Linda was short, a little plump, dark thick lustrous hair, and fresh, and she had a sweet rounded ass. She was a dancer and a musician, and she spoke her mind, very confidently and self-assured. She wanted me. She had a way of wiggling that ass as she walked that caught my eye, like “come and get me”. Oh yeah, I liked that!
We started dating as soon as I got my car, senior year of high school. This was going to be my intro to sex, I was sure of it.
I daydreamed about her and sex all of my waking hours. What would she look like under her clothes? What were her tits like? How big were they? What would they feel like? Would she let me see them, touch them? I didn’t really have much of an idea of what the rest of her body would be like, or anyone else’s, for that matter. I just knew that her body would be better than I can imagine, and what stroke of cosmic luck would it take to touch or see her, naked?
I thought constantly about how to get to touch her. I jerked off everyday to those thoughts. I also thought about the fact that I could never ever share those thoughts with another human being. Either the ones about her and sex, or about masturbating. I would rather just die.
So I asked her out, to the movies Friday night. We went, took her home, and sat around on the sofa in her house. It was a big and very fancy house. Her father was a doctor, my dentist, and very powerful in the town. He was also powerful in life, a serious guy not to get on the wrong side of. Not a guy to have know that I wanted to fuck his daughter, either. It would be a painful slow death. Or to know that I stroked my cock to dreams of her tits.
Because her mother liked me, we were left to our selves, sitting around her living room, and we started to make out on the sofa. The kissing became very hot quickly. She pushed it to the hot, matching every tongue thrust and upping the heat with deeper tongue. It took no time at all for me to have a hard-on that would easily smash furniture, but I had to keep that secret lest she sense it or see that I couldn’t move around much. God forbid if she found out. The potential shame of her knowing that I got erect was frightening. This went on every night we got together, which were Friday and Saturday nights all summer. Fridays, they would have me there for dinner, and then leave us alone in the house to make tongue sucking and kissing marathons. I think I must be on my way to heaven. I would get very hard in seconds and then it would dribble out as we held each other close and pressed our bodies together.
One Friday night after dinner at her house, we were sitting on the sofa directly across from the dinner table, while her mother did the dishes in full view of us. Linda had a pair of camel-hair shorts on that were very short displaying her soft and smooth legs right up to her crotch. I certainly wanted to look at her crotch and her legs, but, I had to be careful not to let her know that I looked at them. We were kind of intertwined in a half hug, so we were close. Remember, mother was on the opposite side of the room, singing a little tune to herself while she washed and dried the dishes. Linda had squirmed around until her one leg was over mine and her pussy was very close to my hand. She moved her ass up my leg until my hand was on her inner thigh, about a quarter of an inch from her pussy. She was excited, sweating, and breathing in short noisy huffs. I thought that either her father would walk in, or her mother would come over with a big knife and I would be dead! With my huge erect cock sticking straight up at the ceiling!
I said
“Let’s go for a walk”.
She said
We walked across the street to the woods around the lake, down the slope, and onto the path that disappeared around it in the dark. We went a little way down the in the dark to one of the benches a couple of hundred yards along the path. I sat down expecting her to sit with me so we could resume that pussy/ thigh investigation that has me so hard, but she came over to me and climbed onto my lap facing me. Then she opened her blouse and took off her bra faster that a magician. Her tits went right up in my face. She rubbed them gently but firmly against my eyes and mouth. Her nipples were hard and big and in my mouth, sucking them in and licking and biting them. She was twisting her pelvis and pussy as if on fire while giving me a breast banquet. Then she let out a string of squeals and cries and pushed her chest into my face hard. At the same time I shot a string of semen into my pants with a bellowing grunt!
As she came to, she said
“Wow, you came so much! I love you for that! Can I feel it?”
Without waiting for my answer she opened my fly and felt around in the mess of come in my shorts all over my balls and cock.
“Um, this is sticky and smelly. I like it!” she said. She licked it up off her fingers.
I had my hands up inside of the loose legs of her shorts, under her panties, fingers into her pussy and one finger up in her asshole. She too was wet and smelly and messy. And I loved it also.
It was going to be a great summer.