Her bare feet dug into the warmed by the sun soft white sand of the beach. Her nakedness permeated the air as she stood looking out over the deep blue hue of the ocean. I wondered if she knew that she was just as lovely as the gentle sway of the white caps that formed on the surface? She had to know.
The sun had painted her body perfectly, baking it to a golden hue to show off her whole being. It was obvious the beach was no stranger to her. She was comfortable in her nudity on it. In fact, I could tell being one with nature in the most natural of ways came easy to her. She had no problem showing her naturalness to nature. It was the one day for which she lived.
She always faced her back to me first. With perfect posture, her back was always straight. The alignment of her spine formed perfectly as it led straight down to her shapely ass. There was a certain smoothness to her firm posterior that shined naturally in the bright sunlight. It curved out into the air, its roundness permeating the breeze that blew gently. As the gentle cool wisps drifted over her body, she began to feel her nude body until her hands came to rest on her tanned backside. Then she turned around to walk.
So erotic and so beautiful, she was a walking silhouette against a blue backdrop of horizon and waves. Her tiny chest stuck out in its own way as she slowly strolled, digging up the white sands with her bare feet. Barely bigger than handfuls, they jiggled just enough to know they were there. The contour of her small frontal lobes formed the most perfect cones. The centers of them stiffened in the gentle coolness that blew around them. Perfectly round and erotically sensual, the area around them blended naturally into her body’s auburn hue, almost disappearing, leaving nothing but tiny nubs sticking out so prominently into the air. They just called out for a tweak.
I watched every muscle of her body flex as she walked. The perfect small upper mounds led to the flatness of her stomach. Her belly button sunk into her body naturally then gave way to her abdomen, where just below that, was the most sensual highlight of her body. With such perfect precision, a swatch of at least a half an inch wide was trimmed neatly right above her womanly line. Delicately manicured to precise length, each strand was cut at the same level and showed just what an erotic creature she was. It was obvious she cared about herself in ways that drove men crazy.
However, as perfect as she seemed all over and knew it very well, the line between her legs was what made her whole. Perfectly vertical, her personal seam hid what was inside and left so much to the imagination. Highlighted by such a well-maintained patch of brown, the fold formed naturally parallel with her body and exuded definite pureness. Oh, it was not chastity though. No, it was a pureness of being a real woman. And she knew it.
With all of her exotic features combining, she was the true beauty of a woman. Her tall slenderness, her full body golden hue, her small frontal protrusions with their tiny erect knobs, and her strip of fine-tuned brown delicate down that led to the most perfect crease that concealed, gave her a sense of being a wonder of the world. She knew exactly what she was and that was why she was nude on a beach surrounded by the blue of the Caribbean.
Even when there was no one else around to view her sensuality, she knew what she was giving off. She was sexual without even being sexual. Any guy or even woman who swung that way, could get off just by observing her. It had to make her feel good she had that ability.
After her short walk with nature, I waited for her to sit in the sand; something she always did after stretching her legs.
Tilting her head back to feel the full sun warm her entire naked beauty, she closed her eyes to take it all inside. Stretching out her legs, she enjoyed the fine white sand enveloping them and the rest of her body. The sound of the waves was her music and took her to a place only in her mind. I loved watching her act out the images running through her cerebral orb. She lied all the way down into the sand, her back falling into its softness, and felt the sun-warmed bed sooth her. She moved her arms back and forth through the sand as if she was making a sand angel. Gingerly, her arms rolled and she took handfuls of sand and sifted it through her long fingers as she slowly moved them.
Slowly, she took handfuls of the finely granulated earth again and let it fall over her stomach, moving her arms until streams of it fell over her virtually flat upper torso. The tiny grains dropped over her still firm peaks and coated the slight mound that formed. As the sand touched her sensitive skin, she arched her body into the sand underneath her. Again, she took two handfuls and began pouring it, letting it fall faster all over her body, even between her legs. I could see the sensual shiver envelope her whole slender frame as the warm sand slid over her smooth body. The sight was enough to make either sex sweat.
Finally, she stood. The leftover sand fell to the ground except for one place. The perfectly formed line between her legs was now pure white as the sand stuck securely to her hot moisture there. The soft golden hue of her body highlighted the spot in such erotic intensity. Straight up and down, the white sand coated her womanly spot, never a grain falling as she stood still. I could only imagine what it felt like as the grit covered it so delicately.
Moving toward the shore, her slim silhouette on the sand followed leisurely. As she reached the waves, she tested the water’s temperature with a big toe. Satisfied, she walked into the salty blue depths of the earth all the way up to her waist. She waved her arms in the water a few times then slunk down into it, covering her whole naked body. In one dip, the sand that had been stuck to her in places washed off immediately. When she came back up out of the water, she flipped her head back so that her hair was slick down the back of her neck between her shoulder blades. She took her hands and pulled the long strands to one side and started wringing the salty water out of it. When she was through, she let the wet strands hang there covering one breast softly and began to walk back to the shore.
The water dripped from her tanned slim naked body in erotic fashion. I could see droplets in places that accentuated her being. Tiny droplets formed on the tip of her erect nipples and once they were weighted down enough, they fell as she continued her trek to the shore. Even little droplets formed on her landing strip, a few of them falling through the perfect slice between her legs. She was now satisfied with her outing and kept walking to where she came until she was out of sight.
Before I knew it, she was gone in the blink of an eye. Her “me time” had come to an end again. Coming to this open beach and expressing herself by being nude was her way of having it. It was her way of letting nature come to her.
I headed back to my cabin and sat behind my desk where I write. I looked out at the white sands where she had stood and laid. The indentation of her hot slender body was still evident in the sand. I took a deep breath, actually started typing even though it was my day off, and had thoughts of next week. I could not wait for it to come.