“Bobby, I can’t. Not yet. I’m not ready.” Piper gently pulled her boyfriend’s hand out from under her panties. His fingertips had just grazed the fringes of her feathery pubic hair when she came to her senses and remembered what her mother had told her. She dropped her poodle skirt down over her legs again and Bobby rolled back over into the driver’s seat with a dejected sigh. So close, and yet so far.
“Sorry, Ba… Sorry, Piper. I thought…”
“I know, and I wanted you to, so badly, but you know we won’t be able to stop, and I want it to be just right, not in the back seat of your dad’s car,” Piper said encouragingly, as Bobby nodded quietly and fiddled with the radio dial. “Thank you for the movie. I know it’s not what you wanted to see, but Marty was really good.”
“Why wouldn’t your mom let you see East of Eden?” Bobby asked.
“She said the book was banned down in Kern County, and it had prostitution in it.”
“Yeah, but this is Oakland, and you’d have liked James Dean better than Ernest Borgnine.”
“I love James Dean, but you know how mom is,” Piper said. She was still thinking about where Bobby’s fingers had been just moments ago and was now having regrets about stopping his advance into her bush. She felt guilty because he had been so patient throughout the many months they had been dating. He was the only boy who had been willing to wait. When she had gone out with other boys from her school, they had stopped calling her when she refused to put out by the third date.
She thought her mom was being unrealistic about waiting until marriage before having sex, but she was seventeen now and had been listening to the same song-and-dance since she had started dating.
Bobby found a station playing ‘Unchained Melody’ by Les Baxter. He and Piper had made out listening to it on a previous date, and Bobby thought it would put her in a more romantic mood. He pulled her across the bench seat into his arms and she responded with an open-mouth kiss, just like she had the last time. Bobby nearly sighed into her mouth when he felt her soft breast press into his chest through her sweater. She tried to tuck her leg around his but the steering wheel got in the way, so he scooted them both over towards the middle of the front seat where they’d have more room without breaking their kiss.
The extra room allowed them to move more freely while they kissed and Piper slid her hand under his shirt, but withdrew it after a few seconds of running her fingers over his bare stomach, either because she was afraid of the temptation to explore further, or maybe to pre-empt him from getting any ideas of letting his hands wander under her clothes. On their last date, she had briefly allowed him to lay his hand over her breast before brushing it away after a few seconds. The fact that she hadn’t shoved it away the moment it landed on her boob had encouraged him to see if she would allow him to cop a brief feel of her pubic hair.
The song was almost over when the radio station abruptly went dead. Five seconds later, it came back on the air before Piper and Bobby had even realized the song hadn’t yet finished. They broke their kiss and looked at each other, then Bobby tapped the radio dial but the station went off the air again. A piercing tone filled the car for the next five seconds, followed by three short bursts of the same unpleasant blare. An announcer then came on the air.
“This is an alert! Please tune your radio to the Conelrad station at 640 or 1240 megacycles on your radio dial, and wait for further instructions. The Civil Defense emergency alert stations are marked on your dial with a red triangle in a circle!”
Piper grabbed Bobby’s arm, a sudden pang of fear shooting through her. Bobby turned the tuner knob to the little red marker at 1240 on the dial, and a whirring buzz of interference whined through the speakers until he centered the tuner reception to a clear voice that was already in the middle of an urgent announcement:
“…of an imminent attack! Please seek shelter immediately, either in a public building designated as a Civil Defense Shelter, or in your home bomb-shelter! If you do not have an emergency shelter stocked with provisions, bottle as much water as you can and take shelter in your basement, or the lowest point in your home. We repeat, this is not a drill. Incoming aerial targets have been sighted by the CONAD-DEW-line radar defense system, alerting the Conelrad early warning network of an imminent attack! Please seek sh…”
Bobby craned his neck to look outside the car, peering across the overlook to the town below the bluff on which their car was parked. Lights were turning on like shimmering spiderwebs all over the city, and in the distance, they heard an emergency siren blaring. They hugged each other as close as they could and couldn’t believe what was happening. Bobby turned the radio down, but it kept repeating the same alert message over and over.
“Bobby! What are we going to do? This sounds serious!”
“I…I don’t know. We’re on the coast so we’ll be the first ones hit. I don’t think we have time to find shelter before it happens.” Bobby’s voice faltered as the sirens doubled from surrounding towns, compounding their sense of dread and disbelief. Piper was trembling, so Bobby put his arms around her and kissed her forehead.
