576 Shadow Oak Drive – Part 2

"Sarah and Molly arrive at the party and Sarah has another first experience."

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As Molly drove down the highway, I sat in the passenger seat. Although I had always had a feminine side, I was experiencing all kinds of new emotions and feelings that I hadn’t felt before when dressed. I don’t know exactly what brought it out. Maybe it was the love and support of Molly. Maybe it was seeing myself truly dolled-up for the first time, seeing my own cleavage, having my manhood taped and pushed back. Whatever it was, for the first time in my life I felt more girl than man.

Molly put her hand on my exposed leg and gently stroked.

“I absolutely love how smooth you are right now,” she said.

“Yeah, me too.” I laughed.

She slowly inched her hand under my skirt until it pressed against the bump where my cock would have been, had it not been taped back. Again, my excitement was different than ever before. With my manhood tucked away, I didn’t get hard, but the warm and tingling feeling returned and ran electric pulses through my veins.

“Do you remember these panties?” she said as she ran her fingers up and down the lace.

“I do. These were that pair I rang up for you when we first met. What was that, about six months ago?”

“Good memory, babe!”

She took her hand out from under my skirt and gave my pushed-together breasts a little pinch.

“You are so fucking hot tonight, Sarah. I can’t wait to get to this party.”

“So what is this thing again? Is it just some hang out for girls and their crossdressing boyfriends?” I asked.

She laughed.

“Yeah, sort of. There’s going to be other people there too. It’s going to be fun. Don’t worry so much.”

Another fifteen minutes of driving and we were there. There was a gate at the entrance of the drive with large bronzed letters reading 576 Shadow Oak. Molly pulled up to a buzzer-box and pressed a button.

“State your business,” came a voice from the other end of the line.

Molly looked back at me and winked.

“Two girls here for the party.”

Without a response from the box, we heard a loud click and the gate swung open. We pulled up to the entrance where a dozen or so other cars were parked. She turned off the ignition and grabbed her purse.

“Here, Sarah. Put on this lip gloss before we go in. I want those lips to be sexy.”

I took the gloss from her hand and applied it to my lips. I gave myself one more long look in the mirror, and an immense feeling of joy overcame me.

“Molly, thank you so much for this! I can’t tell you how good it feels to be out with you all dressed up and ready for fun!”

I was so happy that my eyes started to tear up.

“Don’t thank me yet, Sarah-doll. And don’t cry, sweetheart. You’ll ruin your makeup! Hopefully this thing turns out to be fun.”

We exited the car and the sound of our heels clicking on the concrete echoed off the large, red-brick house. Molly knocked on the front door. It almost immediately swung open.

An incredibly good looking man stood in the entry. He had the body of a basketball player, tall, lean, and toned muscles. He was wearing a pair of tightly tailored twill pants and a slim-fit button down shirt with a blue-yellow floral pattern. He had an olive skin tone and dark hair. His dark brown eyes were mesmerizing. As he spoke, his voice was deep and smooth.

“My oh my. Two beautiful strangers at my door.”

His eyes started on Molly and quickly turned to me, looking me up and down. I could feel the blood rushing to my face in shy embarrassment. I could see lust in his eyes. Strangely, it felt very good to be admired in this way.

“Hi, I’m Molly. This is my boy– uh, girlfriend, Sarah.”

“Ah, Molly. The woman I’ve been corresponding with online. And you, Sarah,” he said as his eyes locked on mine, “you are more gorgeous than I imagined. I am Noah, by the way,” he explained as he grabbed my hand and brought it to his mouth for a gentle kiss.

Strange. I felt that same excited feeling as when Molly had been stroking my leg starting to bubble up. Was I attracted to this man? If so, this was another first feeling. I had never found another man to be attractive before, but something about letting Sarah out in public was bringing out all sorts of new feelings. I noticed Molly watching me intently as I tried to make my blush fade.

“Follow me ladies. You are the last to arrive. Why don’t you mingle with the other guests before we start with a game to get to know one another.”

Molly reached back and grabbed my hand, showing me the way into the home behind Noah’s lead.

“Forgive me, but I have some setting up to do. Feel free to start a conversation with anyone. We are all very accommodating here,” Noah explained as he began making his way down a long hallway.

