Chris spent a couple of hours mowing the lawn, cleaning the car, and all the other normal weekend jobs that need getting out of the way, the only difference from normal being that he was still wearing the panties and camisole under his jeans and tee-shirt. From time to time he practiced speaking in his feminine voice, working on making it more consistent.
Lynn had gone out again, and when she returned, she asked Chris if he had anything in mind for the evening, but he said he was easy.
“In that case, I vote we go to see a movie and grab something to eat.”
Chris looked disappointed as he had thought he was on a promise of more sexual debauchery, but agreed.
“Right, upstairs then, we actually haven’t got much time, so we’d better start getting you ready now.”
“Hold on; I’m not really sure about this. I am really enjoying being Chrissy, and I did say I wanted to be Chrissy, but I just don’t think I can go out as her, not yet anyway. It’s all too risky. Someone might recognise me, can’t we just watch something at home?”
“No. For a start, we’ll not go anywhere local, and secondly, you have already demonstrated you are a reasonably convincing woman; I even heard you practicing your voice again earlier, and that’s quite passable too. So we are going to jump right in and push those boundaries now. You won’t look any better in two weeks or two months’ time. Now get up those stairs.”
Chris could see the logic. It did make sense to ‘ride the wave,’ so to speak, but he was a little bit reticent as he went up to the bathroom where Lynn had directed him to for another shave. “I hope this is the only close shave I have this evening,” Chris said to himself in the mirror, checking his cheeks, top lip, and chin for that super smooth feel before applying some balm.
“Oh, and do your legs and your armpits this time,” came Lynn’s disembodied voice through the bathroom door.
Chris did as he was told even though he did consider removing all his body hair somewhat risqué in terms of how he would explain it away if someone noticed, but the only person who really would was Lynn, and it wasn’t as if he ever did anything that exposed his legs (he hated shorts) or his armpits (no tank tops either). Compared to the thrill of having a more feminine feel, there was no real decision to be made. Watching the dark hairs flow down the waste was surprisingly thrilling, it was like there was no way back, a real commitment to his new persona.
Lynn came in when he had finished and offered him some of her scented body lotion, which he applied, and some deodorant which she said would not sting his freshly saved armpits, but it still did a little.
In the bedroom, wearing Lynn’s peignoir dressing gown, she applied his makeup, taking a bit longer this time and explaining what she was doing differently. She produced a set of false nails and applied them, assuring Chris that she would be able to get them off later. Then the wig was on, and she asked him to stand up straight and take a look in the mirror. It was good, and he even let the dressing gown open up a bit and struck a pose, smiling.
“Hold that,” said Lynn reaching for her phone and taking a few photos, getting Chris to adopt various ‘artistic’ positions, “You really are quite the model! OK, now, turn around, keep your arms in the sleeves, but let it drop down your back, look over your shoulder, good, nice, just one more!”
“Let’s see,” said Chris, when she had finished clicking.
“Not now, later; we really have not got much time!”
With that out of the way, she went to her drawers and fished out a black bra, some black lace panties, a pair of nude glossy tights and told him to get dressed, tights first, then panties, then bra, while she went to get something from downstairs. He had just finished putting on the bra and was about to call Lynn to say that it just didn’t look or feel right when she returned and handed him two polythene bags filled with rice with some tape around them to hold the shape and told him to fill the cups with those. It worked surprisingly well, they filled the bra out nicely, and he loved the feeling of the extra weight on his chest.
“Looks good! That’s an old theatre trick,” Said Lynn, “and you must remember to keep your shoulders back. Don’t slouch like you usually do because posture is really important as a woman, and you will never see a woman slouching.”
She looked him up and down as he straightened his back and reached down into his panties and tights. “And you’ll need to tuck this in between your legs too like this,” and she pushed his soft penis back as far as she could until there was no obvious bulge remaining and pulled the tights and panties up as high as they would go.
