Her Story to Summer, a tale about Summer’s daddy

"Old lady in nursing home tells Summer about her daddy when he was young"

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In an Assisted Living home but still doing quite well, she thought she saw one of the administrators who might be the daughter of a man she once knew. Now in her seventies the woman sat in her chair and thought back on those “lovely” and very fun days.

“Miss ohhh miss” she called out one of the nurses. “I thought I saw a young lady here who possibly might be, well, hmmm how do I say this?” The nurse smiled and waited. “I am not sure honey but I believe her name is Summer? Is there a young woman here by that name honey?”

“Yes mam, there is,” said the nurse. “Would you like me to let her know you asked about her?” The older woman smiled, nodded, and said yes nicely. “Then I’ll let her know right away,” the nurse went on to add.

She went to Summer and told her that some older woman by the name of Betsy in such and such room had inquired about her. She told her that she requested that Summer come and see her.

Summer went to see Betsy. They both said their hello’s and talked. Betsy then invited Summer to have a seat and Summer sat down. Betsy looked her over with a nice smile. “Hmmm, you certainly are a very pretty girl. You have the nicest figure my dear.” Then Betsy looked at them, finally saying “And I see that you have very nice bosoms as well.” Betsy was smiling but Summer wasn’t. However, she wasn’t upset at the comment. Summer knew she had succulent breasts and her friend, good old Tyler, had always made sure that she knew that.

“Well thank you mam,” Summer said. “What may I do for you? Is there a problem?”

“Ohhhhhh no, no dear not at all,” Betsy came back. “As a matter of fact I just happened to think about something which happened years ago.” Summer remained seated and listened to Betsy. “See honey, I think I knew your daddy a long, long time ago. His name is Brandon? Is that correct dear?”

Summer said it was.

“Well dear, I probably shouldn’t tell you this. No, I know I shouldn’t but I’ve wanted to tell someone and now that we’ve run into one another, now that I discovered you work here. I wanted you to know something about him.” Betsy smiled at Summer. “See, I knew your daddy way before you were even born dear, way back when he was around 19 or 20 even. Maybe what I tell you can shed some light on some things about yourself and anything you’ve been wondering about.”

“Like what mam?” Summer asked the sweet and succulent figured young woman who was more then intrigued about stories about her daddy.

“Are you really sure you want to know?” Betsy said to Summer.

Summer said yes seeing as it was about her daddy, the man she used to have sexual relationships with too. The older lady, a “vixen” of sorts in her day reconsidered whether or not she should tell Summer the truth.

“See dear, when your daddy was around 19 or maybe 20 years old, about the same age as any young man about to enter college, he and I had this run in. Don’t get me wrong, nothing bad happened,” she told Summer. “It’s just that I found your father to be the sweetest and nicest young man I ever knew. Oh, and although he wasn’t a really good looking boy back then, he was a very nice, and more then willing guy.”

Summer started to get really curious at this point.

“Well, before your dad met your mother, way before he knew her, he knew me. Yes, he and I were an ‘item’ if you will. Although he and I were of course nowhere near the same age, we still developed this unusually odd but interesting uhhh romantic like bond.”

“What, huh, what are you saying mam?” Summer asked in a rather odd tone.

“We shared some things not many people share dear. Now you’re probably asking yourself ‘Why is she telling me this? Why am I listening to this?’ aren’t you dear?”

Summer was nodding her head as she said “Yes.”

“Because maybe you’ll understand a number of things when I’m done dear,” Betsy told her. “It is a story I don’t think anyone knows.”

“Like what mam?” Summer asked.

“Now I know you can’t be kept from telling anyone but I wish it be kept between you and me only, alright?” Betsy said.

Summer lied and said she would agree to that. She said she would not tell anyone or so she thought she wouldn’t. But there was always her good close friend Tyler and seeing as she was now a 27 year old woman who worked and had responsibilities she knew how to keep her word if she wanted to.

Nevertheless, Betsy went on to tell her story about Summer’s dad.

“Back in the day, I was what a lot of people nowadays call a hottie dear. I was very sexually active. I was very well umm built too. And dear, like you I am sure, I was also a women with needs that other women never had.” Betsy smiled as she looked at Summer. Summer was intrigued. “That is if you can believe that dear and it is true of course.”

