Another Mistake

"Paul earns another spanking and caning this time at the school, and his daughter earns the same."

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Paul was nervous as he walked into the school and along the corridor to Miss Foster’s office. He wasn’t sure why she had sent him a note requesting that he attend her study at exactly 4 pm. However, he thought it better to be there and on time. After all, his daughter, Emma, was sixteen and still at the school and Miss Foster was the headmistress.

As he got into the outer office and looked first at the secretary, Miss Myers; he then was totally surprised when he saw Emma sitting on a chair adjacent to Miss Foster’s door, in her school uniform of a green and white check short-sleeved gingham dress, a white belt, and white ankle socks. She looked just as surprised when she saw him.

Miss Myers instructed, “Okay, Mr Jackson, please go and sit on one of the chairs next to Miss Foster’s door. She will be calling you in soon.”

Paul saw the stern look on Miss Myers’ face and decided not to ask her any questions, so instead, he went and sat next to his daughter. As he sat down, he asked, “Are you okay, Emma?”

Miss Myers snapped, “No talking whilst you wait for the headmistress. I will be making a note for her.”

Emma winced as she looked at her dad, knowing what that meant, but both remained obediently silent.

A few moments later and Paul heard what he was sure was the sound of a girl being caned. He heard a swishing sound followed by a thwack and then a gasp. That was repeated not just once but three more times and each time the gasp got noticeably louder.

As he listened to the thwacking sound and gasps it reminded him so clearly of the caning that Miss Foster had given him to avoid Emma getting the cane and several times after that. Was this why he was being asked to attend today? If so, why was Emma there as well? Of course, he did remember that at lunchtime both he and Emma had gone shopping together but it was really urgent to get Emma a dress for her party tomorrow night. He hoped that they hadn’t been seen.

It was just a few minutes later that the door to the study opened and a girl came out, clutching her bottom, and crying. She went up to Miss Myers and was still crying as she said, “Four strokes, Miss.” It was Lizzie, a classmate of Emma’s and also sixteen.

Miss Myers clearly wasn’t sympathetic as she handed the girl a note and said, “Go to the Matron’s office. I will be coming soon and it will be me who will be giving you a spanking as the second part of your punishment.”

The girl replied, “Yes, Miss.” She took the letter and, still rubbing her bottom, quickly left the outer office.

Paul was certainly worried now. Was this a punishment session that he and Emma were now part of? He also thought that if it was to do with going shopping, he would admit that it was his fault again, even if it meant taking a double caning. After all, he did have to admit that whilst it really did hurt, he enjoyed submitting to the very authoritative Miss Foster for the cane and the tongue and finger sex and blowjob that always happened afterwards. He had given himself some huge orgasms when in bed just thinking about it for days afterwards.

Just then the intercom sounded, and Paul heard the dominant voice of Miss Foster order, “Send them both in, Miss Myers.”

Miss Myers glared at Paul and Emma and instructed, “In you both go.”

Paul and Emma glanced at each other but stayed silent as Emma knocked on the door, waited to be told to come in, and then opened the door and they both walked in. Paul closed the door and followed Emma, so they were both standing in front of Miss Foster’s large desk, her noticeably remaining seated and not inviting either of them to sit down.

Miss Foster also made a point of studying some papers for a few moments, knowing that would increase the tension of those waiting, even though one of them was a parent. That never fazed her, though, as even most of the parents were nervous whenever they came to see her.

After a few moments, Miss Foster looked up, glared at Paul and Emma, and said sternly, “You were both seen at the shopping mall at lunchtime. What do you have to say?”

Paul looked at Emma, who was clearly shocked and actually looked like she was about to cry, and then back at Miss Foster and said, “It was my fault, Miss Foster. I made Emma come shopping with me.”

Miss Foster demanded, “What were you buying?”

Paul just didn’t think quickly enough, and in a voice that trailed off he said the truth which was, “A dress for Emma.”

Miss Foster replied, “I’m glad you said that because you were seen in a ladies’ clothes shop.”

Paul felt relieved that he hadn’t lied and then just said, “Sorry, Miss Foster.”

Miss Foster kept a stern look on her face as she glared at Emma and demanded, “You left school without permission. You know what that means, don’t you, girl?”

Paul intervened with, “Can I please explain, Miss Foster?”

Miss Foster replied sternly, “No, you cannot. Girls have been expelled for doing exactly that, and right now I am assessing whether that should be the case here. Any more interruptions from you and you will be making the decision for me.”

Paul knew he mustn’t say anything but certainly had he known that then he wouldn’t have agreed to go shopping with Emma. He knew that it was her request and he could see that it would now be difficult for him to take the blame.

