about it as she thought to herself, ‘Yes’! Matt smiled even bigger when he saw her do that.
They danced a few more dances and she asked if they could sit down and talk for a while. He found a table towards the back wall, more out of the way from the bulk of the people and to minimize the noise of the band.
After they were situated, he motioned for the waitress, who shortly came to the table and asked what she could get for them. He said, “I’ll have a Guadalcanal Cocktail on the rocks if you don’t mind.”
The waitress did a double-take, and said, “I’ll have the bartender look that one up, but I think we’ve served it before, so I’ll take your order on it.”
Turning to Lydia, the waitress asked, “What can I get for you, Miss?” Lydia suddenly realized the woman had noticed that she was not wearing a wedding ring on her left hand –remembering that she had taken it off earlier at home– and the waitress had made an assumption, but Lydia sure wasn’t going to correct her. “I’ll try a Sloe Gin and Lemon tonic please, and see where we go from there.”
The waitress left and her eyes turned to meet his. She smiled at him, then asked, “You only told me your first name was Matt. Does that stand for Mathew or what is your full name, what do you do in the marines, and what’s your rank?”
Matt replied, “So you want to start with the questions about me, do you? OK. My full name is Mathew Andrew Briggs. I’m a Second Lieutenant in the US marines, and besides the fact that I must help keep the base commands flowing, I’m in flight school training to become a fighter pilot flying an F35 or another option is an Osprey, whichever seems to be the best choice when I need to make that final decision.”
“Holy Shit! Are you saying I’m sitting here holding the hand of a future top gun pilot? You’re not joking around with me, are you? Show me your ID. Show me your military badge. I know you have it in your wallet.”
He reached behind him, pulled out his wallet, and flipped it open. His ID was on the right side of his wallet interior, with a color photo of him, with his Second Lieutenant grade listed on the left, his written signature on the bottom with his full name typed under his name on the bottom. It looked very official.
Lydia gasped, “Wow! You are for real. Most guys that feed me those types of lines are just making up stories to get me to talk to them. I thought you could be military when I first saw you. I think it is the muscular build and the haircut that gave you away.”
“Yes, I’ve been told that before. But it was wonderful for you to let me have those dances with you. I haven’t held a beautiful woman that close and tight in a couple of years. I truly enjoyed holding you.” After a brief pause as he looked Lydia over again. “Just to let you know my limits here this weekend, I’ve only got till Sunday afternoon, then I must get back to the base. So I will need to start driving out at about 2:00 pm Sunday. Until then, ‘Miss Adorable’, if you want my companionship, baby I’m all yours.”
Lydia’s mouth dropped open at his sudden open invitation. She hadn’t ever been this lucky. She gripped his hand tighter, just as the drinks arrived. He paid the bill, they took the glasses and he toasted. “To us and a fabulous weekend together.’ They clinked their glasses together and smiled at each other. Then both took a large swig. Inside Lydia knew she was craving for his body to be on top of hers. She had not had a good sex session with an orgasm since her night with Todd, one of the groomsmen, a few nights before her wedding. The thoughts of what could be possible tonight got her very excited.
She sat and admired this huge six-foot-two hunk of black-haired American male that was sitting next to her holding her hand. She couldn’t believe her good fortune and how fast everything had happened. She had expected that she might eventually pick up someone older that might have come around just to look at the beautiful girl scenery. But this was maxed out wishfulness, it was over the top. Much better than she had thought possible. She again squeezed his hand as she took a drink.
“So where are you from? Where is your family? Tell me about them?”
“I was born in Texas. I’m the third son of five boys and two daughters. Yes, they were born in that order. Mom was worried she would never have any girls so they just kept trying. Dad was happy because he knew we boys had good strong arms to help him on the ranch. And Wow! did he ever use us! At times I felt like I was his slave, especially on those long hot summer days in the field. But I knew at the end of the year that when harvest time came, we would all get paid very well for our time and effort. That’s how I got my car. A new white Mustang Shelby GT500 that I’d wanted since junior high. I ordered it exactly as I wanted it with the Supercharged engine.”
“Oh, your family has a ranch. Where is your ranch? How big is it?”
