She’d knocked the remote for the camera off the bed during her throes of passion, but fortunately, the guy on the other end of the connection wasn’t asking for any special views. He seemed as content to watch her in the afterglow of her climax as she was to enjoy it. Her vibe lay next to her hip, still slick with her juices. She’d barely found the presence of mind to turn it off.
It was the first time she’d gotten off in a couple of days, and she didn’t know how much she needed it until her body went ballistic on her. Whoever Billy69 was, he knew how to turn a woman on with text.
Allie glanced at her computer screen to make sure she wasn’t out of view of the cam. She chuckled, still amused by how ridiculous she looked in post-orgasmic bliss, despite having seen it countless times now.
Her long, sandy-blonde hair was disheveled from thrashing her head about. Even in the small video window, she could see the creamy wetness dripping from her still-quivering pussy. Her face, chest, and breasts were rosy with color, matching the warmth she felt.
“did u cum?” Billy typed. It was a sharp contrast to the perfection of his typing when he was telling the fantasy story that got her so hot and bothered.
“What do you think?” She answered, and then laughed. While she had to make due with text, he could hear her through the chat site’s audio. “Yes – hard.”
“me2. Ur great.”
“Thank you,” she responded, and then blew him a kiss. A final shiver from her orgasm rippled through her, drawing out a moan. She found the energy to sit up and retrieve her remote, expecting him to leave the show any second, now that he’d come.
To her surprise, he didn’t say his goodbyes. Instead, he typed, “Jus a min. Still shaking.”
“Mmm – good. I love knowing that you were stroking your cock and shooting your cum for me.” She parted her legs and zoomed the camera in. Creamy juices decorated her folds, and glistened in the patch of hair she left unshaven on her mound. “Look what you did to me,” she said with a laugh, before zooming back out.
His typing improved a little, which she assumed meant that he was beginning to recover. “Are you married?”
Allie was more than happy to talk. She’d just had a wonderful orgasm, and she was getting paid for every minute he stayed in the private show. “Divorced.”
“Nope. I know; that makes my screen name a lie.”
“You’re still a MILF to me, MILFallie. Your boyfriend is lucky as hell.”
“No boyfriend, either.”
“Wow. Hard to believe.”
“Not at all. You’re fun to talk to, and you have the most awesome body.”
“Used to be better. My boobs are going all saggy.” She hefted the pendulous globes for emphasis, tweaking her still-hard, dark pink nipples for good measure.
“They’re not saggy, especially for natural Ds. Love that you’re a real woman, and not all silicone and ribs like the other girls.”
Allie had quickly discovered that what he was talking about was exactly her appeal, and why she did so well as a camgirl. She was different from the norm, and seemed more attainable to the guys that wandered into her chat.
“Going to have to go soon. You want to get dressed again, before you go back to free chat?”
“Thank you, baby. I think I’ll just give everyone a peek of what they’re missing and sign off for the day, though.”
“Okay, hope to see you soon.”
“Mmm – me too.”
She blew him another kiss, and then waved. A few seconds later, the screen showed that she was back in free chat.
“Billy made me come hard,” she said to the room. “I’m signing off for the day, but I’ll be back tomorrow.” She ignored the barrage of people complimenting her fully nude body, something not often seen in free chat, offered a wave, and closed down the connection. She knew that the little peek would bring a lot of those guys back again, and some of them would want more in private.
Still feeling too languid to even bother putting on her panties, Allie checked her stats for the week. She broke out into a wide smile when she saw a total of almost $600.
Six months ago, she was on the verge of losing the house, which she’d ended up with in the divorce. The prospect of having to start all over again at thirty-eight years old was far from welcome. Her job as a night shift nurse just wasn’t enough to pay for everything alone. A cryptic classified ad touting Big $$$ – work at home! had enticed her to follow the link to the website.
She wished that someone had been there to take a picture of her face when she found out what the work was. Her chin must have been on the desk, and her face as red as a stop sign. On the verge of closing the browser in embarrassment, she noticed the pay scale.
