“Don’t do it” She told herself out loud.
But she couldn’t resist. She slid her hand up and down her inner thigh. softly and barely touching her leg. Her heart started to beat faster with every movement of her hand on her body. As her left hand moved down to her knee the right caressed her unclothed breast. She squeezed her pink nipple and cupped it in her hand, she looked at her breast in her hand with her bright blue eyes and started to pant heavily, She didn’t want it, She needed it was her thought as her left hand slowly came up her knee and lightly grazed her pussy. She let out a gasp and moved her hand over her soaking wet pink panties and moved it over her clit. She moaned quietly and could feel the juices seeping from under her underwear.
“SNOW!!” the yell came from behind the close door and startled her out of her state of lust. She grabbed her blanket and threw it over her body.
“Coming” She yelled back. The person on the other side of the door, her step mother, was not commenting on the weather. Snow was the woman’s name, Snow White to be exact. She was given this name by her father who had passed away. He was the King of their Kingdom and now she lived with her step mother. Snow was a very attractive girl. She had long black hair that stopped just above her round butt. She had a small waist and fair skin, not to mention two beautiful large breasts that were perky with nipples that were always hard.
Snow got dressed in her favorite dress, a blue corset top that showed off every curve with a gold dress with a slit up the left thigh so you could just see her leg.
When she got to the middle of the table she froze. She felt some staring at her, to her left was one of the guards standing in the doorway about 30 ft away. He was one of the newer guards and was about 50 years of age. This was the same age that Snow’s father was when he died on her 18th birthday nine moths ago. She starred back at the guard half smirking. She looked back to the table and went on with her cleaning, ignoring the sound of his advancing steps, or at least pretending to. Her heart started to beat faster as he was close enough to touch but she still did not acknowledged him. He was now standing right behind her. She was startled as she felt his warm hand touch her wet pussy from behind. Her rag dropped to the table as she gasped and gripped the edge of it.
“Oh wow” the guard said “Your pussy got that wet from just one look from me” He now had his other hand on her waist.
She did not speak, only took deep heavy breaths.
“If you liked that” he whispered in her ear “Then you will love this” he firmly gripped her waist as he shoved his fingers deep into her pussy. She let out a loud cry as he grinded his body against the side of hers.
“Yeah baby you like that don’t you”
To be continued.