“I was raised on a 2550-acre ranch a short distance outside of Abilene. It’s a nice size town with about 125,000 people. Like my brothers, I plowed the ground, planted crops, cut hay, bucked bales, and drove all the farm equipment on the property. Taking care of the cattle was one of the biggest jobs. Sometimes, except times to take a, ah, to ’relieve myself,’ I would not get off my horse all day long.
Mom or one of my sisters would usually bring our lunches to us. Sometimes that was the nicest thing that happened all day. I herded cattle and drove a tractor from the age of ten. Before I got tall enough to sit on the seats of most of the equipment, I had to stand while driving to see where I was going. I have three different horses that are mine personally, two mares, and one gelding.”
She stopped him. “Being a city girl myself from South Carolina, I don’t know the farm language. What’s a “gelding”
He chuckled under his breath, “That’s a male colt that has been determined that he should never be used for breeding purposes, so they are castrated. This makes the horse more even-tempered and easier to train and handle. I find him to be very gentle. He will let anyone walk up to him in the field and put a saddle on him, or just pet him. He knows me very well. I just need to call him, his name is ‘Gaston’ by the way, and he will come running up to me so I can put my saddle on him. Then I climb on and we go for most of the day’s work on the property. He’s my buddy most days unless I’m driving the tractors, baling hay, or plowing.”
She had been sitting there with her chin resting on her hand taking this all in. She felt herself staring at his face and his features. She again thought to herself, ‘This guy can’t be real.’ My brain is making this up. He can’t really be here holding my hand with us both knowing that I want his body so badly. I hope I don’t have a huge wet spot on the back of my dress when I get up.’
She finally broke out of her daze, and said, “Matt, you are unbelievable! It’s amazing that you came up to me and asked me to dance. You are a walking Adonis to me. I know I could sit here and talk to you all night, but I’m wondering if we might be able to continue this conversation in your hotel room. At least there I can get out of this stifling dress that feels as if it wants to twist around on me. Are you so inclined?”
“Missy, you don’t have to ask me twice.” He stood up, took her hand as she grabbed her purse, and escorted her to the parking lot. She asked how he wanted to do this since they both had their cars and the bar will tow away cars left overnight.
“How far away is your hotel?”
“It’s just a couple miles down on College street. Why don’t you just follow me? I’ll be in my white Mustang Cobra. But first I’ll walk you to your car and make sure I know what it looks like.”
She had found a parking spot only six cars into the parking lot. She unlocked the door with her clicker, Matt opened the door for her, she swung onto the driver’s seat, paused, and looked up at him, knowing he was getting a great view of her breasts in her low-cut gown. She loved it and made no move to cover up. She smiled up at him as he bent down to see the car’s interior. She couldn’t help herself, she raised up and quickly kissed him on the lips.
He was a little startled, but he liked it. He went in for a longer more forceful kiss. Their tongue’s swirled and the pressure on both sets of lips increased. Her heart sent bells ringing in her head. She hadn’t felt that overwhelmed about a kiss since her first kiss with her husband. In fact, it was his first passionate kiss that made her mind start thinking that he was the long-term man for her. This kiss was at least as good as that one. Yes, now that she thought more about it, this kiss was even better.
He raised his head and whispered, “Baby there’s a lot more where that one came from.” He winked at her and shut the door. She sat there dazed and wondered if she was fit to drive in her current mental state.
In a moment, she heard a horn honk. She looked in her rearview mirror and saw behind her. He was sitting in his white Mustang ready for her to follow him. She hadn’t even started her car yet. Fumbling, she found her keys, inserted it into the steering column, started the engine, and started to pull back making sure she didn’t hit him.
He waited at the end of the parking lot for her, then she followed him for a couple of miles until he pulled into his hotel parking terrace. He pulled into a spot that had another parking place on his car’s right side which left her the perfect parking spot next to him She reached into the back seat and picked up the overnight travel bag she had packed. Stepped out, closed and locked the doors, and walked to the back of her car where he was waiting with his arm out for her to take so she can be properly escorted to his hotel room.