“Let’s get a drink,” said Molly.

I followed her into a kitchen where there seemed to be about a dozen people gathered. We found a bottle of wine and two glasses. She pulled the cork and pulled two over-sized helpings, which we immediately guzzled down trying to calm our nerves. She poured another glass for each of us, and we began to survey the room. Just then, a tall, curvaceous woman approached us.

“I love your dress,” the woman said to Molly.

She then turned to me and gave me an up-and-down with her eyes.

“And you, my dear, look absolutely stunning.”

“Why, thank you!” I beamed.

“My name is Molly,” my love introduced, “and this Sarah. It’s her first time out of the house all dressed up.”

I instantly felt self conscious with my secret exposed, but this was soon laid to rest.

“Oh my God,” exclaimed the woman, “How wonderful! Darling, you are too damn cute! I never would have thought you were hiding a little secret between your legs. Don’t worry, though. I am too. You just have to meet my boyfriend, Jason.”

She motioned to a man sitting on the couch, “Jason, come over here. You have to meet Molly and Sarah.”

Jason, who was not as handsome as Noah, looked like a construction worker type. He had a certain workman’s strength about him. His salt and pepper goatee and crew cut gave him a rugged look. I paused for a second and realized that I was comparing the looks of these two men in a way I never had before, like I was almost sizing them up.

“Hi, ladies. My name’s Jason. I take it you’ve already met my Joani.”

Jason was clearly enamored with Joani. He gave her ass a big slap as he said her name.

“Jason, save that for later,” she laughed. “Well, he’s not going to win a modelling contract, but he has got a big cock and that’s good for something.”

Joani looked at me, “you know what I mean, Sarah?”

“Oh, I’ve never, uh, y’know,” I stammered along.

“Get the fuck out of here!” Joani yelled, which attracted the attention of just about everyone in the room.

I could feel all of their eyes and ears attuned in my direction. I was dangerously close to grabbing Molly and getting the hell out of there.

Joani continued, “You mean to tell me that a hot little CD like you has never been taken by a man before? Well, darling, let me tell you, it’s really the only way to know the true feeling of being a woman. You simply must try it!”

The eyes of the room were upon me, and I suddenly noticed that there were several men whose gazes had turned predatory and filled with lust. I squeezed Molly’s hand tightly with nervous strength. She spoke up and did the talking for me.

“We’re both sort of new to this. She’s only been dressing for a little while. This is actually her first time out of the house!”

Joani took my hands into hers and gave me a very reassured look.

“Sarah, you are going to be the talk of this party, for sure. There’s four other girls here like us but, believe me, they’ve been around the block!” she chuckled. “Let me assure you, you are home. You won’t feel any judgement here. If anything, the men in this room will want nothing more to be your first. Consider yourself Queen of the Evening. And, let me know if you ever get uncomfortable and we can sneak away for a little gurl talk, okay?”

“Thanks, Joani. I’ll do that. Molly, can we talk alone for a minute?”

“Sure, babe.”

Molly and I made our way to a bathroom, and I shut the door behind us.

“Well, that was uncomfortable,” I said, “Did you see all those guys out there staring at me like a piece of meat?”

Molly laughed, “Welcome to womanhood!”

Something about the way she said it piqued my curiosity, but I continued speaking.

“So now we are just going to go out there and get to know all these people with me full-well knowing that the guys I’m going to talk with want to fuck me? What am I supposed to with that?”

Molly gave me a knowing glance and embraced me with long hug and a passionate kiss.

“Use it, Sarah. Let their attention make you feel sexy. Flirt a little bit. See how fun it can be.”

“Am I to understand you want me to flirt with other guys?”

“Why not? You’re one helluva sexy girl right now. You might as well enjoy it. I’ll tell you what, why don’t we flirt together a little bit?”

I felt a ping of jealousy, but also of excitement at the prospect of flirting. That electric sensation began pulsing in my skirt. I decided to let go of the jealousy and embrace the evening.

“What sort of game was that guy Noah talking about?”

“Oh, the game,” she paused thinking. “I think they do sort of like sexy, adult sort of games.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t really know, babe. Just relax. Remember, if you ever want to go, just let me know.”