Summer listened and nodded her head but said nothing.

“Well your daddy and I met by accident of course. It seemed he was a runner back in the day. See, he was running down the sidewalk. I was walking and carrying my groceries. I was walking one way. He was headed my way. Neither of us was watching the other and guess what happened? We kind of smashed into each other.”

Betsy looked hard at Summer making sure she wanted to listen to the rest of her story. “See, when we each turned the corner we ran into the other, and we hit each other hard. Your daddy, bless his soul,” she admitted, “ran into me by accident and admitted it too.”

They were sipping tea at this point while Summer still remained quiet and continued to listen to Betsy.

“Now, I was carrying these two bags of groceries in my paper bags when we ran into each other but once we hit each other, I fell down. I hit the ground hard. I didn’t get hurt or anything but it sure stunned me. I didn’t expect that at all. He shocked me. He was the sweetest and cutest little guy. So skinny and soooo cute looking and when we both fell down let me tell you this.”

Summer asked what.

“Like I said, he was the sweetest and kindest boy I had ever met, but dear it was also rather cute. He was such a darling when it happened. He stared straight across as if looking at something down in my lap. I looked down but I didn’t see it. I looked at him and he was still doing it.”

Summer was very curious at this point.

“See your daddy well he saw my pink slip. His eyes were all over it. He could not take them off of it. His mouth was wide open. He was engrossed or absorbed by my slip I was wearing that day. I had on this long skirt, which women back then wore still, but the skirt was pushed way up leaving my slip available to the naked eye to see,” she told Summer.

“And boy did your daddy stare at it. It made me feel special. It mad me feel ohhhhhh so erotically unique.” Summer could not believe what the older woman said.

“I had to call his name out although I didn’t know it so I reached out, touched his chin, and raised his head and eyes so he’d look at me directly. He then blushed as a result of being so rude. But I told him, with a smile on my lips, that what he’d done was fine,” she went on to add.

“Once we fell over and when he realized what he’d done, he immediately began apologizing to me. Bless his soul. He was the sweetest and nicest young boy this side of the Rockies” she added. “I watched him closely as he stared at my slip. It was soooo entertaining to me. I paid attention to him what he had done. Right away I knew he wanted to see more of my slip.

However, he stood up and reached out to lift me up and as he did he grabbed hold of me. He grabbed a hold of this,” she said and pointed to her ass and smiled and winked.

Betsy thought back to that very day and without thinking she said “Woooo hoo let me tell you sister, even though he did it by accident, I mean when he grabbed my buttocks, I knew I liked it a lot dear. I liked how it felt a lot more then he ever knew. I really did.”

Summer kind of smiled as the old woman added “Excuse me for telling you this but it was arousing even for me. He actually turned me on once he felt and squeezed my buttocks that afternoon. You know what I mean? I’m sure you do honey, don’t you? You must have a boyfriend who does these sort of things for you as beautiful and sexy as you are. You get all hot and bothered. You become warm, and well, you know horny?”

Summer couldn’t believe what this old woman was saying and what and how she said it.

“Anyway, he immediately pulled his hand off my ass, having known what he’d done. Oh, I didn’t mind it. It did feel really nice mind you but we both knew it was inappropriate at that time. He didn’t know he’d done it come to find out, but like it said I didn’t mind it at all. To me, it felt soooo nice that a man was feeling or in his case touching my buttocks like he’d done. Even if the man was some youngster of only 19 or 20 years old, it was still so sweet of him to do it. He even apologized to me like, I don’t know, a million times over I think.”

“Really my, my daddy did that to you mam?” Summer said in an astounded voice.

“Ohhh yes dear,” she confirmed. “He did indeed and from that very day forward we had become good friends. Very, very good friends in fact,” Betsy added. “In fact, I’d say he and I became,” and Betsy winked,” very, very close friends if you don’t mind me telling you this honey.”

Summer overcame it and said she didn’t. She wanted to hear it all.

