“Daddy, get in this bed now and fuck me!
I laughed and plopped down next to her. “Happy Birthday to ME!”
I leaned over and kissed her on the lips; long, deep and slow. As I kissed her, I caressed her soft breasts; first one, and then the other. Jewel moaned and wriggled her hips.
“Baby, I want you,” Jewel demanded.
I began to kiss her tits and gently suck on her nipples; swirling my tongue slowly around her areolas. Jewel’s body reacted to my mouth and tongue. Her breath was rapid causing her breasts to heave up and down, pressing into my lips and mouth, and then pulling away from them in a very provocative way. I could smell the highly erotic, pheromone-infused aroma of a sexually stimulated pussy. Jewel’s wet vagina was sending out primitive signals to my hind-brain and my engorged dick that she was ready, willing and completely ready to engage in searing, hot sex! My cock was throbbing with desire and anticipation of the moment when I would bury it in my step-daughter’s tight pussy. Jewel’s fingers found the head of my penis and stroked it; it was delightful!
“Oh, Scotty,” Jewel panted; “I want your cock in my pussy! I want to feel it pumping me, filling me with your love!”
I started to move slowly down Jewel’s torso, kissing each inch of her sweet body as I went. I paused at her navel and used my lips to gently pull on her dangling, jeweled belly-button ring. I remember when Jewel told her mom that she was going to get her belly-button pierced. J tried to talk her out of it. I, on the other hand, told Jewel to go ahead and get the piercing; at the time I secretly hoped that she would listen to me, rather than her mom, because a pierced belly-button on a pretty girl was just smoken’ hot! Now I was thoroughly enjoying the fact that she had listened to me; . . . seeing her pierced belly-button up close and personal was TOTALLY HOT! I moved a bit lower and took a deep breath of the rich aroma of Jewel’s pussy. She was, without doubt, ready for me to fuck her; hard and long! My cock wouldn’t allow me to delay any longer: I spread Jewel’s knees and slid between her thighs, poising the head of my swollen dick at the entrance to Jewel’s love hole. I looked at Jewel’s glowing, lustful eyes and started to slide my hard cock into her hot, tight, red-headed pussy!
I loved that Jewel was so caught up in the moment that she was screaming out her demands to me with abandon!
At that very moment the bedroom door flew open and my son-in-law, José, bounded into the room. He was wearing his ball cap backwards and a pair of Michael Kors’ signature sunglasses obscuring his eyes. In one of his hands he was carrying a single, red rose, and in the other a bottle of his favorite tequila.
“OK, J!!” José yelled in an equally loud voice; “Get those panties off! ¡Estoy aquí para hacer el amor con tu, dulce madre de mi esposa!”
My Spanish was a little rusty, but I was pretty certain that José had just yelled out his intention to make love to my wife!
“Well, well, well,” I thought to myself, “J is certainly working overtime today!”
I had just enough time for that thought to fly across my somewhat confused brain before I saw José stop short. Obviously, the scene that lay before his eyes was NOT what he was expecting to see, AT ALL. José took a step back and the huge, horny smile that he had plastered on his face when he burst in, suddenly vanished.
“What the FUCK!?” José shouted; “¡Mierda! SHIT, Shit, shit!”
Jewel lay under me and my hard cock was still plunged half-way into her hot, throbbing cunt. Her passion-filled eyes flew to the noise at the door and went round with surprise. Obviously there was no way we could hide the fact that he had caught us “in flagrante delicto;” I was screwing his wife’s sister and the only way to explain the carnal sight that was overwhelming his senses was to tell him the truth, and invite him to be an accomplice to the “crime.” But I decided that I’d have a little fun with him, too, before sharing Jewel with him!
“José, my man!” I gave him our standard greeting and a big smile. “I guess you’re surprised to see us?”
“No Shit, Sherlock! What the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m receiving my birthday present, couldn’t you tell?” I said with a laugh. I switched to my courtroom voice; “I guess you were expecting J instead of Jewel and me, right?”
José shot a quick glance at me and licked his lips. “Man, it’s not like that; um . . . it’s, well . . .mierda!”