From her previous shopping trip, she produced a size twelve knee-length grey dress with a subtle red poppy pattern and helped him in to it. She fastened the zip up his back and he felt it tighten across his new chest, he shivered slightly in anticipation of being out in the real world.
She helped him put on a broad red belt from her wardrobe, and finally, she dug out some old silver diamanté clip-on earrings with a slight drop and a long silver chain necklace. All that remained was for him to slip on the strappy heels.
It was another O.M.G. moment as he looked in the mirror, turning around to get the full effect. He couldn’t help it! He really actually fancied himself, it was quite bizarre. Lynn obviously agreed that he was looking good.
“You like? I have to admit it, you are a bit of a hottie. I’ll have to keep an eye on you tonight, ha, ha! Now give me a few minutes to get myself dolled up; you can go and practice getting in and out of the car, trust me, you need to in that outfit, I’ll be down soon.”
Chris entered the garage from the hall door, which he suddenly realised was very convenient for a secret exit and tidied up the passenger seat. It was odd having the hair flop down in front of him every time he went to pick something up. He did a few practice runs and found that Lynn was right, there was a definite technique to getting into a car in heels and a dress. All sorted, he popped into the kitchen for a glass of water, and Lynn appeared looking ravishing in a cream blouse and short black skater skirt, tan tights, and black ankle boots.
“Here silly, you’ll need this, I’ve transferred your keys and money over,” she said in a rather motherly way and handed him a small black handbag.
“Ready,” she said, “I’m driving, now let’s go or we’ll be late!”
They both got in the car. Chris watched the garage door opening. Although everything outside looked the same, somehow it didn’t, he was seeing the street through new eyes, the same world, but different. His stomach was turning over with nerves, but he kept his cool. Lynn smiled at him, seeking acknowledgment. “Let’s go,” he said.
Lynn had picked a small art-house cinema in the next town, which had only a short walk from the car park and was running an early evening season of LGBT films, in this case, ‘Appropriate Behaviour’, which was a fairly good fit for two girls experimenting with their sexuality. Once they were in the cinema, Chris could relax a bit in the low light and he was soon enjoying the film, which was sexy and funny in equal measure. He was conscious of not laughing like a guy, so kept his laughs a little bit restrained. He particularly loved it whenever Lynn put her hand on his knee, or whispered something in his ear, and by the time it was over, he was most definitely feeling hungry, but not for a meal!
With the lights back on, even dim as they were, he felt a bit self-conscious again and told Lynn, who said they should leave in the crowd, as that was the best way to merge. Unfortunately, Chris did a great job of drawing attention to himself by stumbling in his heels, he could have kicked himself. In fact, he almost had! The reality was no one took any notice at all, a few glances, but as he had recovered himself quickly, it was just a non-event and demanded no attention. Thank goodness he hadn’t ended up sprawled across the floor!
Once they got outside Lynn looked at him mischievously and grabbing his head, kissed him on the lips, thanking him for taking her to such a great film. Chris felt his cheeks burning in embarrassment at the spectacle Lynn was making of them both, but ignoring the few folk staring, he grabbed her hand and for once took charge, leading her somewhat forcibly to the restaurant which was round the corner, concentrating hard on his poise and balance, but also thinking he would need to check his lippy now!
The restaurant was Italian and based in an old de-consecrated church. Lynn had booked a table in an alcove to give them a bit of privacy which Chris thought was really nice of her as he would have been a bit mortified to be in the centre of things, with the bright lights and tables placed right next to each other!
They decided to stick with sparkling water because Lynn was driving and Chris wanted to keep his head straight. They both ordered bruschetta followed by pasta and coffee. The waiter, who seemed to be from Eastern Europe and just impersonating an Italian, was flirting with them both, which made them laugh! Chris was finding it hard work having to focus on his girl voice every time he spoke, but he didn’t have to say much and reckoned he got by, and maybe even passed. Even if he didn’t, the waiter was clearly not bothered about his biological makeup as he was completely natural.