“So that day, after the ‘accident’ if you will, he picked up all my groceries, and as polite could be he carried them over to my house like the sweet and adorably cute young man I found him to be. Ohhhhhhh your daddy was a lovable and delightfully nice little guy. Although he was a very immature young man, he was still very polite, although as far as I was concerned he was very skinny and almost way too skinny for my tastes. He wore his hair short as if way back in the 50’s or something and he had this little skinny body too.”

Summer continued, without a word, listening to Betsy.

“There didn’t seem to be barely a muscle on his body but I discovered he was a tad stronger then he looked dear. He carried my groceries home and into my kitchen. He helped me put them away. We talked. He asked question after question. Then we sat down and I discovered something peculiar.”

“What’s that mam?” asked Summer.

“The boy, your father, felt so bad that he knocked me over, knocked me down that he asked me if I had any cuts or bruises he could help attend to. I found that odd. He also apologized for grabbing my buttocks too,” the old woman added.

At this point, Summer was practically laughing out loud. This was interesting.

“Anyway, for whatever reason dear, he came back over the next day. Personally, I adored that. He was like a freshman in college or something close to that, I thought. None of that mattered though. He simply, for whatever reason, just wanted to get to know me in his own little way. He found me interesting. He found me to be a older beautiful woman. He wanted to know things about me and about my lifestyle and for some reason, he wanted to know things about me personally. He wanted and felt he needed to know about my life as a women, what women wanted. And get this,” she added.

“What’s that mam?” asked Summer.

“He came out and asked me, eventually, what it was like to have sex with a woman,” Betsy then said.

“Awwww come on mam,” Summer said. “My daddy, he didn’t do that did he? Really my daddy did that? Nooooo way,” Summer said.

“Why would you say that dear?” Betsy asked. “He was and is a man isn’t he?”

“Ohhhhhh I suppose so,” Summer replied. “Anyway, no reason I asked. It’s just that, well, if you knew my daddy like I know him, well I could tell you stories about him.”

Betsy asked what stories Summer was referring to but Summer only said “Well maybe some other time mam I’ll tell you those tales mam.”

Betsy smiled as she nodded her head and then followed with “Maybe you will honey, maybe you will.

A woman always needs a good story about a man in her life. He was this adorable skinny little boy who I’ll admit was as sweet as a candy bar back in the day. Although like I said, he was as naïve as they came. He always needed and wanted to come over. He always loved being here and talking with me for some reason. I found out but I didn’t know initially why. But he’d come over and we’d sit and talk about everything and anything. He just wanted to know everything I knew.”

Betsy offered her some more tea as the two sat in Betsy’s room. Meanwhile, Summer listened to what Betsy had to say.

“His visits came more frequently. For whatever reason, and seeing as I wasn’t married any longer, he came around all the time. My husband left me for a younger. That, excuse my French dear, asshole,” she added. Anyway, your father would come over and we would talk. However, all of a sudden something occurred that was odd. Something caught his eye about me.”

“What’s that mam?” Summer said.

“Well, your dear sweet daddy saw something which caught his attention.” Betsy smiled and went on to say “Get this dear. He saw one of my pink slips which back in the day were one of the sexiest slips made. It aroused him. I am sure it did. I used to wear them religiously, and I mean that. I wore them beneath my skirts. When we sat down, he could see them underneath my skirts. His eyes were all over them. God only knows what he wanted to do. I mean, I found out, as we talked, but my skirt would rise up, allowing him to see my slips. He would sit there, motionless, and watch them.”

She looked down at her lap and giggled. Betsy followed with “I knew then what it was he wanted. Your father wanted to feel my silk, pink slips in his hands.”

Summer looked at Betsy’s knees as Betsy went on to add “For whatever reason, one caught his eye and he’d stare hard at the area as I smiled and watched his eyes. He’d stare at it good and hard. Dear, he enjoyed looking at my knees, upper legs, and my slips. He loved staring at my skirts. It more then intrigued him a little. He couldn’t get enough of my skirts I discovered. His eyes got bigger and bigger as we talked.”

She pressed the palms of her hands to her lap and said “Even I became a little aroused by it all. I developed a desire to have something felt, something touched, and seeing as all I had was this cute young man at my disposal well I said what the hay?”

Both then giggled at the story.

“Finally, after about a good week of these goings on, I knew and felt I had to do something about his predicament, our predicament. He wasn’t the only one who was aroused at that point dear. I was too,” she went on to say with a smile.

