Suzy’s No Slut

"Suzanne has chatted with Jerry for months. It's about to get real, he's coming to meet her."

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Suzanne had been chatting with a, supposedly, male friend on line for several months. She needed a friend, her real life sucked, it seemed that every man she found affection for used her and then left her with little or nothing to show for her time and effort or simply tossed her aside once he’d gotten what he wanted. The result was the same either way; she was ignored and forgotten by every man she’d thought that a relationship might evolve into something meaningful.

Gerald would be just the same, she could feel it, she knew in her heart she would be used and then left like so much flesh put away as her worth was forgotten. She wished she could be stronger, but only on line could she be outgoing and bold. She had so many fears of what reality would bring she remained aloof whenever reality mixed with the fantasies of the internet. Gerald had offered to bring a smile to her face more times than she could count, but he’d only written stories to bring the gush of hope to her thoughts and body. She’d loved his erotic tales, even to the point of recalling the vivid details as she plunged her small toy in and out of her wetness. “Yes,” she’d cry out as her climax welled, and then, “Holy Fuck,” as the juices flooded her canal and escaped over the base of the toy and her rapidly pumping hand. Her breaths came in short gasps as she imagined it was his allegedly large cock taking her to ecstasy’s haven. Soon though the reality would set in and she was left with only longing, wanting to know what a real relationship was like, what a loving bond would be after a month, a year, a decade or even for the rest of her life.

He was a friend, but could he be more? Only time would tell as she chatted with him, got to know the honesty he promised was a reality. He’d never been less than honest with her, she knew he was married and would remain that way. She sighed as she stepped into the bath tub, washing away the recent evidence of her need, rinsing her body but not mind of the joys of the fantasy of his massive cock’s stretching feel in her all too rarely fucked pussy. “Why?” she whimpered as the warmth of the water washed away the tingling muscle of her vaginal entry.

“Why can I not find a man who is loyal to his word, would remain through thick and thin, in sickness and in health?” It wasn’t like she wanted to marry a man for his dick, which was but a small part of a real relationship. Although to find a man willing to fulfill her erotic dreams would be nice either way.

It was almost the fourth of July, yet another holiday to spend with family, or alone as she’d been so many times that should be shared with a man she loved passed into the annals of history. Gerald had written her a story, one that had made her face blush, one that made her pussy weep, and one that would be a dream if it could but come true. Or would it be spelled “cum” true? He had said he would visit her over the long weekend. It was a long trip from Oklahoma, but he’d fly to the nearest airport and rent a car, meet her in a hotel of her choosing to meet face to face for the first time.

She was excited in a way, but dreaded it at the same time. He’d seen a couple of pictures of her and said she was pretty, but what would reality bring? Would he really think she was worth meeting, getting to know, talking face to face? Would he still be willing to hold her as he’d said so many times he would love to do? There were so many questions, and so much insecurity to drive her to distraction as she anticipated his arrival on the Friday night of the long weekend. The fourth fell on a Wednesday, and so he’d be there for five days and five nights. Could she believe he would stay with her the whole time? God she was going to go nuts before he even got there. Would he use her and then fly back to his wife, leaving her again . . . alone?

They chatted on Thursday evening; he’d be on the plane the next morning, arriving at about midafternoon. She had suggested a room at the Marriott hoping he would think it fancy enough.

He laughed and replied, “Fancy-schmancy, I just want to be with you Suzy Q.” He closed the chat box with one final comment, “I hope you haven’t really taken me seriously about everything, the length of my cock for instance; some things will be different than what you’ll expect,” and added a smiley face to add to the mystique.

She wanted to ask what he’d meant but he had signed off by the time his twisted humor sunk in enough to wonder if maybe he’d lied to her about being well endowed. It wouldn’t matter; to her it was about talking, getting to spend time with someone she had known as a friend for months on line. Besides, she’d never been with a man with the kind of length and girth he’d boasted of, sent pictures of in fact. Maybe it would be better if he was more normal than so huge. Damn she was getting so frustrated with the questions and nerves of anticipation.

