Paint Me, Miss!

"A woman decides that she's better off without men but discovers a new object of love at an art class"

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I was completely submerged in water, the only part of me that was sticking up was the top of my head and my nose so that I could breath. It was so warm my head span even though I was lying down but the weak feeling was welcomed by my hot body that writhed beneath my hand.

My left fingers slipped between the lips of my sex and gently rubbed the juices that I could feel despite the water. My body instantly responded to the touch and made my hips buck. I had to be at an art class soon, but I was so taken by my desire I couldn’t bring myself to go just yet.

I’d spent all week trying not to masturbate, but I’d been so horny I’d searched around the internet for porn and erotic stories. I loved masturbating – a bit too much, so I’d tried to put myself on hold and this was the payback my body was giving me.

I pulled up the plug from the bottom of the tub and got out, grabbing the large towel from the rack and gently dabbing it over my body. I was still wet though, in more than one way and I could feel the moistness between my legs and the gentle tug of desire in my stomach calling for me to please myself or better yet – for someone else to please me. I hadn’t been in a relationship for about a year – and I wasn’t the sort of girl who just went into town and picked someone up.

I sat down on my bead. My engorged clitoris was rubbing against the towel and sending strong shivers up my body. I was so weak minded that I had to walk over to my closet and rummage around to find my vibrator that was lying around somewhere.

“My little magical tool,” I said and pulled out the vibrator that curved upwards, it was shaped like a penis with veins, but it was a cliché coloured pink. I dropped my towel and felt the cool air from the open window caress my body as I lay down on the bed and spread my legs wide. I could even see my clitoris throbbing.

I put the vibrator on the highest and pressed it against the spot on the right that I knew always drove me wild. It didn’t fail this time – the orgasm was seconds away before I writhed with pleasure.

I rotated the vibrator against my entrance, feeling my pussy sucking it in and embracing it. I pushed down and the strong vibrations pulsated all the way through my body and up to my head. My breathing became heavier and my hips tried to squirm it’s way away from the vibrator but I kept firm and was rewarded with the sensation of waves rolling through my body.

Through the large windows someone could surely see me, but I still rubbed my fingers in my juices and tasted it. I sighed in delight, few men could do this to me – I was better off without one, but I couldn’t keep myself from thinking about her luscious pink lips.

My head turned to the clock on the bedside table and jerked up, I was going to miss the entire class if I didn’t get dressed and ran right tha minute.

My entrance disturbed the quiet class; from one of the speakers spilled Mozart and everyone’s head turned towards me as I tumbled in. They were already busy painting fruit that was neatly placed on a pedestal in the centre and I tried to be as quiet as possible as I hung up my jacket and put my bag beneath it.

Someone had stolen my spot and I gritted my teeth as I had to settle for the lesser, darker spot in the corner.

“I was beginning to think that you were skipping class,” her voice made me blush as I squeezed out some beige colour onto the spotty palette.

“I would never miss a class,” I assured her and wet the largest brush into the container of water. I dipped it into the beige and tried to quickly stroke it onto the canvas.

She was standing next to me, watching my every move as I tried to fill the entire canvas with a base. The teacher was a beautiful, young woman named Ariella; she was tan from working outside with her light brown hair being slightly bleached by the sun. Her eyes were pretty and dark beneath a fan of lashes. It was summer and I often saw her in short dungarees that fitted her snugly and today was no different.

“Carry on.”

We painted in silence for over an hour, the only sound came from the speakers and Ariella whom commented on how her students could get better. I looked at her a few times and watched as she moved her full, pink lips as she spoke to the person in need. I could feel my body stir again and I pressed my legs together in an awkward and tight position, my panties were getting wetter by the second.

“I hope everyone’s had a good class.” It felt as if time had flown by when I heard her voice loud and clear again and I looked up from my canvas, she stood in the middle with her hands on her hips and looked around at us like a proud mother. “I certainly have.”

Sound instantly rose as people began to speak with each other, the class consisted of mainly females with the occasional man here and there. The age limit for the class was 18 which was understandable since we’d had a couple of nude models pose for us.

I reached for my painting and put my hand on the edge, the background was completely dry but a smudge of colour was still wet on top. The coldness of it made me let go of the painting, I accidentally dropped it and it fell face first down onto the colours – the palette spilled onto the floor and the water tipped so it drizzled onto the floor.

“Shit!” I exclaimed and instinctively pushed my body closer to the table to try and stop the water from running everywhere. The water soaked through my shirt and sank down onto my pants and through them too.

“Oh!” Ariella hurried up and lifted the glass, but by then it had already emptied itself onto my person. “Hang on, I have a change of clothes you can have,” she pushed up the painting so it stood upright and put the glass on a counter by the edge of the wall. I grabbed some paper and tried to mop up the colours that had stained the floor.

While I was cleaning up everyone else left the studio and Ariella came back with a long dress.

“You can just leave that,” she said and put everything on a clean counter. “It happens all the time, no worries,” she had a sweet voice with a tang of playfulness in it that I liked a lot, it was one of the reasons I came to class. She hurried up to me and tugged at my shirt and made me raise my arms, she slipped it off me and I tried to cover myself.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve seen it all,” she chuckled and winked at me and instructed me to take of my pants while she locked the door so no one would come in.

“By the way,” she lingered on the words as I grabbed some more paper and tried to wipe the dampness off my body. “I’ve been meaning to ask you,” her cheeks where getting a light pink tint. “I’ve been taking a body painting class and I really need a model.”

