Chesha Neko Trilogy, Book 1, Part 7: BEGINNING TO THINK HE’S A CRIME LORD
by valucia
The next day, Jada was still feeling palpably infatuated with Ayano and his performance in the ring. They awoke late morning and took a bath together.
“Ayano, does that guy Varujan report to you?” she asked, interrupting his play-by-play recap of the fight.
“Varujan’s the bookie…” he said evasively.
“I know that. That’s not what I asked,” she persisted. “You seem to command a lot of respect for a metallurgist,” she said, kissing his cheek.
“The people of Romania value–” Ayano was interrupted by the doorbell ringing.
“Are you expecting someone?” Jada asked, pulling away from him and causing the bathwater to swirl. She was surprised and slightly irritated by the interruption but also mad that he was about to insult her intelligence.
“I asked Sergei to bring me something that makes me feel better after a fight,” he said, climbing out of the bath. He put on a robe and went downstairs. She sighed. Perfect timing. She could tell he was right about to lie to her anyway. Shortly, she got tired of waiting for him and hovered by the bedroom door in her towel.
“<…and the shipment to Belarus?> Ayano was asking in Romanian.
“<All but one person is on the payroll. We did ask nicely,>” Sergei replied.
“<Well, if he gets in the way, kill him,>” he said casually.
“<Of course.>”
“<And thanks for this, I really appreciate it. I wasn’t getting out to do this today with her around,>” Ayano said, holding up an unusually thick folded newspaper.
“<Thank her for whatever she said to Tanea,>” Sergei smirked.
“<Nice. She has great tits,>” Ayano congratulated him.
“<She does. Well, I won’t keep you. Go easy on her, eh?>” Sergei patted Ayano’s shoulder.
“<She actually has carpet burn on her knees today! She begged me to fuck her right here on the floor when we got home!! She really liked the tournament!!>” Ayano said and they both laughed.
Ayano said goodbye and shut the door behind Sergei. Jada saw him disappear into another room downstairs. What was he up to? The language was like pouring rain and she had only a few pots to catch it in. Something in Belarus, pay, and then morati- that could be killed, like morte– death, but it could also be like morar, to inhabit. And then tits, they were definitely talking about tits. After spending so much time with Ayano’s friends, she picked up lots of words like tits, slut, ass, and fucking. She considered asking him whose tits they were talking about, but she decided she wasn’t going to reveal she was learning Romanian until the right moment.
Right as Jada finished getting dressed, Ayano returned.
“Awww, that’s a fucking shame. You’re dressed,” he said, walking in with a spring in his step.
“You were taking too long. What did he bring you?”
“Just some traditional remedies,” he said vaguely.
“Really?” Jada asked, scrutinizing him.
“Really. I don’t do steroids, it’s too early in the day for coke. What else could you be thinking?” he asked, playfully unzipping the skirt she had just zipped up.
“Why won’t you just tell me, then?”
“What, after you shitted– shat– all over my Romanian superstitions? I’ll have you know that Dumitru’s cousin washed her hair on a Tuesday just ONE TIME and her house burnt to the ground by nightfall!” he said, grabbing her leg and making her sit down on the bed. He removed her shoe and went after the other.
“I’m just mad you left the bathtub. You left me there to prune away,” she lamented. “Give me back my shoe!”
“Do you have somewhere to go?” he asked, unzipping her skirt again.
“Let’s go to the Black Sea Coast like you said. I’m a tourist. You have to take me places,” she ordered as he pulled down a strap of her tank top.
“Okay, I’ll get a hotel. Me and you or bring everyone?”
“Bring everyone, why not!” she said, squirming away from him. He reached for her.
“Jada…” he pouted.
“You get to fuck me later tonight. I have to punish you for leaving a beautiful naked woman in the tub while you went and got some… folk medicine or whatever!” she said, straightening out her clothes. She had no choice but to try to believe him. He certainly did perk up after Sergei’s visit. His pupils were normal, though. They’d be larger if he had done coke. And she’d never seen needle marks on him.