“I would not and did not shoo him away. I can’t say I loved him but I surely liked your daddy a lot. He was always respectful and always sweet. I knew one thing, I enjoyed his company. He enjoyed mine. Without either of us saying it, we wanted one another, or bits and pieces of one another. I know that sounds rather kinky dear but it was true.”

That astounded Summer but she listened on.

“Where were we?” Betsy then asked. Summer told her but Summer had to leave.

“Can we continue this story later on, say after 5:30 mam?” Summer asked. “I still have a few things to attend to but I’d love to come back and here the rest of it. Would that alright with you?” Summer asked. And Betsy happily said yes. Summer came back, reminded Betsy where they left off at, and Betsy continued her story about Brandon.

Betsy continued. “I liked that he came over all the time. I loved it that we talked about everything too. When I say everything, I mean everything you can think about dear. We both learned a lot from one another. However, I had to do something about the skirt and slips issue. I wasn’t taking them off. I wouldn’t do that. It wasn’t customary to do that dear. Plus, your daddy had his eyes on then all the time and I mean all the darn time.”

“So mam what did you do?” Summer said.

“Well this might come as a surprise to you dear but I told your daddy to do something about his problems. Do something about any issues he feels he was having lately. Now that dear struck him as unusually odd. He knew what is problems or issues were and so did I. Yes dear, that surprised him alright and I will say this. He totally, without question, loved what I suggested he do.”

Summer waited for it.

“Honey, he flipped out. Once I told your father to do what I suggested, he reached out and touched my slip. That alone made him feel horny dear. I pulled back my skirt. I held my slip in place. His eyes got bigger. And I told him to touch the slip. Let me tell you this. He could not believe what I told him to do but he was more then willing to do it.”

“Really, my daddy?” Summer said, almost excitedly.

“Yes dear, your daddy would come over and as soon as he was in my front door, I’d have my skirt up for him, make sure his hands were soft and allow his fingers and hands to slide all over the top of my slip. Dear, he was in seventh heaven. At first, I only allowed him to feel the slips honey but then I discovered something unusually wonderful. Though he felt my slips I discovered something.”

Summer was amused as ever and asked what.

“Well as you can understand, he loved it! He did not want to stop doing it either,” she went on to say, as if recalling it fondly. “Ohhhhhh no dear, no he did not. Now don’t get me wrong, I loved it too. I fully enjoyed watching him as he slid his hands and fingers across the silky slips and I wanted him there all the time and doing it as often as possible.” At that point Betsy closed her eyes and went on to tell Summer “Oooooohh I wanted him here. I soooo wanted there at my house doing it too. That young man even had me going as he ran his hands over those slips. And get this,” she added. “I felt his lovely soft fingers almost as if they were all over my legs. Mind you, at first, it did not happen, but it would if you can believe that. But then something did happen.”

“What’s that mam?” Summer asked almost excitedly.

“Well dear, this is between women to woman, you understand.” Betsy began to smile as she told Summer what she began to do. “I knew what had happened dear. Having seen it with my own eyes, I noticed he had developed a very hard erection and that my dear happened to arouse me too.” She paused and “studied” Summer’s face and then added “Like nothing you’ve ever felt in this world honey.”

Both began to smile as if knowing full well what that sensation felt like.

Summer listened intently as Betsy went on to say “I really wanted to see his hardened penis. I really did sweetheart. In truth honey, I soooo wanted to feel your daddy’s erection terribly that I couldn’t wait until the next day even though I knew he’d be here anyway so he could play around with one of the slips I had on.”

Betsy thought back and smiled. “Yes dear, when he developed that boner I was all out horny too. He was horny as well. But once he left, I’d pull up my slip, and I’d caress my inner thighs. I’d picture him wanting me. I’d envision him being the man caressing my inner thighs. I’d get hornier and hornier as it happened and before I know it, I was slipping my fingers inside myself.”

Betsy closed her eyes again as Summer watched. “Ohhh gosh honey, ohhhhhh wow dear, I soooo wanted your daddy at that point that I had to do what I did all by myself. I wanted him a lot too. Yes dear, I’d even went as far as sliding my fingers inside my vagina, and I well I masturbated. And like today, back then it was astonishing. Now that is something I still to this day.”