José looked at the rose in one hand and the tequila in the other; looked back at Jewel and I; shuffled his feet a bit and then said: “Well . . . I guess you got me bro,’ J called me a little while ago and told me she had a surprise for me. She told me to come over and I’d find the surprise in her bedroom! Bro’ she’s so hot, and she’s been coming on to me for months now! I’ve got such a bad case of . . . como se dice . . . oh, yeah, ‘blue balls’ over her that I haven’t been able to think straight! When J called, I was on my way before she had hung up! Bro’ I didn’t mean any disrespect! You know that you’re my main man!”
“José, none of us are in control here; the fact of the matter is I’m pretty certain that J wanted you to find us here, with my cock in Jewel’s pussy!
At the mention of Jewel, José ripped off his sunglasses to better see Jewel in her naked glory. “¡Madre de dios!,” José whispered. “¡ Eres tan bella , Jewel!” José’s horny smile started creeping back onto his face. “You are beautiful, Jewel,” my brain translated.
While I was talking with José, sweet Jewel continued to wriggle her shapely hips, making my cock wiggle back and forth inside her slick pussy. She was making it very hard for me to think! All I wanted to do was start thrusting into the warm, wet and most private depths of her very willing cunt. Jewel didn’t seem the least embarrassed or self conscious with José’s eyes devouring her naked body while being fucked by her step-father. If anything, she seemed to get a sexual charge out of the situation because her hips started to move even faster and I heard her utter a very sensual sound deep in her throat.
“Bro,’ I can see you’re enjoying some prime pussy!” José said, stepping backwards toward the door. “I guess I’ll just go down stairs and let you guys get to it!”
“Daddy, don’t you dare let José leave!” Jewel ordered. “If mom set this up, then she wants the three of us to be together; don’t you think?”
I slowly let my hard dick slide deep into Jewel, while looking directly at José. “Dude; J set this up. She’s had the hots for your dick for some time now, and I think that this is her little way of putting all the pieces together so that she can fuck your brains out later tonight. So, for right now, this is where she wants us all to be; she gave me Jewel for my birthday because she knew that I’ve been lusting after her for years. Jewel’s here because she wanted to see if her old man is as good a fuck as her mom has been telling her; and now that you’re here, I’m fairly certain that that Jewel wants you to fuck her, too! So, if you’ll come a little closer, the three of us are going to have an interesting afternoon, just like J planned!”
I pulled my cock slowly out of Jewel’s wet slit, right to the very tip and enjoyed watching José staring at my engorged manhood. He licked his lips and apparently couldn’t tear his eyes away from the head of my cock poised over Jewel’s gaping pussy. “And, I gotta tell you, José,” emphasizing my words by entering Jewel’s wet pussy with a slow, powerful stroke, “she is very prime pussy, indeed! If I were you, I wouldn’t want to miss burying that Mexican cock of yours into her. I guarantee that she’ll fix that ‘blue ball’ problem you’re having! Besides, bro’, I think that it would be hot as hell for you and me to screw her at the same time!”
José hesitated in his slow retreat and watched my cock thrusting into Jewel over and over. Jewel reached out her hands to José and crooked her index fingers at him in a “come hither” gesture.
“Cum on, José; cum to me! I’ll help you get your brown, Mexican rocks off!” Jewel purred!
José took a tentative step toward us. “I’ve never done it like this before; you know, dos hombres, I mean. He looked me over and looked down at Jewel’s red pussy hair pointing towards my dick deep inside her. I think that sent him over the top. “Holy Shit, Jewel; your red pussy hair is calenté; it’s HOT! I have to get me some of that!”
With that, José was committed. He boldly strode to the head of the bed and set the bottle of tequila on the nightstand, smiled at Jewel and drew the rose across her nose. I saw and felt Jewel inhale deeply.
“Mmmmmm; that smells good, José, but I think I’d rather taste your cock!”
José didn’t waste a second. His hands flew down and undid his belt and zipper. His cargo shorts fell to the floor. I noticed that he was “commando” and his brown cock was already getting hard!
Jewel looked closely at José’s cock as it began to swell and grow. “José,” Jewel made a little face; “Next time, if you want me to suck your cock, you’ll have to do something about all that hair!”
I looked closer at his dick, which was now fully engaged in the moment and had crested nicely in a fine arc of hard, Latino manhood. I took stock of José. His engorged dick was a bit shorter than mine, but he was my equal in girth. It was a fine-looking cock and I knew I would enjoy seeing him work Jewel over with it. However, I agreed with Jewel: His scrotum and pubes was densely covered in black hair which even ran up the shaft of his cock! He was one harry dude!