She moved her purse and her bag to one arm and with the other, she put her arm through his. They walked into the entrance, through the lobby, noticing that the clerk’s mouth dropped open once he saw Lydia, grinned at them, then nodded with a knowing smile at Matt, as they moved across the lobby to the elevators. When the elevator door opened, they stepped in. He pushed the button for the top floor.
She thought for a second, “Wait, the top floor has all the nice rooms and suites. Do you have a suite? “
“Yes, babe. I get a military discount when nobody has the room booked already, they give me a great price. Yes, you get to stay in a top-of-the-line suite with me all weekend if you want.”
She commented, “With the way this evening is going, I’ll never want to leave.”
She didn’t say anything more until she followed him into the room after he opened the door. Her eyes widened when she saw the table area near the kitchenette with its modern chandelier hanging over it. The room was done in red and white colors and dark walnut wood furniture, with matching wood doors and trim.
Matt said, “Do you want me to give you a full tour, or do you want to explore this place on your own?”
She sat her purse and bag on the table and turned to him, put her arms around his neck, and kissed him with one of the most passionate french kisses she knew how to give. Then with her arms still around him looking him in the eyes, she said, “I think I would like a full tour of your château for the weekend, Sir Galahad. But I especially looking forward to a very long and intimately detailed tour of the bedroom with you.”
With that, he reached down and scooped her up in his arms. “Missy, if you want a very private tour of everything this hotel room contains, I will make sure you get to see it up close and personal. He held her in his arms as he walked her through the small kitchenette, saying that this kitchen will never be used because he will make sure they have lunch and dinner on Saturday (tomorrow) and plan a late full brunch at the hotel buffet on Sunday.”
He held her close as she had her arms around his neck while he showed her the couch and TV in the living room explaining what she was seeing while he walked her past each item. Then he turned into the bathroom area showing her the sinks, commode, bidet, and large shower with double heads. He whispered to her, “We will make use of this shower a couple of times before I leave.”
Turning her so he didn’t hit her head on the doorway, he proudly walked into the monstrous bedroom that contained a steaming hot tub near the doorway. He commented, “We’ll make use of this at least a few times.”
Then holding her in his arms, he walked up and stood next to the huge king-size bed with a thick white comforter on top. It had at least six king-size pillows with white matching pillowcases up against the headboard.
“Now my gorgeous princess, what is in front of you might first appear to be just a large bed – normally only a place for tired travelers to sleep for the night. But I know it has much much more potential in it for you and me tonight. Known to only a few lucky souls, and I’m one of them, this is a soft cushioned, and comfortable adult ecstasy portal. This is the doorway to your ultimate pleasure experience. Once this portal transports us to a new level of consciousness, it is capable of giving you the absolute most pleasure and ecstasy you will ever experience in your entire lifetime. This will take you to a place where all your inhibitions and self-consciousnesses are left far behind and cannot be thought of again while we are in the portal together.”
“There will be only the two of us wrapped in each other’s tight embrace, becoming one entity merged into each other’s bodies that are fully encased in a cocoon of total and complete rapture. Nothing is holding us back from experiencing everything that the other person has to give both mentally and physically to the fullest. “This is where we both give each other our full bodies, our passion, and our love. We reach deep inside of ourselves to express everything we can do to excite and give maximum pleasure to each other. We will be able to stay in this paradise as long as you want to. It can be restarted by you at any moment you desire during the weekend. This is only the beginning of our wonderful weekend of passion together.”
He stopped a moment and gazed at the stunningly beautiful angel he held in his strong arms. She had glazed eyes and wasn’t focused on him. She had already envisioned the rhapsody of where they were going to go together, tonight, right here.
He continued, “The goal I have is to give you the best possible passionate weekend you have ever had in your life. One that you will never forget – forever. Now my lady, will you accept my challenge to reach to the deepest parts of your inner being and let the most passionate lover you’ve ever been come out of you and become the love of my life tonight? If you will do that, I do the same for you? Agree and this magic spell shall begin!”
“Oh Matt, this is heavenly. This is beyond what I would have wished for in my wildest dreams. How can I say ‘YES’ loud enough and meaningful enough for you to truly understand how much I want this?” She kissed his mouth hard with as much of her intense desire that she could put into it.”
