Several nights later, Hailey was home alone, and after taking her shower, rummaged through her closet, looking for something she might wear. She came across a gown her mother had bought her some time before. She dropped the towel she was wearing and pulled it on over her head. It was tangerine colored, and still fit, covering her petite frame from her tanned shoulders to her trim ankles. She studied herself in the full-length mirror of the closet door. Although she had acquired a head-turning shape since it had been bought, she hadn’t gotten any taller.
The gown was made of several layers of gauze, probably nylon or some other synthetic, but didn’t have the transparency one would expect of something that might also be called a negligee. Still, in the bright illumination of her room, it did have a degree of transparency that made quite obvious what she wore under it, which, having just come from the shower, was nothing.
Her plan for the next couple of hours was to watch television in the family room. At the moment she was alone in the house – her parents were out for the night and Brian, their house guest, was off at some college gathering.
Brian might return while I’m still watching TV. She smiled. Could be fun.
Hailey ventured out to the family room. She was there nearly two hours before Brian returned home. He did stick his head into the family room and say ‘hi’ to Hailey, but with only a dim side lamp on, he didn’t realize that Hailey had nothing on under the gown. After going to the kitchen for a beer, he returned to the family room and sat down in an over-stuffed chair opposite the couch Hailey was stretched out on.
The news had just come on and neither said much of anything until the first commercial break. Brian spoke first, looking inquisitively at Hailey and saying, “I do like that gown you’re wearing. It is really cool.”
“This moth eaten thing?” Hailey said as she clutched a portion of the gown just below her breasts. Turning from the television she asked, “Why would you think this is so cool?”
“Well, uh… it’s uh… sorta see-though… and I like that.”
“Oh… I guess I need to be more careful.” She hadn’t expected it to be quite so obvious in the dim light. “But you did say ‘sorta’ see-through?”
“Yeah, well… in the dim light, it’s not so much -“
“But it is still, at least sort of, see-through?”
“Uh huh.”
“You said you like that it’s see-through?”
“Oh yeah…”
“Can you tell I’m not wearing underwear?” Hailey was enjoying being so exposed and wanted to be sure Brian knew she wasn’t wearing anything under the gown.
“It’s not as if I can really see anything, but I can make out the outlines of your body.”
“You mean… it is sort of like I’m not really wearing anything at all?”
“Uh… yeah, well… I guess that is pretty true.”
“I could change,” Hailey said, acting as if she was getting up from the couch, “Or at least put some panties on.”
“Uh, that’s not really necessary.” Brian pleaded.
“Yeah, well…” Hailey appeared to be thinking. “If you’re liking it, I would rather stay the way I am.” She settled back into the cushions of the couch, signaling that she was going to stay as she was.
“Right, and besides…” Brian said, “I really do think that gown is cool -“
“Cool?” Hailey smiled. “I’m practically naked and you think it’s cool?”
“Yeah,” Brian said with a grin. “I told you I wanted a sexy sister. I just didn’t realize how much fun it would be.”
“Fun, huh…” Hailey broke a smile too.
“Yeah, fun,” Brian said, his grin widening. He was pretty sure that Hailey hadn’t been as ignorant of how she looked to him as she might have been trying to let on.
Hailey was totally comfortable with the situation and said, “So you like the way I’m dressed.” She flipped on the table lamp, put her finger seductively in her mouth and leaned back on the couch, offering Brian an unobscured view of her nearly naked body.
“Oh yeah…” Brian exclaimed.”
At least mildly excited, would be a good description of how Brian’s interest was making her feel. “So you’d like it if I was to wear this again,” she paused, looking down at herself, before adding, “especially if I wasn’t wearing underwear.”
“Right…” Brian replied as he studied her barely concealed body. “No underwear.”
She continued her shy-girl type of tease, “And now? Okay without the underwear?”
“Sure… I think it’s great!” Brian replied as he focused his gaze on the dark spot between her legs.
Hailey muted the TV and spoke slowly, “So let me ask you then…” She pulled her legs up on the couch, pointing them away from Brian whose chair was several feet away, over her right shoulder. “Would you still think it was fine… if one of your friends… Justin, for instance… was here too.”
“Sure! You want me to call him.”
“Nooo… just curious is all.” Hailey drew her knees up and put her arms around her now bare legs. “So you think he’d like this gown too.” With Brian’s eyes taking in her every movement, Hailey allowed the hem of the gown to fall into her lap.
