Terri and I went shopping for some “things” to wear and got back to the motel around 4 PM to get ready for the night. Terri told me that unlike last night when I made the arrangements, she was in charge tonight. She told me to go soak in the tub and shave myself from the neck down. I gladly complied.
When I got out of the tub she had me sit on the side of the bed and painted my toenails and fingernails bright red. Then she gave me some lotion to rub myself down. She instructed me to fix us each a drink and then she got in the tub to soak.
“When I finish bathing we will get dressed together,” she called out to me from the tub.
When she came out of the bathroom I saw that in addition to shaving her legs, she had shaved her pussy completely. She did her nails in the same color as mine. After the polish had dried we started dressing.
We had bought me a black lace bra with matching thong panties, as well as a black garter belt with black seamed stockings. I had a short black dress and 3-inch red heels. I chose not to wear the panties—a decision, which you will learn, I later regretted.
Terri had purchased a white lace bra with matching thong panties and a white garter belt with white stockings and red heels. She wore a very short red dress and red heels.
After she put her make up on, she did my face, complete with lipstick. I put on a blonde wig we had purchased, while in my mind I still wasn’t passable, I was pleased with the way I looked.
A little after 7 PM someone knocked at the door and Terri made me go open it. Jeff and Greg were standing there along with two other guys their age, one was black and the other white. They all looked at me and grinned and I said
“Jeff who are the other two guys?” I asked.
He said they were two guys who met them to help unload the truck and asked if it would be okay if they joined in. I wasn’t prepared for this.
“I don’t think so Jeff…”
Terri interrupted. “It’s okay, you guys come on in and have a drink” I turned and looked at her. “Don’t forget who is in charge tonight.”
We had a drink together. “Let’s split up and go out partying and meet back here at the room later tonight,” Jeff proposed. I was not planning on going out dressed the way I was.
“I don’t think that is a good idea,” I said, however, again I was overruled by Terri.
“I think it is a great idea,” Terri said, “and I think this is the perfect time to tell my husband something I have been wanting to tell him for a long time. You remember about 5 years ago when I discovered you had been chatting online with other men about cross-dressing and sex, what you didn’t know is I checked with a guy in my law firm and he told me how to find things that had been deleted on a computer. I discovered that you had been dressing and meeting other men for sex for several years. So go out tonight ‘Bobbi’ and be the little slutty whore you want to be.”
Bobbi is the name I used when online. I nodded my compliance.
She grabbed Greg’s arm and the arm of the other black guy, whose name I never heard, and looked back at me as she went out the door with them. “Have fun Bobbi, I know I will,” she said as she rubbed each of their crotches. I walked to the window and watched as my prim and proper legal secretary wife got in the cab of a pickup with two 20-year-old black guys.
I was devastated and didn’t know what to do. “Lets me and you Wayne go out and have some fun,” Jeff proposed. Wayne was the other white guy.
I told him I didn’t feel comfortable going out dressed, let’s just stay in the room and fool around. Jeff suggested we just ride around for a while and that he would go pull the truck up by the door so no one would see me. I agreed, and in a few minutes he pulled the truck cab up, leaving the trailer in the back parking lot. Jeff, Wayne and I got into the cab of the truck. A few minutes down the road, Wayne pulled out a joint and fired it up and passed it to me. I hadn’t smoked weed since college and it does to me what alcohol does to Terri I lose all inhibitions.
After smoking the joint Jeff pulled the truck into dumpy looking beer joint and said let’s go in for a beer. I got out of the truck and walked in with these two young guys not believing I was doing it.
We got a table over in a corner and ordered a pitcher of beer. Jeff grabbed my hand put it under the table on his crotch, I started rubbing it and then Wayne did the same thing with the other hand. When the waitress brought the beer I asked her where the restroom was.
“The ladies room is back behind the bar, I will show you,” she said.
Holy shit, I thought, Do I look that much like a woman? When I got back to the table, I reached back under and they had both taken their cocks out of their jeans. I could tell Wayne was a couple of inches longer and thicker then Jeff. I continued to stroke them and we had a couple of more pitchers of beer.
“let’s move this party somewhere else, I have an idea,” Jeff said.
We got back in the truck and Wayne fired up another joint and passed it around.