“That’s absolutely wonderful!. So let the magic begin!!”
He gently lowered her to the soft white comforter and withdrew his arms.
He stood and started to unbutton his shirt. She kicked off her high heels and set up on the edge of the bed to start taking off her evening dress.
“Nay, my lady. A damsel as delicate and beautiful as you does not disrobe herself. That is for her lover to do. I will gladly fill that role for you tonight. All you need to do is stand there with that glorious smile on that beautiful face and I will unclothe that amazing body of yours.”
With that, he slowly started to pull down the long zipper in the back of her dress to where it was open down below her curvy bottom. Then he pulled the sleeves off her arms and the dress fell to the floor. He gracefully stepped forward and took both hands and pulled her towards him one step so she was out of the dress with only a dainty bra and skimpy thong remaining.
He then unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor. He picked up both his pants and her dress and carefully hung them over the metal railing that was around the hot tub.
He walked behind her, slowly and sensually unfastened her bra, and pulled it away from her arms and beautifully perfect 36C breasts. He also hung it on the hot tub railing.
He came back and said,” It’s more appropriate that we undress together so one doesn’t get too far ahead of the other. .”With that, he pulled down his boxers and left them on the floor.
She gasped at the sight of his large manhood. She estimated it was at least nine to ten inches long since it was not yet at full erection. It was so thick that she knew she could not reach around it with her hand. It was getting longer and harder as she watched. She sighed, taking a deep breath confirming that she had selected the perfect man for the job tonight.
She still had her panties on. He asked, “My lady, doth thou desireth me to remove thy last remnant of clothing so I can observe thy most secret and private parts. If so, may I have the utmost pleasure of removing the last garment from thy heavenly body?”
She only stood there and smiled, then with eyes locked on his. She nodded in the affirmative.
He stepped toward her and kissed her sweet lips again. This time he reached down with both hands, and slowly started pushing her thong down her legs. He finally had to stop his kiss so he could reach further and push them completely to the floor and off her feet. He again took both hands and pulled her one step forward. This allowed him to reach down and pick the tiny slip of material up – as if he was holding a golden cloth of utmost worth and walked back to the railing and drooped it over the railing.
He muttered to her. “ I’ll make sure your servant removes those clothes and brings us fresh ones in the morning when I shall take thee to breakfast or lunch – whichever time we find ourselves ready to leave this room.”
He walked forward to her and took a long slow look at her perfectly proportioned, beautifully formed breasts, fabulously sexy curvaceous body, and gazed at her incredible shaved pussy. He smiled and said “Just the way a perfect woman would prepare herself for me – shaved clean. I love it.”
Her luxurious shiny brown hair cascaded off her shoulders touching the tops of her breasts. He reached for her hair to touch it. She leaned into his touch and moaned approval.
After several seconds of him looking her over, she looked down acting ashamed that he was staring at her. He reach out and grabbed her chin. Pulled it up so her eyes met his and said, “My Lady, does the very colorful peacock bird act ashamed of his long beautiful peacock feathers? No, he fans them out so they can be seen by everyone and especially his mate. Do the fabulously colored parrots of South America hide their feathers so nobody can see them? No, they stand on the foremost branch of the tree and caw to show off their beauty to others and to attract their mate. You will find that behavior all through the animal world. I have even seen the show-off behavior with the animals we have on the ranch.”
“Don’t let me ever see you lowering your eyes as if you are ashamed of what I might see. Your body is heavenly, extremely feminine, and you are a goddess awaiting my touch. I will have my hands on your amazing body as often as I can till I must leave on Sunday. Please don’t be afraid of my touch. My goal is to give you as much pleasure as I possibly can until I must leave you on Sunday. You are my woman and I plan on totally claiming your body tonight. Give yourself to me and let me show you what it feels like to have a lover that knows how to give maximum pleasure to a woman that he adores.”
Holding her hand, he led her to the side of the hot tub, pushed the jet button, then holding her hand, he encouraged her to step over the side and get in. He followed her close behind, with his hand on her waist to steady her the whole time. They both lay back and relaxed to enjoy the warm bubbling water
She hadn’t said a word in a while. She had just let him do what he wanted with her and it had been very pleasurable, almost indescribable as no one had ever given her this level of pageantry before making love to her. She was drinking this up like a kitten with a bowl of cream.
