When his parents separated he was living with his mother while his father brought his new partner into the original family home, after a few years it was decided that Paul should meet his dads new girlfriend who had by this point become his wife.
The day came when Paul and his stepmom came face to face, Paul had been imaging what she would look like but the reality was far from what he expected.. she was a striking mature blonde in her mid 40’s with hair so long and smooth and a tall leggy body with fairly large breasts which he could only imagine existing in a porn movie playing a sexy secretarial type.
The initial meet went well and over time they became fairly good friends and Paul would regulary stay at their house and babysit his young stepbrother.
As time went on paul had pleasured himself countless times to the thought of her pleasuring him and on one occassion while he was babysitting he decided to venture into his stepmoms room to see what kind of attire she wore under her well styled outfits.
Into the room he went with the instant aroma of her recognisable perfume making his penis stiffen instantly, he went straight for where he presumed her underwear would be kept.
Opening the drawer he had struck gold and found countless sets of suspenders and french knickers of all colours styles, realising he may not have another oppurtunity for some time he decided to pick a pair he would take home with him as a souvenir so he opted for the black laced ones and left the room sharply.
After the adrenaline had calmed down Paul decided he would head to the bathroom so he could smell his new treasure and relieve himself with them wrapped around his shaft, as he opened the bathroom door he heard the keys entering the front door which could only mean his father and stepmom were back from their night out so he decided to head downstairs with the underwear safely tucked in his trousers to great them.
Upon the front door opening it was clear to Paul his stepmom was alone he enquired if she’d had a good evening and she stated “yes it was fairly good but your fathers had a little bit too much to drink and decided to go for a night of poker with some of his friends, hes asked me to give you some money for a taxi home because he wont be back tonight”.
Paul was relieved that his father would’nt be back so he could take his trophy home much more relaxed than if he had been given a lift.
Paul’s stepmom had been drinking but she clearly wasn’t that intoxicated, she asked paul if he would like a glass of wine with her before he left as she wasn’t quite ready for bed just yet, paul obliged and the pair headed for the kitchen, as she walked ahead of him he admired her toned tall figure in her skin tight jeans and tight fitting black jumper.
As they entered the kitchen paul lent on the kitchen work surface as she tried to open a bottle of white wine for them, she poured one glass then asked paul if he could grab another from the cupboard above her as she still had her high heels on and the floor was quite slippy, happily obliging paul reached up and in doing so his top raised revealing the pair of knickers he had concealed tucked into his trousers.
Before he could even realise the error he had made he felt them being yanked sharply out of their hiding place by what could only be her hand, realising he had been caught he instantly replied ” I’m so sorry please don’t tell my dad, I don’t know what I was thinking I’ll put them back in your drawer..
Now he was in one of the most embarassing positions on his life his stepmom who looked fairly entertained said ” go straight upstairs and put them back and I wont say a word, but first you have to tell me what you were going to do with them!”
Caught off guard paul had no idea what to say and stood there bright red faced and speechless… “you were going to wank all over them weren’t you” she insisted.
Still remaing speechless he stuttered “No..no I wasn’t I promise”
“oh well thats a shame, because I like being wanked over by young boys it turns me on” she replied… ” I think were going to have to play a little game aren’t we now drop yout pants”
Before Paul could obey her command she was virtually on her knees with her head directly infront of his crotch and her hands unzipping his trousers.
” as I said Paul wer’e going to play a little game… ok? if you dont want me to tell your father you have to last more than a minute, does that sound fair?
Knowing exactly what she meant paul agreed but not before telling her that he hadn’t done this before and didn’t know what to do..
“You don’t know what to do?… “well I’ll explain I’m going to suck your cock dry and you have to last more than a minute, does that sound fair?
By this point his penis was the hardest it had ever been and directly protruding in his boxers directly infront of her gorgeous mature face.
She pulled down his black boxers and his cock popped out inches from her lips.. she looked up at him with a smile and said in a firm voice ” I bet you wont last 30 seconds will you?”
Before he could even reply her lips engulfed his shaft and she grabbed him close with one hand on his anus.. her head bobbing back at forth in a motion so smooth it didn’t seem real.
She looked back up at him and said “tell me when” before carrying on sucking him with such force he almost fell backwards… her lips wrapped wrapped around the head of his cock .. paul felt the inevitable and new that he was on the verge of exploding..
“has it been a minute yet!” he yelped…
With a dissaproving but excited look in her blue eyes she released his cock from between her lips and said abruptly “just relax yourself you pathetic little boy”
Before she could even continue to wrap her lips back around his throbbing head Paul felt the gushes of his cum racing to the tip of his cock… without chance to warn his stepmom who was nelt before him, hot sperm flew out all over her chest and chin as he groaned with pleasure.
“I’m sorry I couldnt last he said”… as she stood upon before him with a look of dissapointment in her eyes she smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek..she replied “I’f your not ready for a real women then I suggest you stop pleasuring yourself over them dont you… now about that taxi wasn’t it time you were going”….