another a throaty plea;
Perhaps it longs to just belong
While the other sings cause it’s free.
One stream travels to a stagnant pool
Another the open sea;
Neither knew where they would end
Both took the turns that made them be.
One flower opens to the sun
Another hides it’s face;
Both are beautiful in their way
One like velvet the other like lace.
We do not know how love will grow
Or what will make it fade;
While one will thrive in lovely sun
The other grows in shade.
Will we keep ours alive and well
Or will it cool and die;
Will we fence and box it in
Or let it soar on high.
I do not want a stagnant love
I want one always growing;
We have the chance if we just will
To keep our love stream flowing.
I strived, I tried, I wanted to sing
I wanted the fire to keep burning;
But too many nights alone in bed
Turned my fire to lonely yearning.
But wait, there’s still a spark
I sometimes feel it glowing;
Please care enough to take the time
To make love once more growing.