$1.25 per minute caught her attention.
It took a couple of days for fear of losing her house to bring her back to the website, and even then she’d hesitated. She’d clicked the contact link for more information, and a quick, personal reply surprised her. Rob, the man in charge of recruitment, was personable, and forthright. After several emails, she found that she had screwed up the courage to give it a try.
The first night on chat was daunting. She was hardly ashamed of her body, but she’d seen the competition, and thought she was wasting her time. Much to her surprise, the room had filled up quickly, and her first private show had come in within the hour.
Now, she was in no danger of losing the house, just for taking her clothes off – and occasionally getting off – from the comfort of her bedroom. She even had money to spare.
Allie started, realizing that she was drifting off to sleep, her thoughts half a dream. She saw a comment left on her profile, and went to check it. It was from Billy, and almost embarrassing in how he raved about her private show. She knew it was going to be good for business.
She also had messages, and one in particular caught her eye. He was a regular in chat, although he’d only gone private with her once. She clicked on the message and let out a squeal of delight.
VandalHeart had promised to send her a naughty pic, and he’d delivered. Allie licked her lips, her eyes drinking in the sight of his erect cock. It was thick, at least 8 inches, shaven, and looked absolutely delicious. He’d obviously underplayed his assets in their numerous chats and emails. He was also holding a little sign next to it that said All Allie’s.
Lack of sleep and the energy she’d expended in her orgasm finally caught up with her, so she just sent a quick reply. “Oh my god! Gorgeous! So tired, but more later. Kisses wherever you want them. Narf!”
The last was a running joke between them about their shared love of Pinky and the Brain, which had come up after the private show. He was the first to actually get her off on cam, and always held a special place in her heart.
As soon as the message sent, she saw yet another interesting one had just arrived in her inbox, with Billy’s screen name. Much to her delight, he’d taken a picture right after closing down the show. His half-hard cock looked almost as delightful as Vandal’s, and she could see a bit of his abdomen, which showed some muscle. Both were covered in the spatters of cum that she’d caused with her show.
Again, she sent a quick reply. “Nummies! Wish I was there to clean up for you. Hope to see you again. You were wonderful.”
Finding it hard to keep her eyes open, and with a shift at the hospital looming all too soon, she shut down the computer, changed the sticky sheets, and fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.
Two days later, Allie breathed a sigh of relief as she walked in her back door. She had the next night off, which meant that tonight would be one of her longer, and more profitable days on cam.
She wore only a robe, and carried her digital cam, which was mounted on a tripod. After weeks of thinking about it, she’d taken the plunge and shot some nude pics in her back yard. Though thick woods surrounded the house, she’d still felt as though the whole world was watching her every time she set up the camera, dropped her robe to the ground, and hurried – breasts bouncing – to whatever place she’d chosen to take a picture.
Once she downloaded the pics to her computer, she found that almost all of them had turned out great. She might not be a willowy wood nymph, but she didn’t think any of her fans would care once the pics showed up on her website in a short while. She especially liked the whimsical one of her sitting on the fountain with the bubble of water popping up between her legs.
Eager to see the reactions of her fans, she brought up the web browser to upload them before going on cam for the day. When the connection timed out, her brow furrowed, and she tried again.
Unable to connect.
Allie hurried to her television and turned it on. To her relief, it came on without any trouble. That meant that the cable wasn’t out. She had no more luck connecting to the internet when she returned to her desk, though.
She picked up the phone with a sigh, expecting that she would end up losing sleep as well as money. She lived right on the fringes of the area the cable company serviced, so they weren’t likely to consider her a priority. Every time she’d had someone out to work on the cable, the company had given her an hour span of half the day that she had to sit and wait.
Lady luck must have been smiling on her, because one of the techs was in the area, at a neighbor’s house. The rep said that a cancellation left him an open slot, and she would send him over as soon as he finished with the current job.
