Holiday Heat Continues

"Drunk wife gets a little helping hand"

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I noticed, after catching Rob masturbating over my wife, that he had trouble taking his eyes off her. When he thought no one was watching, he would stare at her small, tight bottom and pert breasts. On occasion, I saw him rearrange his cock in his shorts, obviously getting hard looking at her.

As the holiday progressed and we got a little more used to the heat, we started to stay out later at the local bars and restaurants. We had a favourite where we would usually end up at the end of the evening. I didn’t mind the place at all as there was a stunning blonde English waitress working there, the type you couldn’t help but stare at as she was so beautiful. Needless to say Joan didn’t miss me looking at her one night, and a small argument ensued between us. To cut it a bit short, she went to sit by Rob and Claire, leaving me with some of our other friends.

Knowing Joan had no money on her I went to ask her if she wanted a drink. She was still in a right mood and didn’t reply, only to ask Claire if she would accompany her to the toilet (why do women have to go to the toilet in twos?).

When they left, Rob told me that she was really pissed at me because I had a wandering eye. I offered him some money to buy her a few drinks, but he told me to forget it, that he’d get her one if she wanted.

As the night turned into the early hours and we were all quite merry, we made our way back to our apartments.

I could see Joan was a bit the worse for wear and offered to help, to which she replied, “You haven’t bothered all night. Rob can help me just fine.”

Claire then grabbed my hand and said, “OK, leave them to it. Rob will make sure she’s ok. Let’s not spoil a good night by arguing.”

She then started to drag me away shouting behind her, “We’ll get the drinks ready. Hurry up and catch up!”

To which Rob replied, “Carry on, we won’t be far behind you.”

When we got back to the apartment, we realised that we both had the key cards. We looked at each other and laughed, knowing they wouldn’t be able to get in without having to knock.

Claire went to her room to change and I went to use the toilet. When I came out of the bathroom, I couldn’t help but peep through the slightly open door to Claire’s room as I passed. She had her back to me, and had a really nice rounded bottom. I was a bit too late because as I watched, she pulled up a pair of light cotton trousers.

I went out onto the balcony with the drinks and waited for Claire and the others to join me. When Claire joined me outside, I told her that I was a bit worried about the that state Joan was in and that Rob might be struggling to get her back to the apartment on his own.

I then said that I was going to check to and see that they were okay.

As I looked over the open stairway, down the road, there was no sign of them, so I proceeded down the concrete stairs from the apartments.

It’s hard to explain the stairs but I will try, they were very similar to the type of staircases we get here, in the UK in multi-storey car parks. Stairs, platform, stairs, platform etc, with the actual stairs underneath each other and inside the actual frame of the building.

As I neared the ground level I could hear voices, Rob and Joan.

I looked over the edge and could see Rob behind Joan, helping her up the concrete steps, as I was about to go down to help him, I heard Joan say, “Stop it or I’ll tell Claire!”

As I looked over again, I could see Rob behind Joan with his arms under Joan’s and his hands were on her tits, helping her up the steps. She didn’t seem to mind his groping that much and did not put up much of a fight, only to say that and giggle.

As I continued to watch them from above I could see Rob looking about to make sure there was no one else around, and then continued to massage my wife’s tits whilst using his groin to lift and push her up the next step.

When they arrived at the first landing, I watched as he propped her up against the wall, then struggled to turn her around without her sliding down.

I had the same feeling in my stomach as I did when I saw him outside my room with his cock out. I knew that I should go and stop what might happen, but I was also incredibly turned on, wondering what might happen. I chose to wait and see.

As I watched them, he moved his right hand to the front of her shorts while trying to kiss her, but she kept moving her head from side to side. I couldn’t hear what she was saying but whatever it was didn’t stop Rob from planting his lips right on hers. To my horror and surprise she stopped moving her head and started kissing him back. By this time his hand was now rubbing her pussy through her thin cotton shorts.

I stood there watching them, stroking my cock over my trousers, looking around me to make sure there was no one watching me.

As I continued to watch them, Rob unbuttoned her shorts and slid his hand down the front of them to her pussy, I watched as she opened her legs a little as Rob’s hand went to work on her. I could see by the movement of his arm and wrist that he must have his fingers inside her, pushing them in as far as he could.

All of a sudden I heard a door close and I spun around. It wasn’t anyone on my floor, and when I looked back over to Rob and Joan, he had removed his hand and was just propping her up against the wall. I could hear footsteps so decided to retreat to our room, thinking that they would soon follow after almost being caught.

When I got into the apartment, Claire was fast asleep on the balcony. I decided not to disturb her and just wait for Rob and Joan to arrive. I was so anxious that I couldn’t wait and went back to the door to check on their progress. There was no sign of them so I decided to go back down the stairs again as quietly as I could. I found them on the landing, two stories below, in pretty much the same position which I had left them in on the landing below that one.

