Samantha was in her mid-forties, still a very strikingly attractive woman, of slim build, shoulder length blonde hair and green eyes. She always took great care of herself and enjoyed dressing for every occasion and even looked incredible in old jeans and a tee-shirt! Robert, although two years older, was of slender build with dark hair and a bit of the salt and pepper starting to show on his temples. His sultry brown eyes, long lashes and wicked sense of humour had attracted Samantha initially, and after twenty years, she still felt the huge attraction which had weakened her knees from the start. Having both been through previous marriages, their relationship had started maturely and rather haltingly as they had both been a little cautious. And with the last of the children leaving home three years prior, they had somehow got themselves into a bit of a rut.
Saturdays Robert normally played golf with his work colleague and this Saturday was no different, except for the fact that Samantha had come up with an idea to reignite the passion in their relationship which she felt had stated becoming a little mundane. So sitting in their farm-styled kitchen on that morning, enjoying a cup of coffee, Samantha started hatching a plan to introduce a little excitement into their lives.
On the Monday morning, just over a week after Samantha had decided on her plan, her and Robert said their goodbyes as they both left home at the same time, to their places of work. As Samantha turned the corner at the end of the street, she got excited and a little aroused just thinking about the prospects of the evening. She knew that she had to make sure that the evening was flawless.
it had to be!!! ….because if the night failed she knew that she would not have the confidence or the stamina to complete the other six evenings.
At lunch time she popped out to the lingerie boutique on 5th Avenue and had a most rewarding lunch hour looking through all the sexy pieces of lingerie. It took her a while before she found one, the one that she had envisaged in her mind, the one that she knew would work the magic.
The afternoon dragged and eventually until it was time to leave for home. And as much as Samantha was looking forward to the events of the evening she was also anxious that it might just backfire
Arriving home, Samantha went straight to the kitchen and started with the dinner, knowing that she would have to work out the timing perfectly as Robert usually played squash on his way home on Monday evenings. And by the time he arrived home she knew that the first part of the evening, being dinner, would be ready.
When dinner was prepared, Samantha set the table in the dining room, dimmed the lights and lit the candles for the romantic ambiance that she wanted. She then went upstairs to get ready for the evening, already feeling mellow after a glass of wine. She also felt confident that the evening would be the beginning of a wonderful and exciting new relationship.
Whilst her bath water was running, she went and laid out her outfit on their bed, looking very pleased with herself at the choices she had made to seduce Robert later that evening. Turning off the taps, she got undressed and climbed in the hot, perfumed water and lay there for a short while playing out the sequel to their evening in her mind.
After getting dressed and about to apply her lipstick, Samantha heard the front door open.
Robert was home.
”Hi Sweetheart, I’m home … where are you?” she heard him calling from the hallway.
Finishing her application of the new coloured lipstick she had acquired she replied; “ I’m upstairs.”
His reaction was one that Samantha had hoped for.
“Wow, what’s the occasion?” seeing her in her off-the-shoulder black “number” and all done up to the 9’s.
”I am having dinner with my husband tonight … and dinner will be ready in half an hour,” she said as he walked up behind her and gave her a kiss on her neck. Samantha turned around to face Robert and smiled at him whilst placing a kiss on the end of his nose.
She quickly finished off their dinner, poured herself another glass of wine and proceeded to the drinks cabinet in the lounge to pour Robert his usual Whisky and Soda on Ice and put on some back ground music. Dimming the lights and lighting a few candles around the lounge, she felt that the desired ambiance had been achieved.
As it was a pleasant warm evening, Samantha thought it perfect to have their drinks on the deck, which ran off the lounge through the already openFrench doors. The evening was magical, the view breath taking and Samantha was feeling like an excited school girl. It took her back to her prom evening and she smiled to herself thinking back to that night.
Robert joined her a few moments later and Samantha was pleased to see that he had taken the trouble to shower and dress for dinner. They enjoyed their drinks together and chatted over the day’s events, whilst enjoying the perfect weather, the spectacular view and each other’s company …something they had not done for quite a while!
With dinner on the table, they sat down and before dishing up, Samantha made a toast; “to us and our new exciting future!” Robert raised his glass and looked at her with a confused look, not quite knowing where this evening was going. She noticed and responded; “I have a surprise for you this evening!”
They finished their dinner, with Robert trying to sweet talk her into telling him what the surprise was but she was adamant; he had to wait!
Eventually dinner was over and Samantha got up from the table and took his hand in hers and guided him to his favourite easy chair in the lounge, gesturing him to take a seat. Still not sure what she was up to, he watched her go over to the music centre and change the music before walking back to where he was sitting.
Robert could not believe what he had just heard.
is this his wife, Samantha???