Allie hurried to put on clothes, and to unhook the cam equipment from her computer. Unless the tech really went digging into the computer, he wouldn’t find any evidence of her work as a camgirl. She planned on being nearby, to ensure that he didn’t do any unnecessary digging.
The doorbell rang twenty minutes later, and she could see the cable company van parked in the driveway as she walked to the door. When she answered it, she got quite a surprise.
Fantasies instantly flittered through her mind as she drank in the sight of the hunky cable man. She guessed that he was in his mid twenties, and filled out his uniform in the most interesting ways. She was so engrossed in drinking in every detail of him that she didn’t notice the slight widening of his eyes.
Before she made too much of a spectacle of herself, Allie said, “Thank heavens. I think I would have gone crazy without internet. The computer is back in the bedroom.”
“I’ll get you back up and running. I’m Steve,” he said with a smile, and stepped inside when she gestured for him to come in.
After just a couple of minutes, he’d determined the problem. “The modem is fried. I have another one out in the van. It’s going to be fifty bucks. I can just have them add the cost to your bill, or you can send a check back with me.”
“Just add it to the bill,” Allie answered. She didn’t like laying out the money, and could probably get one cheaper if she hunted around, but that would mean waiting.
“Be right back. Should have you up in a couple of minutes.”
Allie licked her lips as he walked out of the bedroom, giving her a fine view of his perfect butt. She knew that she was going to have some imagination fuel to look sexy on cam today.
As promised, her internet was back up a couple of minutes later. “Thank you,” she said, though she was half-tempted to invent some issue with her television to keep him there a little bit longer.
“No problem, Allie,” he said, and then winced.
She gasped, realizing what the slip meant. Her bills all had her listed under her full name, Allison, and she didn’t use the nickname anywhere but on cam. Her face burned as she realized that he knew her from the website.
“Sorry, I wasn’t going to say anything,” he interjected.
Allie chuckled nervously, and covered her face with her hands for a second. “It’s… It’s okay. I’ve just never been recognized… Oh god.”
“I won’t say anything,” he assured her. “Can’t believe I actually got the chance to meet you in person. I can die happy now.” He stood up and grabbed his tool bag. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, so I’ll get out of here.”
A million questions – and worries – flooded through her head. One question kept nagging at her, and the temptation to ask it was about to overwhelm any fears she had. The ring of his cellphone answered the question before she could ask it, though. She doubted that anyone else would have the Pinky and the Brain theme song for a ring tone.
Again, she gasped, and asked, “Vandal?” Her eyes almost immediately darted down between his legs, the pic he’d sent her replacing the reality of his uniform pants.
“Yeah,” he answered. “So, you liked the pic, huh?”
Already attracted to him from the moment that she’d opened the door, knowing who he was – and what was hiding beneath his pants – sent her body into overdrive. Before she could even consider what she was hinting at, she said, “So, do you usually finish a service call this quick?”
He smiled, and answered, “It depends. Sometimes it can take an hour or more to track down a problem.”
“So, it wouldn’t be unusual for you to be here for a while?” She stepped a little closer, her eyes locked with his and burning with desire.
“Nope,” he answered, his expression one of both disbelief and excitement.
She dropped any pretense of simple flirting at that point, and brushed her fingertips over his crotch. He was obviously hard, and groaned from her touch. A second later, they were engaged in a hungry, tongue-wrangling kiss, hands roaming each other’s bodies.
As she unhooked his belt, he tugged her blouse free of her pants. She immediately lifted her arms, allowing him to pull it off. He started kissing the upper swell of her breasts almost before the top dropped to the floor.
Allie moaned and caressed his erection through his pants.
“Oh god yes,” she breathed as he took one of her stiff nipples between his lips.
He pulled her skirt past her hips and let it slide down her legs while she mussed his hair and moaned under the ministrations of his lips and tongue. Now clad in only a pair of panties that she knew would be damp soon, she whispered into his ear, “I want to see you.”
After a few more caresses of his lips, he released her right nipple, and removed his blue uniform shirt.