The pasta was divine and so filling that they both settled on a cappuccino to round off the evening. The cups were like soup bowls and the barista had even used a stencil to make a heart on the top with the chocolate sprinkle. Lynn asked the waiter to take a picture of them both with the coffees on her phone and obligingly he took a few.
“Let’s have a look,” Chris asked, once the waiter had gone to get the bill.
“Here,” said Lynn, flicking through them, “they are really nice… oh, and who is this?”
It was the earlier pictures of him in the peignoir, and although not worthy of an x-certificate, they were certainly a bit saucy.
“Such a natural,” commented Lynn, reaching down and sliding her hand along his leg and under his dress.
“Ooh, I see you like that, you naughty girl,” she laughed, stroking the hot bulge of his frustrated erection. Now you’d better start thinking of agricultural machinery or something else completely unsexy if you want us to be able to leave!
The waiter brought them a couple of limoncellos on the house and Lynn gave him a decent tip as he had really helped make the evening. Fortunately, Chris was able to adjust himself surreptitiously so that things were not too obvious when he stood up.
It was still not late as they left, and Lynn suggested they had a quick drink in a bar that was next to the car park as they would have to pass it anyway. By now Chris really just wanted to get home and unleash all his pent-up sexual energy from what was proving to be a very erotic evening, but Lynn insisted, and as she had the car keys, there was not a great deal he could do other than make a scene, and he certainly didn’t want to do that.
The bar was reasonably busy and had fairly subdued lighting making him feel more comfortable. It was even playing some good music at just the right volume. Lynn took advantage of two guys leaving and proceeded to sit at the bar, perching on the bar stool with the skater skirt framing her long legs quite conspicuously.
“Two glasses of prosecco please,” she ordered, having not struggled to gain the attention of the barman.
Chris watched Lynn and sat down too, smoothing his dress down behind him as he did and adopting a similar legs-crossed pose facing her. He was delighted to see that there was a big mirror behind the bar where he could watch himself and Lynn as well as survey the rest of the room. He couldn’t help thinking how sexy these two women looked, even though he knew one of them was him! He loved it as his nylon-covered ankle occasionally brushed against hers, and he loved it when he looked down at his legs emerging from the hem of his dress and shimmering all the way down to his shoes. They looked beautifully smooth and felt so cool and sexy.
They had a chat about clothes, shops, and styles, which was very interesting, but would have sounded odd to anyone eves dropping as it would have appeared that one of these two gorgeous women had never purchased an item of clothing before and had no idea on sizing or anything! Chris was feeling much more relaxed, he was feeling less like he was hiding in a shell as a secret observer, and more like he was there and that this was his show. Most importantly, he was beginning to not think at all, it was all becoming very natural.
Bearing in mind their clothes and disposition, it was inevitable that they would attract some attention, and it was not long before a couple of young guys who had been playing pool found the leg show from a couple of MILFs at the bar a somewhat more interesting proposition.
Coming over to get more drinks, the taller one introduced himself. “Hi, not seen you gorgeous ladies here before!” Producing a debit card, he continued, “would you allow us to buy you a drink?.”
Chris felt his cock getting hard. He didn’t even know why. This was just crazy! He looked at the glass of prosecco, but that wasn’t going to help. They were empty; no excuse there!
Lynn piped up, “Well I’m Lynn and as the designated driver, so I’ll have a sparkling water with a slice of lemon, and this is Chrissy, Chrissy, are you having another prosecco?”
Chris smiled at the young man and Lynn and nodded.
Chris had to switch into acting mode fast, which he did. He hoped that these guys were suitably under the influence to not be able to read any of his tells. He let the tall guy do almost all the talking, and concentrated on smiling, laughing genteelly, and playing with his hair in an attempt to look a bit coy, but primarily to calm his nerves and stop the hair getting in his drink!
Lynn was getting on much better with her date, but she was very aware of Chris’ predicament, and when he had finished the prosecco, she glanced at her watch. “Excuse us, we need to freshen up, come on Chrissy.” Chris slid off the barstool and followed Lynn towards the ladies room.
