How’d that happen 2

"Machinations of a traveler"

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I woke up startled. I couldn’t figure out why I was naked as a baby.

Then I looked around. When what to my wondering eyes should appear. Was this Christmas? What the hell did I do to deserve two gorgeous, naked, sleeping, girls lying aside of me. Then my memory cells started firing. WOW, did that really happen? And if it did, could I repeat it? Taking stock of myself I realized that, yes, maybe I could, but not right now. I was goin’ to have to recuperate a while first.

I cleared my throat quite a few times before there was any response from my companions. When they did wake I was bewildered to see them grab their skimpy outfits, wrap themselves, and glare at me as if I started it. They were acting like a pair of virgins caught naked at the swimming hole by the preacher.

Well, I pretty quick figured out there wasn’t gonna be any fun and games now, at least for a while.

So I dressed and rustled up some dry wood and started a fire. There was a lot of sneaky glances from all three of us toward each other. Everyone was trying to figure out what next and it was almighty quiet for a while.

I finally took the bull by the horns and said “Listen, you ladies are acting like observers instead of participants in last nights festivities and I’m a little tired of gettin’ a snub here. So I suggest you get the camp chores started while I go huntin’ for something more than beans and bacon, While I’m gone maybe you can figure out what you’re gonna do.”

It took me a while but I found some ducks on the creek and got about 6 of them. They’re hard to hunt with a rifle, especially when they’re flying ’cause you only want to hit their head or you”ll ruin the meat. I’m not quite good enough to hunt them with a pistol.

When I got back things were a lot better. I even received some beautiful smiles. The ladies had everything all cleaned up and had some oatmeal on the fire and I was starving. They had dressed in what was probably the going attire for actresses.

After a late breakfast I inquired what they had decided. Sandra took the lead.

“We still want to go to Sante Fe if you’ll take us. We can’t go back as we told you before. We’ll pay you well and I saw you take the money we’d paid those bastards you killed so you’ll come out okay.”

I had already decided I was going to take them but now was my time to get a little something extra and set some guidelines.

“If I do take you we’re going to have to get some things straightened out. Last night was a hell of a lot of fun for me and I didn’t see either of you being bashful about joining in the entertainment. If that’s gonna be a one time fling I don’t know that I’d be interested in hauling a couple actresses around the countryside.”

Now Jasmine spoke up “Listen Horse, we figured at least one reason you’re called Horse last night and I don’t think it’s just because you’re so damn big and brawny. We enjoyed last night probably more than you did because you crapped out early, to my way of thinking. If you’re up for a little fun and games now and then, so are we.”

Well, I didn’t much like the remark about me crappin’ out but the rest of her statement was right up my alley.

I rose, walked over, tucked one under each arm and escorted them to the shady spot where we slept the previous night. From then on, for an interval, all that could be seen was clothing flying every which direction. As it was dark the previous evening I could only appreciate the bounty I had was by feeling, which I did plenty of. Now, in the light of day I realized what a treasure of feminine beauty I had lucked into.

Jasmine was voluptuous but by no means chunky. Her large upright breasts were a sight the old-time sculptors were always trying for but never reached the perfectionthey sought.I now beheld her lush hips framed a beautiful pussy with a small patch of crisp black hair above.

Sandra, though taller, was no less a vision of womanliness. Her slightly smaller breasts were exquisite in form and her slim hips were in perfect proportion to her beautifully tapered long legs which ended at their top in an elegant triangle of golden curls.

When I could get my chin off my chest I wasted no time in taking advantage of what I saw.

I first lowered Sandra to the ground and gently opened her legs to allow me entrance to the sweetest pussy I’ve had the pleasure to pleasure. I started by softly kissing her thighs and taking gentle nips on her outer lips. She would have none of this. She snatched my hair with both hands and jerked my mouth into her pussy. Well, okay, I can follow directions. Opening her outer lips I licked and munched until I had to take a breath. I think I lost a handful of hair there as I was forcibly hauled back to continue. The howls coming from Sandra confirmed I was doing something right. We’re lucky she didn’t call down a wolf pack on us.

As this was going on Jasmine was not being completely left out. I’m not sure how she did it but she ended up under me somehow and was doing a fine job of giving me a glorious blowjob. I know these ladies didn’t spend their formative years in a convent ’cause they must have spent that time on their amorous skills. After switching ends on me again and getting into more comfortable positions they proceeded give me some accomplished lessons in the fine art of fucking.

After I think I passed out for a while, I went back to discussing our upcoming trip.

“Sante Fe is a different town than you’re used to. It’s a lot more uptight You show up there dressed as you are and declaring you’re actresses and you’ll end up the same as your last town. They’ll treat you as whores and that’s probably how you’ll end up. But I’ve an idea around that if you’re up for it. You say you’re good actresses and you’ll have to be for this to work”

“Horse, we didn’t accumulate the cash we had by being bad actresses. We’ve acted around the world to rave reviews and if it wasn’t a little incident with a married man and a killing we still would be. That’s one reason we’re going to Sante Fe. They probably won’t have heard about us and our old manager said that the patrons of theater in Sate Fe would welcome us” Sandra declared. “If you have an idea lets hear it.”

“Your old manager lied like hell, as you know. He was trying to get rid of you. If you can sing opera you could make it, but neither of you look like any opera soprano I’ve heard of.

My idea will only work if you’ve got enough capital. Now I’ve a pretty good poke and if we combine yours and mine maybe we can come out of this okay and get a lot richer.”

“First off, you can’t go as actresses. Sandra, you’ll make a fine rich heiress or widow looking for investments. I’m sorry Jasmine, I just can’t see you going as a rich person. The uppity people in Sante Fe sorta look down on people with darker complexions. You’d do great as a personal secretary for Sandra and you’d be respected as an educated women”

They both started laughing uproariously. “You couldn’t have cast us any better if you’d taken a year” declared Jasmine.

Sandra affirmed this “ I was raised in a very wealthy family and know all the ways that wealthy people are to act and behave. I didn’t act and behave as I was expected to and was banished from my family. I still keep in touch but they don’t want anyone to know that a member of their illustrious family has sunk to being an actress.”

Jasmine continued “ I’m part black, part Chinese, part white and, I suspect, a few odds and ends thrown in somewhere. I also was raised in a wealthy household but as the daughter of the housekeeper. They were a very kind family and when the children were tutored I was allowed to participate. I speak Latin, Greek, Spanish, French and a smattering of others. I kept books for the family until I was caught having a fling with one of the sons and had to leave. I loved learning and I think I fit the part perfectly. But what is the plan?”

“I’m still working all of it out in my head but I was going to Sate Fe anyway So if your still up for it lets get going first thing tomorrow morning.”

“Why not now, its still early,”chirped Sandra.

“Uhhh, well,I’ve got to clean the ducks and we should cook them before they go bad andI told you I’ve got some thinking to do and I’m tired and you never know, something else might come up.

That was greeted with some sly looks and slight grins. And you never know, some other things might come up.

Published 13 years ago

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