“Oh,” Allie exclaimed upon seeing his ripped torso. She traced the deep lines of definition in his chest with her fingers while he stepped on the heels of his shoes to remove them. Her eyes dropped down as he went to work on his pants, and a jolt shot up her spine when he pulled them down to reveal the silhouette of his manhood beneath a pair of green boxer briefs.
While he was still trying to step out of his pants, she tugged down his underwear, allowing his cock to spring free. If anything, it was even more gorgeous than the picture. The erect organ twitched, bouncing against his stomach.
Steve managed to free his legs from his pants, and pushed his underwear down past his knees to remove them as well. Allie took a step back, toward the bed, and slowly – sensually – pulled down the last bit of cloth covering her body. He squeezed his throbbing cock as the cotton pooled at her feet, and followed her when she sat down on the bed to kick the panties away.
“Lie down,” she told him while scooting toward the center of the bed.
As soon as his back settled on the mattress, Allie cat-crawled over to him, perpendicular to his body, and swirled her tongue over the helmet of his cock.
He let out a loud groan, and revealed that he had other ideas. He grabbed her knee and pulled it toward him. After a couple more tugs, she realized what he wanted, and moved to straddle his face.
Allie squealed when he grabbed her buttocks and pulled her down to his face. His tongue danced over her folds, making her shiver as she lapped his long shaft, wetting it in preparation for things to come.
He was certainly not new to tonguing a woman’s folds, and Allie found it hard to concentrate for the first several seconds. He held her tight against his face, his muscular arms ensuring that she would have a difficult time wriggling away. The hard organ below finally captured enough of her attention for her to stand it up, and take it in.
His thick shaft stretched her lips, and strained her jaw as her mouth slid down over him. Flavor filled her mouth when a drop of pre-cum oozed from his tip just as she sucked back up to the purple helmet. She’d never been with a man so big, and the thought of that combined with his relentless tongue to make her tremble.
Forced practice with her vibrators had lessened Allie’s gag reflex over the last few months, and she took advantage of it. She swallowed his cock, taking it deeper than she’d ever attempted before. The head just tickled her throat, causing her to let out a slight cough. She closed her lips around him again immediately afterward, and sucked her way back to the tip once more.
He slipped free of her lips then, because she squealed from his tongue flicking her clit at a furious pace. She engulfed him again after catching her breath, but could do little more than tease him with her mouth. He was simply making it impossible to think in light of the intense pleasure he was giving her.
Steve sucked her folds, probed her with his tongue, and made her whimper with constant, perfectly timed attention to her clit. Allie surrendered to the inevitable, and gave up on trying to attend to him. He didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
Pressure swelled in her depths, feeling tighter by the second. Her pussy tingled constantly, causing her to break out in goose bumps. She’d never – ever – soared toward her heights so quickly before. In a little over a minute, she was on the cusp of an eruption.
“Oh – oh, god. D-don’t stop. Oh yes. Right there. I’m gonna come.”
He growled beneath her, and gripped her butt even tighter. Allie screamed when he sucked her hood, clit, and a generous amount of her pink folds between his lips. The tip of his tongue rolled her clit faster than she thought was humanly possible. Every muscle in her body tightened, temporarily numbing the intense flame of approaching orgasm within her.
Like a thunderclap, it hit her. The tightly coiled energy inside her exploded to every inch of her body. She screamed, though she could barely hear the ear-piercing sound over the pounding of her heart in her ears. Her arms, which were as rigid as steel beams only a moment before, turned to jelly. She fell atop his body – his cock pressed against her cheek – and screamed again when a second wave of ecstasy shot through her, just as strong as the first.
Steve didn’t give her any quarter. He held her in place, his merciless tongue keeping her coming. Her screams turned to almost pained whimpers, and she gasped desperately for breath. She couldn’t have possibly counted the number of multiple orgasms that rocked her, and she was still coming even when the sound of her ragged breathing prompted him to release her.