She opened the door and started walking out. I was frozen with a million thought rushing through my mind.

“You coming?”

I looked in her eyes and knew that I could trust her, so I followed her back out to the kitchen. She walked right up to a man standing with a martini glass in his hand.

“Do you know where I can get one of those?” she asked him.

I could sense immediately she was flirting. She looked back at me and winked, letting me know full-well what she was doing.

“Yeah, let me make you one.”

The man gathered the vodka and shaker and began whipping up a cocktail. They sat there making small talk as I watched my girlfriend bat her lashes and twist her hair around her finger. She kept leaning into him and laughing too hard at his jokes, grabbing his arm with each new laugh. She kept glancing back at me with an encouraging look.

I stood just behind her afraid to venture off on my own. After a minute or two of trying to swallow my jealousy as this man flirted back, another couple approached me. I could clearly tell that the girl was a crossdresser like myself, but wasn’t as put together as me. She must not have a Molly. The man she was with was sizing me up as he approached. He was cute. I was still surprised that I was seeing men this way.

“Hi. Sarah, is it?” she said, “My name is Erica and this is my boyfriend Matt.”

Matt looked like a computer gamer, mid-thirties and relatively fit. He was wearing a loose fitting cardigan over a deep v-neck t-shirt. He wore thick, black glasses and skinny jeans cuffed above his ankles. As I looked at him I noticed the outline of his cock in his tight jeans. My heart-beat quickened.

“You look lovely tonight, Sarah.” said Matt.

Erica came close to me and took my arm in hers.

“You are the talk of the party, girl. I can’t believe a fox like you hasn’t been with a man. Haven’t you ever wanted to?”

“Well, honestly, I haven’t thought about it much.”

“But you aren’t opposed to it, are you?” Matt chimed in with a grin.

“Um, well. I don’t know. If it was the right moment, I guess. I think I would have to see if something came up organically.”

As I spoke the words, I saw Molly looking at me. She was ten feet away and heard every word.

I spoke with Matt and Erica for a little while longer about my dressing and about my relationship with Molly. Then, I saw Molly walk over with a tall, 6’6″ African American gentlemen in a business suit.

“Sarah, this is Derek. I was just talking with him, and he was telling me how much he likes basketball. That’s your favorite sport! Why don’t you two get to know each other while I get you some drinks.”

Before leaving, Molly leaned in and whispered into my ear. “He thinks your hot. ‘Definitely fuckable’ is what he called you. Why don’t you practice flirting a little bit?”

My cheeks flushed as she gave me a little kiss-peck on the cheek and wiggled her way back passed her martini friend. I watched his eyes as he stared at my girlfriends bouncing ass as she walked away. My jealousy returned, and I decided that I would try to make her jealous back.

I began flirting with Derek using all the same moves I had seen Molly just use. I was twirling my hair, giggling, and making sure to lean into him. I saw her watching me and she began to flirt back with her man. It was as if we were in some sort of cock-teasing competition.

I was laying it on thick with Derek when I got a surprise. He put is hand around my waist and dropped it until it was cupping my ass. He gave me a firm squeeze and pulled me into him. I could feel a semi-hard erection underneath his trousers pressing against my stomach. That warm, electric feeling started racing; I felt a bit dizzy.

I looked over at Molly to gauge her reaction and, to my surprise, she gave me an air kiss and a little nod. Just then, Derek took his hand from ass and put it under my chin, tilting my head up as his lips made their way to mine. I kept my eyes open for a moment and saw an enormous smile form on Molly’s face, so I closed my eyes.

At first the kiss started soft and closed mouth, but then he applied a little more pressure and slipped his tongue in. My head began swimming. His tongue danced on mine. He pulled away, and I immediately felt the pain of his withdrawal. I wanted more.

Opening my eyes again, I saw everyone in the room looking in my direction in anticipation. They wanted to see how I reacted. My glowing smile, as I leaned back in for one more kiss, let them know. Derek met me for one more and everyone in the room returned to their previous conversation.

Just as Derek’s lips left mine, Molly came back over and stood between us. She leaned in and took Derek’s place sticking her tongue in my mouth and running her hands over my body.

“See, babe. Isn’t flirting so much fun?”

“I never knew how much!” I exclaimed.