“Here, fix your face, we owe those two a kiss for being so courteous,” Lynn said, pointing him at the mirror.
“What!” Chris exclaimed, shocked at his wife’s forwardness and still somewhat bemused at being in the ladies. He couldn’t help but notice that just the idea has caused a tingling in his groin. He was about to be kissed by a man he had only just met! He fixed his lips and blotted them on some tissue, just as Lynn had taught him.
“I’m not sure I can kiss them, I mean….” Lynn cut him short.
“Just do it, Chrissy! Just think and act like the woman you totally look like, and it won’t hurt, I assure you.” Lynn chided him, this time dragging him back into the bar.
Lynn apologised and explained that they were going to have to go, as it was late and they needed to get home to their husbands! She took the lead and kissed her gentleman on the lips. It was a thoughtful kiss that lingered enough to show that it meant something, their tongues even met.
Chris looked into the eyes of his tall young man who was the same height as him, even taking into account the heels. Chris felt his lips form into a slightly nervous smile as his cock strained against his tights and panties from the excitement. Then he felt warm stubbly lips on his, gently at first, and then a bit harder. He felt strong hands on the top of his arms and then realised that he should have pulled away as a roving tongue forced its way into his mouth. He brought his hands up and pushed gently on the chest of this guy who had really taken a bit of a liberty.
“Naughty,” he said in a deep and sultry tone, looking at him with a friendly air of chastisement.
A quick apology later, with two phone numbers and a promise to call, they were on their way back to the car. It was almost dark.
Chris was in a daze when Lynn spoke to him as she got into the car carefully.
“Not too bad was it! I said you would enjoy it!”
Chris said nothing. He felt excitement and confusion, but really just needed another kiss. The dark made him feel bolder, and he leant over and kissed Lynn passionately as his emotions finally overran. Lynn pushed him away.
“Yes, yes! I need it too, but not here! I’ll park up at the country park, put your seat belt on, and fix your lipstick again, you’ll need to think about that when you’re in girl mode!”
He sighed as he repaired the damage in the vanity mirror. It was hard work being a girl.
Lynn pulled into the car park under the height restriction and drove to the far end, where there would be a little more privacy. It was a clear night, and the moon was almost full, casting an eerie grey light across the landscape behind the picket fence. Chris was surprised to see other cars there, but guessed it was probably just teenagers after the same as he was. Parking up at a discrete distance from the others, Lynn smiled at him.
“OK gorgeous, time for my desert, hitch up that dress and pull down those tights!” Awkwardly, Chris pulled up the hem, raised his buttocks, and eased his cock into the open, the cool air a heavenly relief after its entrapment in the furnace of his panties and tights.”
Meanwhile, Lynn had picked out ‘I feel love’ on her phone and started playing it through the car radio.
“Here,” said Lynn, offering him a couple of wet wipes, smiling. “I know you are a lovely clean girl, but freshen it up for me a bit anyway. It’s been a long evening!”
While he gently cleaned himself, she pulled a few contortions to get herself up onto her knees on her seat so she could lean over and access him more easily, her dress riding up as well leaving only her panties between her ass and the window which she had opened as it was a warm evening and she was already feeling very hot.
She began to work on him, slowly enveloping his cock between her lips and rubbing the end against her cheeks, supporting herself on her left arm with her hand tight around the base. Chris leant back, his hands by his sides clutching the underside of the seat, eyes closed and savouring the relief.
Suddenly some headlights swept across the car. Lynn carried on as if she hadn’t noticed, but Chris pulled her off.
“Stop, stop, it’s a car! It might be the police!” he explained in a faltering voice!
“Calm down dear, this is a car park; just maybe it’s another car parking, let me look. Yes, just another car, mind you!” She paused as she was lit up in the headlights as the car carefully positioning itself behind them.
“Mmm, they are parking a bit close, could be interesting!”