“Jill is saying this all the time,” José complained. “I thought shaving down there was for sissies, but I see my main man is shaved, and it looks good!” José looked over at my cock sliding in and out of Jewel, and smiled a wicked smile. His white teeth stood out against his handsome, brown face. I enjoyed José looking at my cock and drew it out of Jewel’s pussy completely. It sprung out of her slit and bounced to attention. I paused in my labor of love and let him get a good look at it. I rose on my knees to show him my shaved, hanging ball-sack, too, and I heard him give a little whistle.
“Bro! You are one fine-looking hombre! That cock of yours must keep J happy, why should J want me?”
“Variety, José; variety. J loves variety, and she’s had the hots for you for years!”
I slid back into Jewel at her loving insistence. As she guided me into her wet slit with one hand, she grabbed José’s cock with the other.
José turned to look at what Jewel was doing to his cock, just in time to see her pull the tip of his cock to her lips. Her little, red tongue darted out and caressed the ridge running along the head of his mushroom shaped, circumcised dick. I’m not circumcised, so his dick had a different look than mine; not in a bad way, just different to my eyes. I had a fleeting thought about what it would feel like to trace the edge of the head of his cock with my tongue, as Jewel was doing. I wondered what his swollen dick would feel like in my mouth; what it would taste like . . . I was brought out of my daydream when I saw José’s ass tremble at the thrill of having his sister-in-law lick his penis. It was a stimulating sight!
Jewel opened her mouth and José willingly thrust his manhood into her. She quickly clamped her lips around the shaft of his cock and I could see that she was going to work sucking his cock with gusto.
“ ¡¡ Madre de Dios!!” José shouted out! “FUCK but that’s good!”
José began fucking Jewel’s mouth, matching the tempo of my cock penetrating Jewel’s hot cunt, thrust for thrust. Jewel worked José’s hair-covered balls with one hand while her other hand was wrapped around the shaft of José’s massive erection. Her eyes were closed as she concentrated on the fucking she was receiving in her mouth and pussy. She was an absolute vision of lust and loveliness! I watched in awe as José’s brown cock slid in and out of Jewel’s willing mouth and his manly, well muscled hips slowly picked up the tempo of his thrusts. I quickly matched José’s tempo, and my thrusts became more forceful. We were fucking Jewel to a hot Latin beat and she was latterly eating it up!
José’s ass cheeks were clenching and releasing and I could hear him grunting with his passionate effort. Jewel’s hips were slapping up against my cock and groin as I thrust mightily into her. I could see Jewel’s firm pretty tits being fondled and pinched by José as he fucked her mouth faster and faster. I was fascinated with the sight of José’s fat cock disappearing into Jewel’s mouth. Talk about HOT! Suddenly, Jewel let go of José’s shaft and grabbed his ass, pulling him closer, forcing his tool deeper into her mouth and down her throat. Clearly her mother had been training her on the technique! J had swallowed my cock the same way enough times that I recognized the form. I stared at the delicious sight. And, although I was truly enjoying fucking Jewel’s tight, sweet pussy, I couldn’t help but fanaticize about how it would be to have José thrusting his big cock into my mouth! The thought overpowered me for a moment, and shoved me to the very edge of blowing my load!
I felt a rising heat building deep in my balls. I knew that very soon I would be filling Jewel’s pussy with my hot ejaculate. I devoured Jewel and José’s actions with my eyes, trying to time my climax with theirs. Jewel started to buck and bounce her hips (just like her mom!) and I knew that she, too, was at the very door of a massive orgasm. I redoubled my efforts and felt sweat pop out all over my body. Love is sometimes hard work; but like they say, “Somebody’s got to do it!”
José grabbed Jewel’s head in his hands and I knew that his cock was about to explode into Jewel, too. I saw his ass tighten up and heard him shouting in Spanish, but my fevered brain couldn’t translate his passionate cries. I gave a final thrust, impaling myself as deep into Jewel’s red-hot slit as I could, and joined my partners in a mighty three-way climax! My scrotum and balls contracted tightly and I ejaculated cum into Jewel’s wet, hot cunt. I grabbed the base of my cock and pulled my dick out and shot my second rope of cum on her pussy lips and into her red pussy hair.