He turned up the radio and scanned through the dial, desperate to find some normalcy, but all the local radio stations were dead. The only other broadcast appeared at 640 megacycles, blaring the same frightening warning. Piper turned off the radio and put her hands over her ears hoping to screen out the wail of the sirens. Her heart was in the pit of her stomach and she began to cry. He rocked her softly in his arms, trying to keep her from panicking, but he was nearly in a state of panic himself.
“Bobby, this is the end! We might never see our families again. We’ll never even grow up,” she wept.
“This is all so crazy! I never thought they’d actually launch an attack against us. Piper, I want you to know I love you, whatever happens. I only regret we’ll never have the chance to get married or do any of the things we always wanted to do together.”
“Married? You want to marry me?” Piper said through her tears. She held on to him even tighter, then pulled away and gave him a serious look. “Bobby, please make love to me! If this is the end, we have to be together at least once before we never have another chance. I don’t want to die a virgin!”
Bobby nodded, not even fully realizing what she was saying. She put her hand on the crotch of his pants and found his bulge and it finally sunk in what she meant.
“Really? I mean, …really?” he asked in disbelief, and she nodded. She quickly pulled her sweater over her head and unzipped her skirt, shimmying out of it. In the semi-darkness, he could see her sitting on the tuck-and-rolled seat beside him in just her white bra and panties, looking over at him intently.
“Where do you want to do it?” he asked, feeling his pants suddenly growing uncomfortably tight in the gusset.
“We’d better get in the back seat.” She swung the door of the ’51 Packard open and stepped out, while Bobby just dove over the front seat into the back. He opened the back door for her from inside and she punched the door lock down after getting in. “Lock the other doors!” she said, and he obeyed. She unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it open while he unbuckled his pants.
They fell down on the seat together, Piper squeezed up against the back of the seat with Bobby facing her, nearly rolling off the front edge. She clung to his neck, kissing him while he pushed his hands behind her back to unclasp her brassiere. He finally got the clip unhooked and she pulled it out from between them, letting her bare breasts press into his chest. He had never felt anything so intimate as her firm nipples poking into his skin. He pulled his hands down the small of her back and slipped them under her panties, pushing his fingers down the crease between her cheeks.
They were both exploring terra incognito as they had never gone this far before. Bobby’s pants were open enough for him to press his swelling penis against her mound with only their underwear still between them. They ground into each other feverishly, aching to go further, but content for now, enjoying this stage of their progressing intimacy. Bobby couldn’t pull her panties down in the position they were in, so he brought his hands up to feel her breasts for the first time with no clothing in his way. He pulled away from her just enough to let his hands cup her bare breasts for the first time, feeling her stiffened nipples in his palms.
Piper gasped for breath nearly pushing him over the edge of the seat. She caught him just in time and pulled him in close, trapping his hands between their chests. She thrust her tongue into his mouth as he squeezed her breasts, amazed at the liberties she was allowing him to take with her body that she had never permitted before. She wrapped her legs around his as far as the cramped back seat would allow and pushed herself up so his rock-hard cock lined up with her wet groove, still separated by only the thin fabric of their underwear, dampening with each thrust.
“Oh, God! Fuck me, Bobby!” she implored. He was shocked to hear the words, more raw and carnal than he’d ever heard Piper speak before, but it convinced him that this was really going to happen. He pulled her down on her back and she quickly drew her thighs up, ripping her panties off her legs, while he yanked his blue jeans off in a twisted, inside-out mess. He hunted around for his wallet which had fallen out of his jeans, desperate to retrieve the rubber he had kept in it for months, hoping for this night which had been so long in coming.
“I can’t find the damn rubber!” he complained, turning his pants right side out again in a vain search of the elusive hip pocket.
“Forget the stupid rubber! What does it matter now?” she almost yelled. He threw his pants on the floor and laid himself on top of her, feeling his steely cock nestle into her lush bush. Her thighs parted around him and he felt her legs wrap around his back.
A thunderous BOOM suddenly shook the earth, nearly deafening them. The car shuddered on its springs, and Piper screamed, “Oh God! They’ve hit! We’re too late!” She squeezed her eyes shut, fearing the inevitable flash of searing light would blind them, but it didn’t come. Instead, another incredible BOOM shook the car again. Outside in the darkness, leaves fluttered down around them, shaken loose from the trees by the second blast. Bobby raised up, fearing he’d see a mushroom cloud rising over San Francisco across the Bay.
“I can’t see anything!” he said. “What just happened?”
“Maybe they hit Sacramento, and we’re just feeling the shock wave?” Piper guessed. “Please, Bobby, if we’re about to die, I want to feel you inside me when it happens.” She reached her arms around his neck, pulling him back down on top of her. Her warm skin beneath him brought him back to the moment—to what they both wanted more than anything, and the dire fate of the world around them was no longer important to the two seventeen-year-olds.