Rob had his left hand up Joan’s blouse on her right tit and his right hand was down her shorts rubbing for all he was worth. As I watched, I couldn’t help but get my cock out and slowly stroke it.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and I couldn’t believe that I was actually enjoying it. I had never really thought about anything like this happening before and always assumed that I would go mad and beat the crap out of any guy who so much as touched my wife’s hand.

I watched as Rob slowly unbuttoned the front of her shorts. I could now see the top of her white panties. It was only then I noticed Joan’s right hand moving, I couldn’t really see but it was obvious she was rubbing his cock. At that point he turned around to check back down the stairs that I could see. His cock was sticking right out of his trousers, so Joan must have been wanking him off! I couldn’t believe it, but this made me almost explode all over the place, I had to put my cock away before I came everywhere.

Rob started to move slowly back down a few steps, taking Joan with him. He sat her on the top step and looked behind him to make sure there was no one around. Then stepped forward and tried to put his cock in Joan’s mouth. She was having none of it and moved her head quite abruptly to the side.

Rob grabbed her hair and turned her head forward, rubbing his cock head over her lips, trying to push it in to her mouth.

Slowly she opened her mouth and I watched in disbelief as she started to suck on his cock. I watched as he undid his button and lowered his trousers slightly. Then Joan’s hand came up, slowly wanking him as she sucked him off. He then made a mistake. He pushed his hips forward, pushing his cock too far into her mouth and throat. She doesn’t like too much in her mouth and gagged, nearly throwing up.

That was the end of his blow job.

After that she seemed to come to here senses a bit and told Rob, “I can’t believe I let you do that! We’ve got to go now, please?”

As she struggled to get up Rob turned her around so she was facing up the stairs and bending over, he quickly got back behind her and lowered her shorts just below her butt cheeks, as she tried to pull them back up I watched as he moved forward with his cock in his hand.

I knew what was about to happen and really wanted to run down and stop it, but I stood there and watched. My cock had over-ruled my heart and was back in my hand.

I watched as he moved forward with his cock in his hand, sticking straight out in front of him and directly in line with my wife’s tight little pussy. I saw her try to straighten up but he put his hand on her back and pushed her back down. Then I watched as he pulled her delicate white thong out of the way, rubbed his cock up and down her slit.

I heard her murmer, “Oh that feels so nice..”

He then pushed forward and entered my wife.

As Rob entered my wife she let out a loud gasp as if he had pushed all the air out of her lungs. I watched as he slowly started to move his hips back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of my wife, she in turn was pushing back on to his cock.

I think in the excitement she was loving a strange cock inside her, as up untill now she had only had mine (as far as I am aware anyway.)

In an instant she was moaning and panting quite loudly, saying, “Please stop! Oh God! Please Stop! No! I can’t do this, please stop! Take it out!”

By now Rob was pumping slowly away inside my wife. I knew his cock was smaller than mine so she wasn’t in pain, so it must be guilt making her say those things.

I watched as Rob thrust harder and harder inside her and wondered how much longer he would last. Then I had a horrible thought, was he going to cum inside her?

As soon as I thought this, my cock started to spew out cum all over the concrete floor and even over the edge of the landing.

Just then I heard Joan.

“Don’t cum, don’t cum up me! Please pull it out, don’t you dare spunk up inside me!”

I had never heard Joan use that word before, she hated it. Usually it was cum, sperm or man juice, but never spunk.

As she was saying it I could hear Rob grunt as he started to cum. He pulled out and I saw a stream of cum shoot from his cock over Joan’s arse-crack and bum. She quickly stood up as Rob continued to wank his cock, stream after stream of cum shot from his cock over the concrete stairs. I couldn’t believe how much he could cum.

As he put his cock back in his pants and did his trousers up, he said to Joan, “I don’t think I quite pulled out in time…”

To which Joan replied, “I fucking know! I felt your spunk shoot right inside me. I told you not to cum, you bastard!”

As I listened, she pulled her shorts back up and had totally forgotten about the large spurt of cum he did over her bum and crack and quickly tidied herself up a bit. Rob was wiping the remaining cum of his cock with a tissue.

As they started back up the stairs, Rob still had to help Joan, the quick fuck on the stairs hadn’t sobered her up one bit.

I heard Rob telling her, “That was the best shag I’ve had in years. You were so hot and tight!”

Joan didn’t reply.

I quickly returned to our room and went to the toilet to clean up. I still had my own cum all over my hand.

I heard them coming in and finished up in the toilet. As I came out Joan was going into our bedroom. I apologised for earlier and she also apologised.

When I asked where Rob was, she was a bit taken aback and asked, “Why?”

I said, “Well he did help you back, didn’t he?”

She replied, “Yes, he’s waking Joan up to go to bed.”

I watched as she stumbled about the room trying to undress. I offered to help, but she got quite offended about it. I’m sure she must have thought I’d be able to tell what she had just done if I got too close.

But that’s for the next instalment.

Published 13 years ago

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