Miss Foster glared at Emma and demanded, “Well, girl? What do you have to say for yourself?”

Emma let out a sob as she replied, “I am really sorry, Miss Foster. Please don’t expel me.”

Miss Foster lay back in her chair as though giving the matter some serious thought. She knew that she wasn’t going to expel Emma, who, after all, was one of the top students and already had her offer for sixth form college accepted. On the other hand, she knew that she had to make an example of the girl or else others would do the same.

She then thought about Paul. She had already caned him, several times, at her home, and so had no qualms about doing that again here in her study, even at the same time as she dealt with Emma.

Miss Foster, therefore, made the decision and glared at both Emma and Paul, saying, “You will both be getting a bare-bottom spanking. You will then both be getting seven strokes of the cane. Six for going shopping and one extra for talking when seated outside my study. Miss Myers has told me about that. All of the strokes will be on the bare bottom. I don’t have anyone else to see after you, and Miss Myers will be going to give Lizzie her spanking and then go home. However, the punishment log will be filled in when she gets in tomorrow, and so, Emma, it will appear on your school record.” After a few moments, she added, “Matron is still here and so I will be asking her to come and spank you, Emma, whilst I spank your father.”

With that, Miss Foster picked up her phone, dialled, and when answered said, “Hello, Matron, can you please come and spank one of the girls for me? I have to deal with her father.”

Matron must have asked a question because Miss Foster said, “I know it’s unusual, Matron, but these are unusual circumstances so I would appreciate it if you will please come to my study.” After a few moments, she added, “Thank you.”

Emma was sniffing back tears as she had never been caned, and, actually, had never been spanked either. However, she could see how this really was her fault and so deserved everything she got. She just felt sorry for her dad for having to be punished like this as well.

Paul, however, knew that his daughter was not aware of the fact that he had previously taken the cane at Miss Foster’s home to stop her from getting the double detention, nor the added benefit of shooting his semen into her mouth. For that reason, he fully intended to keep quiet and just take the punishment Miss Foster decided he was going to get, even if his daughter was watching. After all, there was nothing sexual at all in that because this was pure and simple discipline at the hands of a very strict and authoritative headmistress.

Just a couple of minutes later and Matron walked into the study and closed the door behind herself. When Miss Foster saw her, she said, “Right, Matron, you will be spanking Emma and I will be spanking her father. They will both be going across our laps, and we will be spanking their bare bottoms.”

With that, Miss Foster stood up and came around her desk where there were two visitors’ chairs which she placed apart but facing each other. She motioned to the Matron to sit on one of the chairs and she sat on the other.

Once seated, Miss Foster glared at both Emma and Paul and instructed, “Emma, take your knickers off and pull your dress up above your waist. Mr Jackson, push your trousers and underpants down to your ankles. Both of you will then get across our laps.”

Both Emma and Paul went and stood by the woman who was going to spank them.

Emma was feeling really bad and even said to her father, “Sorry, Dad.” However, as she did, she was already pushing her knickers down to the floor and stepping out of them and putting them on the headmistress’s desk, and then she pulled her dress right up above her waist and tucked it into the belt to prevent it from dropping back down.

Whilst she was doing that, Paul was undoing his trousers and pushing them down to his ankles, catching his underpants on the way, leaving both around his ankles.

Emma and Paul then quickly eased themselves down across the waiting laps. They both realised once across the lap and looking down at the floor that they were placed in such a way that when Emma looked to her side, she only saw her dad’s legs, and he saw Emma’s legs.

Miss Foster put her hand on Paul’s bottom and rubbed in circles and saw that Matron was doing the same to Emma’s bottom. Still rubbing, she said, “Follow my lead, Matron. We will be giving them both a very hard spanking, and I will then be giving them both the cane.”

Matron replied, “No problem, Headmistress,” enjoying rubbing Emma’s bare bottom in circles as she did enjoy giving the girls a good hard spanking, quite often over the raised welts of the cane they had already been given by Miss Foster. However, she enjoyed spanking girls’ bottoms that had not yet been caned too and in fact, she saw that as part of her duties and never held back, making sure that each girl was reduced to crying buckets of tears before she stopped spanking their naughty bare bottoms.

The next moment both Miss Foster and Matron nodded to each other and raised their hands and brought them down with echoing loud spanks on both bare bottoms and proceeded to give both the promised very hard spanking.

Emma was very quickly struggling to cope with the spanking and could not stop herself squirming around on the matron’s lap, gasping as each spank landed, and repeatedly saying, “Sorry, sorry, sorry.” At least, she kept saying it between gasps as each spank continued to land.

Matron always enjoyed it when the girls were clearly struggling to cope, but that only made her spank the girl’s bottom even harder. She always looked on giving a spanking as the need to teach a naughty girl to behave better, and from what she knew about this particular incident she knew that Emma really did need to learn a lesson.