He kissed her softly as his body nestled into hers. Her pert nipples rose to meet his chest and he felt his cock glide through her wet folds again and again, until he shifted his hips up and used his hand to guide his rigid penis into her soaking wet hole. He felt the brief stretch of her hymen, which popped. She felt a quick sting, then welcomed him inside her body. Bobby felt her tight tunnel squeezing around him until he could penetrate no further. Their pubic bones bumped together, his fuzzy pubic hair mingling with hers as he felt his balls draw up tight against her wet flesh. They both smiled and kissed again.
He drove himself in and out of her as she squirmed beneath him, trying to drive their union as tightly together as they could with each thrust. He looked down at her, seeing the dim light reflected from her liquid eyes, almost closed in the rapture she was feeling. He couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Piper was one of the prettiest girls in his school, and he was inside her at last, gazing down at the perfection of her naked body. He thought of the months he had masturbated alone in his bedroom with the fantasy of this moment in his mind’s eye.
He eased his weight off his arms and laid down on top of her. The body heat radiating between their flesh as they closed the gap together contrasted with the coolness of the night air around them. His lips found hers and their kisses were instantly animated with tongues exploring each other’s mouths as they found a second point of physical connection. They were both overwhelmed by the closeness as their tongues intertwined while his penis danced inside her, his glans caressing the expanding walls of her vagina, now ready to explode around him.
Her orgasm shook his body, and he felt his cock compressed inside her encircling canal as she spasmed again and again, nearly squeezing his penis out of her wet tunnel while he struggled to keep it inside her. He drove his hips forward, pushing himself as deep as her contractions would let him. He had never felt anything so satisfying in his life as her complete climax engulfing him whole. Their foreheads pushed together so hard, the pain only heightened the pleasure they felt in their groins. The head of his manhood wiggled back into her depths until it pressed hard against her cervix.
“Oh, my God!” they both said together as his balls constricted and he shot his sperm deep inside her. They were both gasping for breath as she felt his thick cock pulsing into her, filling her with his semen. They continued to grind as he expended his last streamer of cum into her depths. It began spilling out of her with every thrust, and their long-awaited catharsis was complete. A chorus of tree frogs outside in the darkness made the world seem completely normal, but they knew their perfect moment happened in a very terrifying context. If the end came suddenly, they had at least experienced this.
Whatever was happening to the world outside, they stayed wrapped together as if sharing a cocoon of their own lovemaking. They were covered in each other’s sweat, unwilling to separate their entwined bodies as the warm afterglow of their sex kept them sedated. Their heavy breathing was all that remained of their exertions, along with the nagging realization that their combined cum was now leaking out all over the upholstery of the backseat of his father’s Packard.
“We’re still here,” Piper observed when they came up for air. “What the heck? Everything is still here! Why is everything still here?” Bobby looked out over the city and it all looked perfectly normal. He pulled his pants on and climbed over the front seat to turn the radio back on. Piper sat on her knees in the back seat with her elbows resting on the back of the front seat, waiting for him to get some news about what was happening. She felt strangely normal being naked now, with her bare breasts swinging freely behind the seat-back, in contrast to how reserved and inhibited she felt when they first parked.
Bobby found the Conelrad station silent, and turned the knob slightly to tune in Oakland’s KLS 1220, just this side of the Conelrad symbol. The announcer was trying to calm the public after the false alarm of an enemy attack had disrupted the whole Bay Area. “…there are scattered reports of looting in the business district, but police are on the scene. Public officials are assuring us that this evening’s emergency Civil Defense alert has been canceled, and there was never any real danger of an enemy attack…
“…we have been informed by military sources that the loud booms heard around the Bay Area were the result of Air Force interceptors being scrambled from McClellan Air Force Base to track and identify incoming radar targets over the Pacific. The loud, explosive concussions heard on the ground were sonic-booms created by the jet aircraft accelerating to hypersonic speeds. The unidentified objects sighted over the Pacific were determined to be weather balloons caught in a high altitude jet stream. When the danger of enemy missiles was ruled out, Conelrad canceled the alert and returned control of the radio waves to local broadcast stations. We repeat: there was never any danger of attack.”
Piper looked over Bobby’s shoulder as he turned to another local station to hear the same news being broadcast in lieu of regular programming. She felt Bobby’s semen continuing to drip out of her and her eyes widened at the realization of what they had just done.
“Sweet Jeezus, Bobby! What do we do now?” Now that the small matter of the world coming to an end was moot, she began to panic.
