I shouldn’t be doing this. I mean, I’ve only spoken to you once. That day. The day you moved in across the hall. The first thing I saw was your bum. You were bending over, placing the box down as you delved in your bag for your keys. For all I know I could have been drooling like the bulldog in those old Tom and Jerry cartoons when you turned around. What a bum; round, firm, tight…what’s the word? Pert! Yes that’s it, pert. But when you turned around two more local attractions hoved into view. I was torn. I felt a little cheated. I wanted to get a longer look at your ass. I wanted to let my eyes linger. Unobserved. Without interruption. Maybe drool some more.
But now your tits had broken my concentration. They were spectacular. Embarrassingly spectacular, actually. Embarrassing, because they had a gravitational pull like the sun – two suns – inexorably drawing my eyes to them. I couldn’t look away even if I had wanted to: Which I didn’t. For a fleeting instant I wondered if you actually had a face at all. And then I wondered if I will ever be able to wrench my eyes away from the outline of your nipples peeking through that oh-so-tight t shirt long enough to see your face. But I did manage to. The hypnotic spell was broken by that single, glorious word.
So reluctantly my eyes had risen to meet yours. Sheepish. Guilty. I had been staring. I could see you knew. Your eyes, when I finally met your amused gaze, yelled “busted”. It was a fair cop!
So here I am. Outside your door. A man with absolutely no plan at all. Cup of sugar? Too obvious. A teabag? Too easily misconstrued, given modern street parlance. Fuck. I am 18 inches from your door and I still don’t know what to say. Should I be straight? Let’s try that:
“Danielle, I really fancy you. Would you like to have coffee with me sometime?”
Yes, that’s it!
I’ve wanted to knock so many times, but simply bottled out. Coffee? What am I thinking, for goodness sake? No. No, it isn’t going to fly. You’re just so gorgeous. You will have heard every line. Every cheesy line in the book.
An egg! Yes! Let’s try that; it’s original – sort of.
“Hi, neighbour; could you lend me an egg please? I have run out”.
Hard knock or soft? Don’t want to sound like a wimp. Girls don’t like wimps. Hard and confident then. No. That will make it sound like a drugs bust!
Here goes. Deep breath. Knuckles. Rat tat tat.
WHAT AM I DOING?? Heart pounding. Shit! She doesn’t fancy me. Why would she? She doesn’t know I even exist.
Run, Forrest, Run! Three long strides, keys in the latch, door open, ease it closed behind me. Quietly.
She probably didn’t hear anyway. Yes, probably in the shower and didn’t hear. No harm done. Still, I might just press my eye against the peep hole just to be….
Oh, she was in the shower alright. And now she is standing in her doorway wearing a towel. Just a towel. Sweet mother of God. Just a towel. Not a big towel at that, either. Now she is stepping into the hall. Looking down the corridor towards the stairs. Danielle! Look behind
you; Mind out for your…
The unmistakeable sound of heavy door sliding snuggly into its wooden frame and the ominous metallic click of lock on lever.
What have I done?!
She is looking up and down the corridor, pushing hopefully against her door. But she heard it as well as I did. She knows. I know.
No, no, NOOOO!
The padding of her feet on the carpet as she walks to my door. She knows it was me!!!! How does she know?!? What am I going to say? I am an idiot.
Gentle tapping. Urgent.
I have to wait a beat. Or she will know I am standing on the other side of the door. Spying. Like a pervert. Wait. Wait. And…
“Hi….err..Danielle, isn’t it?”
Eyes, man; look in her eyes, not at those barely covered tits. Bulging, full, luscious….
Eyes! Ooops. She saw me checking her out. But is that mild panic I see in them?
“Locked yourself out, you say? Ha ha. Yes. Very easily done. Come in. Please”.
Thank you God!
“Go on through”
Ohhhh. Mustn’t dribble like Homer Simpson with a donut, but…. What. An. Ass! And legs! Bloody hell. Brilliant plan, getting her over here like this. I am a genius.
“My phone is there, Danielle. On the coffee table. Behind the laptop. Try the Qype app; good for local tradesmen”.
Don’t turn around. For fucks sake, don’t. Please. I just know I will stare at your tits. And drool probably.
“Thanks, yes! I am happy with the way the flat turned out”.
God, she’s beautiful. So natural. Even with wet hair dripping down her shoulders. I could watch those droplets tracking down her back all day. Actually I couldn’t. I would want to lick them up, each and every droplet, my tongue tracing their path down below her towel and…
“Excellent news! Just half an hour. Wow. Great service!”
Damn you, Qype! Only half an hour?!?! What’s that about? The blonde bombshell in my flat and you say half an hour. Thanks for that!
“How about a coffee while we wait? Great. The kettle has just boiled. Make yourself at home”.
