My Older Brother Part 3

"Alyssa and Ethan's relationship dramatically changes."

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When I got home from school the next day, my 19 year old brother told me that he had a surprise waiting for me. I became very excited because I knew that he always had the best surprises. 

“So what’s the surprise?” I asked him.

It was wonderful dating Ethan. I didn’t have to pretend to be all ‘cool’ for him because I knew that he loved me just the same way as I loved him. I loved the way he made me feel. When I was with him, I felt beautiful. I used to have self esteem issues a lot in the past. At nearly 18 now, a lot of them I had gotten over, but I will always be a little bit insecure. He has helped me overcome a lot of my insecurities. Like when I went to senior prom last year, he sat there for like an hour trying to get it through my head that I was gorgeous.

“I can’t tell you right at this moment,” he said. “Look it’s absolutely perfect and I know that you’re going to love it.”


I sighed and rolled my eyes. I really wish that he would just tell me already. I mean we are siblings so I have a right to know. Well at least I think that I do.

“Now we just got to put this blindfold on you,” he said with his perfect smile.

“Why do you -“

“Just trust me Alyssa.”

I sighed.

“Well okay Ethan.”

He gently put the blindfold over my eyes and tied it in the back. He hugged me for a second and I got to smell of his cologne. It smelled amazing and I had the urge just to kiss him all day. Too bad I couldn’t see him. He led me to the car, holding my hand to make sure that I wasn’t going to fall over my own two feet or anything. I heard him open the door and he picked me up and sat me down in the seat. He closed the door and got in the driver’s seat.

“Where are we going?” I giggled.

“I can’t tell you.” Ethan said and I heard him chuckle.

I couldn’t wait to see where he was going to be taking me. We drove for about maybe only five minutes and then he stopped the car. I was almost about to take off my blindfold when he stopped me.

Soon I was out of the car and he said, “It’s okay. Take the blindfold off.”

I took the blindfold off and there was a cute little house. I honestly had no idea why this was my surprise.

“What is it baby?” I asked him.

“It’s our new house,” Ethan said.

I was absolutely shocked. How in the hell did my brother come with the money to buy a place for us. He was practically a bum. He was a great person but he was literally depriving our parents of money. “I’ll explain inside after I give you the grand tour.”

I honestly had no idea of what the hell was going on. We walked in the house and there was a fairly nice looking living room. We continued to look around awhile. The house was kind of tiny. There was only one bedroom, one bathroom, a basement, a kitchen, and a living room. It was absolutely perfect for the two of us and a child if we wanted one. After he showed me around he asked me what I thought of the place.

“It’s perfect baby.” I kissed him on the cheek. That was my way of showing him that I was super proud of him and what he did. “How did you get mom and dad to approve?” I asked.

“Well they didn’t exactly approve.” He frowned.

I frowned too.Great, now our parents hated us. “Well what happened?”

He continued along with his frowning fit. I saw that he looked like he was about to cry.

“Well anyways, at around noon I was masturbating. And I was moaning your name really loud. Since we don’t have neighbors and since my mom was supposed to be at work, I didn’t think that it would be such a bad idea.”

Alyssa started to see where this was going, but let her brother continue with his story.

“She walked in on me and asked me what the hell I was doing. I told her that I wasn’t doing anything. She told me that she wanted to know why I was moaning your name and I told her that it was another girl named Alyssa. Anyways, she knew I was lying and I was basically forced to tell her about us.”

He paused to catch his breath. He was talking so fast and I had to listen carefully to know what he was saying.

“So anyways she told me that it was unacceptable and she gave me $100,000 for us to leave the house.

So anyways, you can still go to school. No one there knows. I got you a ring by the way.”

“How are we supposed to get married?” I asked. I mean wasn’t marrying your brother kind of illegal.

“We won’t but since we have the same last name we can pretend like we’re already married.”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Okay,” I said.

Pretending like I was married to Ethan was making me happy already. He put the ring on my finger and I kissed him deeply and passionately. It was like a scene from one of those stupid romantic movies. I had always dreamed about falling in love and getting married, but I had always thought the Notebook was way over rated.

“It’s so gorgeous.” I said when I finally had a second to look at it. “It must have cost you a fortune.” I wasn’t the type that was a gold digger, but I knew an expensive ring when I saw one.

“Yeah it was ten thousand dollars.” He said it like it was absolutely nothing to him.

Tears of joy were falling down my face. He had made me the unofficial happiest girl in New York.

“I’m not worth that much.”

“Yes you are.” He said. “You’re my lover. You’re also my sister. If I had the money I’d buy you a ten billion dollar ring.”

“You’re crazy.” I said.

“I may be crazy, but I know what love is.”

I just sat there and smiled at him for awhile. He was absolutely perfect and I’d never take him for granted like I used to. He went to the bedroom and we watched the giant flat screen tv. I smiled at him and I leaned my head onto his shoulder. I was really tired from school. I couldn’t wait until I was older and I didn’t have to go to school. I would probably go and train for a few years to become a nurse. That way I could try to make some money for Ethan and I. Or maybe he’ll get off his lazy, nonworking butt and get a job. I stopped worrying about it. He sat his hand on my leg. I had known exactly what he wanted, but I wasn’t going to give it to him that easily.

He played with my pussy through my tight pair of sweatpants. I silently giggled and pretended to not notice it at all. He turned off the tv and I turned it back on. He smiled and he knew what I was doing to him.

“Stop teasing me!” He said to me.

I looked at him and tried to play the role of an innocent sister.

“I’m not teasing you.” I smiled, knowing that I was.

“Oh get over here,” he said.

He lightly pinned me down on the bed. He didn’t use all of his strength and it barely felt like he was grabbing or pushing me at all. I smiled up at him.

“Okay.” I laughed.

He took off my sweatpants and threw them behind him. This whole living without our parents might be a good thing for us. I smiled at the thought of being alone with Ethan. It made me really happy. And not having to worry about anyone catch us. That was perfect. He took off my black thong that I had on. He just looked at my bare pussy for a second like he was picturing it being on a magazine or something. He kissed my lips softly, without any force at all.

I kissed him back with a lot of tongue. It was perfect. Then he took two fingers and put them inside me. He rubbed my clit for awhile and he soon felt a huge load of my cum come out onto his fingers. He pushed my legs back and he ate my pussy out like it wasn’t ever going to be available to him ever again. He licked it from all angles and I was having the hugest moaning fit.

I soon returned the favor afterwards by pulling down his pants. His cock sprang free and I licked my lips. I opened my mouth and swallowed inch of inch of his cock at a time. I sucked on it and rubbed it at the same time. By the time five minutes of me sucking and rubbing him, I heard him scream.

“Oh Alyssa I’m about to cum. Oh. Ugh. Oh..”

I didn’t resist the urge to suck down every bit of the cum that came out of him. He took his cock out of my mouth and told me how great I was.

“Are you ready for the best part?” He winked.

I smiled at him.

“I’m ready for anything Ethan.”

Published 13 years ago

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