“Where’s your computer? I want to see what hotel you’re choosing,” she demanded, strutting away from him and down the stairs.
“You can use the laptop in the desk drawer in my office,” he called to her, admitting defeat and getting dressed.
“Am I going to find porn on it?” Jada asked, not liking to use other people’s computers for that reason.
“Do you want to?” Ayano asked from upstairs, a glimmer of hope in his voice.
“No! Wait til tonight!” she repeated, smiling.
“Aaaaugh!” he yelled in protest, probably only kidding.
The beach at the Mamaia resort was beautiful. People went to this resort to be seen. It was huge! Jada and Ayano had a room in the master villa which was surrounded by a pool, hot tub, several smaller guest houses, and a path to the beach. When they arrived Friday night, they grilled pork and beef on the grill and drank a lot, but nothing too crazy. Ayano had rounded up around twenty-five friends, all of them pretty decent by Jada’s judgment, at least so far.
On Saturday, Jada was wearing a small turquoise bikini with a thong bottom, which was a little uncommon in the area. Her wavy black hair didn’t need any coiffing by the humid salty air. And with her high-heeled sandals, she looked like a supermodel.
All of his friends were dressed casually now, some in bathing suits. More of Sergei’s scary prison tattoos were more visible now. Most notably, a skull in despair was over his heart with black Cyrillic letters. It made him look especially intimidating whereas Niko and Dumitru didn’t look that unusual in beach clothes at all.
Everyone was lounging around the outdoor grill and picnic tables outside. While the meat looked delicious, Jada was getting frustrated about the lack of choices.
“Do Romanians ever eat vegetables?” she asked them, eating her steak.
“Cabbage. Potatoes, I guess,” Dumitru told her.
“They say you are what you eat. You’re supposed to eat healthy green stuff some of the time, you guys. I swear, I haven’t seen anything green since I got here!” she said. She was the only person not familiar with Romania in the group.
Jada was also getting increasingly frustrated that a lot of people didn’t speak the same languages as her. It especially annoyed her when Ayano and his friends used Romanian in front of her when they were among enough English speakers to speak in English. And there definitely were things Ayano liked to talk about without her knowledge. He was deliberately excluding her.
Later in the evening, she walked away from yet another conversation she didn’t understand. She wanted a cigarette again, so she looked for someone with a pack. Sergei was standing on the patio under the roof of another villa. She glanced at more of his Cyrillic prison tattoos and interesting scars on his bare chest and arms. He was as built as Ayano, just paler, hairier, and a few inches taller. If he didn’t have such an evil vibe, he might have been good-looking. As he smoked, he looked out at the hot tub. It was full of topless women.
“Sergei, can I have a cigarette, please?” she asked. He opened his pack and offered it to her. She took one out and he lit it for her. “What are you looking at out here, huh?” she teased. He took a drag of his cigarette and exhaled.
“Tit soup,” he said, still looking at the hot tub and not cracking a smile.
“It’s hard to get used to all of them, all staring you in the eye!” she laughed. “Did you ever get a date with Tanea?” she asked, elbowing his side.
“Yes, I did. You put in a good word for me, eh?” he asked, almost looking friendly.
“Sure. When you’re in love, you want everyone to be in love!” she gushed, knowing that it was a ridiculously sentimental thing to say to him. He smirked. “So, do all Moldovans speak Russian?” she asked.
Sergei gave her a fairly detailed linguistic history of the Balkans, having to go back centuries to answer her question. She listened politely. Her cigarette was almost done when he finished.
(Summary: Everyone was happy and full of wine and tuica when some outsiders approached their group quickly, firing guns. It turned out that Ayano and his friends had guns and were good with knives. Jada was high and drunk, so she went into their villa as she was told.)
