Cheating Wife’s Version of Date Night

"Wifey takes a lover while talking to hubby on the phone"

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Karen cupped her lover’s balls in her left hand, alternately massaging them and then his swollen shaft while she texted her husband with her right. Her lover was amused.

“You multi-text pretty well,” he said with a smile. “Where is he?”

“I’m a mother,” she said, returning his smile. “We’re natural multi-taskers. And don’t worry. We have plenty of time.”

They were in her bed–the bed she would be sharing with her husband in a few hours. She was sitting on her heels naked and, after sending the umpteenth text, leaned over to engulf what she could of his nicely oversized cock with her mouth. She ignored her husband’s latest text reply for several up and downs of her head, then read the text.

“Shit,” she said. “This is ridiculous. Can’t he make a decision? Not a word.” She put her finger to her lips in a classic gesture for silence, then dialed her husband.

Her lover raised his eyebrows comically and did his best to stifle a laugh. Then she went down on him until her husband answered her call.

She was crazy, thought the man with the turgid cock. Always spontaneous, great in the sack, she probably wouldn’t leave her husband permanently for any other man and that was perfect for him: great sex without any risk of commitment. That was his definition of safe sex. He listened with interest to her side of the conversation.

“Where are you?” she asked. She sat up straight listening and momentarily forgot her responsibility to multi-task. “Okay, so go through the store and get everything you can think of that we can possibly ever need.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to make a list for you right now. This is my time for me.”

She gripped the man’s cock and thought idly that it was about time to have her ring cleaned again. She leaned back down to suck some more. She wanted to deep throat him but physically couldn’t. It was hard enough not scraping him with her teeth. Her jaw was always sore after sucking him for very long. She let out an audible moan of pleasure as she popped the cock head out of her mouth and responded somewhat abruptly to her husband. “I’m actually having a snack right now! So no, take your time.”

The man chuckled. Her husband was obviously asking her lots of questions and she kept making him wait longer and longer for her replies, each time going down on his cock. He was extremely hard and was wondering what would happen if he came during their conversation.

As if reading his mind and lusting to push the limits, she left his cock extremely wet with her saliva and then straddled him. She held his cock poised against her labia, then spoke to her husband.

“Okay,” she said. “After you get the groceries, go by that place on Market Street where they make the pizzas you can cook at home–.” Hubby apparently mentioned the name of the place.

“Yeah, that’s the one. Then…oh hold on a second.”

She looked her lover in the eye and slowly lowered herself onto his cock. He brought a knuckle to his mouth and bit down. She stifled a laugh as well and somehow managed not to groan too loudly. She smiled a devilish smile.

“Nothing,” she said. “I was just taking care of something here. So yeah, go by the pizza place. Have them make us a pizza. Then bring it home and cook it. It’s your night to be kitchen bitch and we have all night to ourselves. And get us a movie too.”

She slowly began to rise up and down. Their conversation seemed to be drawing to a close. Then she surprised all three of them.

“Hey honey,” she said with a wicked smile. “Do you still have any of those Viagra samples?” A pause. “No? Awww…too bad.” She smiled at her lover as husband and wife exchanged some sexy pleasantries. Meanwhile she was squeezing and twisting and driving her lover to the brink. “Well I’m gonna need some attention tonight, so plan on doing your best to take care of my needs.”

The man began thrusting harder and the wife did nothing to quiet the sounds, both of them grinning and trying not to laugh. More exchanges between husband and wife, then she paused their thrusting by rising up on her knees, back straight, nipples jutting forward. Then she leaned over her lover, putting her weight on one hand by her lover’s head. She looked deeply into her lover’s eyes. “I love you, too baby,” she said to her husband. She sank down onto the man’s cock as he stifled a groan. Her smile was feline. “Yeah, see you soon.”

She dropped the phone on the bed as the two lovers laughed and then their fucking became rutting–just thrusting and pounding and animal grunting and in moments their mutual yells of ecstasy rattled the windows.

“Ohhhh fuck,” she said as she collapsed atop her lover, breathing heavily. “Now that’s my idea of date night.”

Published 13 years ago

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