Once the slightest coherent thought formed in her brain, Allie rolled off him onto her back. Her clit still throbbed, and she twitched uncontrollably from an orgasm more intense than anything she’d ever imagined. His hand caressed her cheek, and she heard him say, “You taste even sweeter than I imagined,” though it sounded to her as if he were speaking from inside a sealed barrel.
It took several minutes for her to catch her breath, and even longer to open her eyes. When she did force her eyes open, she found him sitting next to her, admiring her flushed body. His face was wet with her juices, drops even decorating his cheeks. He pulled her wetness to his lips, savoring the flavor of her.
“W-wow,” she managed to say, and punctuated it with a weak, sensual chuckle.
“Was it really good?” He asked as he continued to wipe her juices from his face.
“Best ever,” she answered.
A wide smile spread across his face. “Seriously?”
“Uh huh.” A final ripple of ecstasy spread out from between her legs, out to the tip of her toes and the top of her head. It then returned, and centered in her sex, causing her to curl up with a loud, satisfied moan.
“Do you need some water?”
Allie nodded her head, impressed that he’d picked up on her swallowing and licking her lips as an indication that she was parched. Her body quaked when he slid off the bed and walked to the kitchen, his tight naked butt and bouncing cock displayed so beautifully for her.
After draining half of the bottle of water, she finally recovered enough to look at him without shivering – too much, anyway. His cock called to her, still rock-hard and ready. An aching void deep inside her demanded attention.
Again, Steve seemed to be able to read her like a book. He rose up to his knees and moved in front of her. She parted her legs, her eyes locked on his big cock, and moaned when he pressed it against her folds.
She panted as he wetted his tip, and then looked up into his eyes to nod, sensing that he was waiting for permission.
Allie yelped when the bulbous head slipped between her folds and popped inside her. “Ohmigod!” she exclaimed, his cock feeling as big as a baseball bat trying to enter her. “Easy. Oh. Oh. So big.”
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he groaned, and then pushed a little harder.
A growl rumbled from her throat as another inch of him invaded her. She felt little twinges of pain, but it was nothing compared to the ache inside her. With torturous slowness, he filled her like she’d never been filled before. When his smooth-shaven balls settled against her ass, she let out a long, warbling groan.
“Your pussy feels so good,” he said, twitching his muscles to make his cock jump inside her.
“I love your cock,” she breathed, her walls squeezing him so tight that she could feel every contour and vein. “Please. Do it. Fuck me.”
Both of them groaned as he pulled back to thrust again. She let out a sharp, high-pitched moan when his tip pushed back into her depths once more. He stroked her slowly, subtle shifts in his position causing him to enter her at a different angle with every thrust. Allie moaned and gasped, her canal relaxing a little to accommodate him.
As the resistance lessened, he picked up the pace. It dawned on her that she hadn’t told him to put on a condom. She knew that she should make him stop and do so, but couldn’t bear the thought of having to wait even a second to have him back inside her. “Don’t come inside me,” she told him.
He nodded and responded, “Okay.”
The pace and strength of his thrusts continued to rise, still stretching Allie to her limits. He varied his stance even more every few strokes, seemingly determined to give every centimeter of her equal attention. Allie could feel the first tickles of building ecstasy inside her, and reached down to help it along.
“I love watching you do that,” Steve said as she rubbed her clit.
“I love you watching me. Mmm – but it’s even better to have you fucking me.”
Steve smiled and let out a growling chuckle. His fingers tightened on her thighs, and he thrust into her hard.
Allie screamed, a chill flooding her body and her breasts jiggling from the power of his thrust. “Faster. Harder. Do it.”
He did exactly that, his face tightening as his own pleasure mounted. She matched his ardor with her fingers, increasing the pressure on her clit. The itch inside her grew sharp. She knew that she was going to come hard – and soon.
Steve’s face turned red, he clenched his teeth, and growled every time he slammed his cock home into her depths. Some small part of her recognized that he was on the verge of an eruption, but she was too close to care. “About to come! Oh fuck me!” She cried out.