My third long, thick rope of hot cum shot down the length of Jewel’s body; from her pubic mound to her tits! It was overpoweringly sexy to see my sperm cover her belly and run down her flat stomach to fill the hollow of her belly-button. Jewel, her climax-wracked body bucking with passion, kept her lips tightly wrapped around José’s pulsing cock. She was clearly swallowing the hot, Mexican juice that he was pumping into her mouth from the tip of his swollen dick! God, it looked good! Again, I wondered what it would be like to have a tasty, hard cock explode into MY mouth! I was a bit jealous of Jewel for a split second!
José pulled his fat cock from Jewel’s mouth and I was overcome with lust when I saw him pump a long jet of sperm into her open mouth. I aimed my pumping cock at the same lovely target and was able to shoot a rope or two of mine toward that alluring target as well. I wasn’t quite the marksman that he was, though, and a goodly portion of my sperm splashed all over her face! When José saw that, he joined me by ejaculating the rest of his thick, white cum onto her face, as well. What an entirely erotic and sexually exciting sight to see our cum bathing her face, mingling together and dripping off her chin! I think that sight alone made me shoot a couple more ropes; totally draining my balls in orgasmic delight!
As José and I were empting our cocks on the sweet object of our desire, Jewel was exploding herself! Her hips were bucking and her tits were heaving! She was moaning and groaning with a passion that had been loosed from all restraint and knew no bounds! Jewel screamed an overpowering carnal growl at the height of her climax! It seemed like my heart stopped beating for a second as I felt the power of her orgasm! It was awesome!
We all lingered at the pinnacle of our lust for a few seconds, reveling in the sexual high. I felt Jewel softly touch my cock with one hand and saw her take José’s with her other. She began to slowly jack both of us, milking every last drop of cum out of our spent cocks! Sweat was dripping off José’s ass and onto our bedroom carpet.
José looked down at Jewel as she drew his slowly deflating cock to her lips one more time to suck a drop or two of cum off the tip. He smiled wickedly, closed his eyes and threw back his head, enjoying her ministrations to his cock.
“Baby-girl,” I whispered, “I’m next!”
Jewel opened her eyes and looked into mine. She looked totally incredible, sucking on José’s cock with her face covered in our cum. She smiled at me and grabbed my spent dick, pulling it toward her mouth. I stepped over her right leg with my knees and shuffled up the slick sheets in response to her gentle tugs. When my dick was close enough, Jewel stopped sucking on José’s cock long enough to pull the head of my cock into her mouth, next to the head of José’s dick! Good God, but that felt and looked sexy!
Jewel’s sweet mouth accommodated both our dicks, and she lavished them with her tongue and lips. Her hands moved lovingly between our ball sacks and the shafts of our cocks, fondling and stroking them as she sucked and licked the heads of our dicks. I could feel José’s dick rubbing against mine and was pleased to feel both our cocks begin to stiffen and swell with renewed desire! I looked over at José and smiled. He returned my smile with one of his own, and gave me the ‘thumbs up’ sign.
“Thanks for sharing, bro! This is muy caliente! I would have never thought I would like the feel of another dude’s dick rubbing against mine, but I do!”
“Me too, José! Feeling your hard cock sliding next to mine is kinda turning me on!”
Jewel smiled and kissed the head of my cock and then the head of José’s cock. “Before we do anything more, you two hot studs need to clean me up, first!” Jewel giggled.
I looked down at the lovely mess we had made all over her face and body and then looked up at José. José looked a bit confused, so I started to chuckle. “Sure, baby-doll,” I said, grinning and tipping my head towards Jose. Jewel understood why I was chuckling and the sweet sound of her laughter filled the bedroom.
“José!” she said when she was able to control her laughter; “I want you to lick my pussy clean and suck up all that hot cum that Scotty deposited there!” José continued to stare at Jewel with a confused look in his eyes.
“No entiendo. You want me to eat his cum? I’ve never done THAT before,” José said in a strained voice.
I leaned over and kissed Jewel’s cum-covered lips. I tasted the familiar taste of my love-juice, but I also detected a different flavor, mixed in too. I was tasting José’s cum on Jewel’s lips and in her mouth.
“José, dude; your spunk tastes good!” I said, looking up at him. José continued to look a bit confused.
“Come on, man, get down between Jewel’s legs and eat out that pretty pussy, and lick up my cum; I think you’ll like it!”
José hesitated a moment and then lay down on the silk sheets with his face between Jewel’s open thighs. I saw Jewel’s eyes open with joy as he buried his tongue deep into her pussy.