She shut down her computer and went to take a bath. A long soak in the tub would help calm her, besides, she could think of what was to be and find a bit of joy all alone as she’d done so many times before. As she settled into the warm pool of water scented perfectly with lavender and chamomile she sighed softly as her mind recalled the picture of Gerald standing beside a tree, his cock erect and angled upwards as if ready to fill her needy cleft. Her fingers pinched her clit as her mind took her to the bliss of knowing that soon he would be filling her with cock, small or large, thick or thin didn’t matter, it had been too long since a man had fucked her. Her other hand pushed the latex cock into her yearning pussy and she moaned out the pleasure of penetration as her mind considered it his member dipping into her for the first time. Slowly the latex cock filled her, brushed over her g spot and sent a wave of joy through her body, heating her veins to the boiling point.

It didn’t take long before her breaths matched her pounding heart, her orgasm was so close, closer than she’d been able to find without images of him fucking her to oblivion dancing in her head. She cried out as she came, the milky fluids mixing with the clear hot water as her body quivered with the bliss of completion. She took a couple of deep breaths and calmed as much as her aching pussy would allow, she wanted him to be big, wanted him to fill her full, stretch her tight with the girth of his manhood. She came again just thinking about what it would be like.

She drained the tub, though not as effectively as her body had been drained of energy and will to go to the loneliness of her bed. She smiled weakly thinking about spending the night with a virtual stranger in a hotel. She wasn’t that woman, not usually, at least she never had been. Romance was important, not just getting laid, not just feeling the rush of orgasm with a man she barely knew. Or was it? God, she was hopeless, she wanted it all.

She slept, she dreamed, she was writhing in agony as every nerve yearned for what could be, what should be and yet would be denied her. Gerald was married and could never be hers completely. When she awoke in the morning, she knew she shouldn’t call in to the book store; she really should go to work and forget that a man would be waiting for her in a hotel downtown. She picked up the phone and called the book store to call in sick. She’d see how the afternoon, evening and night went before deciding whether to call in a second day or not, or so she justified as she told her boss she was coming down with something. It wasn’t a total lie; she’d be going down on or with something without a doubt.

She showered and washed her hair, brushed it out and dried it to a perfect sheen, supple waves of succulent red lightened with shades of strawberry blond; all her natural colors. She stood before the full length mirror in her bathroom after her shower and twisted her lips into a smile as she picked up the razor and began the process of smoothing away most of her pubic hair. One thing led to another and before she was done her mound, pussy and entire groin was void of any of her lush tight curls. It felt naughty to have shaved herself bare, but she knew Gerald would enjoy licking her flesh more than tangling his tongue into her pubes. She slipped into a cotton robe and walked through the flat to the small kitchen. A sigh escaped her as thoughts of what she was about to do filled her mind. She wanted this, but so much more than just a man to fill her world with joyous fleeting pleasures. She toasted an English muffin and buttered it, slathering it with blackberry jelly. Another pleasure she denied herself more often than not, her figure wasn’t perfect and took work to maintain a weight she could abide.

At her age it wasn’t that easy to stay fit, but she managed to keep the forces of gravity from taking away her figure completely. Her tits, one of her finer assets, were still reasonably firm and filled out a D cup nicely. Her tummy wasn’t that of an 18 year old, but she doubted he’d care once he saw her naked smooth pussy glistening with wetness for his caress or tongue. She turned her head over her shoulder, the reflection of her butt in the patio door revealing as she lifted the robe to gaze at her rear. Her cheeks almost as taught as when she was in college, she smiled thinking he’d enjoy cupping her globes as he pulled down on her with his allegedly monstrous cock. She wondered again about his final comment, it was unnerving to think she’d fantasized over his big thick member for months only to find out he was one of those men with a scrawny pencil dick. She burst out laughing, there was no way his photographs could have been altered that much.