Brian imagined himself sitting at the other end of the couch, looking between her bare thighs. He wiped the drool off his lips, “Uh… uh…” Brian stammered, “I… I’m sure he would. He would think it was really neat… just like I do.”
Hailey was quiet, obviously deep in thought. When she finally spoke, she did so carefully and deliberately. “You encouraged me to get topless with those three friends of yours at the beach. And you’re sounding like it’d be okay for me to be practically naked around Justin. I’m sure you know that I really do love showing off for your friends. My question is, are you really liking me to do that, or are you just going along with it because you know I want to?”
Hailey’s question was obviously a serious one and Brian tried to put considerable thought into his reply.
“Could be both.” He hesitated. “You seem to have so much fun teasing my friends… my little head gets excited, just watching you… but the big head also loves that you’re having such a good time! So you tell me, are you doing it because you really are having fun, or are you doing it because of what it’s doing to me?”
Hailey straightened up and looked toward the television, just as the news ended. “Well,” she said as she got up, “I think I need to sleep on that one.”
Brian’s eyes followed Hailey to the doorway. Illuminated by the hall light, she turned slowly back toward the room. She spoke seductively, “So you like this gown, huh,” knowing that with the light behind her it would look as if she wasn’t wearing anything at all. “I’ll have to remember to wear it every now and then,” she said as she turned and disappeared down the hall.
Too bad I promised, Brian said to himself as he closed his hand over the rock solid bulge in his pants.
The next morning, Hailey was rubbing her eyes as she came into the kitchen. It was a Friday, her father and mother would already be gone, but Brian should be home. There was however, no one in the kitchen. She poured herself a cup a coffee and went to check out the backyard.
“Ah, there you are,” she said to Brian, noting that Justin was also there at the umbrella table. It had already been two or three weeks since Hailey had gone out with him and he had yet to call. She was surprised to see him.
Brian looked up. “So… you decided to join the land of the living,” he said, giving the sexy seventeen-year-old a thorough once-over.
Hailey could see that she was getting ‘checked out’, not just by Brian, but also by Justin. Looking at Brian she said, “If somebody had told me we had a visitor, I might have gotten up sooner.” And I also might have dressed differently.
After wearing a nearly transparent negligee last night with nothing on under it, and sort-of accidentally being caught by Brian, she had decided to try panty-less, at least until breakfast was over.
Brian immediately was pretty sure Hailey wasn’t wearing panties. The way she was walking suggested she was hiding something. She set her mug on the table, careful not to bend over, then sat down slowly while holding the shirt-tail between her legs.
Hailey was wearing her very usual white button front man’s dress shirt, and Justin, like Brian, was guessing that was all. Justin began talking while continuing his visual examination. Hailey was keeping her bare legs tightly together. Through the glass table-top Justin focused his attention on the spot between her legs.
Hailey looked at Justin and tauntingly asked, “You trying to see between my legs? Trying to see if I’m wearing panties.”
“Well are you?” Justin asked.
“Whether I am or not is none of your business,” she replied quite forcefully, crossing her legs and eliminating any possible view.
“Brian told me you weren’t wearing any last night and -“
Hailey looked up and very nearly shouted. “He said what?” She was still upset that she had not heard from Justin since their date. Nevertheless, she was kinda glad that Brian had told him about last night. At least he was here.
Brian had no way of knowing that Hailey might actually be thankful for what he had done and quickly waded in, thinking he needed to smooth the waters, “Calm down Hailey. This is my fault, I shouldn’t have said anything.”
Hailey let her mock anger drain away. Brian and Justin painted smiles on their faces. Hailey uncrossed her legs and arranged the shirt so it would be impossible to know for sure that she wasn’t wearing panties. “Ya know,” she said matter-of-factly, “that gown I was wearing last night was only a little transparent, and the only reason I stayed watching TV after Brian came home, was because the light was dim and I didn’t think he could see anything anyway.”
“I’m sure that’s true,” Justin said, endorsing the lie he knew he had just heard, “But Brian told me how great you looked. I was hoping you might wear it again today.” He ducked, afraid he was about to be hit.
“Yeah, well…” Hailey blushed. “Maybe, some day,” quickly adding, “And I suppose, just like Brian, you’d want me to wear it without panties.”
“Well, I do think Brian’s right. You should wear it without panties,” Justin said, ducking again.
“And you think that’d be okay, huh,” Hailey teased with a grin on her face.
“Yeah, sure…” Then he mischievously added, “Is something wrong? You seem worried about something.” He ducked, expecting a slap, but it didn’t come.