“Meaning?” said Chris, still feeling decidedly ill at ease.
The headlights went off, and Lynn laughed, “I love your innocence darling. Is it feigned, or is it real, I wonder? What on earth do you think country park car parks are for after dark?”
With that, she turned up the music and went back down on him. He just leant back again, closed his eyes, and let the sweet teenage sensations of sex in a car course through his body as her tongue, lips, and throat performed their magic while her warm, soft hand caressed his balls. He was so pent up with sexual need, and she was so skilled with her mouth, that initially he barely noticed her hand moving back and her finger tickling his anus, but it was such a deep and unexpectedly erotic feeling that he involuntarily lifted his buttocks to allow her more access. With this newfound stimulation, it was only a few minutes before he erupted, and they were both satiated in their own ways.
Lynn licked her lips, and smiled at the woman looking through the windscreen as she wiped up some cum that had dribbled down her chin and licked it off her finger in a slightly provocative manner.
“What the fuck!” exclaimed Chris as he opened his eyes and noticed, not only the woman, but a man who had pulled Lynn’s panties aside and appeared to be fingering her quite vigorously.
Lynn laughed, “Either we’re the only show in town, or we’re the best show in town, but looking around, I think we’re probably the best!”
As Chris surreptitiously glanced through his window, he could see others lurking in the moonlight, some watching, others clearly engaged in their own sexual acts. The car park had noticeably filled up, and another car was just arriving.
“Umm, OK, so I get it, we’re in the middle of a dogging site,” he said, rolling his eyes in a very unladylike manner, “not sure that’s what I had in mind Lynn, and how DO you know about this sort of stuff, I feel there is something you need to tell me?”
“Of course, lover, I’ll tell you at home, but now kiss me and help me come. The man clearly wanted to fuck her, but Lynn put her hand back and kept his hand in place. As she mashed her lips against Chris’ and the man skillfully rubbed her clitoris, she finally came, and Chris felt a massive twinge in his panties, sensing some dampness as well.
She slipped her legs back down to the pedals, arranged her skirt, and clipped on her seat belt, smiling at the man who smiled at her with a slightly frustrated grin.
There was a knock on the driver-side windows just as she turned the key in the ignition. The woman was holding out a piece of paper, and Chris lowered the window to take it.
“We’d love to meet up with you two beautiful people,” the woman said.
“Well we’ve got your number now, thank you,” Lynn replied in an almost business-like fashion, but I’m afraid we are leaving.”
“OK, really hope to hear from you so we can meet up. I can guarantee it would be fun!”
“Thank you. I’m sure it would!”
Lynn raised the windows, started the car, and began to reverse out slowly. Even in the harsh lights of the headlights, the couple who had left the note looked rather smart and attractive. She paused her manoeuvre and looked at Chris, who was still deep in thought about this latest experience.
“They look like a really nice couple Chrissy, take a look. Well? Do you like her?”
The couple were in their early forties; he was slim and clean-shaven with a smart short haircut while she was rather voluptuous with shoulder-length blond hair and a sweet face, her coat open at the front revealing a hint of a corset and stockings.
“Yes, she looks like she could almost be as much fun as you!”
“Well, I’ve got their number. Or do you want to stay for a bit?”
“Ha, ha, a bit of what exactly?”
“You tell me.”
“No, let’s go. It’s you that I want!”
There was no doubt that Lynn was in the driving seat in more ways than one, and he was quite happy with that! As she turned the car. Chris surveyed the scene as the headlights panned across the car park. Crowds gathered round open car doors, and one girl was spread across a car bonnet being pounded by what looked like an actual policeman!
Back at the house, the trail of discarded clothes could be traced to the bedroom, where, finally naked, they enjoyed the primal feeling of flesh on flesh and the heat of their reignited love, in a short, but passionate engagement, finally falling asleep in each other’s arms, Chris’s final thoughts were an accelerated flashback of the most amazing day he had ever had, and there was still tomorrow!