So then Summer, after hearing Betsy tell her what her daddy and her did, had to ask her the question. “Did my daddy you know, did he do anything with you mam? I mean sexually?”

“Like what do you mean dear?” asked Betsy. “Did he have sexual intercourse with me?”

“Yes mam,” Summer said. “Did you and he have sexual intercourse? Did he have sex with you at all? Huh, did he mam?” she asked again.

“Ohhhhhh not like that dear,” Betsy said. “Not that I didn’t wish for it or want it to happen at all. I know he was young but he was still a man. He still had a penis dear. His penis still got hard. He was still a man who got horny but no dear. We did not, at that point, ever have sexual relations. That isn’t to say I didn’t wish for it,” she said lying.

In truth, they did have sex but Betsy being Betsy would not disclose that, yet.

“Dear, I know he was a naïve young 19 year old man but honey even though he was this horny little boy, dear all he wanted was that initial excitement which comes along with a man becoming a man. A man being with a woman,” she went on to add. “And dear, to me he was most definitely a man! And dear, as you see, I am a woman.”

Yes you are mam. Yes you are, she told herself.

“Now honey, that very next day, he came over. He played with my slip. I noticed his erection again and honey, I told him I did. He went flush red on me. He didn’t like it that I had seen his hard on, his erection, and I did not care. I wanted to feel it. I wanted it badly. He found that out quickly too.”

How’s that mam?” Summer asked.

“Without him having a chance, I reached out as I smiled, as I looked into his eyes, and while he was sliding his fingers and hands across my slip and I felt his hard penis, his crotch. It stunned him alright but he immediately loved how it felt. I kept on rubbing the young man’s crotch and erection.”

She unloaded the boat of news. “He was tightening up all over. I could see it in his eyes and face that he wanted me to feel the real thing. I told him that if he felt my actual inner thighs and felt out my actual vagina I’d do what it was he actually wanted me to do. He was nervous and a little scared at first so I pulled up my slip and laid one of his hands against my inner thigh.”

She paused a moment as she took a deep breath of air.

Then Betsy went on to add “He found it, to be conservative if you will, exciting. He was soooo darned aroused, so darned turned on if you will that he instantly took his other hand and placed it inside me and on my other naked leg.”

She paused again as Summer waited.

“That boy went right to it, caressing my thighs, turning me on, and then for the very first time in his life your father began fingering this old woman. Ohhh did he ever like it. And so did it dear. So did I,” she said. “But your father was hornier then ever. I had to do it seeing as he did me a favor. His fingers felt great and I couldn’t wait for that to happen again, which it did, and then I gave him what he wanted.”

“You started to?” Summer began to ask.

“That’s right dear. I unzipped then undid his pants. I took them off too. For me, well dear, I was allowed to jack him off. He let me take his hard, long penis, and honey he allowed me to jack him off. Oooooohh honey, he got soooo excited that I made your daddy cum wildly dear. He came like never before in his life. Was it fun? Ohhhhhhh yes it was a lot of fun.” Summer was shocked.

“And dear, I lifted my hand up afterward, and then get this. I licked off all his cum. I sure did honey. I licked off his cum and swallowed it down. He was so amazed and I knew he felt so good about it too. He was smiling from ear to ear.”

She looked at Summer at told her “Dear, he could not wait to get back here and do it again the very next day. But get this,” she added. “Out of nowhere, he leaned in towards me. Your daddy, well he kissed me right on my lips.”

“My daddy did that?” Summer said in a surprised tone of voice.

Betsy said yes.

Then Summer asked “Maybe I should come back tomorrow night. Maybe I should tell you my story about him. Let me think about it though, okay? I have a wild story or two I could tell you.”

Betsy openly said “That sounds great dear. I can’t wait.”

Summer went home, called Tyler, and told him to come over. She had a story to tell him.

They sat there, on her couch, and slowly their clothes came off. That is except for her bra and panties but holding her, in Tyler’s opinion, was as exciting as anything he thought. She then proceeded to tell her stories about her and her father and she told him everything that night.

Published 13 years ago

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