She ate her muffin and washed up the couple of dishes she’d dirtied for breakfast. She knew why they had chosen a hotel instead of her place. It was to preserve her ability to escape, he’d promised to let her run away if she felt scared or intimidated, or if they just weren’t compatible for one reason or another. He really was too good to be true, but only time would tell the rest of that story. She puttered around the flat, cleaning out of nervousness, or maybe if they really hit it off he could save the hotel bill and stay at her place for his visit. Again, only time would or could tell the story’s ending.

By noon she had scrubbed every piece of furniture and washed every surface of glass in the place, dusted, washed, wiped, vacuumed and polished. It looked as if nobody even lived there it was so clean. “Perfect,” she sighed as she walked to her bedroom to change. His flight would land in an hour, and she was to meet him in the lobby when he arrived at the hotel in just an hour and a half. She had long ago decided on the dress she’d wear, a nice cotton shift, some would call it a sun dress, but in reality it was a bit more dressy. She pulled the new lace panties and bra set from her drawer that was bought especially for their first night, just in case they got physical. Who was she kidding? They would get about as physical as two adults were able if it went anything like their recent chats.

She slipped the French cut panties on and felt a twinge of naughtiness fill her tummy with butterflies as the smooth thin lace snugged against her freshly shaven slit and mound. The bra was a half bra style, lifting her already firm globes to full perfection, covering only the lower swell and up enough to hide her nipples. Not that they would hide long, the lace would allow them to show through the thin cotton dress if she got the least bit excited or chilled, God help her if the A/C was on very cool in the hotel lobby. She slid the dress over her head and dropped it down to where the hem covered her, actually a little longer than she’d remembered it came just above mid-thigh. It was a good length though, not too slutty, not too conservative. She donned her medium height heels and stood to review her choices. The pale ecru dress with tiny purple flowers matched the purple of her new lingerie set well and the way the neckline dipped to reveal her, how else could she say it, stunning cleavage was what some would call, “Hawt.” She turned and looked at her ass, the fullness of her curves were subtle but sultry in her opinion. She hoped Gerald would agree.

She picked up her purse and walked to the front door of the flat. “Ready or not, here I go,” she murmured as she twisted the key in the lock. The car started just as it always had, though not new, it was reliable to a fault. She drove the 40 minute drive down town, thankfully nowhere near her place of employment. She parked in the hotel garage and made her way to the lobby of the Marriott, one of the nicer hotels in the city, but not overpriced. She’d been sure to have him book it early enough through to get a good rate even though Gerald would be paying for it. He’d made all of the arrangements, promising her a visit she would long remember.

She moved gracefully into the lobby, a settee was facing the elevator from the parking garage and she chose that as her position of watchfulness. Glancing at the large clock behind the reception desk she took note that he should be arriving in the garage any minute, if the plane landed on time and he was able to find his way to the hotel in a city he’d never been to before.

“Why didn’t I just go pick him up at the airport?” she quipped at her stupidity. She knew why, he wanted to meet her and take her to his room immediately without having to drive 30 minutes before having his way with her. He’d said as much though not in so many words.

She was nervous, as each tick of the clock passed her belly got tenser, she tried to think of something to relieve the stress of uncertainty and only made it worse as her pussy began to seep her anxiousness to have him, face to face, flesh to flesh. She grinned as she saw him walk into the lobby through the very elevator door she had. He was old, but as she already knew in fair shape. Who was she kidding, his abs and chest muscles were defined beneath the polo shirt he wore, and even the color was perfect to match her choice. Purple looked great on him with his dark skin, grey white hair and mustache. She had seen pictures, but her belly did a flip flop as she glanced down over his tummy and thought him even trimmer than he’d said. One final glance and she knew his final comment was bull shit. She could see the bulge even across the room that ended just above the knee.