We got to the strip joint around 11:30 and had to walk across a gravel parking lot which is hard to do when you are stoned and wearing heels, Jeff and Wayne had to hold me up to get me to the door. When we got there I noticed it closed at 12:00. I commented that we wouldn’t have much time and maybe we should go back to the room because Terri and the other guys were probably already there.
“The owner runs everybody out at midnight but he lets some friends and good customers stay around. The girls will get back on stage and really get nasty,” Jeff said. “He just can’t sell any liquor after midnight so everybody always orders several drinks right before.”
We went in and the only place to sit was in the back Jeff ordered several drinks for each of us and a guy on stage with a microphone said we only have two contestants left at which point Jeff looked at me and smiled.
“Oh, I forgot tonight is amateur night, any girls who want to can strip and the winner gets a $100.”
The next contestant was a flat chested girl in her 20s who didn’t appear to have ever danced. I kind of felt sorry for her although the drunk guys didn’t mind especially when she had her boyfriend, or husband, come up with her and started grinding on her like they were having sex.
About ten minutes after she finished the guy came out. “Now our last contestant of the night. Let’s welcome Terri”
I looked up and my wife was walking out on the stage, I looked at Jeff and Wayne who were grinning. “You guys knew about this didn’t you?” I asked, and they said they did.
Terri wasted no time in getting everyone’s attention, the red dress came off and then the white lace bra and her big saggy titties (she is in her 50s and had two kids) were flopping up and down as she danced. The crowd loved it, and then she turned her back to the crowd and slowly took her thong panties off and threw them out in the crowd. When she turned around with her white stockings, garter belt and heels on and they saw her shaved pussy the place went nuts. About that time Greg and the other black guy come out on stage on either side of her and she gets on her knees and starts licking the crotch of their jeans, something you could tell they were enjoying because of the bulges. I thought what if the people in the law firm could see her now. The music ends Terri picks up her dress and bra and goes off stage with Greg and the other guy.
The announcer guy walks out in a few minutes with the mike. “The winner of the $100 bill is Terri.” Terri comes out with her dress back on and gets her prize. The guy thanks everyone and reminds them that it is time to leave.
Everybody gets up to leave except, like Jeff had said, a few of the owners friends. Including us there were probably 15-20 people left. About 30 minutes later the owner comes out.
“You all know we always invite a few of you to stay,” he said, “and we pick up the intensity of the show; most nights several of my girls will perform but on amateur night just the winner performs, so welcome back to the stage Terri.”
Terri walks back out as the music starts and begins her dance after she strips down to her stockings, garter belt and heels. Greg and the other black guy come back out and once again she drops to her knees except this time they take their cocks out of their jeans and she goes to work on them. The other guy’s shaft appeared to be a little longer then Greg but not as big around. We have moved up closer to the stage and I see guys bring something out on stage but can’t tell what it is.
Terri unbuttons their jeans and the guys both strip and reach and pull her up and take her toward the back of the stage. At this point I see what they brought on stage, it is a mattress, they lay Terri down and with Greg’s cock in her mouth. The other black guy enters her and they start fucking wildly. He had no trouble getting it in which led me to believe this wasn’t the first fucking she had that night something I later learned to be true. After this guy cums, Greg takes over. By the time they both get through fucking her it is almost 1:30 in the morning.
The owner comes back on stage. “We have a special treat a good friend of Terri’s is in the room and is going to come on stage and help her get cleaned up come on up here Bobbi.”
Jeff and Wayne grab my arms and lead me to the stage and push me down between Terri’s legs. The booze and weed are working on me and I dive in eating cum out of her pussy off of her legs on her stomach, everywhere they sprayed it.
“I think there is some here too Bobbi,” Jeff says. I look around where he is standing and both black guys are holding their cocks out for me to clean, which I proceed to do.
After Jeff and Wayne told me that was good enough, I stood up and my dress had ridden up above my waist. Like I said earlier I decided not to wear the panties and some guy yelled from the crowd, “Hell look, it’s a guy” another guy yelled “Are you sure it’s a guy look at that little dick could just be a big clit?”
Everyone laughed at that and I looked down on the mattress and saw Terri was laughing more than anyone, I knew my cuckold life had started.
We all went back to the room and fucked and sucked until about 8 in the morning with Terri spending most of her time with the black guys. We said good bye and got ready to leave. We would have one more adventure before we got home.