“Piper, this isn’t the end of the world. I mean, literally! We thought it was all over tonight, and now, tomorrow we’ll still be alive and we’ll still be together. Only we’ve shared something special with each other because we knew it was the one thing we both wanted more than anything else before anyone could take it away from us.”
“But, what if I get pregnant?”
“That’s not the end of the world either. We’ll have something that is a part of us to share for the rest of our lives. Compared to what we thought was happening tonight, nothing we can’t deal with will come of this.” She seemed relieved by his assurances, and could only agree that compared to what they were afraid this night would bring, they faced tomorrow with a future together at least. She dragged him over into the back seat with her again and kissed him more passionately than she ever had before.
With the night returning to normalcy, they were both ready to incorporate sex into their new normal. They had consummated their relationship only in an act of desperation, but now that they had already had sex, that hurdle was behind them. Piper realized that she loved sex, and felt at ease enjoying it as a part of their relationship, which was stronger now than it was when the evening began. She yanked his pants off him again and pushed him down on the seat, straddling him.
In this position, Piper’s breasts were visible in the light and Bobby could finally see them clearly. He was mesmerized looking at her naked body, which he had longed to see for months. She was beautiful. He memorized every inch of her, fearing that with the light of the next day her newfound desires might be replaced by fears again. Parents had that effect on their teenaged daughters. It sometimes seemed their only mission in life was to stifle curiosity and desire. He preferred her like this, free and uninhibited—and his!
Having her wet pussy splayed open on his cock made him hard almost as soon as she sat down on him. Bobby placed his hands on her hips as she wiggled them around on him. He gently traced his fingertips upwards into the narrow curvature of her waist. She had to keep her head leaning forward to keep from bumping the roof of the car, causing her wavy, shoulder-length auburn hair to fall forward freely, bouncing in the air just above him. He curved his fingers around the undersides of her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her puffy nipples.
Her smile was his reward. She loved feeling his hands around her tits, rubbing lazy circles around her areolas with his fingertips while she thrust her hips forward and back over his cock, soaking it in her juices. She had never felt this wet before, nor had she ever dreamed how good a hard penis could feel traversing her sex. She lifted up and teased the head of his cock between her inner lips, slipping just the glans in and out of her slippery hole. Bobby groaned, yearning to feel himself deep inside her again. She learned quickly how to be a sexual tease and he loved her for it.
She slowly slid his shaft inside her until his head was pressing hard against her inner walls, then squeezed down hard on him. They both let out moans of pleasure feeling their genitals locked tightly together. She pulled back, almost letting him slip out of her entirely, then shoved her pelvis into him again and again, undulating her hips forward and back, letting him fuck her passively while she did all the work. She rested her arms on the bottom ledge of the window, letting her breasts dangle just above his face.
He reached up, cupping them in his hands, holding them from swinging with her thrusts as she ground him into her core. Piper’s ragged breaths became soft moans, steaming the glass window above his head. Her slick juices smeared over his balls and his pubes were now saturated with her cum. He lifted his head, letting her breasts caress his cheeks, pinching her nipples as he rubbed his face with the insides of her boobs. Her soft skin glistened in the ambient light filtering through the fogged windows.
She ground him inside her for many minutes until he could no longer hold back any longer, finally feeling him release another load of his cream into her pussy. She fell down on him with her breasts smashed into his chest, and they just held each other close until his cock grew too limp to stay inside her. She giggled as she felt it slip out of her. She wanted to scoot down and take his penis into her mouth, but decided to wait till their next date to do that. It was almost midnight and she had to be home soon.
He walked her up to her front door after driving her home, and the porch light instantly snapped on. They were afraid the look on their faces might give them away, but her mother rushed out on the porch to give her daughter a hug after worrying about her all evening. All her mother could talk about was the terrifying ordeal they had all gone through worrying about the Russians attacking, so her joy at being reunited with her daughter pre-empted any uncomfortable questions concerning where they were or what they were doing during the alert.
Her mom thanked Bobby for keeping her daughter safe through the craziness of the evening, and Piper gave him a kiss goodnight. He turned to wave goodbye and just before the porch light went out, he was horrified by the sight of a trail of his cum running down the back of her leg, just visible below the hem of her poodle skirt.
*Author’s note: On May 5th, 1955, Continental Air Defense Command, Western Division went to Yellow Alert, having misidentified a DC-3 as possible incoming missiles. Several American cities were alerted of a probable enemy attack. Oakland, California was the only city to act on the warning, sounding emergency sirens throughout the city. Although Conelrad did not commandeer normal radio channels in Oakland on this occasion, this story presupposes that scenario as the next step in this false alert.
(c) 2020 – by Bethany Frasier