He scanned the room to see if she was really there. He’d flown all this way and still couldn’t believe a woman of her caliber would be willing to meet up with a man she barely knew. Yeah, they’d become friends on line, but so many things on line are shaded to protect one’s self. He’d lied, she would know it soon, but he hoped she would understand. He saw her, the glow of her red hair radiant in the afternoon sun’s bath of the room. He tugged his shoulder bag a bit higher on his shoulder and dragged his suitcase behind him as he took the final steps to meet his on line lover and friend.

His eyes glistened as he took in her image, she was far more stunning than her photos had revealed. Her hair was but the icing on the cake as he saw her eyes, her sweet button nose and the heart shaped lips he’d dreamt of so many times. His eyes flowed down over her, knowing she was doing the same to him. His hips swayed a bit more than usual to accent what he could tell she was staring at, his partially erect member that stretched along his right leg to a couple inches above the knee. He never wore underwear, much too confining for a woman’s man to wear.

Her hips were full enough to make him want to pull her against him, allow her to feel even the beginnings of his excitement. His gaze landed on the vast orbs of her breasts and he couldn’t help swiping his tongue across his lip. “Damn she’s beautiful,” he thought as he finally drew near enough to speak to a lady he knew only as Suzanne. He hoped she’d not been offended when he’d typed out Suzy as they had cybersex, but surely she’d have said she didn’t like it if that were the case. He stopped a foot away, not quite as close as he wanted to be, but close enough that she had to tip her head back to look him in the eye. His eyes, hidden behind his oh so necessary glasses, sparkled as he spoke with husky tones and his abnormally inviting words. “Hi there; I think I know you from somewhere, want to get a room?” His smile may have been false teeth, but it sparkled as delightfully as his eyes as he looked deep into her soul.

She decided he liked to play; role play was something they’d done before, but now it would end with the real deal . . . she hoped. “Hello,” she said with a smile as inviting as the vast cleavage his eyes feasted on with every chance he had to look down. “I doubt that we’ve met before handsome, but somehow I feel as if we belong together. I think you might need a reservation to get a room here at the Marriott fine sir,” she played along with the game and would continue as long as it was done in a positive way, a way that would take them to his room and bed. She was being naughty, she’d never felt so alive and couldn’t believe she was actually hooking up with a man she barely knew in a hotel. She smiled as he turned and cupped her hand in his to lead her to the check in counter without another word.

When they got to the counter, she wasn’t sure why but figured he had booked a room for one until he asked the clerk to find his reservation for, “Mr. and Mrs. Dawson.”

The clerk found it and took Gerald’s card to confirm the account. He handed Jerry, the name he’d said was easier to type, his card and a room key saying, “Room 1432 as you requested sir. I trust you will enjoy your stay.”

“Shall we Mrs. Dawson?” he asked with a smile so flirtatious that she blushed. His smile became even more alluring as he took her hand and led her towards the elevators. He pushed the up button and looked over at his friend, a woman he barely knew, but knew he wanted to be with in so many ways. The doors slid open and he gestured for her to go first, something she already knew about Gerald, he said ladies always go, and cum, first. As the doors slid closed his hand slipped around her lower back and he leaned close to her ear, whispering for reasons only he might know, “You look delicious Mrs. Dawson,” and slid his hand down over her buttocks, pulling the hem of her dress up enough to feel her panty clad ass. It quivered with her nervousness at the unexpected advance.

“Gerald, you are so naughty. The elevator could stop on any floor, and then what would we do?”

He burst out laughing, not loudly, but a full-fledged laughter. When it subsided he said, “We’d tell them to mind their own business and catch the next car and shut the doors of course.” He was nervous as well and was overcoming it by acting out his own fantasy. His fingers slipped between her cheeks and he crooked one into the valley of her cleft. He wasn’t sure she would abide his playful advance until he felt her buttocks tighten and then her hips move towards rather than away from his hand and oh so naughty finger.

