For about a year when I was at university, I worked in a sex shop, selling everything from dirty books and videos to sex toys and lingerie. There were booths in the backroom for private viewings of videos but I was not in any way required to attend to the customers using them. I simply had to make sure they were relatively clean, which in itself could be pretty disgusting at the end of a Saturday evening.
I was nineteen when the following events took place and had been enrolled at the local university, as an arts and literature major, for about a year and had just moved to an apartment of my own because of an exchange of favours for rent with my roommate that had started to spiral out of control, but that’s another story altogether, and we will get back to that later on.
As with most students, I didn’t have inexhaustible financial resources and thus I depended heavily on various part-time jobs that didn’t cost me all my energy and also gave me a bit of time to study while working, so there I was. Think of it what you will.
It was a mild early June evening that she first came into the store. She was quite petite, of a mixed Asian and North European descent, with long shiny black hair that hung past her shoulders and the cutest of faces that made it difficult to tell her age, but my first guess was that she was in her late thirties, early forties. Her small but ever so delicately shaped breasts showed through the thin knitted cardigan she wore over her emerald green summer dress. She wore no bra underneath and the temperature outside had stiffened her nipples.
I nodded at her as she entered the store and shot her a smile that was not only a professional courtesy. Nervously she returned my smile and started to browse the toys section with an obvious fascination for the variety of shapes and sizes that dildos and vibrators came in. I let her browse and pretended to return to my book while dreamily watching her. She had the most beautiful ass, and I simply couldn’t take my eyes off of it.
She browsed for a good fifteen minutes before I decided to intervene and ask if there was anything I could help her with. She was a bit startled at my question since she’d been so absorbed by the sheer number of toys available, and then as she looked up at me, she blushed and smiled nervously before awkwardly explaining that after an accident about a year ago her husband was paralyzed from the waist down and for all intents and purposes impotent. In short, she needed something hard inside her, something to fuck her now that her husband couldn’t anymore.
He still went down on her and did the best he could with his tongue and fingers to pleasure her, but it was not the same. His fingers were not long enough and he had never been very skilled with his mouth anyway. He was big though, as she eventually admitted, long and thick. She held up her hands, about ten inches apart, to suggest the size his cock had grown to before the accident, and I nodded. I could see her problem. I picked out two vibrating dildos of a similar size, one being a cock-shaped, lightly curved and veiny dildo with a suction cup, and the other was a so-called rabbit with rotating beads in the shaft and a clitoris tickler. The latter of the two seemed to both fascinate and scare her, but it wasn’t without hesitation she chose to go with the other, the more traditional, cock-shaped vibrator, despite my recommendation to go with the rabbit. She said that what she was after was not a toy to use for masturbation but one her husband could use to fuck her with.
I put the carton in a discreet unmarked plastic bag, and when she had paid for it, I said that if she ever needed any advice, a different kind of toy, or just to vent, she was always welcome to return.
About a week later, the woman was back in the store and she looked quite desperate. I asked her if the toy had not been to her satisfaction and if perhaps she might rather want to try the rabbit instead. She looked at me and nodded. It was just before closing time and I had just cleaned out the booths or at least emptied the wastebaskets filled with cum-stained paper towels and wiped down the viewing screens. For some reason I don’t understand, it seems that many of the sad men who visit those booths enjoy shooting their loads onto the screen, probably with a freeze-frame of an actress’s face, breasts or cunt showing.
I walked over to the toy section and took a rabbit from the back and handed it to her. I then asked if she wanted to try it before buying it. She nodded and I walked over to the door, locked it and rolled down the steel blinds. At first, she looked at me rather oddly but when I asked her to follow me into the back, she did without much hesitation. I showed her into the first of the booths but then decided that perhaps she’d be more comfortable in the small but a bit cozier break room/office further back At least there was a sofa there which I was quite sure had seen more than its fair share of action over the years.
She smiled nervously at me when I asked her if she wanted a bit of privacy. She hesitated and then said that since the toy looked so strange with its beads and tickler, she was unsure how to use it. I did raise an eyebrow I must admit. Could this woman be that inexperienced sexually? I said nothing about it though but rather suggested that if I was going to supervise her test of the toy, we should perhaps introduce ourselves first. She smiled and nodded.
”I’m Kim,” she said.
”I’m Molly,” I replied and sat down on the desk chair while offering her the sofa.
”Should I … umm … undress?”
”As much as you feel you need to,” I said and explained that personally I preferred to have as little clothes on as possible when I masturbated using a toy, which to be honest wasn’t very often. I’ve always preferred my fingers over toys.
”You should at least remove your underwear,” I added, and while she blushed at the thought of removing her underwear in front of me, she nodded and placing the toy on the small coffee table, she then reached up under her pale blue skirt and pulled down her simple white cotton panties, took them off and neatly folded them before putting them beside her on the sofa.
”So how does this work then?” she asked and unpacked the rabbit.