“Ummmmm!” I heard José mumble his approval.
Jewel looked delighted to have her brother-in-law giving her such intimate attention! I looked back at José and could see his head bobbing up and down; then I saw his tongue begin to lap up my thick shots of sperm covering her pussy lips and her red racing stripe of pussy hair. José shot me a look from under his eyebrows, I could see that he was enjoying the experience of eating Jewel’s cunt, and my cum!
He lifted his head and said: “My man, está delicioso!” He smiled and dropped his nose down on her red pussy hair and began sucking on Jewel’s swollen clit.
I bent to my task of cleaning Jewel’s face of her lovers’ juices, drawing my tongue over her cheeks, chin and forehead. Jewel’s face reflected the sexual satisfaction she was receiving from all the carnal attention that José and I were giving her. My cock began to expand and harden with each flick of my tongue, and each mouthful of cum that I lapped up!
Soon, Jewel’s face was clean and I worked my way down to her tits, kissing and lapping up the long ropes of my cum. Jewel was moaning with delight and wiggling her ass with the attention that José was giving her swollen clit and well-fucked pussy. It was exciting to see her breasts beginning to heave again with lust and passion! I swung first one leg and then the other over her well-formed waist and stood up at the side of the bed. I looked down at my beautiful step-daughter and my son-in-law gripped in a gloriously sensual embrace; his face buried in her cunt and Jewel’s hands twisted into his coal-black hair, helping direct the movement of his face on her dripping pussy! Jewel was really getting into it, riding his face hard while looking at me, eyes filled with lust.
“Daddy, let me suck your big cock, OK?!” She wailed with emotion. “I want to feel it in my mouth! I want you to FUCK my MOUTH, NOW!”
I stepped forward and presented my beautifully cresting cock to her lips and felt them close on the head of my dick! I watched and felt a sensual thrill as she sucked the head of my cock into her warm and willing mouth! I took her head in my hands and gently began to fuck her mouth while we continued to maintain eye-contact. Jewel opened her throat and let me shove my dick all the way in, and I felt my balls slap against her cheek and chin. I maintained an even, slow stroke while I fucked her mouth, measuring my effectiveness in her pretty eyes. I knew that between José sucking on her clit and me fucking her mouth that she wouldn’t last long, and I was right; she suddenly exploded in a massive orgasm that caused her throat to contract and her jaws to tighten on the shaft of my erect penis. I felt her hip movements on José’s face accelerate as wave after exploding, orgasmic wave rushed through her clit and her pussy. It was magnificent!
As Jewel floated in that place of ultimate sexual fulfillment, I gently pulled my still hard cock from her mouth and grabbed the bottle of tequila that José had placed on the nightstand. I quickly twisted off the seal and opened the bottle. The powerful aroma of agave tequila wafted from the open neck of the bottle and I raised it to my lips and took a good, long pull. The fiery liquor lit up my eyes. I felt it burn its way to my stomach and then rush to my head. I took another pull and felt the breath rush out of me.
“Whew. . . Dude! That’s good tequila! The tequila had reduced my voice to a whisper.
José looked up from kissing his sister-in-law’s cunt and, with a sparkle in his dark brown eyes, said: “Only the best for my main man, bro!”
I leaned over and poured some of the tequila onto Jewel’s stomach, it was cold and she flinched as it ran down and pooled in her belly-button with a few drops of my cum that José had missed in his earlier efforts. José smiled and slid his face up Jewel’s crotch so that his mouth could reach her belly, dragging his tongue through Jewel’s red pussy hair. When he reached her flat, sexy belly, he stopped and sucked up the pool of tequila and cum in one short suck.
“Wow! That is good tequila, especially mixed with Jewel’s pussy juice! Thanks, bro!” José leaned back so that he could look at me: “hit me again!”
I poured another shot on Jewel’s stomach and watched it puddle in her navel again. José sucked up the second shot with gusto.
“I just need a slice of lime!” He laughed; Jewel and I laughed, too.
“OK, dude,” I said; “on your back!” I pushed him on the shoulder and waived my hand, indicating that he should roll over onto his back next to Jewel. He followed my direction and his big, brown dick, once again hard and proud slapped against his ripped stomach. He really looked hot, lying there! I took a moment or two to eye fuck them both. Jewel and José lay there, letting me do so!