“Stop it Gerald,” she admonished him. “I’m not that kind of woman to want you to take advantage of me in an elevator.” She felt his finger slip deeper between her legs and brush over the swell of her pussy. She moaned and knew he wouldn’t stop unless he had to because of someone calling the elevator from above. His finger raked over the thin lacy fabric and she knew damned well by the time they reached the 14 th floor she’d be drenched. Her feet parted involuntarily as he played with her womanly charms. She felt her nipples growing hard and needy as her pussy wept with her arousal. His eyes turned down to her chest and he smiled, damn him he smiled and then licked his lips.

She felt his hand retreat from beneath her dress, allowing it to fall back into place as the elevator came to a slow halt. They’d reached the floor, his; or rather their room was on. He looked at her as the doors slid open, his eyes flickering to her growing buds and said, “Lead the way Milady, your headlights should allow us to find our way,” and chuckled. It wasn’t that he chuckled, it was the husky way he did so that got her attention. She looked down and saw his arousal had increased, the broad head of his cock was pressing against the inside of his pant leg causing quite a tent to form. She gulped down the lump that instantly filled her throat.

She stepped out of the elevator and paused as his suitcase was drawn behind him, his shoulder bag, undoubtedly containing his laptop, his eyes focused on her face. “I think perhaps you could point the way Gerald,” she said playfully as her eyes glanced down at the pronounced bulge that would be hard to miss.

He laughed again, his laugh delightful in ways and scary in others. It was a cross between humor and seduction. She hoped it was both. He replied, “Touché Madame, let us walk side by side to our destination and destiny then.”

She just knew he was still playing out some role and she smiled and took his available hand to walk beside the man who had booked the room for himself and his wife. She couldn’t quite think that one through, but would ask when she had the time and inclination. It might be a little while though, because if he kept up his damned teasing she might just have to strip him down and take care of business sooner rather than later. They arrived at the doorway, to what she was fairly sure, to what end she couldn’t quite get a handle on, yet anyway. He tipped the roller bag up and slid the key card through the slot and she heard the lock click announcing that she, they had arrived. As he’d said, their destination and destiny; no longer just talk, no longer fantasy; it was getting about as real as life can get.

He pushed the door handle down and she watched as he pushed the door into the room, it faced west, so the afternoon sun was shining in through the balcony door to softly light the coolness of the room. He put his hand on the small of her back and nudged her to go first and she recalled how adamant he’d been that she go, and cum, first. She wondered if he could really make that promise, he’d said it had been years since he’d actually been with a woman sexually. She stepped into the room, the cool air causing her nipples to grow almost painfully erect beneath the thin cotton dress and lace bra that held no warmth in. He stepped in behind her and she heard the latch click shut as she turned to face her on line friend and lover. What he would do next, she wondered as his eyes took her in, face, neck, swollen nipples and all.

“I hope I haven’t frightened you Suzanne. I just couldn’t help myself in the elevator.” He’d apologized for copping a feel she had delighted in. Damn him, he was going to hurt her badly before it was over and she almost didn’t care.

“You haven’t frightened me Gerald. I just wasn’t prepared to be felt up when we could have gotten caught.” She giggled and added, “It really did feel rather stimulating to be honest,” and giggled again as they stood so near the door, he still holding his suitcase’s handle in one hand with his shoulder bag still hung where it had stayed since they met in the lobby. She turned her head and looked into the room, it wasn’t unlike any other hotel room she’d seen before, but for some reason her eye fastened onto something on the bed. She walked towards it, figuring it was one of the surprises he’d said she would find during his visit. She heard him moving, but focused on the object that lay lengthwise to the bed, a perfect long stemmed red rose. Just one, but her heart swelled at the romantic gesture. She turned to face him and found him close, so very close indeed.

“I hope you like roses Suzy Q. I wanted to give you something to welcome you into my real life. I am kind of old fashioned and love to give more than take.” His hands slipped to her waist and gently pulled her against his old but hard chest and abs. Her body felt his against her own and her pussy seeped another small surge of cream to wet her panties even more than they had become in the elevator.