She commented how nice the hot bubbly water felt soothing her skin and muscles. She snuggled under his arm and pushed her body up against his. He felt so strong and manly. Not a scar on him that she could see. He had dark hair around his pecks like some of the model men have in their photos. She ran her hand up through his moderately hairy chest enjoying the ripples of his strong muscles. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight for a long luxurious kiss. Tounges went deep and time ticked away, with hands exploring and holding each other’s bodies and caressing sexual areas as lavishly as they could.
She moved her out of his arms and sat with her back to the far side of the tub. He started a massage of her feet, slowly moved to her calves, then thighs, the outside of her hips, then tops of hips, stomach, and reached around to her back. Then he moved his hands to caress her wonderful breasts and massaged them as erotically as he could. He moved his face closer to her mouth so he could kiss her. She leaned forward and met him halfway to exchange the longest deep tongue kiss so far of the evening.
He moved to her side, put his arm around her, and pulled her next to him. Just holding her next to his face and breathing her wonderful smell was a major turn-on for him. He began to feel that the timing was right to move out of the tub to a larger flatter softer surface.
He stood up dangling his large manhood in front of her face, she looked longingly at it for a minute, reached out, wrapped her hand around it, and confirmed that she was unable to touch her fingers together on the other side, then she used it to pull herself up to a standing position in the tub. She looked up at his eyes and giggled when she said, “That’s the first time I’ve had a huge manly cock give me a helping hand out of the water! Hopefully, it won’t be the last.”
He helped her get of the tub and made sure her feet were standing firmly on the tile. He grabbed one of the large white towels and started drying her starting at her shoulders and working down. Spending just the appropriate amount of time on her breasts and thighs to let her know he was enjoying her body. He put the towel back around her, then reached for the second towel and quickly dried himself off.
With the towel around his neck, he reached down and picked her up in his arms again. This time carrying her over to the bed while holding her tightly against his bare chest. He stopped and said, “In front of you is the amazing pleasure portal that has been awaiting you and me to get things started. My Princess, are you ready to begin this weekend in Paradise?”
Oh, Matt! How could this be any better? I couldn’t be more ready for this to happen if this was my wedding night with you. This is marvelous!
After another passionate kiss, he bent down and laid her on the sheet with the white comforter near her feet. He pulled his towel off and lay down right beside her. He moved further up on the bed and pulled her up to his side. They turned to each other and kissed deeply.
She whispered, “I do appreciate you taking all this time to make this a wonderful night for me, and it has made this evening very lovely. But I know it would be impossible for me to be any more turned on and ready to make love to you than I am right now. Please make love to me now!! I can’t wait another minute.
He raised one arm so he was on his side, looked her deeply in her eyes, and smiled lustfully with his eyes twinkling mischievously. “I’ve found it is best to give a woman lots of time to warm up to the love-making event. I’m extremely turned on too and feel like I’ve got an unspeakably wonderful dessert lying here in front of me waiting for me to devour her. So, unless you have something else you would like me to do, I will start licking and sucking on your wonderful breasts now and migrate further down as I can.”
He kissed her one more time, then moved to her left breast, kissed and sucked her nipple, then moved over and started to do the same to her right one. After only a few moments of squeezing and fondling them, he started to move towards her hips.
She grabbed him, made him look straight in her eyes, and demanded, “No, I told you I can’t wait any longer! I need you to push that big hard cock inside my pussy right now! I want to know if I can take it all. I’ve never had a cock as big as yours inside me. I need you in me now! Do it RIGHT NOW! Please fuck me! Fuck me like you want me. Like you can’t wait another second to have my body. I want several orgasms tonight!
After that comment, with her on her back in a missionary position, there was no stopping him. He moved between her thighs, she spread her legs open as wide as she could. He slid his cock up and down her slit which was now soaking wet. He placed the head of his cock between her inner lips, she shimmied to make sure it was in the exact spot she wanted him to penetrate, and he slowly slid the head in between the vulva lips that parted wide for his large cock head as it sank deeper into her sopping vagina. She asked him to go slower as her vagina was stretching to accommodate his large size. She felt her juices ooze around his thick hard cock as he pressed it deeper.
