12 Red Roses

"You are perfect just like a red rose"

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Roses are red,
Violets are blue
How many red roses
Shall I get
This Valentine’s Day.

A single red rose,
It was love at first sight
From the first moment 
That I laid my eyes on you.

Two single red roses,
This goes to show
How madly and deeply 
In love I am with you.

Three single red roses,
Is the absolutely perfect 
Way to say those,
Three little words
“I love you”

Four single red roses,
Not one single thing 
Will ever come between us,
Not even adversity itself
Will come between our,
Undivided love for one another.

Five single red roses,
You are my special someone 
My forever friend
The one I want to be with,
You are my soulmate.

Six single red roses,
It goes to show
How much I am willing to do,
Just to be with you,
Just to show you
How much I that want to be yours,
So we could take this relationship
To the next level.

Seven single red roses,
I am infatuated by you
In every single little way,
From your beauty 
To the favourite perfume you wear,
From this total devotion that I have for you
Knowing that I will do anything for you.

Eight single red roses,
I am always here for you
Whenever you are feeling down,
I will offer my shoulder
For you nuzzle into when your upset,
I will lend my ear, offer support when
You need me to listen and give advice when needed,
I will hold you and make you feel safe 
As I put my arms around you, hugging you tight.

Nine single red roses,
You are the most wonderful 
Caring, beautiful girl
That I have ever met 
And laid eyes upon,
The person that I would,
Want to spend the rest of my life with.

Ten single red roses,
You are so beautiful, so sweet
Holding you tight
Not wanting to let you go,
Your heart is all that I own
You share my dreams
You look so perfect.

Eleven single red roses,
You was the one that I was looking for,
I was like a pirate looking for his treasure 
But the map I was reading lead me to you,
You are my treasure that I was looking for 
The x marked the treasure that took me,
Straight into your arms.

Twelve single red roses,
From the very first moment,
That I laid eyes on you 
I knew that I wanted to spend,
The rest of my life with you,
You are the love of my life
The treasure that I found 
You are so perfect,
One last thing to ask
Will you be mine forever.

You are just like a rose,
You give me strength 
To stand tall
Above everything else.

The moment you come close,
I pick up your scent
You smell just as sweet,
Perfect just like a tall
Beautiful and sweet smelling rose

Blushing as your,
Cheeks turn the rosy
Shade of red 
Just like a red rose.

Why a red rose,
You must say
When there this so many 
Perfect colours for roses 
To choose from.

Pink, yellow, lavender,
White, orange, novelties,
Salmon, peach, cream
And green roses
That you could choose from.

Why does it have,
To be a red rose,
It’s so that I can show
You my undying love
That I have for you.

Published 7 years ago

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