As Molly and I embraced, Noah reemerged. He smiled as he walked by Molly, and I moved to the center of the living room.

Everyone instinctively gathered around.

“Tonight’s game is a random draw,” he said, “I want all the lovely ladies in the house this evening to come and grab an object from this bag.”

He held up a large canvas sack. All the girls walked up and started reaching in, picking out these wooden shapes in the forms of squares, triangles, circles, etc. I paused wondering if this was for real girls only. Then, I saw Erica make her way to the bag. The other girls eyes went to me, as I was the last to go. I nervously walked to the bag and plunged my hand in, withdrawing a wooden star.

Looking over at Molly, I saw that she had drawn a green rhombus.

“Now, each man will come and grab a card from the deck. On each card is a corresponding shape. When you find the girl holding the matching object, she is yours for the evening.”

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, but my hands started to shake. I leaned into Molly’s ear.

“Holy fuck, Molly. Did you bring us to a swinger’s party?”

“Sarah, calm down, girl.”

She pulled me in tight and whispered into my ear. “This is going to be fun. It’s been a while since I’ve been taken by man, a real man. I love what we have, but you are definitely more feminine than masculine at this point, and I want to get fucked by a real man tonight. And, I can tell that you do to.”

I was dumbfounded. Here I was, just minutes ago I had flirted with a man for the first time. Seconds ago I had kissed a man for the first time. Now, here I was with my girlfriend, the love of my life, telling me she wanted me to be fucked by man tonight.

“Molly, I don’t know. I just… I don’t know.”

As we were conversing, the men began drawing cards and pairing off with the girls. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Erica had left Matt’s side and walked hand in hand into a bedroom with the martini guy. Matt paired off with Joani and they were already making out as they walked to find another room.

Derek approached the deck and drew a green rhombus. My heart filled with jealousy, anger, and frustration. The shock of the evening was hitting me full-force, but I wasn’t sure if the jealousy and anger was directed toward to my girlfriend about to fuck Derek, or at Derek for not fucking me.

It was all too much. All of these new emotions, feelings, and desires had my eyes starting to black out, but then Molly spoke up.

“Excuse me, Mr. Noah? This is Sarah’s first time. Do you mind if we are a package deal tonight?”

Noah looked at me and saw the color draining from my face. He knew I wasn’t going to go any further without Molly by my side.

“Very well. It’s your lucky day, Derek. It looks like you get two beautiful creatures this evening. However, Molly, is it? Because this means that I will be alone for the evening, upon your next visit, I get your lovely girlfriend all to myself.”

My whirlwind of emotions suddenly began to shift. This man bargaining for a chance to be with me was empowering. I was beginning to feel a sort of sexual power that comes with being so desired. My confidence was returning.

Derek approached.

“Well, my darlings. Please follow me.”

He led the way as Molly and I followed hand in hand.

“This is going to be so great, Sarah. Remember what Joani said, this is the only way for you to know what it truly feels like to be a woman,” said Molly as she gave my ass a firm squeeze.

We entered the bedroom. It was dimly lit and aromatic. There was an intoxicating incense burning on the dresser table. A large dressing mirror stood in the corner of the room. The bed was covered in soft, satin sheets. Derek sat on the bed.

“Why don’t you two ladies start? Show me what it’s like when you are home alone.”

Molly came in close and we started to kiss. She was rubbing her hand up and down my body as our wet lips became intertwined. Her fingers ran through my hair as she pulled my head back and began sucking on my neck.

Opening my eyes, I saw Derek on the bed stroking the outside of his trousers. I could see his erection growing. It made me want to do more to turn him on. I lifted the back of Molly’s dress, exposing her pink polka-dot panties. His erection grew.

I lifted Molly’s leg up and she wrapped it around the back of me. Our breasts were rubbing together. She returned her mouth to mine.

“I love you, Sarah. I’m so hot for you right now.”

She winced at the end of the sentence because my finger plunged into her sopping wet pussy. I worked it in and out and then brought it back to her mouth. She gladly licked the juices off.

I was enjoying all of this immensely, but that electric feeling hadn’t returned. That is, until I saw Derek pull off his slacks, revealing his 7″ meaty cock. I made eye contact with him as he stroked it and I had my finger in Molly’s pussy. I made sure to synchronize his cock-stroking with my fingering as his lustful eyes stared back at mine.