“OK , darling,” I said to Jewel, “Time for you to mount that hard, Mexican cock! Get over here and straddle his hips. Jewel rose to her knees, and swung one leg over his hips, her tits swinging erotically in José’s direction. She caught José’s staring at her nipples jutting proudly into his face and smiled. Her knees were on either side of José’s hips and her ass was up in the air as she knelt there, watching him stair at her perky breasts.
“You like my tits, José?” Jewel teased. She shook them provocatively close to his face and then drug one nipple and then the other over his lips. On the second pass of her left nipple, José snagged it with his lips and started sucking it, drawing nearly her entire breast into his mouth!
“Oh, baby!” Jewel exclaimed, “You DO love my tits!” José didn’t answer her, but reached up and cupped her other breast with his hand and began to massage it as he sucked on the other.
I got onto the bed behind Jewel and reached between her legs to pet her hot pussy. She looked back at me over one shoulder with a mischievous grin.
“Daddy,” Jewel pleaded; “will you put José’s cock into me?”
I looked around Jewel and caught José’s eyes. He didn’t say anything, but I saw his eyes light up. I took this for a positive sign and let my hand drop from Jewel’s pussy to José’s hard dick. This was the first time I had ever touched another man’s cock! I felt my own cock twitch with excitement! I liked the feel of his hard rod in my hand and I grasped it, wrapping my fingers fully around the shaft. By its own volition my hand started to jack his cock up and down. I looked at José, but his eyes were closed and his head was thrown back. He was digging it!
I continued to jack him off, moving faster and faster. I reached between Jewel’s legs with my other hand and grabbed his hair-covered balls. What an interesting feeling, taking another man’s scrotum into my hands! I caressed his ball-sack like I like mine to be caressed and heard José emit a low groan.
“Do you like that, José?” The lust I was feeling for his cock was easy to hear in my voice.
“Mmmmm!” Is all I heard in return, so I looked up toward his face and could see that Jewel had leaned forward and started to kiss José on his lips. José’s body responded with enthusiasm, both to the kiss and my ministrations. I felt his hips thrusting in time to the rhythm of my hand job. It was totally hot and sexy! I felt his hard cock sliding in and out of my fist, and I squeezed it a bit harder so that the mushroom shaped head of his cock was sure to receive a high level of stimulation.
At that moment, all I wanted to do was to suck his cock! I couldn’t believe that I was feeling so turned on by another man’s dick! But the desire to feel him fuck MY mouth was overwhelming me.
“Wait!” I heard a little voice yell in my head; “J has been training you for this, but she wants to be there to watch you suck dick for the first time!”
J had been working on me for months, talking to me about sucking cock, telling me the best moves and fantasizing with me about having a three-way with a friend of mine from work. Just in the past few days I had succumbed to the fantasy and had decided that I was going to take the plunge and invite my friend Sean over for some sexual fun with J and me. I knew that with J there to hold my hand, I could live out the fantasy and give her the thrill of seeing her fantasy fulfilled, too. She really wanted to experience seeing me take a hard dick in my mouth for the very first time. She also wanted to watch while I used her techniques to bring my partner to climax and have him pump his hot cum into my mouth! I didn’t want to disappoint her; after all, she had set up this little surprise for me!
Since J deserved to be there when I let a man fuck my mouth for the first time, I backed away from the overwhelming desire to suck José’s cock. Instead of taking his hard Mexican cock into my mouth, I pulled on Jewel’s hips with one hand and expertly guided José into the luscious pink interior of Jewel’s dripping wet slit! Both Jewel and José drew in their breaths and exhaled loudly. The passion between the two of them was intense and I saw José immediately begin to thrust like a madman into Jewel’s hot hole!
Jewel began riding her brother-in-law’s fat cock like a pogo stick; fast and hard. The slurping sound of her pussy lips sucking on his cock was music for our ears and made my blood-pressure spike with desire!
“OH . . . MY . . . GOD!” Jewel yelled; “José! Your cock is so hard and fat! Fuck me, baby; fuck my pussy!”
“¡Madre de DIOS!” José responded; “Ride me, slut! Ride my big cock! Faster!”
Jewel did ride José faster in reply, bouncing on his engorged cock harder with each bounce. I watched them fuck and started to jack myself off to their rhythm. “Fuck! This is HOT!” I yelled. “I want into this, too!”
“Fuck my ASS, daddy!” Jewell yelled in her passion. “Fuck my Ass; I want to feel both of you in me at the same time!”