He sat back and got comfortable and watched her as she came around to face him.
“Tonight is your night – what is your pleasure?” Samantha said seductively as she clasped his face gently between her hands.
“Uhmmm … I think, for a start, I would like to see you undress in front of me,“ Robert responded, already aroused at the thought of what was going to transpire.
Samantha took a quiet, deep breath and thought; “well, here I go …. Hopefully my practicing pays off!” And as she took a few steps back and started to move her body to the beat of the music playing in the back ground she noticed the genuine interest Robert showed in her performance.
Samantha gradually turned around so that she was facing away from Robert and slowly moved her hands towards her back whilst caressing her thighs and her hips as she moved them up towards her back to her zipper. She slowly started to un-zip her dress whilst moving her body seductively to the music. Her dress slipped off her and fell gracefully to the floor, revealing the sexy black corset, suspender belt holding up black sheer stockings, stilettos and no panties. Robert, just seeing Samantha like this, started becoming aroused. She turned around to face him walked, ever so seductively, towards him. Kneeling down in front of him, she started to caress his upper legs as her hands made their way to his belt, which she un-buckled leisurely before un-zipping his trousers and pulling them from his legs. Her hands then went back to his upper legs and gently she moved her fingers up to his penis, which by now, had become fully erect.
And what a pleasurable sight and feeling!!!!
She cupped her right hand around his shaft and slowly started to stimulate his hardness whilst caressing his right leg gently with the fingers of her other hand. Robert let out a pleasurable moan, and to Samantha’s delight, his penis was wet with pre-cum. She used this as lubrication as she feverishly pumped his shaft. She then bent over Robert and with her soft, wet lips, embraced his penis’s head, first teasing his hardness with her hands before slowly allowing her mouth to take over from her hands rhythm and orally massaging his shaft.
Robert was in heaven. His hands embraced Samantha’s head as he gently held her while her mouth seduced him. Samantha’s pussy, too, had become wet and she was so aroused that she could have screamed.
She carried on pleasuring him until Robert shouted out; “don’t stop, suck me harder, harder …I am coming!!!” Robert’s body tensed as he screamed out in total pleasure as he climaxed half into Samantha’s mouth and the rest down her chest.
She sat back and smiled to herself at her achievement and hoped that it would not stop there as she too was now so aroused that she desperately wanted Robert to pleasure her.
Robert sat up, drew Samantha towards him and kissed her passionately. She responded, happily knowing that it was not going to end there. Robert then stood up and pulled Samantha towards him and whispered in her ear; “that, my darling, was absolutely amazing!!”
Robert unfastened her corset and flung it onto the couch and lay her down on the carpet. Kneeling between her parted legs, he started kissing her teasingly from her neck down towards her breasts. She could feel her nipples tingling to the warmth of his wet mouth and her pussy became more and more moist. As his mouth and tongue ventured down her stomach to her shaven mound, she became even more aroused at the prospect of having him orally pleasure her. He gently flicked his tongue over her mound, teasingly flicking her clit occasionally and dipping it into her moist pussy. Samantha, trying to contain herself, let out a soft moan.
Robert stopped, sat up and looked down at her. The sight of her lying in front of him in her suspenders and stockings, her legs apart, displaying her wet pussy aroused him immensely. He moved his hand slowly over the top of her stocking-clad leg to her inner thighs, making his way to Samantha’ wet and aching pussy. When eventually his fingers reached her moist lips and parted them gently, all Samantha wanted to do was scream out for him to fuck her with his long familiar fingers. She lifted her hips towards his gentle probing fingers as he slowly inserted a finger into her tightening vagina and started to stimulate her clitoris. Robert then bent down and slipped his tongue between the lips of her pussy and his inserted finger. As his tongue touched her clitoris, a wave of sensations flooded Samantha’s body and all she wanted was his hardness inside her.
She stretched down towards Robert and with her hands gently pulled him up towards her. Taking hold of his hardness and stroking it lovingly in her hands, she guided it to the moistness of her pussy. She could tell how stimulated Robert was by the way he lunged himself into her.
Samantha cried out in pure pleasure as his shaft drove deeply into her with every thrust. His thrusting became even harder as she raised her arse and wrapped her legs around his waist so that his penetration could be deeper. They continued their thrusting until she could feel his shaft spasm as he exploded into her, releasing his hot sperm deep into her. This prompted Samantha’s orgasm as their bodies convulsed in unison.
Robert lay contented and exhausted on top of Samantha and she could feel his penis up against her cervix as the warmth in her body waned and left her feeling of content and triumphant as she had made it through the first part of her plan with what she believed to be flying colours.
Samantha now looked forward to tomorrow night with new found confidence……