Paul was coping rather better, having already been spanked a few times by Miss Foster at her home. It didn’t mean that he could cope easily, and he knew that it wouldn’t be that long before he would be struggling. However, he still saw it as his responsibility that Emma and he had gone to the shopping mall. He should’ve been stricter with his daughter, and, if he had, she may well have had to wear one of her older dresses for the party but neither of them would be having their bare bottoms spanked right then.

Miss Foster looked across at Matron and saw how she was turning Emma’s bottom a very normal red colour. She had thought about spanking Emma herself, maybe spanking Paul first and then Emma, but this made more sense from a time perspective. So, she continued to nod at Matron confirming that the spanking should continue, which it did do for several more minutes.

Emma had been crying for quite some time and continued crying even after Matron stopped spanking her. As Matron was continuing to rub her bottom, she knew she had to stay where she was, and it gave her time to understand just what a good punishment a spanking was. However, she knew she still had the cane to come, which would probably be an even more effective punishment.

Paul had coped with the spanking far better. He knew his vision was blurred but didn’t think that tears were yet rolling down his face. He didn’t suppose that the same applied to Emma because he could hear she was still crying which again made him tell himself off for not being stronger and telling Emma she had to stay at school and not go shopping.

Miss Foster then ordered, “Okay, both of you, get up off our laps. I will now be giving you both the cane. Put your hands on your heads so you don’t rub your bottoms. That is not permitted until I say so.”

Paul was now used to receiving the cane from Miss Foster and wasn’t so concerned as he pushed himself up and stood up. He knew it was going to hurt but then this was supposed to be a punishment. He knew that Emma had never been caned before, but then she had never been spanked either and as he saw, albeit through his blurred vision, that she was now standing, he supposed that she had coped as well as could be expected with the spanking. Hopefully, she would do the same with the caning.

Emma decided it was a good thing that she was told to put her hands on her head because she reckoned if she didn’t, she would be rubbing her stinging bottom cheeks furiously. As she stood there, though, and realised just how much her bottom was stinging, she got really worried about the cane. Was her dad as worried as she was, she wondered, but she didn’t hear him crying and she was still sobbing, so maybe he was coping far better than she was.

Once Paul and Emma were standing, Miss Foster turned the chairs around slightly so that when Paul and Emma were bent over both would be facing away from the other. They would certainly hear each other yelp, but not see each other’s bare bottoms and the results of the caning.

Once the chairs were in place, Miss Foster ordered, “Both of you, bend over and clasp hold of the seat of the chairs. Legs apart, and tummies lowered so your bottoms are pointed upwards.”

Paul knew exactly what Miss Foster meant, but Emma found the instructions a little bit strange. However, once she had bent over and lowered her tummy, she could see that was how her bottom was now so well presented and ready for the caning.

Miss Foster went to Paul and made sure that his shirt was raised up and wouldn’t drop down and cover his bottom even if he squirmed around. She then went to Emma and saw her belt was keeping the dress secured and well away from her bottom. She then went to the cupboard where her selection of senior hook-ended canes was kept and took one out and walked back towards the two she was about to use the cane on, swishing it as she went. She glanced at Matron and said, “Thank you, Matron. You can now go and check that Lizzie has been dealt with properly.”

Emma was very concerned, of course, having never been caned before. She didn’t actually know whether her dad had been caned, but still supposed that he would be able to deal with it far better than her anyway. Some of her friends had been caned, and she had seen the results of thick red welts painted across their bottoms, and so knew to expect the same for her own bottom.

Having felt the cane rubbed from side to side across her bottom, Emma then realised it wasn’t anymore, heard another swishing sound instantaneously followed by a thwacking sound and the most awful pain immediately cascaded across her bottom. She knew she yelped and possibly shrieked and couldn’t stop herself from standing up and clutching her bottom cheeks.

Next moment Miss Foster snapped, “Get back over the chair, Emma, and now that stroke will not count so I’ll have to give you another first stroke. That will happen every time that you get up before I tell you that you can.”

Emma was distraught but knew she had to obey Miss Foster, as she always did. She found Miss Foster so authoritative and had often imagined herself across her lap being spanked or bent over to be caned, just as was happening today. Those times she always ended up fingering herself to huge orgasms. Right now, she couldn’t see how that could happen what with the horrendous pain, but she certainly knew that she was being disciplined. So, she quickly bent back over and clasped hold of the seat of the chair, telling herself that she mustn’t stand up again. Within just a few moments she heard the swishing sound, thwacking sound, and at the same time felt the cane bite into her bottom again. She yelped or even shrieked and threw her head back with the pain, but she made sure that she didn’t let go of the seat of the chair.