I should offer you a robe. Or a tee shirt. Who am I kidding? I could offer you my wetsuit and I would still be horny. So no. Not unless you ask.
“Milk and sugar in your coffee? Here you go”.
Oh thank you, God! Now I believe.
“Let me Danielle. Err….hold your coffee, that is. How embarrassing. I don’t know where to look. Really. Sorry to stare Should I shut my eyes, or…”
Part of me is glad you have turned away to hide. Coy – I like that. But I want to touch you. I am going to touch you. Putting my arms around you gently from behind, my hand stroking your stomach. I don’t know whether to go up or down. Up. Definitely up first. You must be able to feel the bulge pressing into you. It’s hardly the Princess and the Pea…more like the Princess and the Marrow.
My God they are so firm and heavy. Just a little squeeze. But I mustn’t. Not without you giving me a sign. Oops. I just did. What was I thinking?!?
“Danielle. I am so sorry. I just …I don’t know what came over me. Seeing you like that…I don’t know what to say. Sorry. So Sorry”.
But why she isn’t putting towel back on. Sitting there, bold as brass, drinking her coffee. Naked.
“Danielle. What I just did… Obviously it was totally inappropriate. But could I…you know…touch them? Your breasts. Please? They look so perfect”.
“I understand. No really. Just seeing you sitting there. Like that. Naked, I mean. You are making me feel so horny”.
Ooohhh. That seems to have done the trick. Her nipples have just gone like little bullets. And I saw her check out my cock. She did! There! She looked again!
What’s that? Just touch? Now you’re talking. Oh they are lovely. Heavy too. Flawless skin. And you want to see my cock? Hell yes! Fuck. Can’t get my shorts off fast enough. Fumbling, stumbling. Pesky buttons. Can’t believe this is happening.
“Thanks Danielle, though I’ve never really thought of it as particularly big. I am glad you like it”.
Now, I wonder now that she has seen it, whether she will let me put it in her?!?
“Touch it, Danielle? Oh, I hoped you would!”
Oh my. Your hand looks quite small around my cock. But you have lovely soft, warm hands. This certainly isn’t the first cock you have stroked. Damn, that feels amazing. Why, oh why didn’t I jerk off this morning? Shit, I am not going to last a minute. Maybe less. This could be embarrassing.
“Danielle could I give your nipples a little kiss? They look so hard and sensitive and I have never got to play with tits as perfect as yours. Really? Thank you”.
Mmmmmh . I love sucking on nipples when they are this hard. Sucking and licking, pulling them and squeezing them. Yours are perfect. Just perfect. You must be liking what I am doing because you are sliding your finger between your legs. That is so totally hot. Shit, I think I actually stopped sucking your nipple to watch you do that. Zoned out there for a minute. Back to the licking and sucking. Your hand around my cock feels amazing. I want to do this for hours. Wonder if you mind me pushing my face between them. Devouring them. Mmmmmh. Sucking your nipples hard.
Your hand stroking me is heavenly. You even managed to tease out a little precum already. Shit, I am going to cum really quickly if you keep this up.
“What, sit down here? Like this? Make me cum? Oh God, Danielle, that would be……amazing”
What is she going to do? Jerk me off? Suck me? Fuck, my cock just spasmed! A tit wank? Oh my.
Just watching her dribble saliva on the tip of my cock makes me want to cum. I don’t think it is legal to be that sexy. It’s certainly immoral. Squeezing her tits around me. Slippery heaven. If I don’t close my eyes I will cum straight away. But I can’t close them. She’s bloody well hypnotised me! This isn’t really happening. I’m going to wake up on stage at the Derren Brown show in a minute, cum stains in my trousers. Things like this don’t happen in real life. Not to regular blokes like me at any rate.
Oh my. My cock disappearing and reappearing. Her tits bouncing. She’s smiling up at me and tit fucking me.
“What? Ooooh Danielle; It would be soooooo sexy if you did that. I want to watch you lick that precum off…….Oooooooohh”
I wonder if she knows how naughty that looks? Licking the head of my cock like that, and looking up at me while she does it. And now back between her boobs. Squishy delight. I really want to hold her tits and squeeze them while she bounces.
Oh, hello! No sooner do I cup her tits than she is fingering herself. That is such a turn on. Too much of a turn on, actually. And now you’re stroking my shaft again, too. NOT HELPING!
“Danielle. I am sorry. What you are doing…all of this…it’s so sexy….if you don’t slow down I am going to cum. What? Between your tits? Seriously? I would fucking LOVE that”
Oh yes. Oh fuck yes. Yes, like that. Just like that. Panting.
“Here I come, Danielle, here I come”.
“Danielle. That was. I can’t. You were. FUCK! No babe…not the towel; You look so gorgeous covered in my cum. I have a better idea! But first I have a confession. Oh nothing really bad…it’s just about the knock on your door…”