He stood up, fully erect, and made his way to Molly’s backside. He pulled her head to the side and began kissing her neck. She reached behind and started stroking his cock. A small twinge of jealousy entered me.

She turned around and let Derek’s mouth begin to explore hers.

She reached back and grabbed my hand, moving it to Derek’s cock. For the first time in my life, I had another man’s cock in my hand. It felt different than when I held my own. The sensation was different, the texture different. I began to gently stroke it back and forth.

I pulled Molly’s dress over her head exposing her body. Derek knelt down and started dragging his tongue across the front of my girlfriend’s panties. I could see rivers of moist lubricant pouring from her sweet cunt. She turned her head back, kissing me again, but moaning with the pleasure of Derek’s tongue.

“I can’t wait to for us to get fucked,” she moaned in my ear.

With those words, my desire flared. I no longer had any reservations. I wanted to be taken by this man tonight. I wanted to feel myself give way to the strong handle of a masculine lover. I wanted every last bit of masculinity fucked out of me.

Molly dropped to her knees and put Derek’s cock in her mouth. She was sucking on it as if she needed it more than anything in her life. I suddenly found myself understanding what she had said earlier about wanting to be fucked by a real man. I wanted it too.

With his cock in her mouth, Derek leaned in and shoved his tongue into my mouth. For the first time since our last kiss, I felt that emptiness filled. He started to unbutton my blouse, exposing my bra. He then forcefully pulled down my skirt. I could tell that he had wanted to see me panties from the moment we first talked.

Molly left his cock and stood up. Derek stood there completely naked, his rock-hard glistening cock sticking proudly into the air. Molly and I were both in our bra and panties. She took hers off, exposing her stunning curves. I left mine on.

She leaned in and gave me a penetrating kiss. Like so many times before, we embraced in a passionate make-out. Except, this time, I could taste cock on her tongue. I knew what she was doing. She was giving me a sample taste.

“I want you to suck his cock, Sarah.”

The three of us exchanged glances. Molly and I dropped to our knees, and I stared at his cock.

“There’s no holding back now, baby. I know you want it.”

She propped up his cock with one hand and put the other on the back of my head, slowly pushing me forward. I opened my lips and let his firm, glistening erection into my mouth. The spongy texture was intoxicating. I could taste Molly on his cock, but also his own distinct flavor. Salty precum oozed onto my tongue.

I continued to suck him for several minutes as he and Molly kissed. My tongue wrapped around the head of his cock as my lips moved up and down his shaft. I felt a feminine power with his cock in my mouth. He was moaning because of me. I was giving him so much pleasure each time I let his cock deeper in my mouth.

I pushed myself down until the head of his cock was at the back of my throat. My mouth started generating a heap of saliva. I looked up and met his eyes. Derek’s fingers were buried in my girlfriend’s wet pussy. Some of her lubricant was dripping down onto me. I opened my throat and swallowed his cock until his balls were on my chin.

“Damn, Molly! You’re girlfriend sure does suck a good dick!”

“Oh yeah, Derek. Make her your bitch!” she moaned back.

This went on for a few more moments. Then, she broke his embrace and walked to the bed. She lay on her back with her legs spread. Her moist pussy was exposed and pulsing. Her soft, pink body lay in wait. Her breasts were rising and falling with each of her breaths. Her nipples erect, she motioned us over.

“I want you to fuck me good and hard, Derek. Sarah, I want you to lick his cock as its fucking me.”

Without hesitation we made our way to my lover. I crawled onto the bed. With my panty covered ass perched in the air, I laid my head on her pelvis just above her warm, tangy pussy. Derek put his cock in my mouth and thrust several times before pulling it out and shoving into her waiting hole.

Surprisingly, as I saw his thick, black cock enter my girlfriend, I had no feelings of jealousy. I listened to her moan in pleasure and was completely happy for her. Derek began the process of thrusting in and out of her pussy, taking a break every so often to pull it out and stick it in my mouth.

The taste of his cock with Molly’s juices on it was one that I will never forget. Every time he shoved in my face I felt the electricity building inside me. My body wanted his cock inside. I could feel my asshole throbbing in anticipation.