She leaned her head against his shoulder, afraid to move too fast, afraid to not show she loved the gesture. “I love roses silly. What woman doesn’t want to be swept off her feet with such a romantic gesture?” He could have easily done just that but instead tilted his head as his hand guided her face to meet his own. His mustache was full but so-very soft as he pressed his lips to hers. His kiss was tender, filled with love rather than the lust as she’d figured he would be. She opened her lips and soul to him and felt his tongue slip into her mouth to dance with her yearning tendril of passion. She moaned softly as her body melted against his, forming themselves together as if made to be one. Their kiss lasted for seconds that seemed an eternity of graceful desire. He knew just what he was doing, seducing her; and she was willing to be seduced.

Their lips parted, both a little breathless after the sharing of their lips and sensual feelings. His head tipped back and he looked her in the eyes, somehow serious, more serious than she had thought he would be on the verge of fucking her at last. Maybe he wanted to go slow; maybe it was that he was as afraid as she was of falling in love with someone that could not be more than a fling. He whispered and brushed his lips over her cheek before again leaning his head near her ear, “I have a confession Suzanne. I have wanted to tell you this for, well, ever since we found each other on line. I hope you won’t hate me for telling a lie, but I have to confess.” His lips again brushed over her cheek; the suspense was worse for her than anything he could say. “I’m not married Suzanne. My wife died several years ago; that makes me a widow and a liar as well. I’m sorry, I wanted to tell you before, but until I met you face to face I couldn’t. It was because I had to have an out with people on line in case someone got too close to my reality.”

She was in shock; she’d imagined the worst and had heard what amounted to a revelation. Her mind was frantic, was he telling her this so he could have her more trapped by his charm? Why would he tell her even before he got to fuck her, or make love with her? She finally replied, her eyes welling with tears, but not tears of sadness or grief, tears of joy flooded her cheeks uncontrolled as she slammed her body against his and sobbed, “Oh Gerald. You scared me half to death. I thought you were going to tell me to leave, or that you had some terrible disease that would prevent us from making love. I’m not sure what I thought, but it sure wasn’t that.” Her arms clutched at his torso, she was afraid she had now been trapped, but such a trap she could handle, for at least five days and nights.

His eyes sparkled as she finally looked up at his face; she knew it had been for his own protection, she too had secrets in her on line world. In truth she was not nearly as experienced as she’d let on. She knew Gerald thought of her as a vixen that would know how to handle his massive cock, but she’d never had a man’s dick that could even stretch her tight sheath. Her lips twisted into a smile as she thought about what should come next, other than the two of them, together in panting gasps as they shared their first climax in unison. “Jerry, I think I’ve met you somewhere before,” she mimed his previous words, “want to get a room?” and giggled as she stretched up onto her toes and pressed her lips to his, this time she was in control.

He groaned as she thrust her tongue into his mouth, his eagerness building quickly to touch her, hold her, and kiss every inch of flesh he could bare. His finger’s gathered the fabric of her dress as the hem rose; and was finally clutched in his hands. He lifted it gently but firmly, she’d know he was about to undress her and he wanted her to know why. Her arms rose as the gathered material got to her underarms, their lips parting only long enough for him to tug the garment over her head and discard it. It fluttered unseen to the floor as he surrounded her with his arms, her bare flesh sending waves of heat through his blood stream and hers as well. A hushed word escaped his lips as they parted to take a breath, “Yes,” he purred to her as once again he pulled her body against his. His hips flexed and he knew she would feel his erection yearning to escape, to touch her bare leg, to fill her tight sheath when the time was right.