Undeniably, he could tell that she was in ecstasy. She was experiencing the longest thickest hardest cock that her pussy had ever had inside it. She again asked him to go slow. She began feeling entirely full of cock and was amazed at how nice it felt to be so filled and stretched out. She felt his cock head rubbing on her cervix at the same time her clit was rubbing along his hard shaft. It didn’t take more than a minute of having his cock inside her before her whole vagina started sending lightning bolts off from her clit, G-Spot, and her cervix all at the same time. This gave her the first very intense orgasm of the weekend. Her whole body shook for a minute, with some jerking continuing on her legs for another thirty seconds.
“Holy Hell!! That was an amazing and tremendously powerful orgasm! Seriously, that was one of the best I’ve ever had. And just think that we have only just begun tonight!”
“Yes, princess. There is a lot more in store for you tonight. You will be experiencing everything I can give you for the whole weekend.”
She moved to get on top of him and started to ride him. She rode him forcefully for about fifteen minutes and he indicated to her that he was going to come. She chanted, “Give it to me. Give me everything you have! Cum deep inside me! I’m on the pill so I’m safe. I want to feel that powerful cum spray inside me and fill my vagina.”
Her movement continued for about another ten seconds when he froze, grabbed her, and tightly pulled her down towards his hips. She could feel the strong pulsations of his ejaculation hitting her cervix and sides of her vagina. After a minute of tension, he slowly relaxed and let go of her hips. She rode him for a few more minutes enjoying the wonderful feeling of being filled with a large cock, now with a load of lubricating cum in her pussy.
She was surprised when he did not get soft. She lifted off him, kneeled forward, and got on all fours, with her bottom facing him. He took the hint and kneeled behind her and pushed deep into her pussy. She gasped when he pushed deeper and quicker this time, but she enjoyed every second of it. They kept this position going for about another ten minutes when she found herself climbing to a second orgasm. She told him to pound her harder and harder. She needed to feel her boobs swinging back and forth that way she knows she is getting pounded hard, just as she likes it. Her second strong orgasm occurred with her pushing back into him as he held her hips tight to his.
She collapsed on the bed, then rolled on her side. She indicated that she wanted him to come up to her front, hold her and start again entering with her leg over his this time. They rocked together for a while and while it was pleasurable to her, she realized that she wasn’t moving towards an orgasm this way.
She had him pull out. She sat up on top of him again, but this time she was facing away from him and had him enter as she was in a reverse cowgirl position. She knew this position felt better and she was sure that just a few minutes of this and she would be orgasming again.
They kept up at this pace in several positions with Lydia reaching four different intense orgasms, and Matt reaching two before they felt satiated and got comfortable with him spooning her with his cock nestled deep inside her pussy. She gave him an enormous smile, gave him another tongue swirling passionate kiss, and with a huge contented look on her face, drifted off to sleep. He smiled at her and thought to himself, ‘I think I wore her out tonight.’ I’m glad we’re got tomorrow daytime and evening still to go. I’m enjoying this hot little minx.’ They both collapsed around 2:30 am.
When he woke up the next morning, she was silently sleeping in his arms. He kissed her awake and they repeated some of the enjoyment of each other’s bodies that they had done the night before. After a few hours, they both got up and showered together around 10 am, pausing for some short ‘in-the-shower fun.’ They dressed and headed out to lunch at 11:30 am.
They found a nice sandwich shop near the hotel and grabbed some lunch. They enjoyed window shopping and browsing the several small boutique stores, appreciated a walk in the park hand-in-hand, and ended up at the city aquarium taking in all the colorful fish, jellyfish, seals, and dolphins. They decided to have dinner at the riverside restaurant.
It was there that she took another minute to really look and deeply study the gorgeous man that was sitting across the table from her. She noticed for the first time his immaculately white teeth, his normally clean-shaven face, now starting a dark stubble beard that was starting to be fully visible with its growth since yesterday. She noticed his deep brown eyes and how strong they appeared in the evening light of the restaurant. She thought to herself. I could very easily fall in love with this guy. However, I know that nobody is perfect. I wonder what I will find are his weaknesses and problems.