“Uh,” was all that I managed to get out.

“I was going to ask you before class, but…”

“Oh, no, I mean…

I’m not used to…”

“It would just be a private thing,” she looked at me with her big, doe eyes and I felt myself shiver, how could I say no to such a beautiful woman? “If you have time now we can go to my place after I’ve cleaned up, it would only take an hour or two.”

I didn’t have anything else to do, so I nodded without really thinking about it and she lit up in a brilliant smile.


I dressed myself and put my clothes in a plastic bag as Ariella cleaned up quickly, her normally happy mood had doubled after I’d said yes and I felt myself get sucked into her happiness as she hopped around cleaning. Every time she took a step her breast bounced and I blushed as I realised that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Why I was so taken by it I had no idea, but my eyes kept drifting off to her.

We took our things and she locked up the studio, she had a natural bounce in her walk and all I could see were her breasts jumping with her every step. Again; I quivered and my panties grew damper.

Ariella lived in a large and open flat, everything about it was artsy and she had paint cans and brushes neatly stacked in a large bookcase. She offered me something to drink but I said no as I hung off my coat and bag.

“Are you comfortable nude?” I shrugged my shoulders at her question, I wasn’t totally comfortable with it but I had a hard time saying no to her. “Have you ever had paint on you before?” I shook my head. “Well, I’m not using regular paint, it’s sugar based so you can basically eat it,” she snickered and then collected herself. “It’s easy to wash off.”

She took my hand in her warm hand and guided me to a part of her flat that had the floor covered with a plastic sheet, a canvas was on it but she moved it and then looked at me with anticipation.

“So… should I remove my clothes?” I said in awe.

“Sure, um, I’ll get the paint,” she blushed and turned around and I awkwardly removed the dress and my bra, but not my underwear. I stood covering my breast as she came back in with the bowls of colours; black, white, blue, red and yellow, they smelt sweetly. As she just looked at me expectantly I removed my underwear without saying anything.

“It might be a little cold,” she said as she dipped her finger in it and then touched the paint to my leg. It was smooth and cold and sent shivers up my body. The hairs on my arms stood up and Ariella rose with the pink colour in her hand. She had a soft brush in her other hand.

“Just relax, it’ll go fast,” she said quietly and stared at me throat as she started to paint the colour onto me.

I was right; the brush was soft and I swallowed hard as she let the brush sink onto my chest, she stopped just above my breast and I slowly moved my hand. She circled my nipple with the brush for something that felt like several second and then continued down to my stomach. My head was spinning from the sensation that the brush left behind it and my lips parted. The brush came back up again but this time it circled my other nipple – it became hard and she moved over it and I saw a smile play on her lips.

Oh no,” I thought, “She’s not going there is she?!”

Just as I’d thought it the brush touched my clitoris and a faint gasp left my lips, I was surprised but Ariella acted as if she hadn’t noticed a single thing and she kept the unknowing look on her face as she painted the inner lips of my sex which were peeking out. I could feel myself get wet from the arousing touches and I closed my eyes hard and tried to will my body from convulsing in a glorious orgasm.

Ah!” I couldn’t stop it; the last flick of the brush made my body shiver and my knees weak and as I moaned she looked up at me with a grin and a playful look in her eyes. She put her hands on my thighs and licked at the pink paint which was rolling down my leg.

My first thought wasn’t that it was “wrong”, there was no initial thought which told me that she was a woman and so was I – no, I was taken aback by the hurricane of emotions that I had never felt before. The dainty woman’s soft fingers slid over my skin and sent sparkling waves of pleasure through my body. Finally, her tongue reached my throbbing pussy and she burrowed into my sex with her mouth – she latched on a sucked on my clitoris for several seconds – it wasn’t long until I couldn’t take any more and my clitoris was both swollen and sensitive.

Ariella stopped and began to unbuckle the dungarees – the straps snapped away from her body and as she removed her top her small breasts bounced up and down – the areolae were cute and puffy and the nipples small and darkly pink. She squirmed out of the denim fabric and revealed that she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

She looked up at me from the floor with her legs spread apart – she had soft-looking, light brown pubic hairs over her mound but her labia was cleared and her pink lips were visible and moist with her juices that were shiny. She bit her bottom lip and almost looked worried as she watched me.

“You are so sexy,” I moaned and dropped down in front of her. I was overcome with a sudden urge to taste her delightfully pretty pussy and she leaned onto her forearms to allow me to indulge in her.

My tongue carefully leapt over her clitoris and I was surprised by the taste of it – I had never tasted pussy before and she tasted sweetly of something that I couldn’t describe as anything else but Ariella. I nuzzled farther in and dug two fingers into her, I could feel every nook and cranny of her and began to harshly rub in and out of her as I licked more vigorously – it wasn’t long until she came and her pussy squeezed my fingers as she moaned.

Daringly, I crept over her body and sat atop of her – our wet sexes rubbed against each other as we kissed. The sugary consistency of the paint pressed into my skin and as we rolled around the paint got transferred onto her skin and over the floor.

We rubbed against each other and her hard nipples pressed into me as she slowly swirled her hips and pressed our genitals into each other – it was the most incredible bodily experience that I had never had with a man, it was as if she knew what I wanted and she just gave it to me. Her body convulsed as she orgasmed and brought me into her joyous moans.

Finally, we broke into giggles and we lay entwined on the floor with our slippery juices pressed into each other and we kissed softly and long as her fingers found her way down my stomach.

Published 13 years ago

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