Jada sat down on the bed, their suitcases on the floor still mostly unpacked. Ayano knelt in front of her, trying to establish eye contact with her.
“Baby, baby, it’s okay. The coke is probably making this seem a lot worse than it is. The cops are going to be here soon…” he told her. Her eyes opened wide. “No, no, no, the cops aren’t a problem, Jada. We just need to clean up out there, they’ll look around, we’ll say it was fireworks, give them some cash, they’ll leave,” He caressed her cheek. “We’ll talk when I get back here, okay? Can you wait a few minutes?”
Jada felt shaky. Cracked out, she had heard people call it, when cocaine makes someone feel edgy and paranoid and not good at all.
“Ayano, I just need to get out of here and think for a minute,” she said.
“Iubi, just stay here, when the cops leave we’ll smoke some pot, have some more wine and talk about this, okay?” Ayano said soothingly.
“Okay,” she agreed. He went back out to orchestrate the scene. Jada felt too stressed out to be there. She paced for another five minutes, but she was convinced it had been over an hour. So, she put on a coverup print dress and hoodie over her bathing suit and walked out the front door. She decided to take a bus to the downtown area and found a bar.
Thinking was really hard on cocaine. Everything sounded like it could be true. The paranoia was bothering her, too. She could swear that the bartender was talking to the waitress about her. And the people coming and going. That guy was watching her as he talked on a cell phone, wasn’t he? Or was she being crazy? She ordered a shot and another beer. Soon, she was starting to calm down.
“Jada Versailles?” a voice called. She turned around slowly towards the entrance. Two guys, one in Adidas and the other in coveralls, were standing there.
“Yes?” she asked faintly.
“Telephone,” the Adidas guy said, handing her a cell phone. She took it, feeling spooked.
“Iubi, I know this was nuts, but please get in the car with these guys and come back here,” It was Ayano. She thought for a minute. She might have been able to take these guys, but she really didn’t feel like fighting and she didn’t have any sort of plan after that. May as well go peacefully. If she had decided to go back, she would’ve needed a ride anyway, she reasoned.
“Okay, I’m coming,” she said softly. She stood up and the guys walked her out of the bar. Adidas guy got in the front of a four-door sedan that was in a weird shape they didn’t make in the United States. The guy in coveralls sat in the back with her. They pulled away from the curb and no one said anything for the entire ride. What a mindfuck this is, she thought. They arrived at the resort. Sergei was waiting at the gate to their villas, still in swim trunks but wearing a shirt now, and smoking a cigarette, of course.
He opened Jada’s door to let her out, spoke with the driver in Romanian, and gave him a wad of cash. He shut the car door and hit the car’s roof twice and the men were gone.
“You have a nice walk?” Sergei asked dryly as he led her up the path to the front door.
“Who were those guys?” she asked him.
“They weren’t friends of yours?” he replied, pretending to be bewildered. The trail of cigarette smoke from his mouth turned and twisted in the salty wind. Jada wasn’t going to get a straight answer from him. Why would she think that they could be friends? Everyone was Ayano’s friend first. Sergei pulled open the front door and allowed her to enter first. Ayano stood there, looking worried and a little cracked out himself.
“Who were those men and how did you find me?” she demanded, stopping in her tracks.
“I just wanted to be sure you’d be safe, iubi,” he answered “<Thanks, Sergiyko,>” he said to Sergei, who left immediately with a frustrated look on his face.
“What the fuck is going on?!” she asked, her voice breaking. It was disturbing not to know how she was pursued.
“You ran off, I was concerned for your safety, so I asked some friends if they had seen you. And they had,” he explained, giving her the TV Guide summary version of what happened.
“How do you have friends all over the city? You don’t even live here,” she asked, her anger stirring like a cat, waving its tail. Ayano didn’t answer her. She sat on the edge of the bed. How big was Constanta? She went to a completely random location. Was she cornered no matter where she went in this city? In this country? Her heart thumped miserably. It didn’t like this prospect. This was a terrible time to be on cocaine. Ayano poured a glass of red wine.