Their breaths stole away into panting gasps as their lips lingered in the bliss of passionate embrace. His hands roamed over her back, caressing her openly, honestly craving her flesh to be against his own. She knew just what to do and tugged the hem of his shirt from the waistband of his khaki cargo pants. He let her lift it over his head much as she had allowed him to pull her dress off of her. Once released his arms fell around her again, pulling her close to feel her skin against his, knowing the heat of her need was as great as his own. One of his hands slipped between them, unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them with practiced ease. Not practiced while in the embrace of a beautiful woman, but as a man who had lived so many years. With a wiggle of his hips the material dropped down along his legs, each inch the pants dropped the more heat he could wonder in. As his cock was freed at last it swept upwards to the angle of desire that had been revealed in the photo of him standing beside the tree naked. His member filled the gap beneath her panties over full.

“Oh Suzy Q, your body is so hot. I want to feel your need to be touched,” he cooed softly as his lips moved over her cheek and along her jaw. As his lips descended down over her neck he unfastened her bra and felt her drop her arms to be free of the guardian of her mammoth breasts. She quaked as his mouth moved down, brushing kisses over the upper swell and then around her sizable areola before flickering his tongue over the peaked nipple of want. As he kissed her breast he kicked off his loafers and stepped from the loose fitting pants, he was totally nude with his lover, and wanted her to be equally bared. He kissed lower and then sucked her nipple into his warm wet lips. She moaned as he stole her breath away and she felt his fingers push into the waist of her lace panties. She moaned more loudly to encourage his action of stripping away any and all barriers that might mar the perfection of what was happening, what was about to happen.

He sank slowly as his hands pushed her panties over her lush hips, gently brushing his fingertips over her skin as they descended past her thighs and then knees. He knelt on one knee and tugged the fabric to her ankles as he pressed his lips to her perfectly smooth mound. He loved that she had shaved her pussy for him. He’d taken note when she’d said she only trimmed her bush, now she had given her body over to his will. He’d honor it in every way he could contrive and then take suggestions as to what would bring even more joy to her soul. His tongue snaked out gently, teasing the crown that held her clitoris, a sensitive node to be sure, seconded only to the inner patch of texture he would soon caress with his tongue, fingers or cock. She quivered as he slipped his tongue into the slit of her petals and groaned at the wonder of her flavors. “Oh Suzy, you taste so good,” he purred as his fingers pulled her petals aside and his tongue lapped into the valley of her inner labia, scooping the honey sweet nectar she had already allowed to seep from her feminine well.

He felt her fingers tangle into his hair, not that it was really long, but she seemed to want to have some control. He’d gladly let her take him however she wanted and delight in each moment they shared. Her body shuddered as she gave another small offering of cream; he savored each drop and yearned for more. As his tongue continued to ply her folds his hand moved ever so slowly, his thumb penetrating her entry with slow resolve to feel her taught body clench around it. He wasn’t surprised as the outer ring clamped down tight; she was no virgin, but Suzy was certainly no slut either. His thumb pressed into her chalice and her body trembled, retreating and driving it into her well again she moaned her approval. He turned his hand to allow the entire length of his thick digit to enter her and she whimpered as her arousal ascended and seeped more honey for his lips and tongue to revel in. She was getting eager for more and he pulled his thumb from her sweet hot well. He pushed her backwards, she stepped slowly, one foot and then the other as his mouth continued to revel in her growing excitement.

Her legs hit the side of the bed and she sat down abruptly. Within a heartbeat his hands had pushed her knees away and wedged his torso between them. His chest against her hungry cunt as he worked up and down, rubbing her clit constantly as she watched his face grow ever more eager to have his way with her. She smiled as she cupped her hands on his cheeks and whispered, “Go slow baby, I’ve never seen, much less had a cock as big as yours.” She tugged at his face, drawing him from his knees to where his hips rose above hers. She marveled in the pulsing erection and gulped down a nervous lump in her throat, hoping the two inch thick monster cock wouldn’t rip her in half. But then, if the girth didn’t kill her, the length probably would. He’d lied about that as well, the damned thing must be at least a foot from tip to base.