“FUCK!” I yelled, “You don’t have to say THAT twice!”
I grabbed a bottle of lube that J kept in the nightstand and lubed up my throbbing-hard cock. I kneeled behind Jewel with my knees touching the outsides of José’s thighs. I grabbed Jewel’s bounding ass with both hands and got her to stop her mad bouncing for a moment. I pushed her forward at the hips exposing her puckered, pink ass-hole to my view; I could see only the base of José’s hard dick and his hair-covered balls dangling down; the rest of his massive penis was shoved deep into Jewel’s pussy. I took the lube and shot a squirt on Jewel’s pretty little ass-hole and rubbed it in with my finger. She wiggled in response and I could see her sphincter open a bit. I lubed up my finger and gently slid it into her waiting hole. It was tight and hot. I fucked her a second or two with my finger, getting the inside walls lubed up.
“Are you ready, baby?”
“For what?”
“For your big cock in my ass!”
“What do you what?”
As Jewel screamed ASS, I shoved the head of my hard dick into her ass-hole and buried the entire length of my shaft inside her, right to my scrotum! It was hot, tight and sexy as hell!
Jewel screamed with desire, passion and (perhaps) a bit of pain.
“OH GOD, SCOTTY, FUCK MY ASS; JOSÉ, FUCK MY PUSSY! I’ve never felt anything like this in my life! FUCK ME AS HARD AS YOU CAN!”
We both obeyed our lover and began to fuck her in earnest. I could feel José’s cock thrusting into her pussy, and I am sure he could feel me filling her ass-hole with my long cock. We fucked both her holes with our rock-hard tools! I could hear José grunting and groaning in time with Jewel and me. Jewel’s ass clenched my cock much tighter than her pussy, and I knew that I would blow my load in thick streams deep into her ass soon.
We fucked each other with abandon and force. Our cocks demanding to be relieved of another load of sperm and Jewel’s pussy and ass demanding to be satisfied in every carnal way by our cocks. With a great shout all three of us came in a massive, cum-spewing explosion! I felt José’s cock pumping rope after rope into his wife’s sister as my cock emptied my balls in her ass-hole in six or seven long orgasmic contractions.
I screamed with passion and slammed my cock deep into Jewel and pumped her full of my cum. I have no idea how I could have produced so much sperm and juice in such a short time! I felt José’s cock pulsing with each pump of cum that he shot into Jewel’s sweet pussy. His orgasm was as intense as mine and he must have shot eight or ten ropes into her before his balls were empty.
Jewel and I dropped to either side of José, dead to the world. After a few minutes we all began to take stock of our surroundings. José was lying between Jewel and I. I reached out and grabbed José’s cock in my hand and stroked it in a friendly way.
“Dude!” I whispered, “You are a stud! Don’t be surprised if someday soon J doesn’t have me sucking that cock of yours for her entertainment!”
José looked over at me, and damned if he didn’t reach out and grab my shaft and begin to pump my cock in a lazy jacking motion! It felt strange but sexy!
“Man, if J wants, I’ll suck that shaved gringo cock of yours, too, if it means that I can fuck her hot pussy!”
“Jose, I would be surprised if you didn’t get a chance to burry that beautiful, Mexican cock in J tonight!”
We both lay there, stroking each other’s spent cock and I thought: “Humm, maybe I’ll be sucking that big, Mexican cock tonight, too!” What an interesting thought.
Jewel reached out with her hand and covered mine which was caressing José’s cock and balls.
“Whatever you do, you two, I want to be there to watch and share!”
I raised my head and looked at Jewel. “Baby-girl, I wouldn’t have it any other way!”
We all laughed together and I thought with a smile: ‘What a great beginning to my birthday party! I wonder what the rest of the day has in store?”
“How about a swim?” I asked. “The pool should feel great!”
“Fantastic idea,” Jewel replied; “I’ll go get my suit!”
“Suit?” I heard José reply with a very deep and affected Mexican accent: “We don’t need no stinkin’ suits!”
We all laughed again, jumped out of bed, raced downstairs and out to the backyard; little Ruby barking with excitement, bringing up the rear.
“Last one in is a rotten egg!” I yelled and cannon-balled into the cold water. I heard Jewel scream in mock fear and José laughing his head off as I hit the water. I surfaced just in time to see José toss Jewel into the pool.
“Yep,” I thought to myself, “this is gonna be a night to remember!”