“man seeking woman.” Was I going mad?
I never did a thing like that before,
but suddenly I opened up the door
I’d closed and hung myself out on the line,
my heart flapping in the wind like a sign
someone might see and wonder who’s this guy
reaching out for a woman passing by,
someone curious, also reaching out
like me, unsure, alone, filled with doubt,
yet listening to the urge to say hello
and wander into someone’s life and follow
that whispering where ever it might lead.
It’s strange to write and have a woman read
your words and answer and take a chance
that you and she might meet and find romance
and somehow click and find your history
has brought you to this place, this mystery
that no one can explain of meeting
in this random way and know that beating
in your heart that makes you young again.
It’s strange to have your words returned and then
bit by bit respond and know you’re not alone
with this longing and so you throw a stone
at each other’s window, lifting the shade,
letting in the light, trying not to be afraid,
wondering if you’ll feel regret or that surprise
of loving what you see in each other’s eyes.