I showed her the controls and then asked her if it was okay with her if I smoked while making sure she didn’t hurt herself on the toy. I said it in a jocular voice as a reason for me to stay and watch her try the toy. She didn’t mind, so I lit a cigarette and tried to look as casual as possible, not look at her too directly or too eagerly as she first used her fingers to arouse herself, not that she needed much help in that department as it seemed she was already quite aroused by the very situation as awkward and embarrassing as I am sure she found it to be sitting in the back of a sex shop masturbating while being watched by the much younger shop clerk. I was pretty sure she had very little concept of sapphic sensuality, so perhaps the idea that watching her masturbate would arouse me didn’t quite enter her mind until later.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, she spread her labia open with one hand and inserted the high-tech dildo into her cunt, not very deep at first just like I had suggested, and then turned on the rotating beads that rotated around her inner folds while the snake-like split tongue teased her clitoris. The gasp as her body tensed clearly showed that it worked just as intended, and it wasn’t more than maybe half a minute before she arched her back, let out a loud groan and her body began to contort with orgasmic spasms.
I still had more than half my cigarette left by the time she straightened herself up on the couch and started to giggle uncontrollably but happily.
”Oh dear,” she said as I put the cigarette out in the ashtray. ”That was … nothing short of amazing.”
I just nodded in response, trying hard to keep my hands off my crotch. I got the feeling that the poor woman had just experienced the first real orgasm of her life.
”I’ll take it,” she said and reached for her panties to put them back on.
”Although,” I replied with a thoughtful smile on my face, ”when it comes to clitoral stimulation, there are things that are even better.”
She looked up at me curiously and completely forgot about her panties, which she had just put one leg into.
I nodded and licked my lips. Perhaps it was a bit obvious because she blushed and bit her lip.
”You mean?”
Without being entirely certain what she meant, I still nodded and stood up.
”A woman’s touch, yes,” I said and walked over to the couch and sat down next to her.
”I’ve … umm … never,” she began, and her face got even redder.
It was do or don’t, and I wasn’t about to let the opportunity of adding this hot woman to my list of partners slip by. I gently placed my hand on her cheek and leaned in. This was her chance to abort the impending kiss, but she didn’t. She just looked into my eyes curiously, and when our lips did meet, she moaned again. Her first kiss that wasn’t from a man, as she later admitted, and she loved it.
That soft noise she made as our lips touched was like a go-ahead for me to guide her. I unbuttoned her white cotton blouse and liberated her breasts from the bra. They were simply gorgeous and I couldn’t resist running my tongue over the nipples. Each one of my touches caused her to moan as if it was the first time she had ever been touched in that particular spot. Her blouse came off, and her bra. I laid her down on the couch and pushed a jeans-clad thigh up between her legs, pressed it against her bare cunt and started to grind into her while kissing her with more and more passion before I began trailing my lips and tongue down her body, kissing and licking her nipples, little feather-light kisses down her torso. I pulled her skirt up above her waist and embarked on the home stretch towards her glistening cunt, still wet from her recent orgasm. Her body tensed in anticipation with each fluttering kiss or soft poke of my tongue as I moved around her labia, down the thighs and up again until without a second’s warning took her clitoris between my lips and started to suck on it. She gasped loudly and held her breath, and then once more she exploded. Her orgasmic juices gushed out of her and covered my face, but I kept my lips firmly around her clit, sucking away as if my life depended on it.
”OH GOD!” she cried out and I felt her hands on the top of my head trying to both push me away and push me closer. Her legs were flailing and trembling but I was determined not to let go of her until she had had another orgasm, which didn’t take long. Her third orgasm that day was less explosive but it left her breathless and panting hard. I let go of her clit and moved up to kiss her, to give her a taste of her own juices, a kiss she eagerly accepted.
I got up and walked over to the table where I got my cigarettes. I lit one and asked if she wanted one too. She nodded and I tossed her the pack and the lighter. She sat up and lit a cigarette of her own. Her hair was a bit of a mess and her body still trembled a little with post-orgasmic spasms. She looked up at me and smiled.
”That was … I had no idea it could … Ummm.”
She couldn’t quite find the words to describe what had just happened. I doubt I can even begin to imagine what a whirlwind it must have been for her, but she gave up trying to describe how it had made her feel.
We finished our cigarettes in silence, a very tense silence, during which she seemed to contemplate what had just happened, how she had let a young girl seduce her and also what to do next. As for myself, I was merely watching her sitting there, wearing nothing but a pale blue skirt around her waist, smoking. Her soft lips wrapped around the filter, tightening to suck in the smoke, and I wanted those lips to do the same to my clit, wanted her tongue to explore my body, but I also knew from experience that this was a delicate moment for her. Her whole world had just changed, and even though she had so thoroughly enjoyed my touches, tongue and lips, it was not quite yet clear to her whether this meant she was bisexual or not.
I caught her glancing at me several times before she finally put the cigarette out and excused herself, but she had to go. There was grocery shopping to do and she had to pick her daughter up from school too. She got dressed and stood up. We finalised the sale before she smiled awkwardly at me, blushing and with an apologetic look on her face for not having reciprocated anything I had done for her. Before she left the shop, though, she gave me a kiss.
”I promise I will come back and let you know how the toy works out,” she said.
Needless to say, I returned to the break room and masturbated like crazy before I finished closing up the shop and headed back home to my bedsit, where I drew a long bath and masturbated once again before hitting the books in preparation for the exam I had the next day.