Losing you too soon

"Feeling the pain and loss of someone you love when they are gone."

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I look around at the world, and wonder where you went,

I look around at the world, and see the places you were meant to be,

I look around this house and see you and me in every corner,

I look around this house to see your face somewhere, but nowhere,

I look around at the world and see the empty spaces that you where meant to fill,

I look to the doctors to tell me why you went,

I look to the doctors to see who was at fault,

I look inside myself to find the answer,

I look down at myself and see the space inside me that you will never again complete.

I look to up into the sky and ask why you ever went.

I look into my arms where you will never again sleep,

And I stop looking completely.

I stop because nothing will ever bring you back to me, and the future without you is what I have to continue looking for.

This is mostly for me, but I wanted/needed to share, so I welcome anything that anyone has to say about it. But also I’d like to add a special thanks to Vesta and Dantheman69 for calming me and helping me believe in myself and the future.

Published 13 years ago

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