Once again, her climax took her by surprise. One moment it was swelling, and then the bubble burst. Her fingers froze over her clit, pushing hard against the swollen bud. Her back arched up from the bed, and her mouth dropped open in a silent scream. Spots danced before her eyes before the scream trapped in her throat managed to escape, allowing her to suck in a noisy breath, only to cry out again moments later.
Steve paused, holding her tight up against him, his cock buried inside her and throbbing. His breath came in hard, rapid bursts, which she could hear even over her cries and her own heavy breathing. A jolt of orgasmic energy passed through her body, centering painfully in her nipples. Allie pinched the hard nubs, her head lashing back and forth from the ecstasy permeating her.
As before, multiple orgasms took hold of her. Every throb of his big cock inside her sent her streaking to the heights of pleasure again. The chain continued for what felt like an eternity, and then settled into a warm glow. She let out a long, languid moan, and lifted her head so that she could see his cock stretching her pussy.
When she let her head fall back to the bed, she asked, “Did you..?”
“No, but that was too close. You’re incredible when you come.”
“I love the way you make me come,” she countered. She was hardly sure that she was ready, but she couldn’t wait any longer. “Give it to me. Fuck me and come all over me.”
“Oh yeah,” he groaned, and his hips went into motion again.
Allie knew that she hadn’t quite recovered enough with his very first thrust. Pain-tinged bolts of leftover bliss ripped through her, causing her to cry out. Steve didn’t hold back, giving her all of his passion with every hard thrust. Were it not for him holding her in place, she knew that she would have slid forward every time he pounded into her depths. Her breasts quivered so violently that she had to hold them in place. “Give it to me! Come for me!”
With a loud growl, he whipped his cock free of her clinging sheathe, making her cry out from the sudden rush of cool air into her gaped pussy. He slapped his slick cock against her mound and pressed down with one hand. He didn’t even have to stroke it. With a sharp groan, he erupted into orgasm.
“Oh yeah. Uh huh,” Allie exclaimed as his cock pulsed, spurting thick streams of cum all the way up to her breasts. Two more hard streams of his hot cum shot forth to decorate her chest, followed by a few weaker spatters. He hung his head, groaning and panting for breath. His weight pressed against her legs, evidence that he barely had the strength to remain upright.
“Oh my,” she breathed as she lifted her head to look at all the cream decorating her body. “Do you think you could get my camera off the dresser?”
He could only manage a weak groan at first, but after a few heavy breaths, he nodded. He gasped when he moved his hand from his cock, and then sat back on his ass to swing his legs over the edge of the bed. On weak knees, he retrieved the camera.
“Take some pictures for the website. I get all kinds of people saying that they want pics of me covered in cum.”
Steve grinned, his eyelids looking heavy, and raised the camera. He snapped several pictures, including one of her licking his cum from her right nipple. After that picture, the clock on the nightstand caught his eye.
“Oh shit, I’ve got to get to my next call,” he said, realization of the time burning through the post-orgasmic fog in his head.
“Go ahead. I understand,” Allie told him, and tugged a corner of the sheet free from the bed to clean up with. He didn’t bother, instead pulling on his underwear over his half-hard, pussy-slick cock as soon as he found them.
Once she’d somewhat reluctantly wiped away all his cum, she leaned over the edge of the bed to help him retrieve his clothing. When he was dressed, she said, “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” he said as well. “Even if I would tell the guys in chat, they’d never believe me.”
“Tell them, and I’ll tell them how good you were,” Allie purred, before moving in for a kiss.
Once their lips parted, she suggestively said, “Any chance you make after-hours calls to lay cable?”
Even if she hadn’t glanced down, he would have known exactly what she was talking about from the tone of her voice. “Not usually, but I think I can make an exception for you.”
A short while later, Allie lay on her bed, still deep within the afterglow, but thinking about getting up and showering to go on cam. She smiled and reached for the phone to call the cable company and praise the excellent service she’d received.