Feeling his mouth upon mine in a gentle brush like motion, letting me know he is awake and thinking of me.
His fingers gently dance over my plump breasts stopping just to pluck at one nipple before making their way beyond.
His touch now upon my thighs, slowly and gently nudging them apart.
My body aches for those fingers to play with my sweetness.
My hands trail down his body stopping at his manhood and feeling the good morning erection that awaits for me.
We both moan softly with each touch, both wanting more.
I make myself open to him, ready to take me whenever he desires.
Wanting to feel him, he slowly covers my body rubbing his rod over my now hot and very wet pussy.
Slow, gentle, waking my entire body with passion as he slides his cock deep with one slow intense push.
In rhythm with passion we ride the waves
Slow and gently, deep and hard
He whispers what he feels and what he likes, what he wants
Telling me how beautiful I am, telling how I am the one he’s searched for for so long
Both on the edge almost ready to cum when he asks to cum deep within
In a whisper I give him permission knowing what he truly desires
With each stroke he builds up more
Then releases deep in my body the hot lava of his
We lay in each others arms spent from the glorious time of passion
Morning sex, beautiful morning sex
The thought of it brings another tingle for more of what we just had
So we play again only with more intense passion…..until well into the afternoon.