“Uh, no… what makes you ask that,” Hailey said as she tightened her legs under the table.
Through the glass table-top, Brian could see the extra care Hailey was taking. He dove in, “You’re not wearing panties, are you?”
Hailey turned beet red and again clutched the shirt-tail between her legs. “Uh… what makes you think that?” she asked.
“Hey… it’s okay,” Justin assured her, “We think it’s neat, don’t we Brian?”
Hailey looked at Brian as he nodded his agreement. Turning back to Justin, she sheepishly asked, “And you don’t think I’m acting like a slut?”
“Hell no,” he replied, “you’re just having fun – and so are we!”
“Right,” Hailey said. “So we’re all having fun. Let’s keep it that way. She looked up, first at Brian, then at Justin. “Okay?” she asked.
Without looking down, Hailey noticed Justin adjust the bulge in his shorts. “Yeah, okay,” he responded breathlessly.
Hailey tried to act as if the situation were totally normal. “Well, what shall we talk about,” she said, shuddering slightly as a tingle of excitement went through her.
“So how does it feel to be sitting there with no panties?” Justin asked.
“How about we don’t talk about that anymore,” Hailey responded with a little smile on her face.
“Well you do want to, don’t you?” Justin shot back.
Hailey’s excitement level went up. “Uh, yeah… I guess so… don’t know what there is to say though,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper.
“You like it then,” Brian asked. His eyes glued to the hem of Hailey’s shirt.
Hailey had seen where Brian was looking. She looked at Justin and saw that he was looking there too. “Well, uh… you guys staring between my legs is uh… well, I am okay with it but it does make me just a little bit nervous.”
Justin shot a quick look at her breasts. “Excited though,” he editorialized, “Your nipples are saying it’s exciting.”
Hailey’s hands shot to her breasts. She looked down as she felt of her nipples through the shirt. “Yes, I guess they are saying that,” she said, continuing to pinch them lightly.
“Oh my God,” Brian exclaimed, “That is sooo hot!”
“What,” Hailey snapped, jerking her hands away from her breasts.
“You touching your breasts,” Justin said, “But you don’t need to stop.” He shot a warning glance at Brian, hoping he would understand what his comment had done.
“Undo a button,” Justin suggested, “You’ll be more comfortable.”
Hailey guessed that Justin wasn’t trying to be helpful, he was just trying to get her clothes off. Didn’t really much matter though, she was ready to do it anyway. Looking at Justin, but not saying anything, she undid the top button.
Hailey pulled the shirt apart, as much as she could with the button between her breasts closed. She tried again to smooth the shirt out, but it was still too tight. She liked the looks she was getting from Justin and anxiously watched his reaction as she slowly undid another button, the one between her breasts.
As Hailey spread the shirt open she glanced quickly at Brian and saw that he too was watching her every move. She tugged the top panels of the shirt away from her breasts until they barely concealed her nipples. “I guess that will do,” she said smiling.
Hailey looked down and slid the hem of her shirt a little further up her bare thighs. She uncrossed and opened her legs an inch or two. “I’m still covered aren’t I,” she asked cheerily.
Brian did not respond. Justin spoke for both of them. “What? … Oh yeah… uh yes, I mean,” he blurted.
“You’re sure you can’t see anything,” she asked teasingly while lifting her head.
“Nothing you’re not wanting us to see,” Justin replied, slowly surveying all of Hailey’s exposed parts, “Just enjoying yourself it seems.”
“I guess I am but it looks like you guys are enjoying yourselves too,” Hailey said beaming.
Hailey turned this way and that, crossing and un-crossing her legs, teasing the guys with a tantalyzing display of bare skin, an occasional glimpse of an unfettered nipple, and strong hints of what was between her legs. This continued for fifteen minutes or so, the three maintaining a pretty much meaningless conversation throughout.
I could fix us some breakfast,” Hailey proposed, “if you’re willing to take our conversation into the house.”
“Well, I could go for some breakfast, and I’m sure Justin could too, but, speaking for Justin as well as myself, we are having fun and we certainly wouldn’t want anything to change.”
“I don’t think you need to worry about that,” Hailey said, looking at the bulges in their pants, “I’m having fun too.”
The three nodded to each other, then got up and headed for the house, Brian and Justin following Hailey. As she walked toward the house she raised her arms to redo the bun at the back of her hair. As she did so the hem of the shirt rose a little, exposing the lower inch or so of her butt cheeks to the excited gaze of her companions.