Miss Foster was well aware that she had to deal very firmly with anyone who got up during the caning, and she knew that most of the girls who were caned for the first time did exactly what Emma did. Even so, her job right now was to discipline a naughty girl and she was going to make sure that she did that.

To emphasise the point, she said, “That’s one stroke for you so far, Emma.”

She heard Emma sniff back tears and that told her that she was going to be obedient in future.

Miss Foster then repositioned herself and rubbed the cane across Paul’s bottom, one that she had caned several times already. She pulled her arm back and brought the cane down very firmly and watched as it bit into his bottom. She heard him gasp but didn’t expect any more even though it was a firmer stroke than she had given Emma. Still, he was a grown man and Emma was still a teenager and a schoolgirl, so that was only fair, and she knew how hard she could cane Paul as she had caned him all those times already.

Miss Foster then positioned herself again and tapped the cane on Emma’s bare bottom and saw both painted red welts that had developed. She ignored them and pulled her arm back and bought the cane down once again and got the now-expected yelp. However, she saw that Emma struggled to stay bent over and clasping hold of the seat of the chair, but she did, so that was a lesson well taught.

Miss Foster then proceeded to give alternate strokes to both Paul and Emma, still making sure that the strokes she gave Paul were harder than the ones she gave Emma. Nevertheless, by the time she was ready to give Emma the seventh stroke, but really the eighth, she could see seven very clear red welts painted across her bottom and focused as she landed the eighth. Well, as she got the expected yelp, so she knew that she had finished Emma’s punishment. She then moved across and gave Paul his seventh stroke across his also welted bottom and so his punishment was over as well.

Emma had been crying since the second stroke, or the second first stroke, and had kept crying ever since. Miss Foster had expected that given that her bottom was already going to be sore and stinging from the very hard spanking that Matron had given her. She did treat this as a serious offence, though, particularly as Paul was involved because she wanted to make sure that he didn’t expect any favours given their relationship. She would definitely be having a word with him when he next came to her house for another spanking and caning, in two days’ time, but only after the spanking, caning, tongue and finger sex and the blow job. She even smiled thinking how she loved his warm delicious semen filling her mouth and swallowed it all.

Now that Miss Foster had completed caning them both, she ordered, “Right, you can both get up and sort out your clothes and leave.”

Paul was the first to push himself up and quickly bent down and pulled up his underpants and trousers, wanting to be sure he did that as quickly as he could even though he was pretty sure that Emma’s eyes would still be blurred.

Emma was less concerned about her dad seeing her bare bottom, but as soon as she got up, she pushed her dress down even though she had no knickers on. She then went over to the desk, saw her knickers there, picked them up and quickly stepped into them, straightening out her dress again.

Paul looked towards Miss Foster and said, “Thank you and sorry, Miss Foster.”

Emma followed suit and said, “Thank you for my punishment, and I am very sorry, Miss Foster.”

Miss Foster went and sat behind her desk again and seemed to be writing something and so didn’t even look up as they left.

Once they had left Miss Foster stopped writing, sat back in her chair, eased her fingers inside her knickers, and ran her fingers along her very wet pussy lips. She was picturing how she had spanked and caned Paul and looked forward to doing it again. It didn’t take long to explode in her first orgasm and knew she would be having more before she left to go home.

She also thought about the discussions she had had with Paul, that once Emma had gone to sixth form college, she would move in with them both. She had made it clear she expected Emma to obey her as she knew Paul was away on business a lot and whilst a clever girl, she could be a bit of a teenage problem at times. Paul had said he was okay with that, and now she had watched her spanked by Matron reckoned that was how she would maintain her control over the teenager.

Emma and Paul had got to the car and Emma quickly and earnestly said, “I am so sorry, Dad. It was my fault, and I mustn’t override you again.”

Paul said, “I know that, but we both deserved the spanking and caning really.”

Emma looked thoughtful as she replied, “Maybe, Dad, and actually I could see how being spanked certainly works as a punishment. The cane too, but only at school.”

Paul saw the thoughtful look on Emma’s face and joked, “I bet she would be a very strict mum, but a loving one as well.”

Emma nodded her head, still thinking about Miss Foster spanking her next time, and said, “Yes, Dad, and that would be one very lucky daughter.” Realising what she had said she blushed deeply as she added, “I mean son or daughter, of course, Dad.”

Paul smiled and replied, “Of course, I knew that, Emma,” but thought that just maybe Emma would be up for Miss Foster, as he still loved to call her, coming to live with them and being his wife and Emma’s step-mum. How cool would that be, he told himself, for him and Emma.

Published 2 years ago

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