They walked back into the hotel a little before 8:00 pm. They heard a band playing in the ballroom and wandered over to see what event was going on. It was a city celebration for the culmination of a project that the city had been working on for several years and was honoring its completion. Everyone was invited to come in to dance and enjoy the music.
Lydia immediately pulled Matt onto the dance floor. They clung together and danced for a good hour before she said that her legs were getting tired and she needed to sit down. They found some chairs and held hands watching the crowd.
After a few minutes, she turned to him and saw that he was staring at her again. She looked into his eyes and smiled. She stood up, looked back at him, then pulled him up, stood holding his hand staring at his beautiful large brown eyes, “’ We’ve got a place of ecstasy waiting for us upstairs, why are we wasting time down here?” She gave him a devilish and mischievous grin and pulled him towards the elevator.
Back into their room by 9 pm, they were ready for the second night of glorious lovemaking and enjoying each other’s bodies. She was planning on a full repeat of their first night, but would this time include some stand-up sex in the shower, and some nice, but unplanned sex up against the wall.
Upon waking the next morning, she looked longingly and deeply into his eyes and said, “I wish this could go on forever. These are the best two nights I have ever had. I want to enjoy every hour to the fullest. I feel like starting with dessert this morning. I know just what I’m going to eat too.” She threw the sheets over her head and dove down to his hardening cock. She feasted on it for a while until he grabbed her and moved her on top of him in a sixty-nine position. While she continued to work on his cock, he licked and sucked her clit until she orgasmed on his face. She spun around and sat on top of him, making sure to slide his cock into her waiting pussy. She started to rock back and forth on him – enjoying every second of him being deeply impaled in her. With her still moving on top of him, he called room service and ordered breakfast to be served in their room. She rode him until she came and he reciprocated with a cum dump deep inside her sweet velvety pussy. She rolled off him and was cuddling him when there was a knock on the door. He jumped up, threw a robe around himself, then opened the door. The cart with the food was wheeled into the room. He tipped the delivery man and they were alone again.
She got out of bed and put her robe on too. But she left the front almost complexly untied and wide open for him to feast his eyes on her wonderful breasts and body. He brought the food to the table and placed it where they both could sit down and relax. She made sure she was sitting in the right spot for him to gaze into her open robe.
She commented, “You know I don’t want this day to end. This has been above and beyond what I was expecting this weekend to be. When will I be able to see you again?”
Matt replied, “This weekend has been just as wonderful for me too. I can’t make it every weekend because of the different shifts and schedules I have to keep. I can only come out to see you every other weekend –that’s every two weeks. I will try to make every one of the weekends that we can get together just as nice as this one.”
They finished their meal, threw off their robes, and entered the shower together for the last time this weekend. She was able to get a last standing penetration orgasm before they got out of the shower, dressed, and walked out of the hotel together, each carrying their bags.
She walked him to his car. He put his bag in his car and turned to her. “Lydia, this weekend has been a perfect time with a fabulous woman that is experienced enough to know how to give and receive love and passion from her partner. I thank the guys that have been in your past that have helped you learn how to be an amazing lover. I feel you have given me an amazing gift this weekend. One that I will cherish forever. I’m afraid you might have me addicted to your magnificent body. Let’s plan on me coming back in two weeks and meeting you here at this same hotel. We’ll do this same thing all over again.
She excitedly echoed, “That would be wonderful. I was hoping you would say that. We have a date, mister! I’ll be counting on it. Here’s a card with my phone number.” They exchanged a long tongue intertwining kiss, he stood and took one last look at her. Stopped, pulled out his phone, and took a couple of photos of her. “I must have something to remember you by than just the memories.” He got into his car, waved, and headed back towards the freeway and the Marine base.
She slowly walked over to her car, put her bag in, climbed in, and started her drive back to her apartment. Once there, she cleaned up the apartment so it was in perfect condition when her husband Ryan walked through the door at 4:30 pm.
Continued in part 2