As she was being fucked, Molly was running her hands up and down my smooth ass and legs. I began to realize why she wanted to shave me completely earlier. Her finger slid past the side of my panties and began massaging my hole.

“Sarah, are you ready to get fucked?” She gasped between moans.

“I’m ready.”

I looked in Derek’s eyes.

“I want to get fucked.”

He smiled from ear to ear. Molly inched up to the top of the bed. Derek grabbed my hips and swung me around. Molly grabbed my head and pulled it into her pussy. I could taste his salty precum, mixed with her juices, sliding out of her wet pocket and onto my tongue. I had tasted her pussy many times before, but it never tasted this good.

My head was dizzy with desire. I heard a drawer open, a bottle click, and then felt a wet sensation on my ass. Derek pulled my black lace panties the side and slid his cock between my cheeks. I had a flashback to the first time I had met Molly and these same black panties were on the checkout counter.

His hands grasped firmly on my hips as he slowly pulled me back. I could feel his cock against my hole. My body tensed and my muscles began to spasm. I started to shake. Molly pulled my head up from her pussy and looked me deep in the eye.

“This is for you, Sarah. You’re about to be made into a woman. There’s no turning back from here. Now is your last chance, do you want to run away?”

A million thoughts raced through my mind, but I gave her my answer.

“No. I want to get fucked.”

I let out a scream on the word “fucked” because Derek’s cock rushed inside me. I felt his balls slap against the back of my thigh and my body began behaving in ways it never had before. My hips were rotating back and my legs splayed out. His cock rammed me in and out. I could feel each bump and vein on his shaft as it penetrated me.

With every thrust I felt a tidal wave of electricity ripple throughout my hole body. Conscious thought ceased to exist and all I knew was the pure sensation and fullness of this cock inside me. I had the feeling of ultimate fulfillment, like I had always been missing something and this cock inside me was it. I felt the power of Derek’s masculinity as he now controlled me in the most intimate way.

I was a slave to him in this moment. His hands moved up and down my back. His hips thrust his thick cock into me over and over again. A tremendous heat was building inside of me and stars flickered in my vision. With his cock in my ass, Derek pushed my legs together and pulled my hips up. This new position made my ass even tighter and he pounded me with extra intensity.

My tongue was darting inside of Molly’s pussy and flicking over her clit. She started to cum and wailed with pleasure.

“Fuck her, Derek. Fuck her good!” she screamed.

He picked up his pace and his hand gripped my hair. He pulled my head back and stuck is tongue down my throat. I felt myself starting to orgasm in a way I had never experienced. My whole body felt rolling waves of pure ecstasy as cum poured out of my taped back cock and spilled out into my panties.

Derek pushed me back down and grabbed my hips, pulling me back faster and faster onto him. I could feel the strong curve of the head of his cock as rushed in and out of me. The unbelievable pulse of energy had me at near black-out when I felt his cock throb and his hot cum fill me up. The warmth of his seed sent heat waves through my body.

The three of us sat there panting for minutes. I felt Derek’s cock grow soft and fall out of my ass.

After several minutes of stroking each other, Molly stood up and put on her clothes, as did Derek. I tried to stand up as well, but nearly fell over. My legs were shaky and weak. My body exhausted from being taken by such a strong lover. Derek caught me in his arms and steadied me.

“Easy love.”

I gave him a thank you kiss and began to dress.

Molly leaned into me and put her mouth on my ear.

“I’ve never loved you as much as I do right now. You’re my girl, Sarah. And now you know what it’s like to a woman. Didn’t you just love getting fucked?”

I beamed a dizzy-eyed smile and gave her a long kiss.

“Thank you so much, Molly. That was incredible.”

We must have fucked longer than most, because on the way out of the bedroom everyone else was already in the living room. They all looked at me with knowing smiles as my ass wiggled past. My shaky wobble was a dead give-away to them that I had just had my cherry popped.

“Thank you all for a lovely evening!” said Molly. “We’ll see you again soon.”

“I sure do hope so,” said Noah, looking me lustfully in the eye.

I gave him a flirty little smile and followed my lover out the door.

Published 9 years ago

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