She lay there staring at its hugeness, completely smooth with no veins or creases, but skin toned and hard. Her gaze followed its length down to the large round orbs hanging underneath, they were very large and smooth, much the same size as a grapefruit. She raised her hand and let her fingertips caress his inner thigh, moving upwards to the smooth balls, tracing their shape and moving onto the thick rod of the android’s penis – it seemed to be made of the same rubbery material as his torso and was hard yet springy.
The android sat down next to her on the bed and placed one of his large hands on her tummy, stroking the wide waistband of her briefs he moved his fingers down to between her thighs, feeling the soft fleshy mound of her sex, pressing her spandex covered lips with his thumb and making her moan. She closed her eyes as the android’s fingers massaged her, instinctively moving he legs apart as he pressed harder and faster – she could feel the orgasm rising inside, her body starting to shudder and her hard nipples irritated by the tight spandex. At last her body was wracked with a huge orgasm, heart racing and flushed neck, she could feel her back arch as the androids fingers pressed the tight spandex inside her, rubbing and and pinching, twisting and stroking – she was shocked at how loud her scream was when climax came but was unable to quiet herself.
She lay there feeling so aroused that she didn’t know what to do next, she looked down at the anrdoid’s massive erection and smiled wickedly. The android must have picked up her electromagnetic pulses and chemistry change as it stood up and gently gripped the red briefs at either hip, sliding them down her thighs and off her feet.
The android picked her up and held her in his arms outstretched in front of him, he sat down on the bed.
Palms flattened against the android’s wide chest she rhythmically rode him, slowly sliding him in and out, feeling him fill her up and pressing all the right nerve ending inside her. She rode his large penis until she had no more energy, she raised reluctantly herself up and off, feeling empty inside as the soreness began – soreness which was painful but also left her feeling ecstatic. She lay down next to the android and let him caress her tired body to sleep, she never dreamt that night, just slept soundly with not a trouble in the world.
When she woke up she would have to get him some clothes…