“I have a network of people I can ask for favors. Jada…” he said softly. He knelt in front of her. “Do you want some wine? Do you feel ok?” he asked.
“No,” she said, worried her voice would crack. She took his glass of wine and drank from it. “Does this happen to you a lot? Fucking gunshots?”
“No, not often. Honestly,” he said, looking at her and trying to read her bloodshot eyes. “Those men had too much to drink and got upset, they didn’t think about who they were fucking with. Dumitru got the guy, he’s fast. We know what we’re doing,”
“Who were they fucking with?” Jada asked. She looked at him, not looking angry or fearful. She just wanted to know.
“A well-connected Romanian businessman,” he said tactfully. She had to get him to stop it with this.
“Ayano, what did you find on my background check?” she asked. He paused and thought for a moment while she had another sip.
“I saw that you have a wealthy uncle in Tokyo with nine fingers and a lot of tattoos who you spent a lot of time with not too long ago,” he answered, taking a seat beside her.
“If you’re a well-connected businessman, then I was just in Japan visiting family,” she countered. He smiled at her and put a hand on her thigh. She leaned against him, tempted to put her head on his shoulder. After touching him, she could breathe deeply again. He took a drink of the wine and handed it back to her.
“So, I gather this isn’t all that new to you, this sort of thing?” he asked.
“I always knew who might be after me, what they looked like, escape routes, and what I had to fight back with. I didn’t know any of that tonight,” she pointed out, having another comforting sip. Red wine was a good choice. It warmed her up, but not too much.
“Mmm. I see your point. Well, Jada, if we’re ever in any kind of situation like that again, I’ll let you know more. But for right now, those guys are not going to be a problem again. You know I have to be careful about what I tell you, right?
“Are you mad?” he asked, tilting her chin up at him. His jet black hair was wild from being blown in the wind all day. His dark eyes were gentle, like the soft voice he was using.
“Oh no,” she thought. Why did he have to look at her like that? That look that promised a thousand nights better than this one.
“No. I’m not mad,” she said, the words floating out of her heart rather than her logical mind. She should’ve been mad. There were many things about him that were enchanting, but the worst was when he had no shirt on. Jada bit her bottom lip while her gem green eyes wandered to his pecs. They were flat and broad, rounded at the sides like the muscles were ready to burst out. The curves of his pecs repeated in his cut abs and then, she saw that muscle that points down his waist, making a v-shape pointing to his cock.
She couldn’t help it. She reached up and kissed him. And kissed him. And kissed him. It made her remember playing baseball with an aluminum bat, that disorienting shake, that jolting vibration it gave when she hit the ball the wrong way. It felt like that was in the core of her body, right in the center. Ayano paused and looked at her contently.
“None of us got hurt today, no irreversible damage. We can keep going like this, me and you. Have you had a good time with me so far?” he questioned her in a coaxing tone. She forgot what arguments she was supposed to hang on to, the ones that she had thought of in the bar. She felt excruciatingly young.
“Yeah. I have,” she told him.
“Are you okay?” he asked her, stroking her cheek.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” she said, the concern in his voice too touching for words. It was like all the little Jadas who pined for someone to make her feel better on lonely nights in Brazil were making her cling to him. All those nights that her dad was across the Pacific Ocean and her mom was out on a date, leaving her alone again and again.
“What do you want to do now, iubi?” Ayano asked. He took the last sip of red wine from their glass.
“I wanna hang out with everyone and pretend like this never happened…” she answered. “But I need to calm down a little more first,” she told him and made firm eye contact. “You promise that tonight will never happen again?” Ayano held her by the waist and kissed her, subtly making them both lay back on the bed.
“I promise I’ll tell you. And I will always keep you safe,” he said, instinctively knowing the exact words she wanted to hear. He stared into her eyes to make sure she was convinced. He propped himself up on his elbow and leaned in to kiss her sweet lips, like she was a little bird in his nest.
