Becca is a 5’6 redhead. She wears shirts that just barely hug her 34B breasts and shorts that don’t show much of her firm ass.
Kelsey is a 5’7 blonde, who loves to wear clothes that show the cleavage of her 30B breasts, her shorts are slightly tighter than Becca’s.
Vikki is the same height as Kelsey, but with black hair with blonde streaks. Vikki’s shirts hug her 20C breasts tight and her shorts are just as tight on her bubbly ass.
“Hey girls,” Becca says smiling letting her friends inside.
“Hey Becca,” Kelsey says, kissing Becca’s cheek.
“Hey Becs,” Vikki says, doing the same.
The girls get settled in and start chit chatting and playing games. They are playing Call of Duty: Black Ops and Vikki is beating the other two badly. When the game ends, Vikki starts to celebrate.
“Wooohoo! That is what I am talking about!” She yells. “What’s my prize?” she laughs.
Kelsey and Becca go to kiss her cheeks playfully, like they do when one of them win a game. Vikki, forgetting about this, leans back just enough and Kelsey and Becca miss her cheeks and their lips connect. Vikki’s eyes widen as her friends accidently lock lips. Kelsey and Becca pull away from each other looking at each other then at Vikki.
“Sorry, I forgot about that.” Vikki says shrugging.
“Hey how a little dare game?” Becca says to break the awkward salience.
“Alright then, I call going first,” Kelsey says, “Vikki I dare you to kiss Becca on the lips.”
Vikki leans over and her and Becca kiss. Kelsey lets out a small giggle watching this.
“Alright, Becca, I dare you to kiss Kelsey on the side of her neck,” Vikki says smiling.
Becca shrugs and leans over and kisses Kelsey on the side of her neck right below her left ear. Kelsey shivers a bit at the feeling.
“Kelsey, I dare you to kiss Vikki’s breasts,” Becca says with a smile.
“Ummm okay, sure,” she says leaning over and planting a soft kiss on each breast.
“Well jeez, don’t stop,” Vikki teases.
Kelsey smiles and kisses them harder before sitting back up. She looks over at Becca and all three giggle.
“Becca, I dare you to lick Vikki’s neck, ear to ear, slowly.” Kelsey grins.
Becca leans over and slides her tongue slowly from Vikki’s left ear to her right ear along Vikki’s neck.
“Oh my god you little slut,” Kelsey laughs, “Alright Vikki your turn.”
“I dare you two to make out with each other, with tongue action,” Vikki says giggling a bit.
After a few seconds of silence Kelsey and Becca scoot close together and start to make out slowly. Becca slides her tongue into Kelsey’s mouth and Kelsey starts to slide her tongue along Becca’s. Feeling a bit hot under her collar, Vikki removes her shirt and her bare breasts flop out.
Becca and Kelsey look over at Vikki before they remove their shirts and their bare breasts fall out but because they are so close together, their breasts rub against each other.
“Okay, I feel a bit weird and I need a shower,” Becca says standing up.
“Me too,” Vikki nods.
“Yea, here also.” Kelsey stands up.
The three girls go to the bathroom and strip the rest of the way.
They climb into the hot water and just stand there for a few minutes before, Vikki who is standing in the middle starts to wash her body. All three girls start to wash themselves. Kelsey starts to wash Vikki’s back. Vikki leans back a bit and slips falling back against Kelsey. Kelsey then slips backwards, pulling Vikki with her against the wall and Vikki’s ass slams right into Kelsey’s pussy.
“Ohhh, ohhh” Kelsey moans.
Becca turns around and giggles seeing this. Becca steps over a bit to help Vikki up, but Vikki slips again and pulls Becca down and Becca’s leg collides with Vikki’s pussy. This causes Becca’s pussy to collide with Vikki’s leg at the same time.
“Ohhhhhh!” Both Becca and Vikki moan at the same time.
The girls giggle a bit, and Kelsey starts to wiggle trying to get out. This only causes more grinding and them to moan. They keep grinding holding each other. A few minutes later all three girls squeal and moan loudly.
All three girls cum on each other’s legs. They start a three way make out session as they clean off. They don’t say another word as they go to Becca’s room and start to lick and suck on each other’s breasts. Becca spreads her legs as she sits back on her bed.
“Lick my pussy girls,” Becca moans.
Vikki and Kelsey smile and slide their heads between her legs and start to lick her pussy. They stop for a minute when the taste of Becca’s pussy hits their tongues but go back at it. They all take turns licking each other’s pussys and cumming on each other. The fall asleep all cuddled up together in Becca’s bed.
The rest of weekend till Becca’s mom came home was spent finding other ways to make each other cum.