The room was dark and cooler than the hallway outside which was nice. He closed the door, making sure to hold the lock so as not to wake Elizabeth, who he thought must have been asleep for more than an hour after a long day of cooking. The door gently clicked to and he looked around into the darkness, just starting to make shapes out as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. Elizabeth had left the curtains slightly ajar which let through a slither of moonlight that beamed down onto the cropped blonde hair of Elizabeth. She was curled into the covers facing away from James and he could just make out the light breath of what must be a dream. Her slender frame rose and fell ever so slightly with each breath as she dreamt. James thought for what must have been the thousandth time how lucky he was to be sleeping next to such an amazing young woman. Elizabeth was five feet eight inches with a slim athletic build as she used to be a gymnast. James had always been attracted to sporty girls and in Elizabeth he had found one that not only had a trim, tight body, but also an incredibly beautiful face that made all men stare. Elizabeth however saved her best faces for him, her cheeky smile when she was feeling playful, and her mischievous grin when she was up to something made James fall in love with her all over again.
James made his way over to the bed and pulled at his tie to loosen it. He slid his shoes off and started to undo the buttons of his shirt, all the time admiring the wisps of Elizabeth’s blonde hair shimmering in the moonlight. He pulled his trousers, socks and boxers off, and slid in-between the cool covers naked. He set his alarm for the morning and bent over to kiss Elizabeth goodnight on the forehead. As was there little tradition at the same time he reached under to pinch her bum as an affectionate good night touch. He kissed her forehead, noticing that it was much warmer than usual, and that she was still breathing slightly heavier than normal. He wondered what she was dreaming about as his hand reached under for her bum.
He reached out but instead of feeling the usual cotton of her bed shorts he felt something much softer, almost silk like. James didn’t think Elizabeth had any silk pyjamas and she always said how much they made her itch. His fingertips lightly touching the seam and he traced it downwards following the line of a semicircle which ended between her soft bum cheeks. It was a silk thong he thought. At the same time Elizabeth let out a low deep moan and shifted her body slightly sideways, freeing up her left hand underneath her body between her and James. James was about to forget about the thong and put it down to him making a tired mistake. He reached to join hands with his lover when Elizabeth’s hand went straight passed his and reached between his legs.
They were both now nearing the height of their excitement as the moonlight splashed onto their naked bodies through the window, the covers having been pulled away in anticipation. They were both breathing heavily when Elizabeth let go of his pulsing member and gave him one of her mischievous smiles. Was that it? James thought. Was this all just a cruel tease? Just as he was about to wonder how he was ever going to get to sleep tonight Elizabeth climbed on top of him, reached for James’ now fully erect penis, and gently guided it inbetween her legs. Elizabeth pulled her new silk thong to one side and gently slid James’ soft penis head inside her. They both let out a deeply satisfying moan as James’ penis slipped inside Elizabeth’s tight moist pussy. The feeling was incredible as she started rocking back and forth, his penis sliding deeper and deeper. Elizabeth’s wondefully perky boobs started slowly bouncing just inches from James’ face, her pink nipples erect with arousal. He let out a gasp and bit his lip in ecstasy as her soft pussy gripped his cock and massaged it up and down.
After only a couple of strokes they both sensed the others excitement and knew they were close to climax. The rhythm intensified as Elizabeth felt for her own clitoris, her other hand grasping the headboard as the sex got faster. He had both hands on her soft firm bum guiding it up and down, whilst sucking and nibbling on her sweet nipples and boobs as they jiggled in front of him. They were both in sync as the rush of excitement swept over them both like a tidal wave. They both orgasmed at the same time, their grip on each other squeezing as the pleasure hit it’s peak. Both pressing hard into the other as the tingling emotions took over. When both of their moans decreased and the rhythm slowed, their grips softening, both of their bodies juddered in post sex excitement, prompting a giggle from them both as they nuzzled into each others arms. “Your welcome” Elizabeth said with a beautifully cheeky smile as she rested her head on James’s chest. “Wow” is all James could muster, as they both drifted off into a deep sleep, James thinking for the second time that night, how did I get so lucky?