“And don’t send anyone after me again,” she murmured vaguely, starting to be lulled into placation by his tender, patient kisses.
“Of course not. It was just an emergency tonight, baby,” he promised. His hand reached up her coverup dress and rested flat on her stomach as he continued to make out with her, his tongue now being bolder. Jada gave a small moan and listened to both of them breathe heavily. Her hips started to wriggle. She arched her back to encourage him to take off her dress, and he pulled it over her head. Now, she was lying there in just her little turquoise string bikini. “Are you feeling calmer?” he asked coyly.
Jada just nodded in return and took his hand to rest on her cheek again.
“Maybe you’re not too dangerous for a nice girl like me,” she said with a wicked grin.
“Hmmmm… oh, no. I’m not,” he said, smirking with no earnestness. “No, you can relax. Lie back. Just let me love you,” he went on, the words streaming around her. “You can let me kiss your sweet tits…” he said while he reached behind her neck and untied the strings that held up the two small pieces of fabric that were covering her breasts. They both watched him fold down the cloth. Her nipples were pointed up at him, surrounded by some gooseflesh from the drop in the temperature after the sun had set. He looked up at her and asked “Oh, baby… are you cold?”
“Yeah,” she answered in a young voice. She liked watching her nipples stand up like that, waiting for his touch. His strong hands grasped her tits and he put one nipple in his mouth, groaning as he started to kiss it and suck it. He looked like he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her as he watched her breasts squeeze between his fingers. One nipple he had his mouth on was feeling much warmer. He popped it out of his mouth and showed her his tongue encircling it and flicking it, making it chilly again. Jada trembled slightly and heaved her chest even closer to him. He showed her other nipple the same attention and then kissed her breastbone.
Ayano’s hands kept squeezing her tits and then lingered down her torso. They both looked down at her little bikini bottoms and watched his fingers skate over the fabric on top of the curve of her vulva. He added more pressure, pressing down on the center so they could see where her pussy lips parted.
“My sweet girl,” he whispered soothingly, continuing to rub her pussy. Jada moaned and ached for him to keep going. After a little more teasing, he pulled the bikini off to the side so they could see her little pink clit poking out. They watched his middle finger stroke it up and down before it curved downward and sink into her wet, soft pussy. Jada moaned loudly in surprise and shivered. “Can I play with you a little bit and watch your pussy?” he asked, removing his hand and staring at those glistening lips sticking out from her bikini helplessly.
“Uh-huh,” she said, even though she wasn’t sure what he meant exactly. Ayano got up from the bed and searched the room for something, finally grabbing an unused candle out of the candelabra on the table. He swooped back on the bed.
“Let me,” he said, taking her wrists and positioning them above her head by the bedposts. He was taking command. Jada watched her body writhe in front of him, the bikini top still tied around her middle and her tits bare with hard pointy nipples. He slithered down between her legs and held her thighs back. There was a glint of mischief in his eyes as he extended his tongue and licked her clit like he was really not supposed to be doing this. His tongue was making her so wet she could feel her pussy start to drip. This excited him. He put his fingers inside her and held them up so they could both see how sticky they were.
Now, he took the candlestick and slowly rubbed it between her wet lips, watching them cling to it and shine with arousal. Jada breathed heavily and tilted her pelvis upwards a little, begging him to insert the makeshift dildo. Ayano looked up at her and gave her a devilish grin as he untied the strings on each side of her bikini. It made her whimper in suspense.
“Fuck, I love watching your little pussy beg to be touched,” he growled, giving her pussy a wet kiss and then spreading it apart. He watched her pink parts stretch open and took his time pushing the cylinder into her juicy hole. “Oh, yeah…” she heard him say as he made light thrusts in and out. “I can see your pussy suck it up… mmm… so sticky…”
Jada panted and struggled to be patient. She felt the wax warm up to her body temperature while it was coated in her juices. It slid in and out so easily. Ayano pushed it in, two inches, then three, then, as far as it would go. His tongue started to move all over her clit at a crazed speed as he inserted the candle and pulled it out repeatedly.