He saw her worried expression and offered her his words of encouragement, “I know it looks imposing honey, but trust me, a woman’s body is meant to stretch to bear children, consider this doing so in reverse.” His hips lowered and he moved them as the bulbous head raked over her swollen labia, she was so ready to know what being filled would be like it wasn’t funny. She let him control each move, stilled in awe as the head penetrated her outer ring of muscle. She panted to maintain her presence of mind as the joy mixed with the slight pain of being stretched so profoundly. He pushed in a bit deeper and she whimpered as the muscles rebelled against the invading log. She fell back onto the bed as he pushed and pulled patiently, his cock so hard it hurt, so much longer and fuller than it had ever been. His little Suzy Q was responsible for his overt arousal and he could only hope she would be rewarded with a climax so outstanding as to overshadow any she’d ever known.

The end of the skin that marked where his foreskin would have been had he not been circumcised just after birth entered her sheath, so hot, so wet it was difficult not to just push into her savagely. He was patient though, little by little her arousal grew, her muscles loosened to allow him to move more freely in and out of her chalice of womanhood. Five inches and then six gently probed her womanly sheath of glory; seven and then eight entered and retreated as she flew from the precipice of pleasure and cried out to him, “Oh God, oh holy heaven, fuck me Jerry, give that monster to me baby, I need it,” and broke off her string of words with gasps and pants as her hips bucked against the invading pole she now craved all of.

He felt her cervix, the guardian of her womb, the inner most sanctuary of womanhood, the place a child would, or could be formed. He was long since sterile, having a vasectomy decades before had rendered him unable to father another offspring. But then Suzanne was no young eager hottie wanting to get knocked up either. He would pleasure her, give her his all and the empty seed of his loins without that bothersome burden. She bucked more anxiously as his pace increased, each thrust now knocking at the doorway to her womb. Could she handle it being penetrated? He recalled the first time his wife had felt him do so, she’d screamed in absolute pain and yet taken his cock into her sanctuary and loved it before it was all said and done. Suzy humped against each thrust, she wanted his all and he gave it to her, not savagely, but with enough force to drive the bulbous head into the taught muscle. Suzy cried out, but apparently not in pain, but ecstasy. Her body filled with creamy heat and sent a gusher along his prong as he pummeled in and out of her deepest recess.

She longed to know him; just how he could make her feel and as he pushed into her womb she had what some might call an out of body experience. She’d never felt anything like it, so full, so hot, so hungry to feel his cum fill her full. He grunted as he restrained his need for seemingly endless seconds as her body convulsed in continuous orgasm; she could not focus, but knew he too was close. Her flood of heated cream spurring him on as his body stiffened, his cock driving into her most intimate chamber with lust as his only guide, rigid with fulfilled desire. Then and only then allowing him to fly to the haven of pure desire as well. His hands pulled her knees up against his ribs as he pushed his all into her and stilled the raging pace. A moment of anticipation as his sack tightened mercilessly; his shaft swelling as it readied her cunt to have his seed. At last he could give her his hot spunk and did so. One stream filled her womb overfull and began coating his shaft as her muscles clenched, milking his rod of all he could provide. Another load poured from his Meatu into her womb and she cried out at the heat of his seed. He pulled back beyond her cervical muscle and then thrust again into the abyss of lust and desire. One last stream of semen shot from his tip and he was spent. Fully, absolutely wearied by this woman he had only met face to face an hour and a half before.

He collapsed atop of her, panting, heart racing, and breaths unable to fill his lungs as the joy of a perfect orgasm filled his mind and body. He looked into her eyes; they fluttered open and closed as she too knew the joy of absolution. As he could move he rolled off to her side and pulled her to face him as he rested on his side. His eyes tired, but glimmering with the lust he’d found and known. Glistening with something more, a more he dared not think of much less mention at that moment. Time would tell the tale of what their fate would be. When her eyes finally opened to gaze into his he smiled and said the one word that could come close to giving her his thoughts, “Wow.”

Published 13 years ago

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