“Help me spread your pussy,” he gasped a few moments later. Jada’s fingers quickly came down to pull her lips wide apart. Ayano inserted a finger with the candle this time, the sight making his breathing even more labored. Next, he inserted two fingers with the candlestick. Jada whimpered a little and then she really started to whine erotically as he accompanied the insertions with ravenous attacks with his tongue. “Are you gonna cum?”
“Yes!” she cried.
“I want to watch,” he ordered. She held on just a second as he adjusted his position. He pushed in the candle and his two fingers for the last thrust and Jada had a mindblowing orgasm. The walls of her pussy contracted hard around the thick intrusion. Ayano withdrew his fingers and watched the candlestick start to drip with cum. He showed her how wet it was as he pulled that out, too. Before she could say anything, he pulled down his swim trunks and stuffed his hard, throbbing cock inside her.
Jada usually needed a cooling-off period after an orgasm. She got too sensitive for a few seconds and it was uncomfortable for her. But he had just worked so hard to please her, that she let him do it. Soon, she felt good again as she focused on how he rocked against her body, crashing like a wave over and over again. His naked chest pressed against her as he swung his hips firmly to keep fucking her. She loved how his erotic growls made it sound like he could not get enough of her. He worshiped her and it felt so safe to have him against her skin, enshrouding her with his body.
In a few minutes, Ayano came inside her with a loud moan. He pulled out to see the last drips of their lovemaking pool onto her stomach. Then, he rolled onto his side and kissed her hungrily.
“You feel better?” he asked slyly.
“Yeah. Much better, baby,” she swooned.
“What do you want to do now?” he asked and took the last sip of red wine from their glass.
“Is anyone out there having any fun?” she asked, tying up her bathing suit and pulling on the coverup dress once again. Ayano briefly moved the curtain aside to look out.
“Yeah, there’s a card game going on. Most of the girls went back inside the guest houses, but the guys are all out there,” he told her.
“’Kay. Let’s go,” she said, taking a cigarette out of her pack and her matches.
When they got outside, it was hard to adjust to the reality of where they were and what had happened earlier. She was still in Romania in Ayano’s world. But she was buzzed still and didn’t want to think about it too hard. As they approached a large patio table, they saw Dumitru boisterously showing off about winning a hand of poker. Sergei was smirking irritably.
“<I’ll get you the next hand, fucker,>” he said to Dumitru. Jada and Ayano sat down at the other end of the table to chill and watch the game. She could tell that the others were trying to see if she was pissed or scared or what.
“English, English, English!” Nikos reminded them drunkenly, noticing Jada. The table’s rowdy spirit spread a better mood among the group. Quite a few people were still awake. Ayano grabbed a nearby bottle of wine and refilled Jada’s glass.
“Motherfucker!” Dumitru yelled as Sergei took a pile of money away from the center after the next hand.
“And that, my friends, is how it’s done…” Sergei boasted happily.
“Sergei’s making more money than a toothless whore tonight!” Nikos said from behind his cards.
“He doesn’t have to be a dick about it,” Dumitru said, grinning.
“Why not?” Jada said unexpectedly, tapping her cigarette in the ashtray. A few heads turned to her. “After all, you are what you eat,” she said, cracking a small smile.
Nikos and Dumitru howled laughing and high-fived her from across the table. Ayano laughed and fondly rubbed her back. Sergei reached over and messed up her hair playfully.
“Funny, Jada! Good one!” he said with a sarcastic smirk.
“Do you guys have any pot?” Jada asked. The night had bounced back from the earlier events. She wasn’t sure what to do about this whole Romanian crime lord situation, but that was no reason to not enjoy a perfectly good party.